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It had only been two days since Melissa’s last outing when she heard from her so-called Master. It was a text message from a number she didn’t recognise. Obviously, he had changed phones since last week. She had taken to thinking of her master as a ‘he’, she didn’t know why. The message was curt, and yet it said everything it needed to say and it invited a reply, so she dutifully took it upon herself to find out more details.

What kind of girl have I been? How many followers? she texted back.

Her master replied by telling her that her last escapade at the sports club had amassed a total of fourteen followers. All of them wanted a gangbang of their own, not that Melissa wouldn’t be up for a repeat performance with the same guys, but her master could not guarantee that, could he?

Her master then proceeded to tell her that another person was making a very interesting play for her.

Why interesting? Melissa texted back.

All she got was another brief reply and a smiley face at the end of it. The tone of the messages was not so brash as the previous two and she wondered if her master was mellowing a little.

Then he said that he had something for Friday night and would let her know. She looked at it and panicked. She wanted to text back that she couldn’t do Friday because her husband would be home, but something stopped her. It was dread. Dread that she would disobey her master. The thought hit her hard, and yet she knew that this person wasn’t really her master and couldn’t do anything about it, other than telling her husband how she had misbehaved; show him this Fetlife website with all the photos of her on it. Undeniable proof as they say. She was building up quite a portfolio.

The next text she received from him was a little surprising. She sent a message back straight away explaining her predicament.

Friday night? My husband and I will be together that evening. It was enough of an explanation, without going into too many details. She stared at her phone and waited.

The reply threw her. Knocked her for six.

No, you won’t, he’ll be on a business trip. A smiley followed.

Melissa’s whole body shook as she stood mid-step looking at her phone. A deep feeling of uncertainty spread through her. Then all sorts of questions came at her from all sorts of directions.

Who the fuck is this person? How do they know something that I don’t? What the fuck is happening here? Is this my husband? It couldn’t be him? Because he would already know about my infidelity and would be setting me up with more. No, it couldn’t be him, could it? My husband’s boss maybe, he would know whether John was being sent on a business trip before I would. But then I hardly know John’s boss so why would he do this?

Melissa started mulling over the people in her life, family first, never rule out your own family as they say. Then came her friends; she made a mental checklist of everyone that she was friendly with that may do this to her. The list was formidable. Then came her work colleagues and that list was never-ending.

Melissa started with her closest friends list: her friend Brian the perv, possibly Jenny. it wouldn’t be Patrick or Maggie – certainly not Maggie her best friend, she reasoned.

The next text from her master said it all.

You’re taking a lot of time thinking about who it is – aren’t you?

Melissa nodded. She didn’t know why she nodded, but she did. She replied in the affirmative, but then the messages stopped. Her message of: How did you know? Do you know my husband? Are you my husband? all fell on stony ground.

When Melissa made it home she brought up the Fetlife website once more and looked at her journey. A new section had been written on how Melissa loved three cocks at once and especially her love of double penetration. Again, there was a picture to accompany it and this time she knew who had taken it. The angle suggested that it must have been Brian, the muscly God. It was true, she did find double penetration exhilarating, especially with the cock sizes she had been presented with by those rugby guys.

She remembered that she was a very lucky girl that afternoon. Her husband hadn’t even questioned her when she got home as he was so engrossed in the programme he was watching on the television. Plenty of time, for her to disappear to the bathroom and take another much-needed shower before bedtime. Just to make sure that nothing from her previous encounter embarrassed her.

She could see the ‘likes’ on some of the images were growing as she was looking at them. And that look on her face as her orgasm pushed home was particularly degrading, to say the least. She appeared sweaty, some of it dripping from her nose, and her lips were pursed, revealing the climax that she was having at that precise moment. Some of the comments being left on her images would have been construed as degrading, and yet, they had that element of appeal. It was only at that moment that she liked the term ‘fucking slut!

When the front door slammed shut, Melissa slapped the lid of the laptop down hard. Her husband entered the kitchen with a sad look on his face.

“Darling, you’re gonna be mad with me. I’m so sorry.”

Melissa looked across at him with her eyes, without moving her head. She knew what was coming.

“I had to agree to a business trip this Thursday, for two days, long-distance, which means I will have to stay overnight. I’ll miss our Friday night together, but I’ll be back around midday on Saturday.”

