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Author's Notes

"Thanks, everyone, for sticking with me through twelve chapters, I find it very rewarding that you love what I write. This is the last to be published this year, taking a break from it for the holiday while I work on new content (a new series à la Black Mirror). <p> [ADVERT] </p>If you haven’t done it yet, follow me to be alerted of all my new published stories. In the new year, I’ll start to work at the infamous thirteen, needing to be rewritten to start the next twists of Alex’s story. Happy holidays everyone!"

Day 12

The clock is ringing on another day in space but I hit the snooze to get more shut-eye, wanting to get back into the dream I was pulled from. Unfortunately, my mind has already started, having Bruce at the forefront, his presence has played a key role during my sleep.

How I’m I going to deal with this? How is he going to deal with this? Akari? Emma? Although, I’m sure that our gun enthusiast has forgotten about our XO and me, wanting to rip my head off and use it as target practice after what I did to her yesterday. I smile at the recollection, having an idea of how I will end up paying for it.

Knowing that I’m not going back to sleep, I decide to get up and prepare myself for the day even though I fear that everything blows up in my face. I look at the mirror and even though it is the same image that I see every morning, I have changed. I feel like I’ve unlocked something that was sleeping inside me, maybe forever if it wouldn’t be for Bruce. The conflicting emotions are still present, competing to influence my life but I’ve already gone through a point of no return. I sigh at the implications, at how it can shape my future.

Shaking my head as I’m not sure what to expect, I leave my room and go for breakfast. Akari is already at the dining room table, eating fruits.

“Hello, you,” she says, smiling happily at seeing me.

“Good morning,” I say with less enthusiasm as I walk toward the galley.

Coming back with a large cup of Joe and a muffin, Akari gets a chair for me to sit beside her. As she comes to kiss me, I put my mug between us and take a huge gulp of coffee, needing strength for the conversation to come. She pouts at my rudeness but forgives me as I get to her, after having caffeinated enough my brain. Our kiss is unequal, I want a soft and comforting touch, she has passion and a drive for more, much more.

I part from her soft lips and say, “Sorry, my sleep wasn’t restful, lots of dreams.”

Her eyes gleam like an anime character and she says with enthusiasm, “Do tell.”

“Tonight. I don’t want to talk about it here,” I say, feeling my cheeks redden.

She pouts again, but not for long, probably sensing that I’m not comfortable.

“Okay,” she says more softly, taking my hand and rubbing it with her thumb. She continues on a lighter note, “Emma is still pissed at you. I saw her earlier furiously boxing in the gym, the punching bag was taking a beating. You should wear a jockstrap today.”

I snort at the image while also feeling my dick shrink into my body. “Yeah, well, it’s another opportunity for Natasha to take care of me afterward,” I tell her as I pull out the tang.

“Doofus!” she says as she laughs.

We continue our breakfast, going for lighter topics. Leaving the table after we are done, we head upstairs for our shift, holding hands and smiling at each other. Today is another half-and-half-day for me, first on the bridge, then in engineering.

As we go to enter, I take a deep breath to confront whatever reaction Bruce will have.

“Good morning, Alex, Akari,” he simply replies to our greetings, focusing his eyes on me.

I blush but try to play it cool to not let anyone else see my nervousness. Blistas and Angela give us their usual greetings, seemingly ignoring my struggle. Emma is also in, but she hasn’t turned nor welcomed us.

Getting in front of the room and sitting in my chair, I look at her to see what’s happening. She sports a devilish smile, fixating her screens, not acknowledging my presence.

As I’m to turn toward my console, she finally looks at me, her smile widening. She bends toward me and asks me to do the same. I approach her carefully, moving my hands closer to my crotch to protect my family heirloom in case Akari wasn’t joking.

She softly says, “You will suffer for what you did yesterday. I will tie you up, make you cum until you are just shooting dust, and fuck your asshole until you can’t sit. This will be so much fun.”

I move back from her, aroused and terrified by her sexual threats. She is showing her most genuine non-threatening smile, but her eyes are telling the opposite. I swallow hard and turn forward, hoping she doesn’t deliver.

Although Emma smiles creepily at me all morning, everything else is smooth and pleasant. Finishing my bridge tasks by lunchtime, I head downstairs to get something. Akari can’t come with me once again, the coordination for our arrival to Sirius taking a lot of her time.

Getting in the kitchen, I find Bruce already there, fixing his lunch.

“Hey, isn’t it twinky boy?” he exclaims, seeing me enter.

