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Day 6

The day has been long, intense, charged. My dick is filled, under tension, painful.

Akari and I are the only ones remaining in the galley, finishing cleaning, electric sparks flying between us. When we touch each other as we move around, we receive shocks.

The last few days have seen an invisible tension building up between us. It is now at its maximum, ready to be released.

Akari’s eyes are transformed into suns of desire, her smile is of a wolf ready to attack, her posture is of a cheetah ready to sprint to get its meal.

Without realizing it, I’m holding my breath, full of anticipation and sexual energy, ready for anything Akari has planned for the evening.

She orders, “My room, NOW!”

We move silently, Akari leading the way. I follow her closely, lightly pinching her ass. She slaps my hand without looking back. I continue nonetheless, she smacks my hand each time, with increased force. I don’t mind the pain, it adds to the excitement.

As we pass close to the couches on our way down, I see Blistas there, reading a book. She raises her head and looks at me with a ferocious smile on her face, winking knowingly. It’s good she isn’t in her room, I’m not going to restraint myself in fear of disturbing her.

We take the stairs, increasing our speed as we get closer to Akari’s room. In the stretch leading to her door, she yanks her flight suit’s zipper down and unhooks her bra. She opens the door, still not looking at me.

What game is she playing?

She gets in and as she crosses the threshold of her door, she kicks her shoes, removes her one-piece suit, followed by her bra and panties, and finishes with her socks. I just have the time to shut the door before she attacks me, already naked.

I’m still at the door, standing on her still warm flight suit. She yanks my zipper down, gets her hands in to remove the top half, forcing it off my arms, sliding her soft hands abruptly across me. I’m too stunned by her actions, I let her do it.

As the top comes off, she crouches and gets the bottom to slide from my legs, forcing it down. She gets one of my feet up, removes my shoe and the flight suit, and does the same with the other. The shoes smack the wall with a hollow sound, as she throws them behind her.

She raises her body, she raises her head, she looks at me. Her eyes are no longer two suns, they are the big bang, exploding with lust.

She puts her arm around my waist, guiding me forcefully, almost violently. She pushes me on her bed, on my back. I bounce by the force, finally stopping in the middle. She gets her hands in my boxers and pulls hard. I hear the plaintive sound of the fabric, stretched to its limit by the sudden force. I quickly lift my hip, helping my boxers to slide off. She throws them away, where they end up on her computer monitor, slowly sliding down to end on her desk. She picks up my feet, yanking on my socks, the last pieces of clothing I am wearing.

Before my last piece of garment finishes its flight in destination of the floor, she jumps on the bed, straddling me in the same motion, already on top of my dick. She grabs it, positions it under her vagina, and forces it to enter, harpooning herself, falling on my sword, my dick disappearing inside her.

I groan loudly at her forcefulness and at her tight vagina contracting around me, having difficulty adjusting to my girth. It’s good that she is already so wet, my dick is getting coated as it enters, otherwise, it would have been painful. Akari doesn’t care about pain or her wetness, she continues to go down on me, her eyes closed, relief on her face, smiling widely.

I do not move, in awe. We have entered her room only a minute ago, she is already forcing herself on me.

Her ass finally touches my pelvis, my dick fully in her, feeling her warmth around it. I’m finally back in her, after the long and frustrating days of waiting. She opens her eyes and looks down at me. She smiles like a predator, having captured her prey. She groans loudly.

She starts to move up and down, slowly at first, increasing speed with each repetition.

I’m in heaven, feeling her move around me, her hands on my chest. I close my eyes for few seconds, just appreciating the pleasure. As the surprise of her wild attack subsides, I decide that I’m fighting back, not letting her take control of the evening.

I move my hands to her, one cupping her breasts, one finding her clitoris. She groans and moans from my surprise attack, enjoying the added pleasure. She still tries to defend herself, smacking my hand on her breasts, but I keep it there. In retaliation, she increases her speed and uses one hand to torture my nipples, playing, pushing, twisting them. She even brings her other hand around and under her to play with my sack and balls.

Both lost into our own pleasure, we continue to torture the other for a minute or two. As I feel my orgasm building up, I decide that I need to fully take control. As she repositions herself, having both hands on my chest, I bind them with a hand and motion ourselves to tuple on the side. Akari suddenly yelps when she feels my restrain on her, but it is already too late, we are falling on our side. She growls in frustration, having lost her dominant position over me.

Without skipping a beat, I pull out to get easier access to her. I move her to her back and let her hand go, although I do not give her an opportunity to use her freedom. Picking up a pillow with one hand and using the other to gather both legs, I raise her hip and position the cushion under her lower back, giving me the perfect angle for torturing her. Even though she is trying to regain control, I do not waiver in my resolve. I lower her back on the pillow, but keep my grip on her legs and use my other hand to guide me back in her.