His hands came around her from behind, and he planted a gentle kiss on the top of her head. Melissa nodded. She was right. She knew what was coming.

“Oh! No,” she replied, feigning disappointment in one sense and wondering who was pulling the strings in another, “couldn’t they send someone else?”

“Apparently not! It’s my line of work and a great opportunity, for the company.”

“Well, Saturday will have to be a date,” she replied, pulling him over her shoulder to give him a proper kiss.

Thoughts about who was controlling her, or them, kept flooding her mind. She set John’s arms free and allowed him to walk behind her, for a coffee, before grinning at his excuse. Maybe it was him, after all? Perhaps he already knew about her last encounter which was why he never questioned it. How was she to find out?


On Thursday, John left to catch the flight to Edinburgh for his important meeting. There were lots of kisses and a hard-on that she needed to relieve before he left the house. For some reason, it didn’t take long.

On Friday, at precisely five in the afternoon, Melissa walked towards Costa coffee in the mall shopping centre. She felt a little apprehensive at meeting someone new, a bloke at the coffee shop, and at a place that was so close to where she lived, but – needs must if she was going to get fucked by another stranger.

The instructions were clear, she would be met by a person wearing a black coat and a black hat. Very James Bond she thought and wondered whether he would have a Walther PPK strapped under his coat.

She looked around as soon as she entered the coffee shop, but the only person matching the colour of the clothes was a woman who sat towards the back. Melissa ordered a coffee and decided to sit mid-way facing the front door; better to be prepared than be surprised.

She waited, sipped her coffee and wondered what Juicy would look like.

A surprising tap on her shoulder caused her to look towards the person standing next to her holding a half-full latte.

“Mind if I join you,” the woman said. “I believe you are waiting, for me to pick you up, to take you to Juicy?” Her lips were a lovely pink colour that matched the scarf she was wearing.

Melissa indicated the chair opposite her and the two women started a conversation about chauffeurs and the like. The lady was very good at keeping secrets and all that Melissa could get out of her was her name, Caroline. As in sweet Caroline, from the famous Neil Diamond song.

They must have chatted for about half an hour, because at five-thirty precisely, Caroline suggested that she drive Melissa to meet Juicy. Melissa dutifully followed her out of the coffee shop and towards the multi-storey car park where they slipped into a fashionable Mercedes Benz convertible.

Before she knew it, Melissa was on her way, in a flash car, with a rather sexy woman next to her, not that she was into women, because she wasn’t, in order to meet what she hoped would be a sexy bloke.

So many questions went through Melissa’s head as she let Caroline take the strain, and she found herself looking over the cute black-haired woman from the tips of her heels, tights, she assumed, to the edge of her coat. Her hat, which was discarded (in the excuse for a back seat that no one could sit in) allowed her dark hair to flow around her shoulders, aided by wind flooding into the open-top car. Melissa estimated her age to be a few years younger than herself. The one thing she couldn’t get out of her mind was the bright pink lipstick that adorned her succulent lips and she wondered whether they had ever entertained Juicy.

With that last thought under her belt, she found the car pulling into a beautiful country home, finally coming to a halt. They both stepped out of the car and Melissa followed Caroline into the house. The interior was bright with plenty of light being let in by the huge windows and general open plan arrangement. Everything was clean and nothing seemed out of place. At that moment, when Caroline took Melissa’s hand and guided her upstairs, her heart started racing. The feel of Caroline’s hand, guiding her to her fate, caused her to secrete, secretly, into her panties.

They entered a large room with a sizeable bed positioned in the centre. Wardrobes occupied the space on either side of the door and a few bedside cabinets and storage units were scattered about.

“Melissa, I think that today may well be very different from anything you have done before, but I guarantee that you will leave here thoroughly used. That craving you seem to display on Fetlife, the one to please people, will be truly satisfied.” Caroline’s words sounded pleasant enough and Melissa found herself smiling.

“Now, it’s time to get you ready, for Juicy. Naked, I think. So, Strip!”

Caroline’s attitude changed ever so slightly. With her arms crossed she waited for Melissa to comply, and within a few seconds, her clothes were discarded in a heap that was piled on an opulent chair in the corner of the room. Her heels topped the spectacle and as she turned she could feel Caroline’s gaze upon her body. Every inch, every centimetre, scrutinised. Her nipples extended of their own accord and goosebumps erupted on her arms and bottom, and yet the room was far from cold. Melissa concentrated hard to appear confident, but her hands gave her away as they unconsciously made their way to cover her breasts.

