Everyone thinks being a twin must be so great, but trust me, it’s a fucking nightmare. I’m sorry for swearing.
I’m younger than Aimee by just twenty-two minutes, and ever since she could speak, she has reminded me every sodding day. Perfect Bloody Aimee, everyone’s favourite friend, is the girl all the boys want to date. We are so different, in so many ways, that it is amazing that we are related at all. She had the looks, the figure, the big, perfect boobs, and the extrovert personality to go out and flaunt it. I got the brains, the body of a pubescent boy, bugger all tits, and am painfully introverted.
Aimee takes after our outrageously flirtatious mother, who, thanks to her endless gym and keep-fit classes, still has a great figure too. There was a rumour that went around school recently that a group of college guys had had sex with Aimee and our mum at a lake house party over spring break. It sounds quite plausible to me, except we had all driven to stay with our grandparents and were a hundred miles away at the time. Aimee does nothing to stop the rumour as she revels in the attention and kudos it gives her.
Aimee has a constant stream of boyfriends; they seem to last a couple of weeks before being replaced. She dates boys from school, college guys, and even a few who have already graduated. She has quite the reputation and enjoys reminding me how popular and experienced she is, in stark contrast to my quiet, sheltered, innocent life. Mum doesn’t help, often joining Aimee in pointing out that I should be out enjoying myself, not poring over the pages of books. I would guess half the guys around have slept with her; the other half are probably just boasting and lying.
I’m Abby, by the way. I suppose I should start by explaining why I am sitting in my favourite booth in the basement of the adult bookstore again. It is entirely Aimee’s fault, although she has no idea I am here, and I would never tell her either. It started as twisted revenge, but I’m fast becoming addicted to this seedy place and all it offers me. I’ve never had a boyfriend, never been kissed; grandparents and mothers don’t count, and until a short while ago, I had never even touched a cock.
In the grand scheme of things, it is our mother's fault that I am here, but she could have had no idea that an innocent diary would cause so much trouble. Every Christmas, we have both been given a little lockable diary as a part of our presents. I have always used mine to keep track of classes, revision targets, exams, and other important things. Every year, Aimee leaves hers untouched; planning and recording things are just not important to her.
A few months ago, I noticed Aimee’s diary by her bedside. I should not have been in her room, and I wondered what she could have found to use it for. I waited until the next time I was alone at home and used my diary key to open hers. I was quite stunned by what I began to read. I discovered Aimee is the biggest prick tease going, and from what I read, she has never had sex at all. I also read that Aimee started the Lake House sex party rumour herself.
Over the following week, I read through the entire diary. I found out that Aimee had been spreading rumours about herself and others since the New Year. The diary also recorded when all of the girls in her little clique, the Drac-pack, had their first sexual experiences and eventually full sex. As I read more, it became obvious that Aimee was using rumours to appear just that bit more daring than her friends.
The Drac-Pack has been responsible for a lot of my misery over the last couple of years. They are the beautiful but vacuous girls, all tits and makeup, obsessed with boys and fashion. I have long preferred to dress in baggy jeans, my battered Converse, and a loose hoody, keeping my long hair tied up and hidden. As soon as I am eighteen, I’m going to have it cut short and dyed like a rainbow. I’m not gay or bi, but as an act of rebellion, my mother refuses to let me cut it short until then. I get around on a skateboard; it's cheap, and I can be on my own, but I was called a skater girl as a putdown for a long time.
Someone in the Drac-pack came up with the idea that the name Aimee was made up of A1 me, and Aimee latched on to it. She reminded me all the time that she was A1. Quite soon, they decided that Abby sounded just like A-B, which they delighted in making up seemingly endless meaning for. A particular low point was when they called me After-Birth for a while; currently, they are saying it stands for A Boy. Now I generally get called skater boy or just boy, and it has spread to be used by most kids at school now.
The first rumour in the diary was that Aimee had blown four boys in secret at a New Year's party. It must have been a hell of a party, as we were all at home that year with the flu—Mum, Aimee, and me—and there were definitely no boys there. I remember hearing that one and laughing it off as a lie. There were rumours in the diary that I had never heard; some I had heard versions of, but I could not see how she was starting them.
In case you are wondering, Dad is no longer with us, and I really miss him. He was killed in a firefight while on duty as a marine, and I’m not supposed to talk about it. It was five years, three months, and seven days ago that it happened. He was a big, friendly, happy-go-lucky man and a perfect dad when he was home. He was away a lot. He had a big USMC tattoo on his leg, which he told me was because he was one of Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children.