I insert myself, slowly, looking at her face. She is unhappy to have been overpowered, but it quickly leaves as I reach a specific place in her. Her eyes become wide open, her nostrils opening up to bring more air, her mouth forming a silent O, her whole body letting go. I retract myself a little bit, leaving the head of my dick in that same region of her vagina, then pushing it back in a little bit, focusing my efforts there. Her body shivers from the pleasure of my rapid back and forth. I found her g-spot.

As I have rendered her inoffensive by exploiting one of her weaknesses, I let her legs go, placing one on each side of my head, parallel with my body. She is paralyzed by pleasure, moaning and growling profusely as I fuck her with quick movements. As the intensity makes that she is getting ready to cum really quickly, I decide to change my tactic. As I was ready to push back in, I do not stop at her g-spot but push myself completely in her, bumping with force on her ass. She inhales a gulp of air and groans heavily. She focuses on me, having regained enough consciousness. I do not leave her the opportunity to retaliate, I restart my movement, ramming her as fast as I can. I also deploy a hand around her leg and flick her clit as an added defense. Oh, she is not happy that I have control, but she is receiving too much pleasure from it to be fighting too much. In a last-ditch attempt, she tries to use her legs on my head, squeezing it from their position beside it. I don’t care, I got her!

I smile successfully as her orgasm hit. Her face shows a resigned smile, accepting defeat. She jerks her head back, as the core of the excitation rush into her, sending her to heaven. She squeezes her legs harder around my head while her vagina constricts my dick. I double my efforts, punishing her clit as hard as I dare, moving my dick as much as her pussy let me, moving my last hand to her breasts. She is pure pleasure, shaking all over, shouting loudly incomprehensible words. I continue, but I know that my release is near. She quickly becomes a pile of slack bone and skin, unable to move a finger as her orgasm has ravaged her body. She is moving only because I ram her with my dick, as hard as I can.

I get to my orgasm, giving her a last push, burring my dick as far in her as I can, to shoot my cum. I unload rope after rope of semen, I lost count after three as I’m overwhelmed. I shake like a leaf, having one of the most intense orgasms of my life. I hear faintly Akari moaning in front of me, enjoying that I’m filling her up. I close my eyes, concentrating on the feeling, on the assault, on the victory.

It takes a good thirty seconds before I regain control, letting pleasure rule me, fully enjoying my reward. I open my eyes, looking down at Akari. She has regained her control, having reached her climax before me. She is smiling faintly, but I detect a hint of revenge in her eyes. I realize that I might have won the combat, but not the war. Still, I can’t fight her right now, my canon needs to take a break, too hot from the last encounter.

She moves her legs from my shoulders to my waist, giving me free access to her chest. I remove the pillow from under her while keeping myself in, and collapse slowly on her, missionary style. I set my head on her breasts, taking a break. We both are panting heavily, still coming down from our first confrontation. I hear her heart pumping fast under my head. She puts her hand in my hair, but not to play softly with them, she pulls on them lightly. I raise my head toward her, raising an eyebrow. I see the revenge from earlier, fomenting in her eyes, a devious smile on her face. Oh no, I’m not letting you win the war.

I faint wanting to play softly with her, kissing her breasts lightly, trying to hug her, getting in a better position with my legs. As I feel that she is also getting ready for a new assault, I spring into action. With my hands behind her back, my legs positioned alongside my body, I raise her from the bed, keeping my still, very hard dick in her.

She let out a short cry of surprise, she wasn’t expecting me to fight back, thinking that I lost all combativity. I’ll show her how much I can fight.

I sit on my legs, having all of her weight perched on me, pressing on my dick. I move my legs around to have a more comfortable position. Her face is in front of me, raging playfully at my abrupt initiative. She puts her hands around my neck and attacks my lips. She is vicious, kissing me hard, forcefully opening my mouth with her tongue, invading it, sharing her saliva, in an effort of corrupting me. I fight back, pushing her from where she comes, but it’s tough, she is good. She suddenly gets out, but it is all part of her plan. She bites my lower lip, just softly enough to give me a slight pain but hard enough that I can’t pull away. I groan loudly at her, but she doesn’t move. Her eyes are looking at me, intensively.

She wants to play hard, I can play hard.

I use my two hands and get her nipples, rolling them forcefully in my hands, pinching them, flicking them. Her eyes open wider at the assault, but she knows that she has me in a tight position, with my lower lip stuck between her teeth. I can’t move, I can’t fuck her, it will hurt if I do, I’m not ready to make that sacrifice yet. But, I haven’t played my last card yet. I move my left hand to her clit and play rough with her. I see that she wavers a little bit, but she still holds on to me. I continue my assault, but she doesn’t let me go. She even tempts me, putting her hands in my hair, playing softly with them, as you would do with a pet that you are trying to tame. I like it very much, but don’t falter from my goal. I play my last card, after that I’m doomed. Still flicking her clit, my other hand reaches behind her, across her butt cheeks, and touches her asshole, probing it. Victory, she let me go, surprised by my move, by my audacity. She inhales sharply, groaning on the exhale, sounding menacing. She looks at me like there is no tomorrow, it ends tonight, in a battle where everything is allowed.

