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Amanda - Chapter 07

"Tim gets to know Sarah better"

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For the next few weeks following my chat with Sarah, my life with Mandy continued as before with us meeting regularly.  Mandy allowed Tim to fuck her in between our sessions but required him to wear a condom, which he seemed to accept.

Towards the end of the second week, I had decided I’d like an evening of fun and had called round.  We were sitting on the couch in the living room when she told me that she had started her period,  I was happy to ignore it and fuck her as usual, but she did not want to do that.

“I’d rather take you in my mouth,” she said.

“Good. Then let’s go to the bedroom,” I said, “Tim, you can come too and get undressed and into bed. You can watch while I have some fun with your wife.”

Mandy and I got up and went through to the bedroom, followed by Tim.

I turned towards her and held her close to me as I kissed her then licked her neck while I unbuttoned her top and slipped it off her shoulders.  I reached round behind her and unfastened her bra, then helped her take it off.

“You’re a sexy bitch,” I said, holding her tits and playing with her nipples, “one day I’m going to knock you up and these are going to be full of milk for our child.”

“Aaaah,” she moaned, “I wish…...”

I leaned down and sucked on her right breast, sucking in her whole areola and flicking her nipple with the tip of my tongue.  She wriggled and thrust her chest forward.

I sucked her tit for several minutes, feeling her nipple harden, as Tim watched while he stroked his cock.

“God, I want you,” she gasped.

“Well, I’m not bothered by your period. We can make love right now if you want.  You can have my click inside your cunt.”

“Oh, I’d love to, but my period’s really heavy and I don’t want to deal with the mess.”

“OK,” I replied, and returned to sucking her breasts.

She wriggled and moaned as I sucked, then reached for my groin and rubbed my cock through my trousers before unzipping them and taking it out.

“I love this cock,” she said, “it gives me so much pleasure.”

“Me too,” I said, laughing.

She laughed as well, then let go and pulled her chest back from my mouth and knelt down to lift my cock with her left hand as she licked up the underside from the base to the tip, tracing my urethra.

“I like your smell,” she said, “it’s masculine and powerful,” then slipped her lips over my cock and sucked me into her mouth as she cradled my balls.  I felt my cock grow and harden as she swirled her tongue around my glans.

I started to fuck her mouth, holding the back of her head and thrusting.  She felt good inside, warm and wet with an active tongue.  I was dribbling precum onto the back of her tongue, making her swallow.

After a few minutes I pulled my hips back so that my cock slipped out of her mouth.

“Time to get into bed,” I said and, getting undressed, I threw back the cover and got in to lie next to her husband while I looked at her.

Mandy stood up and undid her slacks and dropped them to the floor, then slid off her panties and stepped out of them.  I could see a blue string hanging down from her cunt.  She was obviously wearing a tampon.

“My god, you’re gorgeous, you’ve got a fabulous figure.”

“Hmmm, and you want to ruin it by making me pregnant?”

“Not ruin it, enhance it.  But obviously that’s impossible tonight.”

She got into bed on the other side of me so that I was between them, then leaned over me and kissed me, her tongue licking inside my mouth.  I felt her tits brush against my chest, her nipples hard.  I reached up to feel them as I kissed her back, my tongue dancing with hers, our saliva mingling.

I felt her hand on my cock, gently stroking it before moving down to cradle my balls, then back to rub her fingers over my glans, spreading my precum.

“I want you so much,” she said, breaking our kiss and stroking my shaft again, “you’re so damn exciting.”

Tim leaned forward and tried to touch me, but she knocked his hand away.

“Not now,” she said, looking at him, “you can look but not touch. He’s my man and I want to look after him. This is my cock and I want to feel it throbbing in my hand.”

Tim took his hand away and watched while his wife continued stroking me. I reached for her tits and played with them, nipping and pulling her nipples.

“Your wife has lovely breasts,” I said to him, “they feel so fucking good.”

I carried on fondling them as she masturbated me.  A river of precum was now flowing out of my slit and down my shaft then dribbling onto my stomach.  Mandy let go of my cock for a minute and rubbed it into me, then put her fingers onto her husbands mouth and let him lick them before returning to stroking me.