Sorry, I’m rambling; the rumours covered all sorts of sexual adventures with a wide variety of people. Then I looked forward in the diary and found Aimee had ideas and things noted over the coming weeks. An entry for the coming weekend, ‘Dance audition at Mike’s DD bar, 3-PM, Saturday’ stood out. This had to be another rumour idea; the bar was in a dodgy part of town, and in the evenings it had topless dancers and was strictly members only. If Aimee was going there, I knew I had to be around with my phone to record her going in and score at least one point back against her.
I skated down and hung around at the end of a nearby alley; no one paid any attention to a kid on a skateboard. I waited nearly an hour and was not surprised that Aimee never showed up. I knew somehow a new rumour would be spreading on Monday. I was about to head off when a car pulled up, and a group of men climbed out and began walking towards the alley. I thought I could see weapons, and my dad’s advice to always go away from trouble came to me. I quickly skated down the alley, but it came to a dead end.
I thought about hiding behind one of the many dumpsters. I even thought about hiding in a dumpster. I was that scared. An old guy came out of a solid black door, flung a bin liner into a dumpster, and went back in without noticing me. The door slowly swung to close, and before it did, I caught it with my fingertips and peered inside. It was dreary; a corridor went to one side, and stairs went up and down into more gloom. I slipped silently through and let the door close behind me, feeling safer than before.
I guessed I was in the back of some run-down offices or perhaps a vacant unit. I hoped to hide unnoticed for a while and then slip away. I heard voices and footsteps from upstairs, so I headed down the stairs to avoid being found and thrown out. As I reached the foot of the stairs, another corridor led away to my left. I saw about eight doors on each side; they were too close together to be rooms; some were open, but most were closed. I saw light spilling down another staircase at the far end of the corridor.
There were posters and pictures stuck on the walls; scanning them, I was painfully aware I should not be there. Shadows moving on the far stairs alerted me to someone coming, and I dove into the nearest open door and locked it behind me. My heart was banging as I stood against the door, clutching my board to me, listening to a muffled conversation outside. I looked around for another way to escape, but the room I was in was so dark that I could barely make out the walls. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I could see a TV screen on the far wall, a chair, and a bench seat in front of me. The room was only about four feet wide and six feet long at the most.
I could hear moans and noises that seemed to be coming from all around me. I knew I was in some sort of sex shop or establishment; I was inexperienced, not naïve. Moving warily forward, I noticed a pool of light visible through a hole in one side of the room. The hole was six inches or so around. I could see a similar hole in the other side wall, but the space beyond it was as dark as my room. I cannot remember what possessed me to move slowly closer and look through into the lit room. They say curiosity killed the cat, and curiosity completely took over all sense and reasoning in me.
I had my back almost against the wall as I bent down and eventually kneeled on the floor to look through. I had the unlit opening directly behind me and kept the lit opening three feet away, through which I could see bare legs—man’s hairy legs. Looking straight through, I saw another hole in the far side of the room next door, and a moment later I was transfixed by the vision of an erect cock pushing through it. I’d seen hard cocks before; college lads would sometimes flash a girl walking on her own. I never understood why they did it, as surely no one was going to do anything other than run away like I did.
I kneeled in the darkness and watched the man next door close his hand around the cock and begin to wank it slowly. A minute later, he was bending forward and licking the cock as he held it; soon after that, he was sucking it. I found myself staring open-mouthed and trying to take in everything he was doing. I didn’t feel connected to what was going on; I didn’t even feel turned on by watching it; it felt more like a strange learning experience as I watched.
Over a period of around ten or maybe twenty minutes, I watched the two men take turns to wank and suck each other through the hole. I had also unwittingly moved a half way across the floor while watching to get a better view. The room next door went dark just as they finished, and then I heard doors banging and both men left. I sat on the bench seat under the TV screen and started to count to one hundred to hopefully give the men time to be gone so I could make my escape.
I should explain that I’m a little on the autism scale, which is why I tend to hop between topics or appear to ramble, and it also leads me to easy obsessions. Sorry, I’m doing it again. I had counted to seventy-three when I heard a door close and voices beside me. I heard some coins drop onto the floor and someone cursing, followed by the sound of money being fed into a coin slot. Moments later, the room next to me was lit up. I stared at the TV screen above my head and, for the first time, noticed a coin slot next to it and a sign about tokens.
