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Giving Julie Pleasure

"Ray finally gives hesitant Julie an orgasm."

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How does a woman I wouldn’t date give me the most satisfying blowjob I have experienced? The answer to that was important because my wife was waiting for the answer. Alarm bells went off in my mind. To make things worse, if I could have a blowjob from the woman of my choice right then, I would choose Julie over my wife, and any other woman.

My concern must have been visible because my wife began to laugh so hard she couldn’t speak. She put her arms around me, trying to calm herself down. Draya controlled the sound quickly, but I could feel her whole body shaking from smothering her fit of laughter. She said, “Relax, Ray. I’m your wife and I love you. That’s how I know that blowjob meant so much to you. So, now you need to help me understand why if we hope to repeat it.”

I was more than a little uncomfortable, so she took the lead.

“It was obvious how much you enjoyed it, but I know a thing or two about blowjobs. Julie was nervous and I am sure she can do a better job; I know I can. What intrigues me is why you often criticize Julie privately and say she is not your type, yet what appeared to be an unremarkable blowjob to me, overwhelmed you. Either she disguised a professional blowjob or there was more to it than the physical act.”

As generous as her words sounded, it felt like the perfect setup to put myself in the doghouse. She asked me to think about it.

Later that evening, after the boys were in bed, I brought it up. “Is it bad to want to fuck Julie because she’s married to Chris?”

Draya cocked her head and returned with a different question. “If you and Julie were both single would you want to have sex with her?”

“Well, if she offered, sure. But, I wouldn’t pick her out from a crowd.” Several of our friends consider Julie one of the most attractive women in our social circle. She just doesn’t do it for me.

“Then, I don’t think it’s bad at all.” She came over to sit on the sofa with me and put her legs across my lap. “What else have you come up with?”

“You know Chris has always wanted to cum in Julie’s mouth? He wanted to do that before they got married, but she’s never let him.”

My wife rolled her eyes. “Why doesn’t that surprise me?”

“I know I have you to thank for it, but Julie swallowed my cum. That’s another level and really did feel incredible.” Draya never wanted cum in her mouth either, which is partly why I enjoyed it so much.

“Would it really mean that much to you if I let you cum in my mouth?”

This must be the first time Draya seriously considered doing it. I knew she didn’t really want to and now there was no need. “No. I don’t think it would. You did something even better.”

“Really?” The relief my wife felt was palpable.

I took her hand in mine. “Until you do it, any guy wants to know how it feels to cum in someone’s mouth. You don’t want to do it, but you found someone else to do it in your place. Now, I know how good it feels without you having to do something you didn’t want to do.”

My wife still felt a bit guilty. “Sorry, it’s partly not wanting that taste, but it just feels degrading.”

“Yeah,” I grinned. “That’s part of what’s hot - degrading Julie. Did you see her face the first time? She didn’t like the taste either. You convinced her to swallow.” Draya watched me reminisce. “Another reason it is so hot is that Chris has never done it, even though he really wants to.”

She squeezed my hand. “It’s normal to feel proud. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“Yeah, but I feel mean,” I confessed.

Draya raised her voice in surprise, “Oh, why?”

I admitted what I was thinking, “Because, I don’t want Chris to do it.”

“You don’t want Chris to cum in his wife’s mouth?” It sounded crazy when she said it.

I shared my conclusion. “Yeah. Plus, I want to tell Chris that Julie will only swallow my cum. Actually, I want Julie to tell him she will swallow my cum whenever I want, but she will never swallow his cum. I want to make Chris a cuckold.”

My wife had doubts. “Really? You want that for Chris?”

“No. I want it for myself.” What I wanted was finally becoming clear. “Draya, I want to be the source of Julie’s sexual satisfaction and for Chris to know that. Chris shouldn’t be allowed to touch his wife’s pussy unless he’s licking my cum out of her.”

Draya gave me a firm hug. How she felt about my declaration was not clear. “We agree that Chris has strange and kinky fantasies, but you, my dear, are just as quirky.” She did not allow me to interrupt. “Unlike Gru, you are no supervillain. You have no interest in world domination, or a need for countless minions to do your bidding. All you want is to conquer one couple and manipulate their sex lives for your amusement.”

She let out a deep sigh near my ear and then said, “Don’t say anything.” My wife took out her phone and rang Julie in speaker mode.

The girls made small talk for a few minutes before Draya brought up the blowjob. As we suspected, Julie had not told Chris; She was too scared of how he might react. My wife got Julie to talk about everything going through her mind. I thought Julie might not want to do anything again.