I look at him with wide eyes, frighten that someone could hear him make what I assume is a gay reference.

Softening his voice, he says, “Don’t worry, nobody is around. I loved yesterday’s discussion. I thought of you all night.”

“You were also part of my dreams,” I say with hesitation.

“Have you put some thought into it?” he asks, frowning.

“It was fun and all, but I don’t know. I’m,“ I start to say, feeling choked up by what I am about to confess, ”confused and worried. I don’t want this to change me, to alter my life, to change my relationship with others.” I finish as I look down, unable to sustain the look of disappointment or rejection he must be feeling.

“Alex, I understand,” he says with empathy.

I raise my eyes to him in surprise.

“It took me some time to accept who I’m. My coming out wasn’t easy, my family is traditional. I understand what you are going through and know that I will support you regardless of your choice,” he finishes with a warm smile.

I blink at his openness and his supporting words. I wasn’t expecting this, thinking that he would be pushing me to continue regardless of my feelings.

“Here is my advice: even if you don’t tell others, at least accept who you are. Do not reject a part of you simply because it wasn’t in the plan or who you think you are,” he says, keeping his friendly smile on.

“Yeah, I think that’s good advice,” I reply after taking a deep breath. Even though my feelings are still present, the fact that Bruce understands my struggles reassures me.

“Good. Now, do not worry about it and smile. You are in space, you have found a great girlfriend, and you have colleagues that like you very much. Enjoy what’s happening around you, I know you have been so far,” he says with a wide smile.

I laugh while remembering the many mornings and evenings spent with one crew member or another, explicitly enjoying this newfound popularity.

Bruce puts a hand on my shoulder, sharing his joy with me. As I look deep into his eyes, I see why I was bewitched by him yesterday, feeling the same attraction once again today. Breathing deeply, I leave my emotions surface, a desire for this man, to do things that would have been despicable two weeks ago.

“It’s sad we are on the clock, I would—” he starts to say but stops as we hear footsteps.

Akari comes in and sees both of us having a longing stare. She explodes with joy and says in Japanese, “人生で最高の日だ!” She continues by clapping her hands together, bouncing up and down.

Bruce and I look at each other, both surprised by her outburst. Although, he changes very quickly, a smile forming on his face. He gets closer to me and whispers something into my ear. I redden from the thought, need to think about it for a few seconds.

Akari suddenly stops, seeing the conspiratorial smile I send Bruce. He goes for the door and looks at the rec room, making sure nobody is around.

She looks at us, expectation showing on her face, her breathing short and quick.

Bruce comes backs and asks me, “You sure?”

I nod, my brain supercharged with desire, playfulness, and delight.

Bruce gets closer to me and kisses me. I lean into him, putting more pressure on our lips, resting my chest on him.

I hear Akari breathe deeply beside us before restarting to speak in Japanese in a high-pitched voice.

Bruce and I open our mouths, sharing our tongues with each other. My hands are roaming on his body, focusing on his perfect ass. He goes for the back of my head and between my legs, pressing our lips and fumbling my cock.

Akari is beside herself, Japanese words mixing with expletives in English, only interrupted by deep breaths. Although I’m getting excited at hearing her get crazy, I’m focused on Bruce, on our kiss, on our pressed bodies, on his hand rubbing me. The feeling that is coursing through me is intense, making my hair raise and my body shake slightly.

As we slowly part, we keep looking at each other, an invisible current keeping us magnetized. He smiles in delight, excitement, and enthusiasm mixing at my new willingness. I smile back, happy that we played with Akari, but more so that I allowed myself to be seduced by him, to find this new pleasure I didn’t know I had.

Akari brings me back to reality when she stumbles to the counter. Turning my head toward her, my smile widens at seeing her in this state. Deciding to put the cherry on top, I rest my head on Bruce’s shoulder, raising my left foot in the air in a classic pose. I even move my pelvis, showing her how he gropes my hard cock.

She is getting bat shit crazy in her corner, unable to talk as she breathes hard. Her eyes are gleaming, her nostrils opening wide, her body shaking. I even think that she has a darker spot between her legs.

We both laugh as we look at her, at the reaction we have caused. I turn back toward Bruce, my smile morphing into desire as he hasn’t stopped playing with me. I squeeze his ass, wishing that we could forget about work and get to know each other.

Bruce finally says, painfully reminding me, “Unfortunately, we are still on the clock. If you want, we could continue tonight?”