From the bench seat, I could see at least two pairs of feet through the hole. I moved away and knelt to look through as before. I saw jeans being lowered, voices chattering, and some giggling. One pair of legs looked smooth and shapely, and then I saw why as one of the two people next door sank to their knees. It was a woman, a little older than me. I saw lace knickers as she bent down, and a matching lace bra holding a large pair of boobs.
I sat down on my heels to be able to see higher up, and I saw the woman was already sucking and wanking the cock of a man standing in front of her. The cock was longer than either of the two I had seen earlier and a bit thinner too. She had short blonde hair, looked quite pretty, and was taking almost the whole length of the cock into her mouth. I saw big hands reach down, and by kneeling up higher, I saw them holding her boobs through her bra. Moments later, I watched her reach around, unclasp the bra, and let it fall down her arms. I was jealous of her firm boobs, her pointed nipples, and how his big hands could not fully enclose them.
Her technique of wanking and sucking him was very different from the two men I had seen earlier—more sensual and erotic. I found myself becoming drawn nearer the hole to be able to see her sucking and him massaging her boobs at the same time. I began to imagine his hands on my excuses for tits, and I wondered if he would even bother to hold them. I began to imagine what it would feel like to be holding a hard cock, to taste it, and to have it slide in and out of my mouth.
I shuffled forward, just a little closer to the hole. I could hear her slurping on his cock and him muttering and encouraging her. I slid a hand up under my hoody and squeezed one of my tits in time with his hands on hers. I was becoming turned on by watching the show; they were blissfully unaware I was enjoying it. I was startled when she put one of her hands up to the hole, partly blocking my view for a second, and I backed away into the shadows. She turned her hand palm upwards as if begging or waiting for something; I froze and held my breath.
She pushed one finger onto the very edge of the hole; I noticed she had well-manicured nails, and she ran the finger around the hole. I kept well back, unsure of what was going on. It was obvious she had seen me, and I feared I was about to be in a lot of trouble. I did not expect people would take kindly to being watched while doing that kind of thing in private.

“Show me what you have got; come on, don’t be shy; he likes to see other people join in; he likes to watch me suck in front of him.” She had moved very close and was looking at me while I was still kneeling in the middle of the floor.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be looking.” I must have looked quite pathetic sitting on the floor in my jeans and hoody.
“Is this your first time?” she asked, and I nodded in reply. “Put your cock through; let me suck it for you. I won’t bite, honest.” Her face was against the hole as she spoke; she looked quite normal and sounded friendly.
“I don’t think I should be in here.” I was about to explain how I had ducked in to hide when she interrupted me. “Don’t worry, we like to be watched, and we like others to join in.” She put her arm through the hole and pushed the hood back off my head. When she looked back through, she gasped, and I heard her say, It’s a girl, to the man she was with. She pushed her arm back through and pulled me towards the hole, and then I felt her squeeze one of my tiny tits.
For a few moments, she stared at me before asking how old I was. As soon as I told her, she asked how I had gotten in. I told her about hiding in the alley, slipping through the door, and then hiding in here. I told her I would go and leave by the back door, but she stopped me and said it was alarmed to stop people from opening it to let friends in. She said they must have disabled it to put out the rubbish.
“Wait here,” she said, “And you can leave with us so we can vouch for you.”
I felt enormous relief that I was not getting into more trouble.
“Come closer,” she said. “Come closer and just watch, but let him see your face and see you watching.”
I shuffled nervously closer to the hole and looked through. With my face in the hole, I could see the whole room. I could see she was wearing just a fancy pair of lacy knickers. I could see her man standing with his jeans and pants around his ankles while he was slowly stroking his cock. The man looked older than her; she looked to be in her mid or late twenties, so I guessed he might be thirty. I was very jealous of her full boobs that swayed and bounced every time she moved and bobbed on his cock.
She resumed sucking him and was slowly bringing him closer to the hole. I was surprised to find myself becoming more turned on the closer they got. It seemed to take no time until he was leaning against the wall and I was watching her lips slide up and down his cock, only a few inches away. Without thinking, my hand was back inside my hoodie, squeezing and tweaking my small tits and hard nipples. I had a spare hand, and it seemed the obvious thing to do was push it down inside my jeans. I’d gotten myself off plenty of times in the past; after all, no one else was interested in doing it for me, and a girl has needs.