Draya wove a tapestry of tales about Chris and me from the things I have told her. She embellished my appreciation with more affection than lust. This was followed by a reminder of Chris’ desire for Julie to have sex with other men, particularly me.

“Don’t tell Chris anything for a while,” my wife advised. This served to make Julie curious. Draya told her I was so thrilled by her blowjob that it made our sex better, which wasn’t actually a lie. “If we can prolong that effect, I’m all for it.” This gave her a simple reason to ask Julie to do it again.

A whisper of Julie’s voice came from the phone. “You want me to give Ray another blowjob?”

Draya let a pause linger. She whispered back, “And swallow. He was over the moon.”

We heard a thoughtful hum from Julie. “Well, I already did it once. If you’re sure you want me to, okay.”

“Excellent!” Draya made herself sound more excited for Julie’s benefit while giving me a thumbs up. “Could I make a slightly unusual request? Feel free to say no. It won’t be a problem.” Of course, saying it that way drew Julie’s attention. “I think part of what Ray likes so much is that Chris has always told him you never let him cum in your mouth. Ray was so proud that you let him do it. He got really excited when he said he was the only guy to cum in your mouth. I worry that it might not have the same effect if you let Chris do it. So, the longer you can delay that the better.”

Julie answered, “I certainly can’t let Chris do it before I tell him what happened. He would want to know what had changed. How else could I explain that?”

After a little more girl chat, they finished the call.

“How’s that, my evil stud? You get another blowjob from Julie.” Draya snuggled up close to me. I thanked her profusely. Just when I felt relaxed she wanted to plan. “What are your goals with Julie?”

“More sex. Just let it happen.”

“Gimme,” my wife insisted. “Tell me what you want to happen with Julie.”

“Perfect scenario?” I asked. Draya nodded. “I would love total domination. Not of the world, like you said, just sex with Julie. Anything that turns Chris on, I want to do with Julie. Obviously, some of those things are a little out of the ordinary. It will take her some time to get used to it.”

My wife asked what I meant, so I had to explain about Chris’ fascination with rough sex. He likes to see, and hear, women gag on a man’s dick. He also loves a messy cum facial, anal sex that leaves the woman gaping afterwards. There were other things, too, like bondage and sex in front of strangers. It would be fun to get Julie to have a gangbang if I could find the right people.

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Draya said, “I am impressed that you are comfortable telling your wife all of this. But, you know most of that will never happen, right?”

“Why not?” It would take time, but it sounded great to me.

“Julie is a romantic.”

My wife waited, as if that warranted a response from me. “And?”

“You really do need help with this. Julie wants to be a princess rescued by her prince to live a fairytale of pampered luxury. Chris may not be a prince, but he’s probably more respectful of her in the bedroom than what you describe.”

She had a point. We sat in silence for a moment. While leaning on my shoulder, she said, “I have another tip, if you want to get Julie to like you more without her realizing it.”

“What’s that?” I asked.

“Don’t try to get her to wear less pink. Learn to like pink yourself.”

“Damn it,” I said. I really don’t care for pink.

Draya laughed. “Small steps, Ray. You’ll get another blowjob. Make Julie feel appreciated. Tell her it’s great, no matter what. Use the word love, like you love the way she moves her tongue or the way she looks at you. Remember she’s a romantic. Affection and compliments will accumulate over time. If you want to compliment her on her ass or something purely physical, do it shyly, like you’re embarrassed that you can’t stop yourself staring or something.”

Scout night became my favorite day of the week. Three out of four Thursdays, Draya and Julie pretended to go out while actually coming to our house so Julie could give me a blowjob. All three times, Julie swallowed my cum. Each time was as exciting as the first and I cannot not take my eyes off Julie when I cum.

As my wife pointed out, Julie was not the best at giving head, but because of who she was, it was always a thrill. Part of me enjoyed that Chris didn’t know, yet I was desperate to tell him that his wife swallows.

We stuck to blowjobs because Julie was still nervous about doing more and could not bring herself to take her pants off in front of me. I had yet to bring her to orgasm which was holding back our intimacy.

After my third blowjob from Julie, we still had some time. Draya told Julie she should allow herself an orgasm, and asked if she could help. The girls stood, kissing for a couple minutes. My wife let her hands caress Julie, clearly getting her excited.

Draya began to undress her, while still kissing. Julie’s shirt fell to the floor, followed by her bra. My wife had me give Julie a shoulder massage and then got her to lie back on me while my wife tended to Julie’s pussy with her tongue. After a couple minutes, Draya asked me to kiss Julie.

