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Oh, fuck. Here it is. 

“Look, I'm really sorry for...” 

“Please, don't.” 

I looked up at him, confused again. 

“Please don't talk for a moment. This is awkward enough, and I need to get this out.” 

I waited in silence for a moment, feeling my face get redder by the second. He stood up from his chair and began pacing in front of that window with the great view, but that particular view held nothing for him right at this moment. 

“I could be hanging myself here, so please be gentle on me if I am barking up the wrong tree. Today something happened that I'm not proud of, and I'm not sure how much you noticed. I have been finding myself more and more distracted by... well, by you and your umm...”

He was blushing like crazy now, and I knew exactly what he was distracted by, but he had asked me not to speak, so I was going to let him say what he had to say. I sat there as patiently as I could, waiting for him, but I couldn't help but feel a little smirk cross my face as I watched him struggle. A thought occurred to me then. If I can't say anything and he's going to fire my ass anyway, I might as well make it worthwhile. I subtly slipped a little further forward in my chair, scooting my butt forward a bit but making sure there was enough pressure to make the material of my skirt stick to the material of the chair I was sitting on. His eyes widened as more of my thighs came slowly into view. He was stammering and not making a whole lot of sense as he tried to explain what he had found so distracting. 

“You. Umm. Your, ahhh. Um.” 

My legs slowly began to separate, and his eyes were fixed on my thighs. Little by little, more of my inner thighs were revealed to him. Had he squatted down at this point, he would have been able to see my bare, wet pussy. Instead, he stood there with his cock visibly hardening in front of me. In my mind, a fantasy began to play out. I wonder what he would do if I reached forward and pulled his fly down. Would he stop me? Would he put an end to it if I fished his cock out and began stroking it or took it into my mouth? 

“Oh, God. You're distracting me with your delicious-looking thighs.” 

I gave an exaggerated look down, as though surprised to see so much of my flesh on display. I was unable to prevent the smile that crossed my face, though. He had called them delicious. 

“I am so sorry. Shall I hide them away? Should I cover them up? Do they offend you?” 

“Please, don't.” 

He whispered. 

“Do you like seeing what's between them?” 

It was like all sense of control had left him. 

“I want to, yes.”

He seemed almost hypnotised by them at this point. He simply couldn't take his eyes off them. I opened them a little more and slid further forward. Giving him the view we both wanted him to see. I could feel my pussy tingling as his eyes widened and he scanned my pussy thoroughly. 

“Oh, my God! Yes.” 

He was whispering. 

“So you like me to show myself?” 


His eyes never left my pussy and I could see his cock throbbing in his pants. 

“Mmm, good. I like you looking.”

He finally tore his eyes away from my pussy and looked into mine. 


“Yes. I like people to look at me. I want people to want me.” 

“I want you.” 

“I want people to want to taste me, to touch me, to fantasise about fucking me. Did you fantasise about fucking me today?” 


“Did you stroke your cock while you thought about fucking me?” 

“I'm so sorry, but yes.” 

“Don't be sorry; did you cum for me?” 

I could feel my pussy swelling, and my juices were practically dripping out now. 

“Oh, God. Yes. Yes, I did.” 

“Mmm, it's such a shame I didn't get to see that.” 

Suddenly, the worst possible sound you could hear in a moment like this shrilled through the room. The insistent, passion-killing sound of a phone ringing noisily. It was one of those stupid tones businesses use that just can't be ignored. It was like a spell had been broken. He turned to look at the phone and the displayed number. His shoulders slumped. 

“I am so sorry, but I can't ignore this one.” 

I sat still and watched him as he walked around the desk and picked up the phone.

“Hello, Mamma. No, it's alright; I will be there soon.” 

I felt that the situation had cleared up quite a bit and that my understanding of it was much better now. I felt more confident in teasing him and letting him know that I wanted him. We had reached the make-or-break level now, and I was going all in. My heart was pounding in my chest, but I tried my best to look confident and sexy. 