With my face filling the hole, I was safe, knowing they could not see me touching myself while enjoying their little show far more than I ever would have imagined.
I had not consciously let my lips part, but she read my thoughts when she asked, “Do you want a taste? Do you want to suck it? Chuck would like it if you did.”
With one hand gripping my tit and a finger circling my clit I felt myself nodding slowly.
“I’m Stacey, by the way; what’s your name?” she said as she slowly wiped the slippery head of his cock across my lips. It was wet from her saliva but tasted like nothing I knew. As I began to tell her my name, she pushed the head of the cock into my open mouth.
I sat spellbound for a moment and then felt Chuck push his hard cock in and out of my mouth. I had no idea what I was doing, but I was shaking with excitement. I did my best to do what I had seen Stacey and, before her, the two men do. He ran his cock to the back of my throat and out a few times. I could taste something salty and intoxicating before he pulled back. I saw Stacey pull his cock back into her mouth and continue her sucking. “I’m Abby; I don’t really know what to do, but that was so exciting and tasted so good." I did not know how to describe it.
“Chuck is close to cumming; his pre-cum is delicious, isn’t it?” Stacey said in between wanking and sucking him right in front of me. “Have you really never done this? Have you ever tasted cum?” I shook my head and stared at Stacey, trying to remember everything she was doing. She offered his cock to me again, and I eagerly parted my lips to let him slide his cock in and out again. This time, I swirled my tongue and used my lips to apply pressure. My finger was furiously circling my throbbing clit, using my leaking juices to smooth its progress.
The taste was getting stronger, and his cock felt harder than before. All too soon, he withdrew his delicious cock, and Stacey swallowed it down again with her hand wanking the base of his shaft. I was enthralled watching her, eagerly anticipating tasting his cock again. Suddenly Stacey held his cock still, and I watched it pulsing over and over. As a novice, even I knew he was cumming in her mouth. Moments later, he pulled his shiny cock free, and Stacey turned to show me her cum-filled mouth. She reached her fingers through to hold my cheek and held me close to the hole.
I’ve never been kissed by a woman before, or a man, for that matter, passionately or sexually. Stacey put her lips to mine, and I felt her tongue pushing and probing. I parted my lips slightly and kissed her back. Her tongue was pressing deeper, and then I tasted Chuck’s cum as Stacey swirled her tongue against mine. The thrill I felt was overwhelming; I wanted to taste it all. I swallowed what little cum she managed to get into my mouth. Stacey broke the kiss after a minute and smiled at me. Behind her, Chuck was bending down to watch and was also smiling.
Chuck and Stacey stood and exchanged words in a quick and whispered conversation before Stacey bent down and offered to walk me out. She said they knew the owner well, would vouch for me, and would say I just looked young. I heard a door squeak open, and Chuck said to run around. Stacey told me to quickly join them so we could leave together. I grabbed my board and was in with them in less than 10 steps. I noticed a man coming out of the next door as I ran. I wondered if he had been watching me from behind all the time.
Close-up Chuck was much bigger than I had thought; he looked like a physical sports player and made me feel safe rather than threatened. He made me think of my father, who was protective and caring. I barely came up to his shoulder as he closed the door behind me. Chuck had fastened his jeans, and we both stood watching Stacey. She was beginning to get dressed, fastening her lacy bra as we all whispered hellos. She was about to step back into her jeans when the hole in the cubicle I had just left lit up. We all turned our eyes to it. I guessed that the man I had just seen had gone in as I left.
We saw a face briefly look through, followed a few seconds later by a semi-erect cock. It looked different than Chuck and the two from earlier, as this one had a long, loose foreskin covering the head. We exchanged glances before Chuck gave Stacey a thumbs up. She handed her jeans to Chuck, knelt back down, and began slowly stroking the cock. I was amazed at how easily she turned her attention to a total stranger and how excited Chuck seemed to be watching her beside me. I was even more surprised at how I yearned to be holding the cock with her.
Stacey was moving the long foreskin up and down with both hands, and it was clear the owner of the cock was enjoying it as the cock had already begun to stiffen. Stacey motioned for me to join her, and I readily sank onto my knees beside her. She took hold of one of my hands and wrapped it around the shaft next to hers. I could feel my heart pounding; this was the first cock I had had my hands on, and it was a total stranger. I didn’t count Chuck’s cock as I had only had it in my mouth. My autism makes me see things very black and white sometimes. I smiled to myself, wondering how Aimee would react if she saw me at that very moment.