“You will need a safe word, do you have one?”

Melissa swallowed and shook her head.

“You will need one in case things get a bit carried away, so I would choose something that you wouldn’t normally use sexually.” Caroline studied Melissa as she pondered on that thought; and she noticed that Melissa’s breathing was even harder than it was before.

Melissa lowered her gaze, the excitement at what was going to happen to make her need a safe word caused a smile to break out on her lips, though she didn’t need to think of one; she already had a word in her mind should this scenario ever present itself.

“Blue,” Melissa said, quietly and quickly before looking Caroline in the eye. She waited for her next command.

Melissa watched the smile form on Caroline’s pretty face.

“Nice colour,” replied Caroline, approvingly nodding her head.

Melissa watched as Caroline’s coat was slowly unbuttoned and discarded on the floor. Melissa’s mouth opened in shock. She'd expected a posh dress, maybe pearls around her neck, something in keeping with her posh accent and demeanour that she had displayed from the first moment they met. But that’s not what she was presented with.

In their place were stockings that stretched from her red-heeled shoes to her short black latex dress giving her breasts a killer cleavage that made them look like they were going to jump out of the dress on their own accord. Then Melissa noticed the necklace. The one that was hidden under the coat. The one that said…Juicy.

Melissa’s face dropped in shock, and yet her pussy tingled. Women had never been her thing until today it seemed. Until the sight of Juicy was presented to her eyes in that dressed-to-kill manner.

“What do I call you, Caroline or Juicy?” Melissa recovered from her initial surprise, giggling nervously at the thought.

“I’m Juicy, to you,” came the reply.

Melissa realised that there wasn’t a man waiting in the wings, no partner in crime to Caroline, there would be no cock this time around. Melissa suddenly found herself to be overly excited at that thought, that the vision before her would be her first taste of pussy. She accepted her fate, lowered her arms, exposed her full body to Juicy’s gaze and waited to be told what to do.

“Kneel,” Juicy commanded, cocking her head to one side and placing her hands on her wonderfully curvaceous hips before turning her back to her.

Melissa instantly complied and although nervous and a little scared found that she was excited by this dominant woman. She had decided that she wanted to experience everything that Juicy had to offer. Her breasts wobbled as her knees hit the ground, slightly apart.

At a large set of drawers, on one side of the room, Juicy removed several articles out of Melissa’s eyesight and placed them on top of the unit. She turned to look at Melissa kneeling on the floor. The thought of her little submissive doing everything she was told to do, turned her on.

“Crawl over to the end of the bed and grasp the feet, you little – SLUT.” The last word came out louder and more forceful.

Melissa crawled, and the thought of being called a slut turned her on even more. The rattling that she heard behind her was resolved when one of her hands was secured to the base of the bedposts using cuffs normally reserved for ankles. The other hand followed suit.

“Stand up.”

Melissa clearly couldn’t stand up while facing the bed with her hands cuffed to the base, but then worked out that she could lean forward over the bed with her big round bum pointing upwards, and her hands secured. She found herself in an awkward position with her head flat on the bed and her breasts squashed against the end.

“Keep your eyes closed. I’m going to skip the spanking step,” Juicy informed Melissa.

Melissa felt something smooth tickle her neck which extended to the rest of her spine as it trailed down her back and over the cheeks of her bottom. Her slightly open legs allowed the tickling to continue over her moist pussy. The sensation felt thrilling and satisfying.

Melissa didn’t get a chance to notice the tingling sensations stop before the whip’s stinging tentacles scratched fiercely at her right bum cheek. Melissa moaned softly, her eyes closed and then the whip attacked the other cheek causing her to take a sharp intake of breath. Melissa enjoyed them at first, but that quickly changed as two more sharp strikes attacked both cheeks with increasing ferocity. Her bottom warmed though and the pain stung fiercely. A few strands of the whip wandered onto her pussy lips and nearly caused her legs to give way causing her to collapse on the floor, but she stood her ground like the good little slut she was. Her hands gripped the bed from underneath to provide much assistance for her balancing act and her eyes closed in anticipation. Four more strikes of the whip and her bum cheeks glowed red with the heat. All Melissa could feel was a sweet heat spreading across her buttocks.