The room was very quiet, and I could easily make out the sound of his mother as she started to talk to him, and it quickly became obvious that this woman was not one for brief conversations. I looked up at the clock on the wall, and a wave of mild panic and disappointment swept over me. I had missed my normal train home, and what’s more, I would have to hurry if I was going to catch the next one. The next one was the last one for the day, and if I missed that one, I would be paying a king's ransom to catch a taxi all the way home. I stood up and quickly walked around the desk. I could still hear his mother talking at a hundred miles an hour in a thick Italian accent. I leaned in close to him and placed my lips right against his other ear.

“We will continue this conversation later, but in the mean time, I want you to know that I want you too.” 

I kissed his ear and felt a shiver run through him. I then ran my fingertip across his top lip. I walked back around the desk and picked up my bag, then watched as the realisation of what I had just done registered in his eyes. I winked at him as his eyes went wide and the tip of his tongue traced his lip where I had just touched him. I turned, lifted my skirt over my ass, and then strutted out of the room. I knew I was taking a huge risk walking out of his office with my ass and pussy bared, but I was also pretty confident that no one would be in the entry. Besides, the risk was the thrill, after all. 

I closed the office door behind me and straightened my skirt. I made sure I had everything with me and then hurried out to the elevator. I was smiling to myself as I stood in the elevator, and I couldn't resist sucking clean the finger that I had dipped into my pussy before wiping it across Stefan's lip. I fantasised about tasting my cum on his lips down to the lobby. When I stepped off the elevator, I looked up at the large clock in the atrium and realised the situation was far more dire than I had thought. 

I was feeling very frustrated; it was fun and quite erotic to edge so much, and there was definitely a perverse pleasure in teasing Stefan so much. The teasing I was doing to myself as a consequence just added fuel to the already-roaring bonfire that was my libido. I was also frustrated that I had had to run out of there before anything else could happen. Granted, it was probably a smart move not to have done the things I wanted to do, but it was frustrating. Added to that was the fact that if I didn’t run now, and I mean literally run, I would miss the last train home, and I wasn't sure there was enough money left in my account for an Uber or taxi to get me home.

I stopped long enough to slip my high-heeled work shoes off and shove them unceremoniously into my bag, then I set out on a fast jog. It was becoming painfully obvious that the bra I was wearing was not a sports bra, and this was one of those moments. I was grateful that I'm not a particularly large-breasted woman, but it was still bad enough. Between that and the hot concrete on my bare feet, I was beginning to suffer by the time I got to the station. 

I ran down the stairs, trying not to knock an old lady flying in the process. I skipped and twirled my way through the turnstiles and out onto the platform. I came to a halt, momentarily afraid it had all been for naught and that I had missed the train anyway, but then felt the familiar low rumble and the squeal from somewhere down the tunnel that signified the train was almost here. I sighed in relief as I pulled my shoes out of my bag. I placed my feet back into them, and seconds later, the train pulled up in front of me. The doors slid open, and I waited while a couple of people moved onto the platform. I stepped onto the train and looked around, noticing there were a lot more people than the one I usually catch home, and I again cursed the fact that I had missed it. 

I looked around the carriage, initially looking for a seat, then realised I was also looking for my "friend," my fellow traveller that I was so used to seeing twice a day now, until I remembered that he would have been on the earlier train as well. Oh well, just one more downside to missing that train. It was at that moment that I realised just how much I had come to enjoy the teasing trip to and from work every day. I mused over the fact that life sure changed in a hurry when the train lurched and I reached out to grab the rail. I had a heart-stopping moment, as I thought I had missed it and was about to fall over, but I just managed to grab hold as the train took off. 

I smiled to myself as I imagined the embarrassment that would have ensued if I had missed the pole. In my mind, I went flying backwards, falling on my ass as my legs went up in the air, showing all the passengers my bare ass and pussy. I was sure some would enjoy the view, and there was a part of me that would enjoy showing them, but I also knew that showing so many people all at once would end up being a negative thing. People tend to be a lot more self-righteous when they feel they have a crowd or an audience backing them. I was musing over the scene in my head when, just a couple of minutes later, the train began to slow down for the next station. 

I strengthened my grip on the pole and, for some reason, looked around the carriage again. There was a woman around the same age as me waving at me, trying to get my attention. When I looked at her, she smiled and beckoned me over. I carefully made my way from seat to seat over to where she was. The train had almost slowed to a stop now.

“This gentleman is getting off at this station if you want his seat.” 