I breathe deeply at the thought but I know that there is someone else that needs some attention. I regretfully reply, “I’ll need to take care of her tonight before she starts to make a mess. Another time, maybe?”

“Good. If you need to make her crazy like this again, you let me know.” He winks and gets his meal. As he is to exit the galley, he tells me, “You two should stay in the rec room for lunch, I think she needs a breather and you need to cool down.”

I laugh softly. “Yeah, I think we made her day.”

Bruce smiles at me warmly before leaving the galley, whistling his joy as he goes to the stairs.

I look at Akari, still leaning on the counter, trying to steady herself. She hasn’t lost her lustful expression and her breathing hasn’t calmed down, overwhelmed by the experience. I behave like nothing happened, getting plates and utensils out.

“What do you want for lunch? Some macaroni from yesterday’s evening?” I ask her. She nods absently at me, her head still fueled by her deep fantasy.

I prepare our plates and bring them to the table, then support Akari to walk the short distance. She hasn’t said anything since Bruce left, her breathing still very quick. She eats small bites at a time, focusing on me like I’m a wizard having spell-bounded her. I enjoy seeing her like this, at the thought that I could cause her to be this aroused, from simply kissing a man.

“You love that shit so much?” I finally ask her.

She nods at me.

We continue to eat until she finally says, “This was epic! Next time, I want you to do the same, but nude, dick in each other hands—” she starts to unravel, her brain having finally processed what happened.

I gesture for her to stop.

“Don’t push it, Akari. Let me deal with this on my own terms,” I tell her.

“You’re getting cocky. I love it!” she says with enthusiasm.

We continue to eat in silence, each focused on our own vision of the same situation. I’m thinking about what it means for me, how I want to explore this, Akari most likely making scenarios in her head about Bruce and me fucking in every way possible.

Finishing my plate, I tell her with a light chuckle, “Okay, I’m heading for engineering. Are you able to go back to the bridge alone? Do you need your boyfriend to help you?”

“You know Leet can be a man?” she asks back, her voice resounding with renewed lust, ignoring my questions.

“You are a pervert,” I tell her as I chuckle.

“And I’m perverting you,” she replies, tit for tat.

I wink at her and leave for engineering. Having fifteen minutes before the end of the break, I find Leet at the desk, looking at a tablet.

“Hey, Leet. What are you doing?” I ask her as I get in the room.

She closes the tablet and tells me, “Looking at some ideas for my next painting.”

Getting the seat beside her, I remember the canvases in her room, asking the burning question in my mind, “Are those yours?”

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“Yes, they are,” she confirms with a radiating smile.

“This is fantastic, I didn’t know that robots could paint.”

“I learned on my own as a human would do. I’ve picked up the hobby shortly after I was created, at the suggestion of Angela,” she explains.

“Wow, I’m impressed. Have you found something interesting?”

“Not yet. My subjects are limited in the ship, so I’ve been trying to find a picture of something that I could reproduce but nothing interests me so far.”

“Have you considered painting portraits?” I suggest.

She thinks about it for a few seconds before replying, “I never thought about it.”

“Let me know if you need a model,” I suggest, wishing that we could share this sometimes.

We continue to chat about painting for the remaining break time. Then, at the top of the hour, we get to work on an electric panel to be replaced, talking about her craft until the end of the shift.

At dinner, Angela announces that we will be arriving at Sirius Orbital in two days, making me smile at the upcoming event. I’m eager to see what it is, my first visit outside of the solar system. She also confirms that I will have the second day off, allowing me to visit the station with Blistas and Natasha while they are doing some shopping.

As we rise from the table, Akari looks at me intensely, her face showing her desire for me. I laugh softly and tell her, “We will clean the table like civilized people, and then we will have our talk.”

She grabs the plate from my hand and rushes to the galley. Bruce sees her and raises an eyebrow at me. I give him a knowing smile, making him softly laugh. Akari comes back and cleans our corner of the table, bringing some of the remaining dishes at the same time. Coming back for another pass but seeing that everything is in order, she looks at me, like a puppy waiting at the door to go walk with its leash into its muzzle. I laugh then invite her to move ahead. She trots in front of me, my hand in hers, pulling me with force. Everyone looks at the both of us, I return it like I don’t know what’s happening, making them laugh.

We get to her room and close the door. She comes in front of me, planting her feet solidly to tell me, “I’ve been waiting twenty-four hours, we will not leave this room before you tell me everything.”

“Alright, I know this is the deal,” I tell her, laughing softly.

“Good. Get your clothes off. I don’t know when I’m going to jump on you, but when I do, nothing will stop me,” she instructs very firmly.

