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A Well Deserved Few Days Off

"I needed a break from the cold and the exhaustive hours and headed south."

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I had been working non-stop for a few weeks as fall is generally one of our busiest times of the year. Winter was beginning to set in, and I needed a break from it all. After speaking to my Father recently, I was invited to spend a few days at his house in central Florida. This was very out of character for him, so I knew this was his wife's idea. She was a bit much most of the time, but she did try to get us together as often as possible.

He and his wife were only going to be there for one of the four days, but honestly, I just wanted to lie in the sun, get a tan, and veg out, so it didn't bother me at all. I arrived at the airport Saturday afternoon and met him at the baggage claim. After finding my bag and a brief hug, we headed for his home.

After we arrived and I settled in, we all grabbed a drink and sat by the pool for some light refreshments. As the chit-chat began, I asked, "By the way, where are you guys off to tomorrow?"

"Well, we're going to visit some friends for a few days that live a few hours south of here. To be frank, it's because we're having the roof replaced, and we wanted to get away from the noise. Would you like to join us?" he asked begrudgingly.

Not one to take my Father up on an offer that he clearly was forced into making, I happily declined with, "That's okay. You two have fun with your friends. I'm only looking for some pool and sun time. And with my earbuds in, I doubt I'll even know they're here."

"Well, just so you know, they're planning on taking three days to get it done," my Father added.

"Really, why so long? It's not that big of a roof," I inquired.

"My roofer, Andre, is short-handed, so it's only going to be him and one of his helpers. Normally, he has three in his crew, and they could knock it out in a day or two, but being down to just one guy really slows him down. We've actually been waiting on him for a few weeks because of the missing guys."

"I guess that he must be pretty good for you to be that patient," I needled.

"Yeah, he comes highly recommended by all of my neighbors, and I've seen a lot of his work. It is impeccable," Dad replied with a smug look on his face.

The rest of the evening was spent in idle chit-chat and watching a little television before I retired to my room. I slept like the dead and awoke to the sounds of someone walking the roof. Pulling on a speedo-style bathing suit, I stumbled toward the kitchen for a jolt of caffeine. The pot was empty, and I found a note alongside stating, 'We got an early start and will see you Tuesday evening. Eat anything you want. The coffee is in the cabinet above.'

I got the pot brewing and wandered outside for a quick dip in the pool. Walking to the deep end, I jumped right in for the full shock value of the cool water. Sinking to the bottom, where I sat for a moment before shooting back up, I breached the surface and noticed some admiring eyes from the two roofers. As I slowly walked toward the shallow end, I dropped my head back under and flipped my shoulder-length blonde hair backward to add to the show.

I saw lustful grins from both of them as I headed back inside to dry off and get some java. With my mug full, I popped in my earbuds and cranked some Van Halen before heading back out. Ignoring them, I plopped face-down onto a lounge chair and let the sun scorch my glowing white skin. When I first walked out, the noise had stopped, but once I was settled in, it slowly began again. I set a timer on my phone for twenty minutes and then drifted off into the music.

Hearing the beeping interrupt my Eddie, I clicked it off and flipped onto my back. I noticed the conspicuous lack of noise again and looked up to see the both of them staring down at my swelling package. My bathing suit didn't hide much, especially when I was ogled the way they did. I was glad I'd kept my trim and toned form over the years. It always seemed to get me exactly what I longed for.

They gradually got back to work as I let the sun and my band do their thing for the next twenty minutes. When the alarm went off again, I hopped up and headed inside to take a leak, top off my coffee, and find something to eat. As I rummaged through my Father's kitchen for something edible, it occurred to me that I'd brought along a thong suit as well. Ever the tease, I slipped off my current suit and padded down the hallway naked before rummaging through my suitcase.

Finding the thong suit, I slipped it on and loved the feeling of that narrow band parting my firm little buttocks. Walking back to the kitchen, I felt the slight rubbing of my excitable pucker and the resulting growth of my imprisoned cock. Looking around some more, I finally settled on some cold pop-tarts. Turning back toward the pool, I noticed the rather large bananas in the fruit basket. Grabbing one, I trotted back to my chair with my goodies in hand.

The guys seemed to be working on the far side of the roof for the moment, so I tore open my pop-tarts and gobbled them up with a few swigs of my refilled coffee. With that finished and them still nowhere in sight, I slipped the banana under my chair and moved onto my belly. Setting the timer and turning on my tunes, I drifted off into a quick nap.  