She had a hopeful look in her eye, and I assumed that she felt safer having a woman sitting opposite her than a man. Perhaps she had had some bad experiences on the train before. As the train pulled up at the station, the man stood up and smiled at me. He waved his arm, guiding me to the newly vacated seat. I smiled back at him in thanks, shuffled in, and sat down opposite the woman. I sighed as I sat down and took the weight off my feet. The woman smiled at me in sympathy. 

“Long day in heels?” 

I smiled and nodded. 

“Not to mention a barefoot run to make sure I caught the last train. My feet are killing me.” 

“Oh, God. You poor thing.” 

She looked around and then back at me.

“I know how weird this sounds, and I know it’s a weird circumstance, but I am a remedial masseur. I work for the Arthro Sports Clinic. I would be happy to give you a foot rub.” 

She could see the hesitation creeping into my eyes and hurried to add.

“Don’t feel you have to say yes; I know it’s an odd situation; I am just offering because I can see you're suffering.” 

I wasn’t sure how to feel about it. It was such a bizarre situation, and no matter how much I wanted her to, I couldn’t help but wonder how the other commuters would feel about it. While I was mulling it over, the train began to slow again, and it dawned on me that the train I usually catch was an express that only had three stops for my forty-five-minute commute. The last train of the day, the one I was on right now, stopped at all stations, and it was going to be a long ride home. 

“Are you sure? You don’t think people will think it’s weird?” 

The other girl laughed. 

“Have you seen the weird shit that goes on on these trains? A foot massage is positively normal.” 

I laughed and had the thought that perhaps my own behaviour on the train lately is possibly the weird shit she was talking about.

“Well, it’s hard to argue with that logic. My feet have been in shoes for most of the day, though, and I ran barefoot through the streets; they’re probably a bit manky.” 

Again, the girl laughed. 

“I do remedial massage on sportsmen that have come straight off the field. Sweaty doesn’t bother me in the slightest, and some of the elderly and people with disabilities have the scariest-looking feet you can imagine. Think of eagle talons protruding from a reptile’s feet, and you would be close. Believe me, I wouldn’t have offered if I minded.”

I watched the doors slide closed on the train while I decided. Several people got off at this stop, but only one or two got on, and I figured this would be the way of it for the majority of the trip. My stop was the last on the line, and it was a safe assumption that there would be fewer people on the train by the time I finally got there. I was tempted by the kind offer from the attractive woman. There was something almost pleading about the offer, as though it was more than just an offer of kindness. I wanted to do this for myself, but there was something that made me want to do it for her too. I couldn’t help but be curious about this; it felt like there was more to it than met the eye. I looked her right in the eye and asked her quite seriously. 

“Do you want this?” 

I placed a gentle emphasis on "you,” and, as though she seemed to understand exactly what I was referring to, she blushed slightly and nodded. Although she looked a little embarrassed by the admission, her voice came across as nonchalant. 

“Sure. Why not?” 

I smiled at her and then bent forward, slipping my shoes off again and slipping them back in the bag. I gave my feet a quick wipe, as though removing the grime I imagined was there. I looked at them and realised that they were a bit dirty, but they weren’t as grotty as I had thought they would be. I sat back upright and gave the woman one last “Are you sure?” look and received a quick nod and a smile. I lifted my foot and was suddenly unsure where to put it, but that was quickly sorted as the woman reached out and cradled my foot gently in her right hand. I noticed a wedding band on her ring finger as her left hand smoothed over the top of my foot. The woman scooted forward a bit, and I did the same, making it easier and more comfortable for us both. She kept her thighs together, creating a cradle in which I rested my calf and heel. The moment she began rubbing my foot, I realised that she knew exactly what she was doing. 

I was transported almost instantly into a place of relaxation and relief. A small, quiet moan of pleasure escaped me, and I noticed a smile creep across the woman’s face in response. She went to work on me, and I felt my eyes rolling back and my eyelids slipping closed as I revelled in the delicious feeling. The woman slowly but knowingly massaged every inch of my foot and then began massaging my calf as well. I was feeling so good, and I felt myself relaxing all over. The further up my leg she went, though, the more intimate it began to feel.

