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Author's Notes

"This is part four of the making of Melissa. I hope you're all enjoying her journey through depravity. <p> [ADVERT] </p>We're half way through, so please keep reading and don't forget, if you like it, let us know."

Melissa made it to the restaurant on time and sat at their usual table, albeit sixteen hours later than normal. She studied the menu as if it was all new to her, though she wasn’t reading it, she was thinking about the last twenty-four hours between the legs of Juicy.

She looked at her phone when it beeped to find that the text was from her husband. His plane had landed and he was on time. Another thirty minutes, he reckoned and they would be settled with a three-course lunch and some nice white wine.

Thoughts of Juicy caused her to rock her head from side to side. She eventually put the menu down and took a sip of the wine she ordered. She kept questioning her sexuality, over and over. Was she lesbian or bisexual now? She had to admit that she liked pussy juice, well, one person’s pussy juice, anyway. What about other women? Did she like them too? Did it matter who she had sex with anymore?

The one thing that confused her the most was why she had never thought about having sex with women before, considering how open she was about sex. Perhaps, cock just seemed to dominate her thoughts? She was sure that was all about to change.


Melissa’s concentration switched when she heard her name and turned to see Maggie walking toward her. Melissa stood up, and both women quickly hugged each other as they started an off-the-cuff conversation. It wasn’t long before Melissa was looking at her friend and wondering whether she licked pussy too and had kept it a secret from her. They were the best of friends and she was tempted to ask, but she didn’t know whether she could face the barrage of questions that would be levelled at her in return. Better to keep quiet, she thought. But her smile said otherwise.

Even by the time Maggie left, Melissa was still thinking about whether she’d ever been with a woman. In fact, she even wondered what Maggie would taste like. Melissa closed her eyes to thoughts of Juicy pushing her silky thighs down either side of her face, her body flattening over Melissa’s, and with Juicy’s tongue extending into her wet mound. Melissa’s tongue slipped from between her lips at the images that played in her mind.

“Dreaming of me?”

Melissa jerked out of her sexual coma and stared at her husband, John. She smiled, nodded, arose from her seat and kissed him hard on the lips. How could she have possibly said no?

That night, sex was – vanilla flavoured in one respect. It wasn’t vanilla at all, it was heady, powerful sex. Her husband gave her a good licking and fucking. But she kept comparing it to the way Juicy played her body and fucked her senseless, and with such energy. The fucking she got from her husband turned out to be – vanilla, maybe strawberry at a push. Melissa wondered what she would have to do to bring cock back into favour.


It was nearly two weeks before Melissa received any text at all from her Master. Two weeks of thinking about pussy, Juicy’s pussy, Maggie’s pussy, or anyone's pussy. Two weeks of husband sex. Not that it was bad – it wasn’t. She read the text with a sense of excitement. She picked out the main essence of it.

Found you a new challenge…More fun…Lots more fun…Hoping you don’t have boundaries…Limits may be a bit low for you…

Melissa threw a text message back at her master, You know I don’t have boundaries but what do you mean, limits a bit low?

You’re going back to school, my dear…details will follow.

Back to school, thought Melissa. Back to school, what did she mean, back to school?

The details slowly trickled through one by one: a name, Jason; a place, some disused underground car park; a time, Friday at three-thirty in the afternoon; clothes, anything slutty preferably thigh-high boots, but must be slutty.

The final detail concerned Melissa.

No guarantees with this one. Enjoy!

What did my Master mean by no guarantees?

Melissa looked up the place on Google maps. It was in a rundown area of the city, parts of which were under refurbishment, and about ten miles away from her. She breathed a sigh of relief, at least it wasn’t on her doorstep. She found herself wondering what Jason looked like.

And then it hit her. Should she be going into disused car parks looking like a tart? She gulped. She rubbed her chin, and then she smiled. She knew just the clothes to wear.