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We both start to move, resuming fucking each other. We ram into each other with force, I fear I’m going to get bruises down there, but it is the price to be in war. As she hasn’t stopped me, I continue to probe her asshole, not wanting to get in her, but still rubbing it. She is really getting annoyed that I found a weak spot on her, she hugs me, so our bodies rub against each other as we fuck, increasing the intensity. She keeps one hand in my hair, taming them. I see her bring a finger into her mouth, sucking on it, covering it with saliva. When she is satisfied it is well lubed, she brings it down, toward my asshole. My tactic has returned against me, I didn’t think she would be bold enough for that. I look up at the wall, covered by manga gay erotica, and swear to myself. Of course, she is, she loves this kind of shit.

She fits her finger into my butt crack, probing me. I moan heavily, she is the first to use it during sex. Except for Natasha, nobody ever went down there and I’m starting to discover that it is very pleasant. She rubs and pokes my ass, making me moan even more. As she sees the effect it has on me, she starts to put pressure, wanting to penetrate me. Oh no, you won’t! I squeeze my ass, preventing her from coming in. I underestimated her. She pulls on my hair with her other hand, bringing my head backward. She kisses my neck and bites my lobe, having exposed those sensitive areas for her delight. The combined efforts make me sigh with pleasure, relaxing all of my muscles. She uses that opportunity to put more pressure on my asshole and her finger gets in. I jump at the introduction, but my surprise is quickly changed into ecstasy by her intense efforts.

As she contracts her vagina on my dick, finger fuck my asshole, pull on my hair, and bite my ear lobe, I completely lose control, giving in. The very loud groan that comes out of me is of defeat mixed with intense pleasure as my orgasm rock my body. I shoot extra cum in her vagina, filling her more. I’m blanking at the intensity, completely lost in it.

But she doesn’t stop there, she continues to fuck finger bang pull bite me. I cannot take the continued stimulation, it’s too much, but my body doesn’t respond to my commands. She continues to assault me for few more seconds, but she was also close to her breaking point. She finally plunges on me, fitting my dick deep inside of her, and explode. She grips my dick like never before, moans loudly, shaking from the pure pleasure. She pulls even harder on my hair, increasing the pain. Her finger is still in me, fully inserted, but it has stopped moving. We stay like this for a long time, riding the wave, enjoying it to the max.

We finally let the other go, I remove my finger from her ass and my hand on her clit, she removes her finger from inside me and stops pulling my hair. We look at each other, spent.

I ask her, “Truce?”

She nods slowly, laughing softly. She extends a hand and opens a drawer, where she takes some wipes, to clean our fingers from the ass play. We keep eye contact as we rub our dirty pleasure. We let the wipes fall on the floor, unbothered to deal with putting them in the trash. We let ourselves fall on our side, spent, happy.

“Do you concede to me?” she asks me softly, close to me. I feel her breath on my face, I’m sure she also feels mine.

“Never,” I reply, trying to put some gusto in it, but I’m too tired for it to be any close to threatening. She laughs softly.

“We have a victory each,” she starts to say, raising her eyebrow before continuing, “A two out of three?”

“Definitely. Although, let’s keep the truce for now. I need to regroup the troops,” I tell her, hoping she doesn’t want to go again right now.

“Yeah. I need to cool down,” she tells me.

She kisses me, we dance with each other, not fully spent yet, fighting in each other mouth. Our hands roam, from our tits to asses, touching each other. She touches the root of my dick, still inserted in her, half erected. She circles it with her fingers, creating something like a cock ring.

I let her mouth go and ask her, “What do you think you are doing?”

“I don’t want you to shrink too much, I love it when you are inside me,” she replies.

I chuckle softly, “I love to fill you.”

We stay like this for a while, she is holding my dick so I don’t deflate, I rub her clit slowly. We kiss, we let our other hands roam, we aren’t done yet. As we get some energy back, we look at each other, ready for the final confrontation, for winning the war.

She moves me to my back, still keeping my dick in her. By this point, it has decreased further in size and my cum is starting to leak around it. She gets some tissues and slowly gets my dick out. What comes out is a pool of cum, from my two orgasms. I laugh while getting more tissues and help her clean. We both laugh.

As we wipe, I get an idea while looking at her posters. It’s devious and I need to be brave to do it, but it might give me the upper hand. As she finishes, I look at her and say, “Come here.” She comes to kiss me, but that’s not what I have in mind. I motion her to sit on my face.

She looks at me with surprise. “My pussy is full of cum,” she says, shock in her voice.