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Then there was nothing for what seemed like ages.

Melissa twisted her head to look around her and found Juicy standing next to her and looking down at her. She sensed Juicy move behind her, she saw her hand come up in her peripheral vision as if to strike, and she tensed her body and held her breath, waiting for it. But the strike didn’t come.

Melissa screamed when she felt the whip strike at her cunt. She clenched her buttocks which caused her body to bend into the bed. The pain shot through her entire body like a firework and she strained to move forwards but to no avail. She was panting and sucking in lungfuls of air when her cunt felt the second strike, harder this time. Melissa screamed again and with her legs bent she fell onto the bed. Her panting increased, and when it had calmed she lifted herself as upright as she could. She spread her legs further apart to provide more stability. The pain nearly crippled her, but the wetness that was now leaking from her was a soothing distraction, to the point of her needing to cum more than needing to be touched.

Although the pain was intense, in her mind, the conversion of that pain to pleasure was insane. The safe word crept into her mind, but she refused its entry. She wasn’t ready to use it just yet. She knew she could take some more and maybe cum from it too.

Melissa was not disappointed and took two more hard strikes to each sore cheek and two full-on strikes to her pussy. It was the latter that shocked her the most. They were painful, and yet, they were so wrong because they felt so wonderful.

“Fuck!” she cried out, her legs bent once more as she found herself kneeling on the floor, breathing faster than ever.

Melissa’s eyes opened wide as the feeling of something hot slid into her soaked pussy. A finger, Juicy’s finger, sliding in and out in a soothing rhythm. Melissa moaned at the satisfying intrusion and copious quantities of her juices leaked and coated Juicy’s fingers. No sooner did Melissa find herself on the edge of release than the fingers were withdrawn.

Melissa realised her predicament, kneeling on the floor, head resting on the bed, hands tied on either side of her, gasping for air and needing to climax. She heard, then felt the wrist straps being undone. First one hand, then the other. Her hands curled up around her, relieved to be released. With the pain and pleasure pulsing through her pussy she quickly noticed that Juicy was back at the drawer on the side of the room. What next? she thought to herself.

Melissa looked through heavily lidded eyes in an attempt to see what form of pain was coming next. Her eyes glazed over at the sight of the cock that swung from Juicy’s groin. Its side-to-side motion mesmerised her and caused her to smile inwardly; at least she was going to get fucked, and fucking was one thing she could certainly handle.

“Suck it,” Juicy demanded, standing with her hands on her hips and swaying them a little from side to side.

Melissa turned a little and moved closer to Juicy’s cock, taking the head into her mouth and sucking on it like it was a piece of hot meat. Melissa treated it like it was a real cock and showed Juicy exactly what she could do. She nearly deep-throated it, but the size was somewhat bigger than she was used to and gagging was never an option that Melissa would ever consider. She pulled back, hoping she had done enough to be penetrated by it.

Juicy was content to fuck Melissa’s face, holding her head tightly with her hands, and only when the strap-on was deemed wet enough, did she remove it from her mouth.

Juicy patted the bed with her hand. “On all fours, slut,” she growled.

Again the use of the word slut only turned Melissa on more than ever as she crawled onto the bed to take up her new position. She soon realised that it was no ordinary bed and that there were straps and anchor points all over it. Melissa was once more strapped to the most convenient cuffs that lay in various places over the bed by both her ankles and wrists, cuffs and anchor points she had not noticed when she was first ordered to strip. Her position presented a neatly upturned bottom to Juicy’s gaze. Melissa waited, excited by her vulnerable position, and allowed the straps to confine her movements once more; her acceptance was paramount and her need even more so.

Melissa felt the mattress move underneath her, hands gripped her hips, and a dick stroked between her pussy lips before it lined up with her soaking, aching and needy cunt. Melissa moved her greedy body backwards to take it inside her and was rewarded with a firm hand on her bottom.

The smile on Juicy’s face was not one of anger, far from it, but because the eagerness of her submissive toy intrigued her more than she imagined it would. Juicy finally pushed her cock into Melissa to the deep baritone sound of moaning, filling the room with noises that could only come from a nymphomaniac being filled. Melissa’s cunt was stretched further than even the rugby players could manage, and yet she breathed through it, never wanting it to stop. Juicy pulled her dick out before pushing it back in repeatedly. Her motions were slow and deliberate. Juicy looked at Melissa as a wonderful sex toy that had been sent from heaven, for her to devour.