When Friday arrived, Melissa laid out her clothes on the bed just after her husband left to go to work. She tried them on. It had been ages since she wore the leather thigh-high boots and she was glad they still fitted; bought on a whim by her husband about ten years ago, along with the leather basque. She wouldn’t be wearing that, though, not to an underground car park.

She stopped to eat some lunch and then continued trying on various combinations, every one of them increasing her tartiness factor by ten per cent, and she started at seventy. Melissa reckoned she was on one hundred and thirty per cent by the time she got into her car.

Another thought occurred to her. Would her car be safe in such an area? How would she explain to her husband should anything go wrong? Like her Master said, no guarantees.

The whole area was desolate for the last two minutes of her drive. Buildings were in various states of disarray, from still standing to flush with the ground. The car park still had half a multi-storey clinging to it but the rest was demolished. Metal doors were rusted, some of them hanging from their hinges; they looked lethal.

Melissa swallowed hard as she parked the car in some open space and gingerly stepped from it. She looked down her body and at her reflection in the car windows and only one thought went through her head, and that was What am I wearing in this godforsaken place?’

Melissa quickly ran for the cover of the car park. She descended the ramp downwards to the underground section. The damp air hit her lungs, the cold caressed and formed her nipples into stiff peaks, and her boots clipped and clopped on the stone floor as she weaved between the barren pillars of concrete. Every step she took made her feel vulnerable. She watched the corners of the building, the pillars, the alcoves and underneath some barriers that were still left in place; waiting and expecting someone to jump from behind them.

“Are you Melissa?”

She didn’t know how she missed him, but a guy stood behind her, not more than thirty feet away, calling her name. She turned. She looked. Her mouth dropped open. She looked him up and down.

This was one young guy, thought Melissa. But at least he wasn’t wearing a school uniform.

“How old are you, young man?” she asked.

“Eighteen,” came the reply.


“Yes, I am, we all are.”


“Yes, we. Do you want to follow me?”

The young lad walked towards a corner of the car park and through a gap in the concrete, Melissa’s eyes fixed on his bottom as he walked, she followed him, cautiously keeping an eye on her surroundings. After all, this was prime gang-bang land that she had landed herself in. All the while, her mind was running wild with expectation. Who would she find waiting for her? Who were we? Secretly, Melissa hoped it would be four or five guys with nice cocks, one or two pussies would be nice, and while she was thinking about it, a whip or strap-on wouldn’t go amiss.

Melissa followed the young lad into an empty building.

“What’s your name?” She asked.

“Jason,” he replied. He didn’t give away any more information, and she knew that her Master was probably to blame for that. Melissa started to feel a little nervous as she looked around the empty and dirty space, wondering what she had let herself in for, but there was also a tinge of excitement as well. The walls of the building were damp and musty. A white grey layering of dust covered the walls and the floor and it wasn’t exactly warm; her stiff nipples attested to that fact and of course, her choice of clothing didn’t help, but she hoped that would all change soon. Her heeled boots contacted the stone floor with a hard clip-clop with every step; emphasising her sexuality.

Finally, they entered another room, causing Melissa to stand quite still and count the number of people that were either standing or sitting against the wall. Her eyes moved from one person to the next, four boys and one girl off to the side. Six in total, including Jason. All teenagers, not a man in sight. Melissa looked around her before saying anything.  She surmised she was there for their pleasure. But their expressions looked so innocent, fresh, and young. The air was rife with testosterone and while all the boys were staring at her, there were two that kept their distance. She had already determined that they were the shy ones. The uncertain ones. The ones that most girls wouldn’t look at twice. Her gaze was drawn to the girl sitting along the edge of the wall, sucking a finger in her mouth and sitting with her knees together but her feet apart.

“Are any of you underage?” Melissa knew it was a stupid question but she asked it anyway.

“I’m the youngest, just turned seventeen last week,” said the bloke in front of her.

“Yeah, you’re sort of his birthday present,” Jason informed her.

Melissa noticed that three of the blokes were starting to bulge in the trouser department, and the birthday boy was gripping his cock through his trousers. When she looked at Jason, she could see that he was doing the same.