I instantly get aroused, at her forcefulness, at her lust for my new experience. We remove our clothes and climb on the bed, wasting no time in superfluous foreplay. I install myself in the middle of the bed, legs crossed. My dick is growing quickly at the thought of telling her about yesterday.

“So it all started when I woke up alongside you,” I start, toying with her.

“ALEX, I DON’T CARE! Bruce, please,” she tells me, very seriously.

“Well, the day helped it to happen, you don’t know everything.”

Akari sigh but waves for me to continue.

“So, it started in the shower. Even though we just fucked, I was feeling pretty excited but we had to go to work. To add to that, I joined Leet during lunchtime as she was recharging, exposing her breasts as she had to remove part of her flight suit to connect the bulky charging cable. So, even before the gym, I was already pretty aroused,” I tell her.

Even though she wanted to hear about Bruce, she starts to be excited as I talk about my day.

“After dinner, I went to the gym to do my exercises. I only had my cardio left when Emma came in for her training. She dared me to do the rest in underwear, like the time before. She convinced me, but she had a trick up her sleeve, that skimpy blue bikini.”

Akari nods her head, remembering it.

“She played dirty tricks to arouse me, like bending in front of me and exposing herself without shame. This got me so excited, although I stayed firm on my idea of doing a solo evening.”

Akari has started touching herself as I talked, soft moans creating a nice background.

“After leaving the gym and having spoken to you, I went for a shower.”

Akari smiles widely, preempting what’s to come.

“After the discussion on the bridge about our special use of the shower, “ I wink at her, “I didn’t lock the door even though I was planning on playing a little bit. I just got the shower running when I heard the door open. I thought it was you, wanting to take a peak, but I found Bruce instead.”

Akari starts to spin her clit harder as I get to the crunchy details.

“You saw in what trouble I was in. He joined me under the water and made a confession. He said that he wanted to be closer to me, to know me more intimately.” I look down, shy at sharing my first gay experience with her.

“I decided to tell him about my dilemma and how it would go if it ever happens. To my surprise, he was more than happy, he accepted it without any reservation. Feeling reassured, I started to look at him, at every detail of his body, at his erection pointing at me.”

Akari starts to breathe rapidly. I don’t look at her, deep in thought.

“When he turned around, I could see his beautiful ass.”

I hear groans of approval.

“As he saw my interest for him, he suggested that we masturbate. We grabbed our dicks and started to stroke. As I watched him, I wanted to feel his hand on me.”

Akari takes a sharp inhale.

“I asked him if he could stroke me.”

I hear a Japanese word spoken loudly in front of me. I raise my head and see Akari reaching an orgasm, rubbing her clit so quickly that her hand is a blur. She suddenly closes her eyes and starts to shake. Her deep groans reverberate in the room, the smell of sex omnipresent around us, the excitement palpable in the air. I keep to myself, leaving her to experience her fantasy coming true, enjoying more her reaction to my story than the story itself.

I wait patiently for her to be back with me to continue. After taking a long inhale, she nods at me.

“So, I asked him to stroke me. He came closer and touched me.”

Akari is getting back at her clit, with her other hand reaching for her tits.

“The experience was great, feeling his firm hand around me, his proximity making my mind lose it. I was already very excited so it didn’t take long for me to cum. My orgasm was intense, feeling it throughout my body, needing to grab the showerhead to not crumble on the floor. Even though he just gave me a handjob, it felt like more, starting to see what we could have together.”

I see Akari changing position, getting ready to jump on me. I raise my hand. She looks at me with questions in her eyes until she finds the answers. She sits back and rubs herself harder, moving her hand from her tits into her vagina, plunging three fingers in a frantic back-and-forth.

“After I was done, he used my cum on his dick and started to stroke himself. I looked at him and I felt the urge to return the favor.”

Akari is getting ready again, I put my hand up. Her eyes open wider, her breathing accelerating.

“I approached him and grabbed his cock, feeling him.”

Akari is swearing in Japanese and English again. I wait for her to stop.

“I stroked him for a bit, getting to know how it feels, but I decided to be adventurous. I got to my knees and kissed his dick.”

I wait for her to stop talking.

“I licked it.“

She is panting heavily.

“I got his dick in my mouth.”

Akari’s restraints disappear in an instant. She jumps at me, forcing her mouth on mine, getting a hand on my hard cock. She kisses me violently for a few seconds, but that’s not what she wants. She topples me on my back and jumps on my dick, inserting it in her forcefully.