The beeping stirred me again, and I rolled onto my back while noticing my admirers again giving me lusty stares. Remembering my banana, I grabbed it from under the lounger and did a little fruit striptease. Snapping the stem, I haltingly peeled it a little at a time in four separate strips, leaving both of them frozen in place. What was normally a five-second job, I drew out for nearly a minute just to keep them glued to me. With the banana finally free of its rind, I did the typical open-mouthed, deep-throat. I pushed it back and forth slowly, reaching deeper and deeper with each plunge. Honestly, I think I could have kept that up all day, and they'd have continued to watch.

Once the tip started to enter my throat, a piece of the sweet phallus would break off, and I'd swallow it whole. The guys were openly rubbing their engorged cocks through their shorts as the banana continued to disappear. When I sucked down that last of it, I was sure the fucking and sucking would begin. That's when we all met old Mrs. Rubenstein, my Father's next-door neighbor. She practically slammed her back door while waddling out to water her plants. The mood died unceremoniously as the guys got back to work, and I resumed my tanning.

Lying on my back, I reset the timer and cranked the tunes as I daydreamed of getting drilled by those two studs. My thoughts kept me at full mast for the next twenty, even threatening to escape the top seam as I imagined being used at both ends simultaneously. I'm sure the old bitty and the guys got quite the eyeful as a wet spot grew at the tip of my hard-on while it pulsed like a beating heart.

The alarm once again stirred me into reality, and at this point, I needed to relieve some pressure in my bladder and my balls. Heading back inside, I didn't see the guys but continued to hear them working away. The piss was first, but it was a bit difficult given the status of my sexual appendage. With that and the cleanup of the wayward spray complete, I felt the need for some anal attention. Pulling out my bag of toys, I found my three-pack of plugs. Grabbing the medium-sized one, I slobbered over it generously before lifting a leg and working it inside. I loved that feeling. It wasn't just the fullness but also the stretching of my anal ring that got me going.

Plopping down on my bed, I lightly tweaked my nipples. Slowly, they grew and hardened while my prick did the same. I left it to bob in the air as I got more and more aggressive with my petite teats. Not only did I pull and twist my nipples, but I also palmed my breasts, which were almost a handful these days. All the while, I clenched down on the anal intruder to add to my ecstasy. My ass seemed to be loosening up in anticipation of something more, so I didn't disappoint. Grabbing the large buttplug, I slathered it up while still working my breasts one-handed.

Knowing I was well past ready, I made the switch, causing a large dollop of semen to exit the tip as the larger one breached my sex. Now even more dilated, it wasn't long before the clutching of the plug, combined with the abuse of my breasts, caused a volcanic eruption. The first shot splattered on the headboard, with the second and third leaving trails of my cum across my face. With my mouth open from the intensity of my orgasm, I actually caught a little of my expulsions on my tongue. The three remaining bursts left my chest and belly well-coated.

After the cleanup, which involved my fingers and my hungry mouth, I played with my softened prick, thinking of all the next few days would bring. I quickly fell into a deep sleep, waking about an hour later to the sounds of rooftop work. I eased out the oversized anal plug, but the vacancy left me wanting more. Reaching into my bag, I found the lube and coated my innards and the plug well before pushing it back inside. Never the quitter when it came to sexual pursuits, I quickly adorned my thong swimsuit, which left the read gem end of the anal toy easy to see.

After standing, I reached back and pushed the thong strip to one side of the gem, leaving it even easier to view. After a light lunch, I grabbed a cold beer and went back outside. The guys were back in view, and the work came to an abrupt stop as I pranced around the patio exaggeratedly to make sure they got a good look at my shiny gem. Once back at the lounge chair, I plopped down on my belly once again while spreading my legs as far as the chair would allow. After a few big gulps of beer, I set the timer and my tunes. I wiggled about for most of the time, unable to get very comfortable with my bulging cock.

When the timer was up, I noticed that the guys were hard at work but continuing to look my way from time to time. My still rigid dick and needy ass, combined with the beer that I'd drank had me turning into a wanton slut. Downing the last of my brew, I went back inside for another and decided it was time. Sashaying back to the pool, I stepped into the shallow end before shedding my thong. Leaving it on the edge of the pool, I drifted slowly into the deeper water with my beverage in hand. Again, the work stopped as they realized I was tired of playing around.

It was about that time that Mrs. Rubenstein exited her garage in her car and sped off down the road. Her yard was the only one with a clear view of my Father's backyard, and I don't think I was the only one who figured that out. After dunking my head under the water one more time, I gradually made my way back to the furniture, where I stretched face-down across the round table with my legs spread obscenely. Grabbing the other side, I prepared for the two impetuous men coming my way.