Mandy’s touch felt really good and soon I could feel my muscles starting to tense and my breathing become heavy as I built towards my climax.  Mandy could feel my cock thicken and harden.

“Cum for me, my darling,” she said, “show my husband how a real man cums.”

I started moving my hips in a fucking motion, lifting my butt off the bed.  I could feel my balls clinging to the side of my shaft and my whole groin was on fire.

I felt a stir at the base of my cock as my semen accumulated and then a sudden surge as the muscle at the base propelled a wad of semen up my shaft to shoot out of the tip and high up in the air like a geyser erupting.  It fell down again in an arc of thick, white fluid, landing on Mandy’s hair and face.

“Oh fuck,” I shouted.

Mandy pointed my cock at Tim, who was leaning over to watch while he masturbated himself, and another stream of semen shot out straight out of my cock, right into his face.  My next ejaculation splattered his neck and chest and the following one went onto the bed.  After that my cock dribbled onto my stomach.

“Fucking hell,” he said, and fell back down on his back.  He lay there, my white, slimy cum that would soon dry into a sticky mess all over him.  I saw that there was also a puddle of watery fluid on his stomach.

“Did you just cum, Tim?” I asked.

“Yes,” he replied, turning his head to the side.

“No reason to be embarrassed,” I said, “if that’s what turns you on, enjoy it and don’t feel ashamed.”

Mandy leaned forward and kissed him, ignoring the semen all over his face.

“It’s alright, my love,” she said, “it’s what we agreed. You said you wanted to watch Alan ejaculate, and now you have.”

“Yes,” he said, looking up, “I have, and it was fucking fantastic, but it’s made me feel useless.  I never cum like that, with that force and that quantity.  I feel like a failure.”

“Oh, Tim,” Mandy said, “you’re not a failure.  Every person is different and has different responses.  You’re a sensitive, lovely man with a very nice body.  Your penis may not be the same as Alan’s, but that doesn’t make you useless.”

She gathered him in her arms and hugged him, then kissed him again.  After a few minutes they parted and sat looking at me.

“Sorry about that,” Tim said, “it’s sometimes difficult to reconcile myself with everything that’s happening.”

“Stop beating yourself, Tim,” I said, “you’re doing unbelievably well. Not many men could have adjusted as you have.”

He smiled and relaxed at the compliment.

“Let’s all go and have a shower,” Mandy said, “then I’ll make some coffee and we can relax in the living room.”

So we went into the bathroom and got into the shower. It was a little cramped, but we enjoyed laughing and touching and fooling around.  Afterwards we dried and got dressed again.  Tim and I went into the living room while Mandy went into the kitchen to make the coffee.

“Do you always cum like that?” he asked.

“I guess so,” I answered, “but it’s usually inside, so I don’t see it.  If I’m really excited I’ll ejaculate several more times, but if it’s not the first time I might only ejaculate a few times.”

“Fuck me, it must feel fantastic for you, but also awesome for Mandy when it’s inside her.”

“It feels very good for me, it also makes me feel very powerful, perhaps even invincible.  You’d have to ask your wife what it feels like for her.”

“I will. Did you mean it when you said you’d like to see her pregnant with your child?”

“Well, yes. I’m like most men.  I want to procreate, to continue my species, just as I’m sure you have the same drives deep inside you.  And, as with most men, we look for the best woman with whom to do so.”

“Yes, but society has made us control those urges and channel them.”

“You’re quite right, that’s why we use birth control in our society and why we have marriage. But that doesn’t stop the urge.  Mandy is a very beautiful woman with a body that’s just built for sex and I have a strong desire to impregnate her.  She will have her own drives and selection process and will choose with whom she wants to mate.”

“I want to have children with her,” he said.  “I want to raise a family together, provide for them, and build something for the future.”

“And I’m sure you will,” I replied, although my plan was a little different.  He would raise a family with Mandy, but the children would be fathered by me.

Mandy came into the living room with the coffee.

“What are you guys talking about?” she asked, giving us our coffee.

“Oh, this and that,” I said.

“As long as you aren’t planning any surprises,” she said.  “Are you staying the night?”

“Unfortunately not,” I said, “I have to leave soon.”

“Oh, that’s a shame,” Tim said.