As she descends on me, she yells, “CONTINUE THE STORY!”

I do as she asked, adding some juicy details, “I get his big and dark dick in my mouth. It is covered with my cum, the taste is intoxicating. I get excited at seeing his expressions as I suck and lick his delicious erection. I use some of your dirty tricks on him.”

She doubles her effort, jumping on my cock with vigor, one hand on her clit, the other on her breasts. I get mine on her ass, helping her move more and more quickly around me.

“I sucked him, feeling his dick throbbing in my mouth. I knew he would not last long. I worked harder. He warned me. I wanted his cum in my mouth. I sucked him faster and faster. He cummed…”

I feel my orgasm reach me, at the recollection from yesterday and our furious fuck. As I raise my waist to bury my dick deep in her, she also explodes. I hug her while we orgasm, rubbing our bodies against each other. We find our lips and kiss passionately, sharing the intense moment. We moan and groan for a long time, at the story I just told, at Akari’s passion, at my attraction for Bruce, and at our furious fuck.

As our orgasms leave us, she let go of my lips and softly tell me, “I love you so much. I love that you are open to new experiences. I love that you share it with me.”

“All the pleasure was mine,” I tell her, making us laugh.

“So, you sucked Bruce, your first dick. Wow, I wasn’t expecting it. I was hoping you might masturbate with him, only dreaming that you would blow him. How was it?” she asks me, curious, aroused and so, so happy.

“I loved it. I found it thrilling, to not only give pleasure but to know what he is feeling. I liked being close to him. I think,” I pause as I’m submerged with emotions before saying what I have decided earlier today, “I’ll see him again.”

Her eyes become wider, I see her fantasies building in her head, but I stop her before she goes too far.

“I’m in control. I do what I want, when I want, how I want. Bruce is very much in agreement with me on that, he has been showing great patience with me. You do the same.”

“Oh, Alex, I will be imagining whatever I want but I will never force you to do any of it, “ she says with affection and love. She continues on a lighter note, “Okay, I want to know, how did it finish?”

“Good. After I finished with him, we showered while looking at each other. As we ended, he suggested that he towels me. I got excited by the idea, so I let him do it. It was fun. I loved having his hands all over me, over my dick. I did the same for him, getting to feel his muscled body. While I was doing his back, I ran my dick between his butt cheeks, getting some ideas for next time.”

Akari has her eyes closed, deep breathing. When she opens them, I see felicity. “You are such a tease at making me wait a day to hear about this awesome story. Alex, you are making my head spin,” she tells me.

I chuckle. We continue to look at each other, our love flowing between us. I’m so happy with where were are right now, my standing with the rest of the crew, even having got closer to Bruce.

We continue to discuss about last night, about Bruce, about how to provide pleasure to a man. Akari goes as far as giving me blowjob tricks on how to bring him to heaven, recognizing many that she used on me. I listen to her patiently, knowing full well that she is living a deep fantasy, but not actually memorizing many things she is telling me. I don’t want to arrive prepared for my next evening with Bruce, knowing how to get him to cum in twenty seconds, but rather that I discover it throughout my experiences with him. Nonetheless, I listen and smile at her enthusiastic talk, her joyful demeanor, her passionate love for men getting at it.

We eventually go to sleep, feeling the strain of the day on both of us. From our comfortable and warm embrace under the cover, we kiss good night, smiling lovingly at each other. The sensation of happiness flows between us, not because Bruce and I had played yesterday, but because we love each other and we cherish the moments we spend together along with those we spend away. As we shut the lights, I feel Akari rest her head on my pillow and her body against me. Her breasts pressed against my right arm makes me overflow with contentment, her pussy resting against my right leg feeling moist after the pleasure we love to give each other, and her right hand playing with my left nipple titillating my mind to want more of her every day and for the rest of our lives.

Opposite from yesterday evening, I love to feel her against me, I want to feel her against me, I need to feel her against me. The source of happiness she gives me is taking more place in my mind, dethroning my life-long dream of being in space. Don’t get me wrong, it is still there, but spending my life with her means more to me. Maybe it is love at first sight that blinds me, maybe she is truly the one, I do not know but I want to take the chance, I want to live it for as long as I can. Working on a spaceship and traveling from one planet to the other is the dream that I had when I was younger. Not only I’m living it, but I have also found a girlfriend that I deeply love and beautiful colleagues that I can get really close to. It is the perfect life that I never imagined could happen to me.

Written by wiha
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