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It snuck up on me, but I realised that the massage was beginning to take on more than a relaxing feeling. It was so good, though, that I didn’t mind at all. Once again, my imagination took over, and a small scenario was playing out that was a lot more erotic than what was actually happening. I was a little bit shocked that another woman's touch was turning me on this much. Admittedly, I had been very turned on all day, and it was probably because of that, but I also found that I didn’t mind at all; it was actually kind of exciting. I opened my eyes and glanced around the carriage and realised that there were a lot fewer people on this carriage now than when I first got on. How long have I been here? How many stops had there been? 

The motion of the massage changed subtly, and I felt the woman’s strong hands almost pulling my leg as she worked back down the calf. There was a rhythm to what she was doing, and I began to pay a bit more attention to it. It felt wonderful, and I noticed that my heel was now further between the other woman’s thighs. I could feel the stiff seam of her jeans at her crotch against the bottom of my heel, and I was startled as I realised that the woman was using my foot to grind her clit against.

The moment I realised what was happening, another small moan escaped me. The woman looked up at me, and she was looking a little flushed in the cheeks. 

“That feels good, doesn’t it.”

She said this to me as a knowing look passed between us.

“Very. I don’t want it to stop.” 

The message was loud and clear. Keep going; I don’t mind. The pressure became a little stronger, and the rhythm increased. Then I felt a shudder run through her. I felt it in my foot as well as in the hands that were holding my foot jammed into her crotch. I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that this woman had just cum on my foot. It should have been more than just a little weird, and the old me would have been appalled. Instead of repulsing me, though, it was one of the most intensely erotic things I had ever experienced without having an actual orgasm myself.


I was soaked and tingling; my nipples were rock hard, and I wanted nothing more than to make myself cum. I knew it wouldn’t take much, but there was still another couple on this carriage, only two seats away. I was fairly sure they couldn’t see anything, and the fact they were so close while my new friend was making herself cum was incredibly exciting, but I had been so turned on all day that I wasn’t sure I could keep quiet after all the buildup. I was sure that if I just let go, it would be a big one, and I would most likely make a lot of noise. 

The train began to slow again as it was pulling into the next station. Without saying anything, I moved my foot back to the floor. The train came to a stop, and for the next few minutes, we sat there in silence. Nothing was said verbally, but plenty was being said through our looks. The couple sitting near us got up and exited the train, and I seemed to hold my breath until the doors closed again, hoping that no one else would get on this carriage. Frustratingly, one young woman did. I felt irrationally annoyed and disappointed until she looked at the pair of us, looked around the train, and walked to the other end of the carriage, putting on headphones as she went. That was good enough for me. It may as well be empty for all she was going to notice.

The train began to move again, and I looked back at the woman across from me. She was still red in the face, and I wasn’t sure if it was embarrassment or the result of her recent orgasm. Perhaps a little of both. I smiled a naughty smile, raised my other foot, and gave her a grin. 

“Keen to go again?”

The woman smiled back at her, looked down the train at the girl wearing headphones, and nodded. She began massaging my foot, and I was sent into another wave of delight. I closed my eyes, and my head rolled back, but it wasn't long before I felt the woman's legs part a little. I opened my eyes and watched as my foot slipped lower between her legs. I could feel the heat of her crotch as my bare sole pressed against her pussy. I wasn't going to be passive this time, and so I began moving my foot in a circular pattern and applying pressure as she massaged my calves. When I did, she let out a small groan of pleasure and pushed her hips forward a little, increasing the pressure on her pussy.

It felt so good to help this woman get off with my foot. I had never felt anything sexual about feet at all and still don't, but this other woman clearly did, and helping a stranger cum was one of the most wildly erotic things ever. I was beyond merely turned on at this point; I had been effectively edging myself since I came in the bathroom at work this morning, and after the close encounter with Stefan this afternoon, I was well and truly ready to go. I was on the verge of exploding, and something had to give. I watched the woman get closer and closer. Her mouth was open as she panted, her breath coming out in explosive little moans, and her hips were grinding harder and faster. Watching her get so worked up in a public place and, even better, being the cause of this woman's orgasm pushed me even further down the rabbit hole I had been descending all week.


I pulled my skirt up, exposing my naked pussy, and slipped my fingers straight down into my incredibly wet slit. I began working little pressure circles directly over and around my clit and smearing my cum around. I let out a deep moan as pleasure soared through my body. 