Melissa smiled and suddenly understood why she was there and had come to the conclusion that her halo had well and truly slipped and was hanging somewhere around her knees. She was intrigued and excited and wondered how long any of them would last. She removed her long coat and with nowhere to hang it, she placed it carefully on the floor. Furthermore, she grimaced at the thought of it collecting so much dust and dirt.

“Oh Fuck!” said the birthday boy. “Are we all getting blowjobs from her? Sweet, she looks so hot.”

“Look at the size of her tits,” said the guy behind him. “She’s certainly dressed for it.”

Melissa glanced at the girl sitting down and noticed that her mouth had dropped open at the sight of her attire, it was probably all the stuff she couldn’t afford but would love to have, and yet she seemed quiet and reserved.

With an air of confidence, Melissa took control of the situation.

“So, who’s going to be first?” Melissa asked with a wicked grin on her face, eager to get the party started. “Who wants to squirt their jizz down my throat first?”

With her suggestion about Jizz and throats, she could see the birthday boy shy away from her. He may have been brave with his gang of friends, but now he was up against Melissa, and she wasn’t about to take any prisoners.

Her hands found themselves on her waist and she smoothed them over her short black leather dress; the one she had never worn outside of her house but felt it went well with the thigh-high boots, and it also pushed her large breasts upwards and outwards for them to gaze at. Her thighs were bare, she didn’t bother with pantyhose or stockings as they would have been too restrictive. Her choice of clothes had the desired effect.

Jason stepped forward, “seeing as I arranged it,” he said, “I think you should have my spunk first.”

Melissa felt that Jason was the more confident one from the outset. He stepped forward, undid his trouser belt and zip, pushed them down a little and scooped his cock out. It sprung to attention; a semi-rigid and quite a sizeable-looking cock too, thought Melissa. She wondered how long he would last in her expert mouth and hoped he would give her a run for her money.

Melissa walked towards him, her hand reaching out to caress his face before dropping to clutch at his balls. She tugged them downwards and then dropped to her knees, glad of the fact that her thigh-high boots covered her knees and that she wouldn’t have to go home with bruised and scratched flesh. For once, she was glad that her Master suggested she wear them. She watched Jason’s cock harden at the slightest touch, probably as a result of him looking down into her cleavage or the fact that she was blowing on it and making it twitch. She smiled as she felt a wetness spread between her legs. She reached out towards Jason’s cock and without wasting any time, slipped it into her warm mouth. She teased the head of it with her tongue while her mouth held it in place. Rigid and horizontal for everyone to see.

“Fuck me!” said the birthday boy. His cock was growing rapidly as he watched his friend get blown, and was unable to fathom how they had been so lucky to get Melissa to do these filthy sexual acts in front of them. To them, this was better than porn. If only they had known what Melissa was actually like.

Melissa slowly licked the shaft, taking more and more into her mouth each time, inch by inch she swallowed him and listened to Jason moan and groan as she did so. When her red lips touched his pubes, she swallowed. The return journey brought her mouth to the head of his glans, and she slowly licked around the bulbous head before sinking back down onto it. To Melissa’s credit, she was doing her best to make him last as long as she could.

She could hear Jason groan as she bobbed her head over his cock, and she pulled back a little to take the pressure off. Melissa looked up at him, noticing that he just stood there letting her suck him off. His hands were by his side as if he was unsure what to do with them. Any rampant middle-aged man would be grasping her hair by now and pushing his dick into her cock-hungry mouth, desperate to spurt down her throat, but not Jason.

Melissa decided to take more of his cock into her mouth and swallow while regularly fondling his balls. She was more than proud of herself for swallowing him whole, but her pride was suddenly interrupted when Jason pulled his cock from her mouth and started tossing it off.