We carried on chatting for another half hour or so, after which I said I stood up and said I was leaving.  The two of them walked with me to the front door and, after sharing a deep kiss with Mandy, I left.

When I got home I poured myself a brandy and sat in the lounge thinking about the direction of this relationship.  Mandy seemed to have settled into it very well.  Her allusion to getting pregnant was interesting and I decided that I would pursue it over the next few months.

Tim was much more relaxed in his subservient role and actually liked my position in the household.  He had recognised his desire to be demeaned and was adjusting to it, however he would need some more time to fully adapt.

I wondered how Sarah was getting on with talking Mandy into experimenting in a foursome, and decided to call her, even though it was quite late.

“Hello Sarah,” I said when she answered, “I hope I’m not disturbing you.”

“Oh, hello Alan,” she replied, “no, not at all.  I’m just sitting and watching TV.”

“Good,” I replied, “I called to find out how you’re getting on with Mandy and our little project.”

“Very well, I think,’ she replied, “it took a little convincing, but now she’s starting to ask questions about what we might do.  I think we can have a try at organising something next week.”

“That sounds very promising,”I said, “why don’t you suggest that we have dinner at your place next Friday.  I’ll bring along some wine to help us relax, and also a few porn flicks to get us in the mood.”

“OK,” she responded, “I’ll call her tomorrow.  I’ll speak with you after that.”

“Thanks, Sarah,” I said, “sleep well.”

“You too,” she replied and rang off.


The next day Sarah called me to say it was all fixed and we’d be getting together on the following Friday.  I heard the same news from Mandy that afternoon when she came into my office to tell me that Sarah had invited them round for dinner and she understood I was going too.  She didn’t mention that there might be a reason for the dinner.

Other than that, life continued normally.  I spent a few evenings at Mandy and Tim’s place, and she came once to my house on her own.  Eventually the time for the dinner came round and I arrived at Sarah’s place carrying a bag with some bottles of wine and a few selected VHS tapes.

Sarah answered the door.  She was dressed in quite a provocative manner, wearing a semitransparent top and a short miniskirt.  She wasn’t wearing a bra and I suspected she didn’t have any pants on either.

She gave me a big kiss, sucking my lips, before taking me into the living room.  It was quite a large room with two small couches and two easy chairs. Mandy and Tim were already there, sitting on one of the couches.  I gave Mandy a kiss and shook Tim’s hand, then gave the wine to Sarah who took it into the kitchen.

“What are those tapes?” Mandy asked me.

“Oh, just some shows we might like to watch later on if we feel like it,” I said.

“Knowing you, I bet their porn,” she responded.

“You’ll have to wait and see,” I said.

“Tim, please give me a hand with the wine,” Sarah called from the kitchen.

“Coming,” said Tim, and went to help her.

I looked at Mandy.  She was wearing a cream silk blouse and black trousers that had flared bottoms.  The top two buttons of her blouse were undone and I could see the swell of her breasts.  She looked fantastic.

“You look so beautiful and sexy,” I said to Mandy and sat down on the couch next to her, “it’s taking all my self-control not to rip off your clothes and make love to you.”

“Behave yourself, Alan,” she said, but she smiled and looked pleased.  We chatted about some work things for a few minutes until Tim came back into the room carrying a tray with four glasses of red wine and some nuts.  He looked a little flushed.

We all helped ourselves to the wine as he brought the tray, then sat in one of the easy chairs.  Sarah came into the room and sat down on the other couch.

“Come and sit here next to me,” she said to Tim.

He looked at Mandy, then got up and went to sit next to Sarah, but not too close. Sarah then raised her glass and made a toast.

“Here’s to us,” she said, “we’re good friends and long may that last.”

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We all said “to us” and drank.  After that we started chatting.  We talked about all manner of things: politics, work, the state of the country.  We gossiped about our friends and associates and we drank.  We drank a lot.

After a while the atmosphere was very relaxed and we’d all become a little bit closer.  I had my arm around Mandy’s shoulders.  The gap between Tim and Sarah had almost vanished and she had a hand on his thigh while he let his arm rest on the couch behind her.

We had started discussing who of our friends was having an affair with whom.  It seemed that quite a number of them were playing around and enjoying it.