This was the first time I saw Draya please another person. I was glad it was a woman. As I looked at the top half of her face, I felt great affection for my wife. Our eyes met numerous times. Draya was in a clinical mood. Sure, it was fun, but her actions were calculated. She wanted to please Julie for specific reasons.

Looking at Julie was entirely different. Half of the time, Julie’s eyes were closed. Her mouth moved a lot, making gentle cooing or grunting, each style of sound came with a different expression and shape to her mouth. Her sounds were that of a slut. It turned me on to hear Chris’s wife sound this way. When she opened her eyes, she could appear lost, unaware of her surroundings and only taking in the joys of the flesh. A few times, those deep blue eyes met mine. It was a little unsettling. Julie was quite beautiful in her raw sexual state.

Being attracted to Julie was not on my list of objectives, and I felt the need to counter it. I spoke to her silently, in my mind. “You’re a dumb, bimbo slut. I only want to fuck you because you’re Chris’ wife. You don’t even have the tits to be a proper bimbo, so you can’t even do that right.”

Of course, that happened to be one of those moments when Julie looked at me. I felt an intense desire to kiss her. I tried harder, thinking to myself, “I’ll cum on your face. Then you won’t look so pretty. You’ll look like every porn slut on the internet.” Frustration swept through me as I genuinely wanted to cum on Julie’s face as a punishment for being beautiful. Where did all that come from?

Without thinking, I gently raised Julie’s head. I leaned down to kiss her, feeling a little guilty for my unusual feelings. During our kiss, the thought echoing through my mind was, “I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone.” I did not understand why this desire was so intense.

We were still kissing when my wife pulled my hand down lower. My hand touched the hair on Julie’s pussy. The hair on my arm stood on end, a feeling of electricity flowing between us. The sense of a static charge passing between us was entirely in my imagination. Gently, I let my fingers caress her skin, taking my time before I put a finger on her clitoris. My wife moved her kisses to Julie’s thigh to give me room to please Julie myself.

Rubbing turned into fingering, and that became two fingers inside Julie. We stopped kissing because both of us were breathing hard, Julie because she was very aroused, me because I was buzzing over the fact I had my fingers inside my best friend’s wife. Sitting up was more comfortable for me, and Julie closed her eyes with her head in my lap. One hand worked Julie’s pussy while the other caressed her breasts. Actually, it was more of a groping with limited left-handed dexterity. In my defense, I have no recent practice with small tits and was having to learn how to pleasantly manipulate them. I continued to give her clit frequent attention, licking my fingers for additional lubrication. That made up for my limitations over her chest.

Julie finally had an orgasm. Her squeals were delightful and I was proud to bring her to that threshold. Julie briefly lost control of her body. That was appealing, yet I questioned if it was the result of her not being very bright. Who cares, really? Julie can be as dumb as she wants when we have sex. Afterwards, she curled up in my lap with her head under my chin. She didn’t want me to touch any sensitive areas, so I put my arms around her for a few minutes until she recovered.

Draya pointed out the time. “We need to go soon.”

“Oh,” Julie was disappointed. She got up and started dressing. I watched, unabashed, as Julie arranged her bra under her modest breasts and hooked it up behind her back. I savored the taste of her that remained on my fingers.

They were ready to go. I knew I should say something.

“Thanks,” Julie said as she picked up her purse.

I walked over and gave her a hug. I leaned back to look at her. “Your face is so beautiful during an orgasm. I doubt I will forget it, but I want to reinforce that memory through repetition.”

Julie blushed. “Oh, Ray.” She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me very intensely, without tongue. “Thank you. It was truly wonderful.” There was sincerity in her eyes. She let go and let Draya take her home.

My wife returned with the boys. There was an hour of chaos before the boys settled. Draya put them to bed and came to sit on my lap. “Well done, stud.” She kissed me. “Julie was on a high tonight, when I took her home. She was really touched by what you said, so well done for that. Was it honest?”

“It was a little exaggerated at the time. Since then, I decided that looking hot and dumb at the same time is beautiful, at least in her case.”

Draya rolled her eyes at me. “I told her you wanted to lick her and she should let you next time. She said not all guys like to do that and asked if you really enjoy doing it. I pointed out how many times you took your fingers out of her and put them in your mouth. I said I can guarantee it. So, small steps, but… next week, you should lick Julie’s pussy before you get a blowjob.”

“Awesome. So, do you want any of me now?”

Draya raised her eyebrows. “Really? You want more?”

“Of this hot lady on my lap? Absolutely.”

“Well then,” she stood up and held out her arm. “Take me to bed.”

Written by Spooge
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