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Melissa looked up at Jason to find that he was wanking furiously with his cock pointing towards her face. His cum shot from his bellend and splattered her porcelain features. Not just a few jets, but lots of it. It was like a week’s worth of sperm that had been ejected within ten seconds. Cheers erupted from the other teenagers watching them. Melissa stuck her tongue out and tried to catch as much as she could, but his spasms ensured that his cum had well and truly splattered everywhere. Melissa was impressed with the quantity. It tasted delicious, and she started to scoop the spunk off her face with her fingers as Jason squeezed the last drop from the end of his cock.

“No, stop doing that,” he instructed, “You look hotter with my cum all over your pretty face. Whoever it was I spoke with was right, you are fucking amazing at sucking cock,” he said, between breaths.

It felt strange for Melissa to be ordered around by a mere eighteen-year-old.

“Who’s next then?” Melissa stood and smiled at the group while licking sperm from the side of her lips. The birthday boy and the one behind him both shouted at the same time, “me.”

Bravado had hardened the ranks, but Melissa ignored them and headed for one of the boys sitting some distance back from the rest. He was obviously shy, keeping himself to himself and looking as cute as fuck. She felt like she wanted to make his day, pick him next and give him a little confidence.

“May I?” Melissa asked, holding out her hand to the guy sitting on the floor.

The boy just nodded quickly, stood up and let Melissa unzip his trousers. She could see that he wanted her to go faster than she was doing, and it seemed like ages before she slipped her hand into his trousers to retrieve and pull out a long thin cock. She started to stroke it, feeling it stiffen in her hand. Every move she made appeared to be in slow motion; bullet time. She rolled her tongue over the head and looked up into his eyes. Murmurs of pleasure left his mouth as he looked upwards at the ceiling. Melissa smiled quietly to herself and knew that he wouldn’t last long.

Melissa dropped her mouth over his knob and sucked hard before letting it descend the shaft. She knew she wouldn’t be able to take his whole length because it was longer than Jason’s, so she contented herself by bobbing on it and sucking on the spongy bell end. With her hand on the base of his cock, she started to pull along its length. She felt his cock stiffen, she sensed his balls tighten, she listened to his moans and groans, and she tasted his pre-cum on her lips. The feeling drove Melissa onwards to her goal. She had hardly tasted the pre-cum before the flood of sperm shot into her mouth where she allowed it to pool for a while before pushing his cock further down her throat and letting it spray her tonsils.

Melissa was still sucking on his cock as he was pulling out of her mouth, and she only managed to savour the taste of the pooled fluid that she had stored in her cheeks. Like some squirrel on heat.

When she smiled up at him she was rewarded with a quiet, “thank you.”

Melissa stood up, kissed his cheek and winked at him. She grabbed his hand and placed it on her tit. Allowing him to play with it for a while. His other hand followed and before she knew it he was scooping out her tits to wobble and shake them in front of everyone. It must have made him feel powerful for once.

Melissa turned and wiggled her tits to even up the strain on her dress. She made a beeline for the birthday boy and his close friend, who had their cocks out, stroking them in anticipation. When she reached them, she took over and started pulling on them. With a cock in each hand, she started tossing them off, giggling at the thought of the slogan buy one, get one free. Their hands soon started to grope her tits and pinch her nipples.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the girl watch her every move. Her eyes were wide, her mouth slightly open, Melissa even caught her licking her lips as she tossed both of the boy's dicks in unison. Melissa could tell that the girl was on heat and she wondered whether she played regularly with these five boys and whether this was her day off, or perhaps she was just at the start of a steep learning curve.

Melissa winked at her and was rewarded with a wry smile. Kneeling, Melissa pulled the cocks closer and tossed them into her face, taking it in turns to suck one and then the other. She wanted to blow these two as fast as she could. Both guys seemed to moan in unison at her efforts, and Melissa had it in her mind to make them ejaculate together. When she looked up at them, she could see them stealing glances at each other; their faces grimacing and trying to hold their pending orgasms in check. Neither of them wanted to be the first to shoot all over her.