“Well, after all,” Sarah said, “you guys seem to be having a good time.”

“We are,” I said, picking up the cue, “we’ve become very much closer to each other.”

“I bet you have,” she said, then, turning to Tim, “I’d like to become closer to you.”  She leaned up to him and kissed him, her mouth glued to his.

I saw him stiffen and then slowly relax as he allowed it to happen.  His arm left the back of the couch and curled around her shoulders while his other hand felt her tits through her top.

I looked at Mandy and saw that she was watching without moving. I leaned forward and blew in her ear, then licked it.

“Do you think they’ll go all the way?” I whispered.

She didn’t reply, but I felt her hand grip my thigh tightly as Tim and Sarah became more involved in each other.  It wasn’t long before Sarah had undone his trousers and pulled out his cock, while he had opened her top and was sucking her small tits.

“Mmmmm,” she murmured, thrusting her chest into him, “oh, that feels so good.”

She was now writhing about and her miniskirt had ridden up her thighs.  I was right, she wasn’t wearing any underwear and it wasn’t long before Tim’s fingers were inside her slit.

“Kiss me, Alan,” Mandy breathed, “I need you to kiss me.”

I leaned forward and started kissing her, my tongue inside her mouth, licking her gums.  While I was kissing her, I undid her blouse and reached behind to undo her bra.  She wriggled and it fell forward, allowing me to fondle her nipples.

After a few minutes she broke our kiss and took off her bra, then stood up and took off her trousers before sitting down again and starting to finger her cunt.

I glanced over at Tim and Sarah. He was now leaning back on the couch and fondling Sarah’s tits as she buried her face in his lap and sucked his cock.

“Oh, fuck,” he gasped, “aaah.  Oh, fuck me.”

Sarah carried on sucking him for a while, then lifted her head and looked at Mandy and me.

“I want to fuck your husband, Mandy.  Are you OK with that?”

“Yes,” Mandy said softly, staring at her, “I’m OK with that.”

“Thank you,” Sarah said then, turning to Tim, “lie down on the carpet.”

He got up and then lay down on the carpet, his erection sticking up.  Sarah didn’t bother taking off her miniskirt, but simply knelt over him and sank down onto his cock.  I knew that it would go into her easily.  For such a petite person, she had a surprisingly large vagina, so would have no problem accommodating his rather thin cock.

I looked at Mandy, wondering what she would do.  She turned around to face me.

“I want you inside me,” she said, “get your clothes off.”

I stood up and got undressed, then sat down again.  Mandy removed her panties then turned around again and, backing towards me, sat down slowly as I positioned my cock under her slit.

She was extremely wet with drops of fluid falling from her cunt as she lowered herself.  My cock went into her relatively easily and soon her butt was against my thighs as I was deep inside her cunt.  I reached round her and grasped her tits.

Sarah, meanwhile, was sitting on Tim and barely moving.  I knew what was happening, though. She was using her pelvic muscles to massage his cock inside her vagina and I could see it on his face.  His mouth was half open and his eyes were dreamy.

“Oh fuck,” he cried, “how do you do that?  My cock feels like it’s going to explode.”

“Shhhh,” she said, “just try to relax and enjoy it.”

“It’s so fucking itchy.  I want to scratch it,” he gasped and tried to move his hips.

I knew what he was feeling. Sarah was quite the most exquisite and accomplished fuck I’d ever had. Sex with her was out of this world.

She wouldn’t let him cum for some time yet and, when he did, it would be like nothing else he’d ever had before.

I wondered what Mandy was feeling.  Here she was with her lover’s cock buried inside her while watching her husband fucking another woman.  Would she be excited? Or jealous? Or happy? Or a mixture of all of them?  How would this affect her relationship with her husband, or Sarah, or me?

I could feel her squirming in my lap.  She was touching herself as she slid around on me, my cock touching various places inside her.  I could feel her cervix rubbing my corona and the tip of my glans against the back of her fornix.

I pulled on her nipples, elongating them and pulling her tits to the side.  She started bouncing up and down on my cock as she played with her clit.

“Fuck me,” she growled, “fuck my married pussy and fill it with your sperm.  It’s yours and only yours.”