Andre was the first to arrive while dropping his shorts along the way. He slid his bare cock between my clenched buttocks up and down across my jewel. One of his hands found my hard-on and played with it and my balls tenderly as he stroked.  

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"Remove the plug, Andre!" I growled much too loudly.

He backed off just enough to get his spare hand between us and began slowly working it in and out. When he finally got it past the thickest point, it almost shot out from my anal contractions. Placing on the table, He began teasing me with just the tip of his fat prick.

"Andre, you are such a tease, and I love it, but send your buddy around to my mouth. I need to suck some cock!"

I turned my face to the right and moved it the the edge of the table as Andre replied, "Me a tease?! I've got nothing on you showing off your hot little ass all morning and afternoon."

"I wasn't going to last much longer. I was just trying to keep you out of trouble with the nosey old broad next door, but if she hadn't left when she did, I'd have given her something to talk about for sure. Now where is that cock that I asked for?" I asked just as Bruno dropped his shorts in front of me and pressed the tip against my lips.

I attacked Bruno's prick like it was the last I'd ever get while Andre continued to give me only the tip of his warm, thick ram. Less than a minute into it, Bruno was already in a frenzy as I let him throat fuck me while I caressed his sack.

"Oh fuck! I'm gonna spill already, you hot fucking slut!" he managed as a warning of sorts. Not that I cared, as I was sure that I'd have him ready again in no time. He held himself fully in my gullet as he pumped his jizz into my hungry belly. Releasing my head, he began to back away when I slapped his ass back toward me.

"What?" he questioned foolishly.

"I'm not done with you, so get that dick back in my mouth. This is not an on-and-done, sweetheart. This is a marathon!" I ordered as I squeezed his ass cheek while sucking his retreating penis and balls.

It was about that time that Andre was finally beginning to give me some action. His penetration was starting to deepen with each stroke as his attention to my tool gradually waned. I didn't care in the least since all I wanted all day was to feel some warm cock deep in my ass and pounding away.  

"That's it. Fuck that ass, Andre! Give me all you got, you hot fuck!" I bellowed around Bruno's regenerating prick. The harder he fucked me, the harder I sucked Bruno, and before long, I was being man-fucked in both holes. Letting them do their thing, I relaxed and enjoyed being used so completely. Andre was grunting hard, and I could tell he was nearing the end. I tightened up on him, which only added to his delight and eventual orgasm deep in my bowels.  

Bruno, on the other hand, wanted my ass as he was biding his time until Andre was finished. As Andre staggered back, slipping from my slick hole, he landed in a seated position on my lounge chair. I released Bruno from my mouth and moved to Andre's crotch to begin resuscitating his spent organ. Bruno took the hint of me bent over with legs spread and eased into my abandoned colon to fill it even more deeply. You see, Andre may have had the fat one, but Bruno's was a good two inches longer and reaching places no one had in far too long.

For the first few minutes of Bruno's drilling, I had a difficult time giving Andre's deflated prick the attention it deserved, but the slut in me really didn't care. The semen was drooling from my prick like a thin pouring faucet that someone forgot to shut off. I was in hog heaven with two pricks taking turns drilling my ass. The only thing that could've been better was if Andre's other two guys had decided to come to work. I loved a good gangbang, but it had been a long time since my last. The feeling of being so thoroughly used was something that I never seemed to get over.

Now that I was getting used to Bruno's deep-diving prick, I started working Andre's cock with more fervor. Not that I wasn't still enjoying Bruno's use of my unquenchable ass, because it was clear to everyone that I was, based on the sounds emanating from around Andre's prick. It's just that since he'd opened me up more, I was able to focus on Andre better while still enjoying the superb fucking I was receiving. Plus, having two at the same time only heightened things all around.

With Andre hard as a baton, he lifted a foot to my crotch and began smearing my drippings all over my smooth sack and pole. It was rare for me in these situations that someone even bothered to pay my junk any attention, but this was the second time that Andre had. Up until then, I was on the precipice of climax for quite a while and loved riding that wave for as long as possible. But with Andre's extra attention, I was quickly pushed over the top, resulting in my cum jettisoning all over the lounge chair and Andre's legs. Of course, my contractions pushed Bruno over the edge as well, and he filled the depths of my colon with his creamy reward.

With Bruno releasing my hips, I slowly crumpled down onto Andre with my face still in his crotch. With the initial waves of my cum passing by, I gradually began lapping at his rigid member and attachments.  

"Hold on a second, Sexy. Let's switch positions a little," Andre uttered as he pulled away from me.  