“And?” I reply, giving her an intense look. Her eyes widen.

I take a lick of her pussy, from her vagina leaking cum to her clit, slowly and meticulously. I keep eye contact with her, to watch her reaction. As I get my tongue back in my mouth, I taste my salty cum mixed with her natural lubricant. Even though it is weird to taste my semen, I do not care, I am so aroused and committed to winning that I’ll take risks.

Her eyes are back on fire, she is breathing hard, lost in a fantasy playing in her head. “You love tasting cum? I’m sure Bruce would like you to taste his,” she says, short of breath.

Yeah, that’s what I was looking for, having her distracted to give me an advantage. I continue, “Then, like my dick like Bruce would!”

She inhales sharply, she wasn’t expecting this. She stares at me, joy and desire overflowing, her smile so wide. I take another lick and get another load of my cum, it has been dropping on my jaw since she placed her vagina over me. As I finish licking her, I let my tongue out, inviting her to share. She moves quickly, removes her pussy from my face, and replaces it with her head. We kiss deeply, mixing my cum with our saliva, moving it back and forth between each other’s mouths. As we part, she licks the semen on my jaw and kisses me again. We continue to exchange, feeling so excited.

She finally let my mouth go and tells me, “I’m so getting you fucked by Bruce!”

She moves around, assuming the sixty-nine position. She moves her pussy close to my face and says, “Now lick, eat your cum, I want everything out. Make some space, you are going to fill me again.”

I comply. I start licking her clean, extending my tongue into her vagina, sucking out everything that I can. She gets to work, getting my cum covered dick into her mouth. She sucks me as she never before, getting more of it into her mouth, hitting her throat from time to time. Even though we are extenuated, we are excited, we are letting our passion drive us. We also want to win the war, to get the other to cum before we do. We eat each other for a long time, she is getting my dick back to full hardness while I’m licking her like there is no tomorrow.

We finally stop, looking at each other, deciding that it is time to finish that war in the only way possible, we need to fuck until someone explodes. As we are relatively extenuated, we assume an easy position, we spoon. I enter her from behind, enjoying getting my dick back in her warm vagina. She sighs, happy to be one with me again. We start a slow fuck, taking our time, playing with each other. I use my hands to rub her clit and labia, she is biting my earlobe and playing with my hair. We continue like this for few minutes, not really in a hurry, playing the long game. We eventually increase speed, as we build the pressure toward orgasm. We start to be more dedicated to the other, trying to get them to lose their focus, making them cum. Akari puts her hand over mine between her leg, giving me a handjob as I’m pulling in and out of her. I become more forceful with her clit, rubbing her with increased speed.

We pant, we moan, we groan, replying to each other. I put my head closer to her ear and do something that I haven’t tried yet, I dirty talk.

“I know you want my big cock... To explode in you... But I’m not giving it to you... Before you cum. I’ll make you cum ten times... Before I give you what you want.”

She replies, loving it. “If you think that I’ll be... That easy... You’ll fill me to the brim... With your cum before I even get close... Your big fat dick... Is no match for my pussy... You’ll lose this war, Alex!”

She contracts her vaginal, almost making me lose my concentration. “Oh, Akari... Don’t take me... For a fool... I know that you... Are close... I can feel... You shaking... That your... Breathing is... Quick...” I trail, also feeling mine coming.

“Let... Your... Fat... Dick... Explode... In... Me... Alex... ALEX!” she yells my name, her climax taking over.

“AKARI!” I groan, reaching mine at the same time as her.

We lock in place, overcome by a powerful orgasm, stars floating in front of us, from the intensity. Our bodies shake, our muscles contract, our genitals on fire. We call each other’s names many times, imprint with desire, with passion. We hug, trying to form one entity, sharing the experience. The orgasm last longer, amplified by our dirty talk, our desire to win, our complicity.

We stay in the same position for a long time, just breathing, capturing the fleeting pleasure, too spent for moving one bit.

We eventually uncouple when my dick finally decreases enough that it escapes Akari’s vagina, along with some of my sperm. I get some more tissues to wipe it. As I finish cleaning her, myself, and the bed, she moves to her back, looking at me. I see fatigue in her eyes, I probably share the same look.

“Neither won the war,” she tells me with her sleepy voice.

“We both won the war. We made a peace pact.” I reply.

She smiles weakly at me, happy at my reply, then motions me to come back beside her. I lie on my back. She moves to put her head on my chest, her left arm around it. I surround her with mine.

“I’m glad we are getting closer, Akari!” I tell her.

“I like to have you close to me, Alex!” she replies softly.

We kiss, but our tiredness overcomes us. She puts her head back on my chest and I shut the light. We do not put an alarm, we have our day off tomorrow. I’m getting to sleep feeling fulfilled, happy, complete.


Written by wiha
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