Juicy wasn’t expecting Melissa to cry out and beg that she would like to adjust her position, but she pulled her cock out a little to allow her to wiggle on the bed and to move one of her knees to the right. Once the manoeuvre was over she found it was Melissa who pushed her bottom back onto the cock, and once the monster was all the way in, Juicy started to fuck Melissa hard. One pair of hands gripped Melissa’s hips, and the other pair gripped the bedclothes tightly. Juicy concentrated the full force of her stamina into the single protrusion that was now pounding in and out of Melissa’s cunt.

Juicy’s blasphemous words at the sight of her cock pounding the pussy in front of her caused her excitement to reach unprecedented levels. Only when Melissa cried that she was about to cum did Juicy pull the cock from her pussy in a rush that left Juicy on an adrenalin high and Melissa feeling extremely exasperated and unsatisfied.

“Fuck!” Melissa whimpered. Her outburst was rewarded with a hard spank on her already sore bottom.

As soon as Juicy was sure that Melissa’s climax had subsided, she pushed the cock back in and started fucking her some more. She reached for Melissa’s hair and pulled it back. The action caused Melissa to reach her climax much faster, but again Juicy stopped and pulled out when she felt Melissa was too close for comfort.

Disappointment overcame Melissa every time; she needed that orgasm more than ever. Without warning, the ankle and wrist straps were removed. Melissa took this to mean the fucking was over, but Juicy ordered Melissa to lie on her back. Melissa turned around and stared at Juicy’s sexy body, mostly at the phallus inches from her face and working its way upwards. The frantic fucking had caused Juicy’s breasts to be released from her bodice which now rested on top of it, neatly pressed together and crying out for attention. Melissa had never before felt the need to touch another woman’s breasts, but she wanted to touch Juicy’s.

“Can I touch them, please?” Melissa asked in a quiet, wanting, needy tone of voice.

“Only with your mouth and tongue,” Juicy replied.

Melissa took no time in leaning in towards a nipple and sucking it into her mouth. The warmth of the nipple surprised her, but she didn’t know why that was. Melissa did exactly what she liked being done to her; licking the nipple softly before nibbling at it with her teeth and then giving the other nipple the same attention. Melissa moved between them in this way, causing both to become extremely erect and hard. Melissa’s actions were not lost on Juicy and she moaned to herself and encouraged her toy to suck harder. Juicy’s hand came to rest on Melissa’s head and she held it gently in one place. Melissa took the loving caress as a sign that Juicy was turned on and eagerly sucked and nibbled, harder each time, at the nipple she was being offered, desperate to make Juicy groan out loud.

Juicy finally took Melissa’s head and raised it off her tit as she pulled her in for a passionate kiss. Lips slithered over each other and Juicy’s tongue slipped into Melissa’s mouth to mingle with hers. After a considerable snog, Juicy pulled Melissa’s head by the hair and put her mouth back onto her nipple, letting out a satisfying moan in the process.

Within seconds, Juicy pushed Melissa back onto the bed and impaled her in one fluid motion before Melissa could take in a quick lungful of air. With their arms around each other, and with Juicy’s red lips devouring Melissa’s, she fucked her cock back into Melissa’s juicy tunnel. There was no stopping her this time. This time, Juicy fucked Melissa until she screamed that she was cumming. The coupling was fierce and Juicy, while raised on extended arms, pounded into her prey and watched as she climaxed to her tune.

Melissa looked into Juicy’s eyes as her orgasm built. The pleasure she felt was not from the big cock inside her, pleasuring her from within, giving her what she so desperately needed, no, this pleasure was from looking into the eyes of the woman who was fucking her so effortlessly, her breasts bouncing underneath her as she pounded the makeshift cock into her cunt. This pleasure was from the passion that was in Juicy’s eyes; it was better than any man, she concluded.

Juicy’s passion had limits that had now been reached. Overextended. Exceeded. As soon as Juicy registered Melissa’s convulsions beneath her she quickly pulled out of her, scrambled upwards and quickly released the straps holding her cock tightly in one place. She raised herself from the bed, stepped out of it and threw the whole device to one side.