Stacey moved to allow me to get directly in front of the cock, which was now pointing straight towards my face. Stacey whispered into my ear that I should suck it, and I didn’t need any more encouragement. I opened my mouth and leaned forward to take as much of the cock in as I could without gagging. Stacey wrapped her hand around mine and encouraged me to also wank him as I sucked. This cock tasted quite different from Chuck, mustier, stronger, but it just fuelled my desire even more.
Stacey moved to kneel directly behind me, watching me and whispering in my ear the whole time, reassuring and directing me. She told me to release his cock from my mouth and pull his foreskin right back; it seemed to roll a long way to expose the purple head. I swallowed as much of his newly exposed cock into my mouth as I could and continued to wank and suck him. He still tasted stronger, and I began to crave the taste. Stacey told me to cup his balls through the hole with my spare hand, they felt heavy and loose in the skin.
I felt Stacey put her hands up under my hoody and slide them to my tiny tits. She grabbed and squeezed them and began gently tugging and rolling my nipples. I was more turned on than I could remember, and I did not want her to stop. She told me to slide my hand further through, to find the stranger's ass with my finger, and circle it. She told me a lot of men secretly do it; she said Chuck cums quickly when she does it to him. I followed her instructions and felt the stranger part his legs to allow my hand access. I felt one of Stacey’s hands slide down the front of my jeans, inside my knickers, and begin circling my wet clit. Stacey was whispering the whole time, telling me she loved my tiny tits, hard nipples, and pussy.
When I circled a finger around his ass opening, I felt his cock twitch each time. Stacey was watching intently over my shoulder.
“You had better take this off to make sure you don’t get anything spilled on it,” she whispered as she pulled my hoody up and onto my head.
I released one hand at a time and then my mouth for a couple of seconds before resuming wanking, sucking, and pressing my finger against his ass opening. I was kneeling there, topless and uninhibited, and I did not feel shy or embarrassed at all. Stacey resumed molesting one of my tits with her other hand back on my pussy, darting her fingers in and out.
“Push your finger in; go on; I dare you.”
I didn’t need to be dared; I worried I needed to be restrained, as I had no intention of stopping anything now. I pushed gently with my finger, and it slipped easily inside him. I pushed it in and out for a few seconds. Suddenly his cock seemed to grow and stiffen and then began to pulse. My mouth was filling with hot, thick, creamy cum from a stranger, and I loved it. I held his cock still the way I had seen Stacey do it earlier until the stranger moved back off of my finger and out of my mouth. I did not know if Stacey would want to kiss me, but I was already swallowing down all his juicy cum and licking my lips. A hand from next door held a stack of tokens, and a voice thanked me.
I looked up at Chuck to see he was stroking his cock through his jeans. I wished he had taken it out, as I would have loved to suck him too. Stacey said something about me being a natural and handed me my hoody back. From somewhere, Stacey produced a little pack of wet wipes and gave me one, indicating my hand. I could see the tip of my finger stained brown, and I wiped it clean with two wipes in succession.
I pulled on my hoody, and Stacey quickly dressed before we trooped out and then up the stairs into an adult book and toy store. The man behind the counter spoke to them both, and they introduced me and said I was older than I looked and that he should make sure to always let me in the back. I noticed a sign that advertised video booths and sold tokens and realised the stack in my pocket was worth thirty or forty dollars. I wondered if I could exchange my tokens for one of the lifelike dildos to take home, but was ushered out by Chuck and Stacey.
Walking out of the store, I felt like I was suddenly back in my childhood, being dragged away from the playground and swings when I wanted to stay and play. I wanted to turn around and go back inside to find more cocks to drain. Stacey offered me a lift home, and on the way, I told them a bit about me, my horrendous twin sister, and home life.
We exchanged numbers, and she said they would like to go to the store again with me sometime. She said they never go late at night, as the crowd gets a lot more pushy and is not so enjoyable. It sounded even better to me, but I kept my thoughts to myself. They dropped me a few blocks from home, and I skated back, deliriously happy, thinking about the afternoon I had just had. I knew I would have to go back very soon.
Monday afternoon, a rumour about Aimee being asked to audition to dance topless at some bar was doing the rounds. It made me smile to know it was utter bullshit, but of course, the rumour morphed into another of her epic stories. I could not resist asking about her new dance classes over dinner that evening. Aimee would have happily strangled me when I just kept on asking about it.