The woman heard me moan, and her eyes flew open. Instantly, they were glued to my pussy as I pleasured myself in front of her. She had stopped moving momentarily in shock at seeing what she was seeing, but some adventurous wriggling of my toes got her moving again. In what seemed like only a few seconds, we were each deep in the throes of a massive orgasm. We were both making strange noises, grunts, and squeals, combined with the very wet sounds coming from my pussy and it all combined into a symphony that was wonderful to my ears. 

If I hadn't been supported by the seat and my new friend, I am certain that I would have melted into a puddle on the floor. As it was, we both sat there panting, trying to catch our breath, and staring into each other's eyes. Now that I was coming down from my incredible orgasm, I couldn't believe what had happened. I had just masturbated in front of a stranger, a woman no less, and in a public place. If someone had told me that I was even capable of this a month ago, I would have said that it would be an impossibility, yet here I was, smeared in my own juices and wanting more. 

The train began slowing down again for another station, but neither of us wanted to move. The light of the next station was coming through the windows now, and the train had slowed right down and would soon pull to a stop. My new friend looked out the window, and a look of panic crossed her face. 

“Oh shit! This is my stop.” 

She hurriedly began getting herself organised while I wrestled my skirt back down and into place. I looked up at her and smiled. 

“Thank you for the best foot massage ever.” 

She smiled a wicked smile. 

“Believe me, the pleasure was all mine.” 

She held out her hand, and in it was a business card. I took it and glanced over the details quickly.

“If you ever need another massage, or even if you just want to talk, please call me. Oh, and I certainly won't complain if you need to catch the late train again tomorrow.” 

She smiled and winked at me. 

“Oh, I'll definitely call, Rebecca.” 

“My friends call me Bec.” 

I watched as she strutted out the door of the train and into the waiting arms of a rather handsome-looking man. They kissed briefly and then headed for the stairs. I watched Becky's ass as she sashayed towards the stairs until the train began to move again, and I lost sight of her. 

I couldn't believe what a crazy day it had been. I could still feel my pulse pounding and the endorphins flowing through my system in that post-orgasmic bliss. I thought about how I had flashed my fellow traveller this morning, how I had teased Stefan, and then masturbated in front of Bec. I thought about the way Bec's face contorted beautifully as she came. She looked so pretty in her state of bliss.


I wondered if Bec's husband would be told about me. Strangely, I realised that I felt no irritation or jealousy, and I didn't mind one way or the other. I'm certainly not into wrecking marriages, but I wasn't thinking about a relationship with Bec either. What I was thinking about was Bec's husband fucking her as she told him about her adventures on the train. It was so hot to imagine those two very attractive people fucking. Naked, sweaty, animalistic rutting, all while talking about me.

The train began to slow again, and an announcement came over the speakers stating that it was the final stop on the line and that everyone had to get off. I gathered up my items, slipped my shoes back on my feet, and made my way out of the train and then the station on wobbly, tired legs. My mind was so deep in my fantasies and memories of the day that I simply wasn't paying attention to my surroundings as I walked home on autopilot. 

I made it up my front steps, through the door, and locked it behind me. I made my way into the kitchen, where I microwaved leftovers from the night before. I stood at the kitchen counter with a plastic Tupperware bowl in one hand and a fork in the other, staring blankly at the wall opposite me. My mind did not want to leave the fantasy world it had created, and I was so physically tired that I simply didn't have the energy to wrestle it back into reality. 

I tried to settle into my normal evening routine, but I was so tired and distracted that by eight o'clock I had turned off the TV, showered, and crawled into bed. I was asleep in record time, but all night I dreamed about the day's events. Only in my dreams did everything go further. The guy on the train ate my pussy all the way to work, with other passengers watching as I came continuously all over his face. I fucked Stefan on the desk with the door open and his mother on the phone telling him to make sure he pleased me properly. I sucked his cock, still dripping with my juices, until he came in my mouth. Then Bec and I took turns eating each other's pussy all the way home. 

It was incredible, and I wanted all of those things to happen more than I cared to admit, even to myself. I woke up the next morning still tired; my fingers and pussy were wet, and there was a wet patch on my sheets that told its own story of how my night had gone.

Written by yakboy69
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