Melissa was still panting from her orgasm when Juicy’s juicy pussy descended on her mouth. Melissa’s response was thrown into slow motion. The panting, the pulsating orgasm that still attacked her body, the raising of her bottom as a reaction to the missing cock that was removed, the noises, the struggling, the relief, the darkness, the wetness, the smell, the taste. Fuck, that taste. Exquisite. Fucking wonderful. Melissa lapped at Juicy’s cunt like it was the only thing that mattered. What would her husband think of this? she thought.

No one watching from the outside would have labelled Melissa as a newbie pussy licker. After lapping enthusiastically at Juicy’s sopping wet cunt, and slipping her tongue inside her, she placed her hands on her bottom to prise her backwards so that she could concentrate her tongue on her sensitive clit. If it was one thing to lick pussy, it was another to make that woman come on your lips, and right at that moment, that was Melissa’s number one priority. Melissa listened to all of Juicy’s murmurs, gasps, moans and nuances that informed her what she was doing was spot on. She quickly learned how someone else’s pussy reacted to a good licking and she was proud that she was making Juicy react the way she was.  Melissa gripped Juicy’s thighs to try and bring her cunt down harder on her face and was rewarded with a smothering sensation consisting of wet silk that tasted wholly of pussy. The scent was unbelievably fantastic, but then Juicy had been leaking as much as Melissa throughout the whole encounter. Melissa started to believe that she was licking pussy better than sucking any cock that she had ever sucked in her entire life.

The action heated up when Melissa’s tongue flicked at Juicy’s clit, and then her lips surrounded the delicate nub that presented itself so thoughtfully. Melissa’s lips clasped around Juicy’s clit as she buried her chin into her pussy and ground her nose into the flesh above it. Melissa got what she wanted and was amply rewarded when Juicy ground down against her, riding Melissa’s face to orgasm with both hands on her head holding her steady.

The explosive verbal outburst signified that Juicy had come hard on Melissa’s face. Liquids flooded Melissa’s face, mouth and chin, leaving her with no option but to drink in the delectable juices offered to her.

Melissa was struck by how wonderful her juice tasted and immediately raised her head to clamp down once more on her pussy and clit in an attempt to get some more of the same. Juicy, however, raised herself off Melissa and collapsed on the bed next to her.

“First time licking pussy, my ass!” gasped Juicy, desperately trying to pull much-needed air into her lungs.

Melissa smiled. “Seriously, very first time,” she responded, licking her lips and enjoying the taste of her first pussy, but as soon as Juicy got her breath back she was once more on top of Melissa, threading her thigh between her legs and raising it into the air so that it rested on her shoulder.

Melissa looked confused by the strange arrangement and was wondering what was coming next. Juicy shuffled forward until their pussies were touching, with Juicy’s pussy still leaking fluids onto Melissa’s. Juicy started rubbing their pussies together, gently at first, making sure the friction was present and that their position was correct. Slowly, but surely, Melissa started to moan and Juicy started to grind faster. Their juices caused their pussies to flow over one another and if it hadn't been for the effort that Juicy put in to keep the friction between them, they would surely have slid apart. The feeling of their cunts grinding in this way drove Melisssa wild. Every now and then, the touch of pussy against clit sent an electric shock through Melissa, making her moan every time it happened. The same was true for Juicy.

Juicy ensured the contact was fast and intense; their panting synchronised as they ground together, pussy against pussy. Grunt for grunt. Juicy held Melissa’s thigh tight to her breasts as she pounded ever faster. Melissa had never felt pleasure like that before. The intensity, the speed with which her pussy reacted to the sensations, was unbelievable. The difference between the slow build-up and what she was feeling now was a remarkable change.

Both girls panted hard, but it was Juicy who stared into the distance and concentrated on the grinding motion. Juicy was feeling the effects of her efforts and her eyes closed as she squirted over Melissa’s pussy, never once letting up on the grinding action. Melissa followed shortly afterwards. The flow of hot pussy liquid onto her body converted her orgasm faster than she could have done on her own.

Juicy collapsed once more on the bed, this time resting on her haunches and letting Melissa’s leg fall to her side. She slowly moved towards Melissa, a hand caressed a breast, thighs slid against each other, and a kiss was placed lightly on Melissa’s cheek.

“Can I stay tonight, please?” asked Melissa.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” replied Juicy.

That was the last thing Melissa remembered until she became hungry and thirsty, and it wasn’t just for food.

Written by DarkSide
Contributing Authors
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