Sarah, meanwhile, was starting to move up and down on Tim. He reached up and played with her tiny tits as she fucked him, tweaking her nipples.  I saw her close her eyes and open her mouth as she started panting.

“Fuck me, Tim,” she gasped “fuck me hard.”

He started bucking under her, lifting her with his thrusts,  she bounced on top of him like a doll.  His breathing was rasping and he was grunting when suddenly he gave an extra hard push and kept still, his butt high off the carpet.

“Aaaaargh,” he shouted.

Sarah kept still on top of him, but I knew her cunt was clutching at his cock, milking him.  After a while his butt sank to the floor as he breathed out in a long, loud sigh.

Sarah lifted herself off him and held her cunt over his now limp cock, letting his cum dribble out of her and onto him.

At that moment Mandy gave a cry and I felt her cunt clamp on my cock and a rush of liquid squirt out of her and onto the carpet.  I felt her cunt spasm rhythmically for a while then it stopped and Mandy slumped back against me.

Sarah looked up at us and a big grin spread across her face.

“I knew you’d like it,” she shrieked, “I know you, Amanda.  We’re not so different,”

“You bitch,” Mandy cried, “you’re my best friend and I love you, but you know you’re a bitch.”

She got up off my cock and went over to Sarah and, leaning down, kissed her, then helped her to her feet, before giving Tim a nudge with her foot.

“Did you enjoy that, husband?” she asked.

“Shit, yes,”Tim replied, still lying there, “but I was worried about what you thought.”

“Well, I’m pissed off that you enjoyed it so much, but as I do the same with Alan, I can’t really complain,” she said.

“It’s all very well for all of you,” I said, “but I’m left here high and dry.”

“Oh, poor you,” said Sarah.

I moved over to stand next to her, then leaned forward and whispered in her ear: “Would you like me to fuck you in front of Mandy? That would really get one over her.”

She nodded her head.

“Get on your knees,” I said.

She dropped down onto the carpet, her butt high in the air.  I knelt down behind her and, in one move, thrust my cock deep inside her.

“Aaaargh,” she cried.

“Shut up,” I growled and smacked her butt then started thrusting inside her.

She felt quite tight but, as she was wet with the remnants of Tim’s cum, I slid in easily and I could feel her slowly adapting to my cock as her vagina loosened and stretched.  I reached round and felt her small tits, pinching her nipples.

“Oh fuck, I love your cock,” she gasped as I started moving inside her, my cock probing the depths of her vagina and rubbing its walls.

Soon she was mewling and crying as I pounded in and out of her.  I let go of her tits and grabbed her hips, pulling her hard against me then pushing her away.  I could see my cock pulling her labia in and out.

“Oh gawd,” she shrieked, “oh my fucking god,” then started grunting with each thrust.

I could feel her vaginal walls rippling around my cock, tickling my shaft and making my nerves scream.  Then I felt that slow burn start deep inside my groin and spread throughout my loins until my cock felt like a burning hot bar of steel.

I held my breath and gave an extra hard push as I felt my muscles freeze and semen surge up my shaft and jet into her vagina.

“Ayeeee,” she screamed and suddenly her body started jerking as she thrashed around in her orgasm.  My cock jerked and spewed semen inside her as I ejaculated again and again, until eventually my arousal subsided and my cock relaxed.

Sarah fell forward and slipped off my cock.  A river of semen flowed out of her cunt and puddled on the carpet.  She remained on her knees, her face on the carpet and then slowly lowered herself to lie face-down.

Nobody said a word as I got off my knees and stood up.

Tim looked up at me, his eyes wide.  Mandy was looking at Sarah who was still lying face-down.  She seemed shocked and amazed.

“I’m going to the bathroom,” I said, and left them.

I returned a few minutes later to find them dressed and sitting down.  Tim was next to a Mandy and Sarah was on a couch. I put in my clothes and then sat next to her.

“That was quite a performance,” Mandy said.

“Don’t be jealous,” I replied, “you’re like that at least twice a week.”

“Yes, but it’s different watching you do it to someone else.”

“How do you think Tim feels watching you?” I asked.

Mandy didn’t respond, but lowered her head and looked at the floor.