Once he was up, Andre helped to roll me onto my back and then pulled me to the edge of the chair, leaving my head dangling over just slightly. Then he directed Bruno over by my head and instructed, "Bruno, raise the back to the height that allows you to stand and slip your cock down this slut's throat."

I shivered a little at the thought of him calling me a slut. It wasn't that I'd never been called that before or that it offended me in any way, just that I loved hearing it said out loud. Once Bruno had me in position, he quickly gave me his withering penis to resurrect. He even stuffed his balls in my wide-open mouth for a time. I couldn't see Andre anymore, but I felt it as he stroked the smooth skin of my feet, calves, and inner thighs. Andre was taking his time and paying great consideration to the one that had made each of them cum already. Andre seemed to know that if he took care of me and didn't abuse me too much, he could have me over and over for the next few days, and he was absolutely correct.

When his hands reached my crotch, they lightly teased my shrunken prick as I felt his tongue flick at my scrotum. I'd never been given this kind of attention except in a one-on-one situation. His patience and almost loving regard were pushing all the right buttons.  


From the moment I saw this creature, I knew that it was a purely sexual being. Not male or female, but carnal in a way that most of us never reach because of societal restrictions. This one, however, found a way to turn it completely on or off, with no seeming middle ground. It's too bad that it lived so far away because I'd love to have it to share with friends and family as a gift, to it, and them.

Back to Me

Andre haltingly ascended my abdomen, kissing and licking along the way. Reaching my breasts, he lapped broadly across them while slowly pressing my thighs back and apart. With the tip of his engorged prick teasing my hole once again, I felt Andre's teeth drag across my nipple as he sucked. He must have arched his back because Andre never left his oral treatment of my breasts as his thick prick filled me to the root.

At this point, I had Bruno's rejuvenated hard-on deep in my throat, with his balls slapping my eye sockets and Andre's nuts slapping my ass. I was in slut heaven!  

We all were grunting and growling as the fuckfest moved along at a moderate pace. It seemed that neither of my donors was in any hurry to spill another load into my craving form, but we were all enjoying it immensely. Greedily, I was hoping that Bruno would cum first to give me a little alone time with Andre, but it seemed that that was not to be, at least for now.  

"Oh, fuck! Your ass is amazing! We've each fucked it now, and it still feels as snug as ever. I'm gonna fill it once again very soon, so hold on, Sexy!" Andre snarled as his pace picked up, and his face moved next to mine.

With that notice, I began swallowing repeatedly as Bruno upped his pace at Andre's confession. I was hoping to finish off Bruno first so I could tongue Andre's mouth just before he filled my ass. I don't know whether Andre could read my mind or if he just wanted the same thing, but I felt his hand grasp my throat and add the slightest pressure to it, causing Bruno to quickly erupt into the depths of my esophagus.

After four or five healthy doses of Bruno's baby batter filled my throat and mouth, he quickly removed himself as if there was a thing between them. No sooner had Bruno staggered backward than I felt Andre's hand on the back of my head, pulling it forward onto his lips. He'd slowed to almost a stop in his shagging of my ass and repositioned my legs so that my knee's where hooked in the crook of his elbows. Then Andre slid me down the chair enough so that my head was supported by the cushion. Now, both of his hands were palming and kneading my breasts as our tongues intertwined, and he upped the pace once again.

Based on the quickness of his first cum, I hadn't expected Andre to last this long or much longer. But the tempo of things had changed now. Andre was the only one with me and was paying me very loving attention. If I didn't know better, I'd guess that he'd fully realized exactly what I was and was angling for a way to get me here full-time.

I let my eyes close and took in all the sensations, including the swelling of his glans. There was something about that last little bit of thickening of an intruding penis that always set me over the edge. That magical sensation of only a few millimeters more of circumference for brief seconds sometimes seemed to go on forever, even though I knew it was all about to be over.

As my climax seized every nerve ending in my overcharged body, I pulled Andre close and let my mouth close in over his as we both bellowed and grunted into each other's jowls. Seconds after my cum filled the space between our entangled forms, his filled the cavern of my colon, leaving us both satisfied and spent. We lay there kissing gently for a minute or two before Andre eased off of me and then helped me to my feet.

With a quick slap on the ass, he said, "Go soak in a hot tub and pamper yourself for the rest of the day. I'll have a friend of mine come over in a couple of hours to give you a nice massage. We will see you tomorrow for some more fun." He then gave me one more sloppy kiss on the lips and shooed me back inside.

To be continued...

Written by stockingluvr
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