“Spunk over me, you gorgeous little fuckers,” she said, as she worked one cock down her throat, quickly followed by the other.  Melissa seemed to be working hard for their cum; sucking and tossing each cock in turn. It was the birthday boy that shot his load over her tongue as she moaned against the bulbous head; her hand furiously fisting his cock to make him lose all determination to last any longer. It was a healthy dose of spunk that poured onto her tongue.

Without any warning, the other guy started to pump jet after jet against the side of her face. His sperm splashed onto her skin before running down her elegant features, gathered around her chin, and dripped onto her heaving breasts before finally making it onto the floor next to her virtual halo. Melissa was eager to taste them both and, after sucking as much spunk from the birthday boy, turned her attention to the remnants that the other guy poured down her throat.

While breathing heavily, Melissa released both cocks and knelt back to admire her work. Spunk dripped from her face, her tongue, and her mouth. She tried to lap up as much as she could and savour the taste. Her hands rested on her thighs for a short time before her mental arithmetic kicked in. She turned slowly to the last man standing and wiggled her finger, indicating for him to approach her.

The lascivious smile on her face said it all, and her wanton behaviour resurfaced even though she was covered in spunk. He walked slowly in her direction. She could see the uncertainty in his eye as if he was about to do something that his parents had warned him about, something that he would end up in hell for. Melissa was determined that the timid look on his face wasn’t about to let him off the hook. As far as she was concerned, the last set of balls was approaching and ready to be emptied.

Despite his uncertainty, he busied himself with his trouser zip as he approached Melissa. He pushed his hand into his trousers and struggled to get his erect and throbbing cock out and over his pants. Melissa put herself in his shoes. What must he be thinking?

There was only one thing he could be thinking, that he was going to get his cock sucked by a slut on her knees, her tits covered in cum and with everyone watching him. It was as if the whole episode was a rite of passage. A gang initiation as such, and if it was – what about the girl? Melissa briefly glanced in her direction. She was smiling watching the last guy step up to the plate.

“What’s your name?” asked Melissa with a soft, sexy voice.

“N…N…Nigel,” he stammered.

“Don’t worry about a thing, Nigel. You’re in good hands.” Many a true word spoken in jest, thought Melissa.

Her eyes went wide as her hand rounded the boy's cockhead. She slid it down to his pubes before planting her mouth over the end. She fumbled with the button on his jeans and loosened it before tugging the set of garments down to mid-thigh. His heavy balls hung low. Her mouth followed her hand until she was breathing denim from the edge of his blue-faded jacket. She held his balls loosely and swung them from side to side before she started to suck in earnest.

For the first time, Melissa felt her cunt drip. Her sex juices were devoured by the dust on the concrete floor. She thought long and hard about letting this guy fuck her juicy cunt, but she contented herself with blowing him as fast as she could so that she could go home and pleasure her juicy pussy in the comfort of her own home.

Melissa heard the guy groan, which always brought a smile to her face. And from what she had experienced so far, groans were generally associated with jets of spunk. As she surmised, he didn’t last long and as she pushed her mouth down over his generous swelling, she could feel his cock twitch and spasm. Melissa swallowed hard as Nigel announced he was cumming. Every drop was collected by her waiting mouth and nothing was wasted. His hands held her head still, not as a prelude to fucking her mouth with his cock, but more for balance.

A sound resonated through the room, it was high-pitched and pierced the silence. “Fuck yeah!” It came from the side of the room to Melissa’s left.

Hands started clapping, and soon everyone joined in as they applauded Nigel’s tumultuous eruption. Melissa presumed it was the first time that he had ever been blown.

Melissa finally sat back on her haunches, swallowed and tasted the gorgeous spunk on her lips.

“Does anyone want to kiss me?” She asked. There was stunned silence, except for a somewhat inaudible squeak from the side of the room. Melissa looked at the girl that was staring at her and licking her lips. A hand was already inside her loose T-shirt, and Melissa presumed she was pulling on her erect nipple. The girl’s legs were open and, like Melissa, there was no sign of any knickers.