“Hey guys, lighten up,” Sarah said.  “Alan’s a good fuck, we all know that, and we also know that he’s an opportunist and not monogamous.  Tim’s also a good fuck, but not quite as animalistic as Alan.  I enjoyed my time with him and he seemed to enjoy it too.  I’d like to do it again, more than once.  You, Mandy, enjoyed watching it and I enjoyed watching you with Alan.  So why can’t we all just accept things?”

Mandy thought about it before answering.

“I shouldn’t be so possessive, particularly with my behaviour,“ she said, “but the first time is always a shock.  I’ll need time, but I will adjust.”

“Look,” Sarah said, “we’re all friends, so we’ll help each other.  Now come with me to the kitchen and let’s see if we can recover anything of the dinner I was cooking.”

The two of them got up and left us.

“Well, Tim,” I said, “what did you think of that?”

“Unbelievable,” he said, “That was the best fuck of my life.  What Sarah can do with her cunt is beyond belief. But I felt so bad about betraying Mandy.”

“Oh, she’ll be fine,” I said, “she enjoyed watching you enjoy yourself.  She’ll get over her jealousy.”

“And then watching Sarah cum when you fucked her,” he continued, “it was like my own personal porn show.  Exciting is an understatement.”

I didn’t say anything.  I was happy with the way things were turning out,  I had reinforced my dominance over Tim, having just had him watch his wife cum on my cock, then fucking his new woman straight after he’d fucked her and doing a better job,

I’d also reinforced my position with Mandy, showing her that if she didn’t do as I wanted, there were others who would.

Finally, I’d maintained my special position with Sarah.  We always had an incredibly good physical time together, both of us experiencing feelings that we didn’t feel with others.  She would fuck other men, but would always come back to me.

We sat there for several minutes, not saying anything, until the women invited us to join them in the kitchen.

The mood between them had lightened considerably, and soon we were all happily talking around the table as we had our dinner.  After dinner we returned to the living room and carried on talking for another hour or so, until Mandy said that they had to go home.

The four of us crowded into the small entrance hall to say goodbye.  I gave Mandy a huge hug followed by a kiss, then looked at her before kissing her again, but more passionately.

“Enough of that,” said Sarah.

I broke our kiss and said goodbye to Mandy, then shook Tim’s hand. Sarah kissed both of them and they left.

Sarah and I returned to the living room where I poured us some more wine and sat next to her.

“That went rather well,” I said, “thank you for fixing it up.”

“Yes,” she replied, “I think it was very good.  Mandy and I had a good talk in the kitchen.  I think you’ve got a real tigress there.  She’s much more sexual than I thought.  I told her about the tantric classes and she made me promise to take her to one.”

“What about Tim?” I asked.

“Oh, he’s a sweetie,” she replied, “sensitive and considerate.  He’s also very sexy, although he needs to gain more confidence.  He doesn’t have a huge cock, but it’s not small and he does know how to use it. I bet he calls me in the next few days.”

“You know Mandy’s been talking about babies,” I said.

“Yes, she told me.  She wants to have your child, to have a permanent part of you, but she’s worried about how it will affect Tim.”

My cock stirred as I thought about that.  Impregnating another man’s wife is a huge turn on for me, especially if he doesn’t know.  I’d already done that with Jenny and Dave.

“Well, we’ll see how that develops,” I said.

“I’m sure you’ll dream up some plan for it,” Sarah retorted.

“Cynic,” I replied, “would you like me to stay the night?”

“Of course I would,” she said, “you don’t think you can get away so easily, do you?”

“I wouldn’t want to,” I said, “let’s go to bed then.”

I stood up and helped her up.  We went through to her bedroom, where we got undressed and got into the bed then started kissing and caressing each other but then fell asleep.

We woke up in the middle of the night and made love gently, with me entering her from behind as we lay on our sides and spooned, then went to sleep again with my cock still inside her.

The next day I went home in the morning.  I’d had an excellent time with Mandy and, at the same time, ensured my dominance in the relationship.  I’d also had a really good time with Sarah and could see that developing further.

My next challenge, however, would be to cum in Mandy when she was fertile and unprotected…….

Written by aljames21
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