Melissa was relieved to be standing up. She gave Nigel’s cock one more tug as she headed off in the direction of the girl. The other guys started to gather around. Melissa sat down next to the girl, her hand resting on her knee.

“What’s your name?”

“Angie,” she replied.

“Well, Angie, do you do what I just did for these boys?”

Angie shook her head. “No. Nigel is my boyfriend though, we just started seeing each other – today in fact.”

“Is he, indeed,” she smiled. “Would you like to taste some of this stuff on me?”

Angie nodded. Melissa raised her sperm-covered tits, all of which had started to run down into her cleavage and inside her dress. Angie’s head lowered and she started to lap at the remaining spunk that coated Melissa’s tits. It was all too much, for Angie and Melissa. Angie’s mouth circled Melissa’s nipple and before she knew it, the girl had sucked it inside her mouth and was eagerly biting on it. Shivers rippled through Melissa’s body. She raised Angie’s head and started to kiss her; sharing any spunk that was still in the general vicinity of her lips.

Melissa couldn’t help but let her hand slide up the inside of the girl’s thigh. Their tongues entwined as they kissed each other. There were moans and groans all around them. The guys were being treated to two women kissing; they couldn’t believe their luck.

Jason’s cock had fully recovered and he was stroking it as he watched them play with each other.

Angie moaned into Melissa’s mouth as she felt Melissa’s fingers claw at her open slit. She slid down the wall a little, and Melissa placed her hand behind her back to hold her as upright as she could. She let the girl feast on her tit as she finger-fucked her pussy. Melissa wanted to taste the girl so much, but there was no way she was getting the whole of her dress and hair messed up and covered in the amount of dust that occupied the floor.

Jason was busy wanking his dick between the two girls, intending to spunk over them while they pleasured each other. Melissa looked into his eyes and all she could see was desperation written over his face. She turned her attention back to Angie, looking at her while she pushed two fingers in and out of her cunt.

Angie gasped between sucks of Melissa’s nipple. Her hand came upon Melissa’s exposed flesh, and she squashed it into her face and panted into it as her orgasm washed over her. It was the precise time that Jason’s spunk shot from the end of his cock and splashed down onto Melissa’s tit and Angie’s face. The second and third jets also made it onto their bodies, giving Angie fresh sperm to lap at while she wallowed in Melissa’s tit flesh.

Subsequent jets of cum splashed onto the floor next to Melissa because Nigel had hit Jason hard on the shoulder. “That’s my fucking girlfriend, your spunking over!” he exclaimed.

Melissa giggled and thought that her day, with whom she considered just a bunch of school kids, had gone particularly well for everyone. She had blown them all, not that that was ever in doubt. The icing on the cake for her was Angie suckling on her breasts as she climaxed. Melissa decided that from there on, her tits would be a haven for any fallen angel that would be fortunate to find them.

Melissa turned towards Jason and gave his cock a quick suck before raising herself off the floor. She pushed her breasts back into her dress, even though they were covered in spunk. She recovered her coat and, in a thankful way, made her excuses to leave them and head back to her car. She knew that there would be a world of jollity once she was gone. So much so, that they would be talking about this day for weeks, possibly months afterwards.

In her mind, Melissa had put it down to sexual initiation for the gang of six, and in that sense, Melissa was pleased that she had initiated all six of them. Once more, she confirmed that women were definitely on her agenda and getting pushed higher and higher each time.

It was five in the evening when Melissa started to head home. There was a body to wash free of spunk, teeth to be brushed to cover the smell, clothes to be hidden away until she could clean them properly, and vegetables to be chopped to go along with the evening’s roast chicken. More importantly, there was a pussy that was in desperate need of her nine-inch dildo – but she reasoned that that may have to wait.

Fortunately, Melissa had come prepared. Back at the car, she opened the boot and grabbed the stash of wet wipes and a towel. She laid out a spare set of clothes on the floor of the boot and started to change. The last thing she needed was to be stopped for a traffic offence covered in spunk.  

She was extremely thankful that the car still had its wheels on and was unscratched.

Written by DarkSide
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