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Amanda - Chapter 05

"Mandy becomes more dominant and so does Alan"

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The day following my evening with Mandy, where her husband accepted my role in their marriage, started off normally but soon changed when an angry Sarah came into my office and closed the door.

“How can you be such a shit?” she asked, “you’ve completely crushed Tim and made Mandy feel bad.  You’re a bastard, Alan.”

“Sit down, Sarah, and calm down,” I said, “Tim wants to be crushed.  He wants to be servile.  He’s nearly accepted that, but Mandy hasn’t yet understood her role.”

“That’s not what she says,” Sarah replied, “she says that Tim feels completely messed up.  He wants you to fuck his wife, but it upsets him.  He wants to fuck her, to reclaim her, but you’ve told him he can’t and he feels he needs to do as you’ve told him.  He thinks you’re a bastard, but he doesn’t want you to leave.”

“That’s the point,” I said, “he wants me in their marriage.  He wants me to fuck his wife. He wants me to be in control.  But Mandy needs to be more controlling too.  She needs to treat him like a cuck so that his position is clear and he’s not confused.”

“I’m not sure you’re right,” she said, “and anyway, you’re playing around in their marriage.”

“Look, Sarah,” I said, “they both want me to do what I’m doing.  So why should I feel bad?  If they want me to fuck off, I’ll go.  But they don’t.  Tim actually wants more. He wants me to fuck him, but he’s worried about exploring that side of his sexuality.  I think he’ll come round to it fairly soon.”

“God, you’re a silver-tongued devil,” she said, “you can make the most reprehensible act sound quite acceptable, but I know how your mind works.”

“Yes, you do, and you love it,” I said, “because yours works the same way.  Now fuck off and tell Mandy to stop being such a drama queen.  I don’t need to fuck her.  If she wants to stop, that’s fine with me.”

“That’s crap, Alan.  You know she wants you and I know you enjoy what you’re doing, but I will tell her.”

She stomped off out of my office, leaving me to think about what she’d told me.  I probably should have had a joint conversation with Tim and Mandy before they left, rather than leaving Tim to tell Mandy what I’d said, but that opportunity was now in the past. I decided to wait and see what would happen.

I didn’t have to wait long.  It wasn’t more than an hour before Mandy came into my office.  She looked furious.

“What the hell is the matter with you?” she said angrily. “Why did you have to humiliate Tim like that?  Everything was fine until then.”

“Because that’s what he wants,” I said, “and he wants it from you, too.  You’re treating him with kid gloves and, deep down inside, that’s not what he wants.  He gets a thrill out of being made to feel inadequate.”

“That’s rubbish,” she snapped, “that’s just your dominant nature bending things to suit you.”

“We’ll see,” I said.

“No, we won’t,” she replied, “as far as I’m concerned, we’re done.”

She turned round and stormed out of the office.

I watched her leave and wondered whether I’d really screwed up everything.  I was pretty sure I hadn’t and that Mandy would come back to me, but I was going to have to be patient.  It would take at least a few weeks for her to calm down and then start to miss me.  In the meantime, I would have to sort things out with Sarah, who was clearly angry with me for upsetting her friend.

The rest of the day passed without any further excitement, and I finished work at about seven before going home.  I had no plans for the evening, so I made myself an early dinner then settled down in front of the television.

I’d been watching for a while when the ‘phone rang.  I answered it to hear Sarah.

“Enjoying your time alone?” she asked.

“Fuck off, Sarah,” I replied, “I don’t need any more of your nasty jibes.”

“Well, you know that you’ll get more, but that wasn’t why I called,” she said, “I called because I thought you might want company.”

“Thanks, Sarah, I appreciate that,” I replied, “but I think I’d rather be alone.”

“Fair enough,” she said, “but do call if you change your mind,” and rang off.

That made me feel a bit better about things.  She wasn’t holding any grudges against me and would be there if I needed her. 

I went back to the television but soon grew tired of watching and decided to have an early night.




The next few weeks passed without any contact from Mandy.  We passed each other at work every now and then, but nothing was said. In the meantime, I continued my other relationships with Sarah and Jenny until one evening I got a call from Tim.

“Alan, it’s Tim.”

“Hello Tim, how are you?”

“I’m fine, thanks,” he replied, “I’m calling because I think we should try and fix this up.  I don’t like the way it’s been left.”

“Sounds like a good idea,” I said, “when would you like to talk about it?”

“How about now?” he replied, “could you come round?”

“Sure,” I said, “I’ll be there soon,” and rang off.

I was delighted. It looked like my reading of the situation has been correct and that it would develop as I had imagined, so it was with optimism that I made my way to their apartment.

I was let in by Tim who asked me to come into the living room.  When we got there, I saw Mandy was sitting on the couch. 

“Hello Mandy,” I said, “you’re looking well.”

“I don’t feel well,” she replied, “this is all so difficult.”

“Why did you ask me over, then?” I asked.

“Because I need you,” she said in an exasperated way, “I don’t want you out of my life and that makes me so angry with myself.”

“It’s alright, darling,” Tim said, “don’t get upset.”

“Oh shut up Tim,” she snapped at him, “if you were more of a man, none of this would have happened. Make yourself useful and go and make some coffee for us.”

Tim closed his mouth and slunk off to the kitchen.

I stepped up to the couch and sat next to Mandy, then put my arms around her and hugged her.

“Everything will get better,” I said, “you’ll see.”

I felt her shoulders slump as she let out her breath and sank into my embrace, then started crying.

“You were such a bastard,” she sobbed, “and yet I’ve missed you so much.  I couldn’t hold out any longer.”

I kissed her tears away from her eyes, then hugged her again, my hands on her shoulders, her head on my chest.  After a few minutes she lifted her head and looked at me.

“Kiss me,” she said, “kiss me and tell me you’ll look after me.”

I kissed her gently on the mouth, then stroked her face.

“Of course I’ll look after you,” I said, “would you like me to stay the night?”

“Oh, yes please,” she said, and flung her arms around me and hugged me tightly.

Tim arrived back in the living room with three mugs on a tray, which he put down on the table in front of the couch.

“Tim,” Mandy said, “Alan’s staying the night.  You’ll be sleeping on the couch.”

He looked at her then bowed his head.

“Yes, darling,” he said, looking at the floor.

“Hand me my coffee, Tim,” I said.

He picked up a mug and handed it to me.

“You like serving me, don’t you?” I said.

“Yes,” he replied, looking embarrassed, “I do.”

“Well, I like you to serve me too, so there’s no need to feel bad about it.”

“But I do feel bad,” he said, “I’m a man.  I like women, but for some reason I’m really attracted to you and want you to treat me like you treat your women.  That makes me feel weak and angry with myself.”

“Man up, Tim, and accept who you are,” I said, “you like men and women and there’s nothing wrong with that.  Indeed, it gives you a bigger field to play.  But you also like being dominated, being made to feel inferior.  That’s why you like me fucking your wife.  It’s that mixture of lust, jealousy, and humiliation, and you get off on it.”

“I don’t know,” he said, “I’m so confused.”

“Come here, Tim, and stand next to me,” I said.

He came over.  I turned to Mandy and kissed her then stood up.

“Take off your trousers and pants,” I said as I loosened my belt, unzipped my fly, and dropped mine.  He did the same and we both stood there, naked from the waist down.

I looked at him and saw his eyes drift down to my cock, which was hanging down.  I looked at his cock and saw it start to grow.

“You like what you see, don’t you?” I said, “look how your body reacts.”

“Oh fuck,” he groaned, “I can’t help it. I find it so exciting,” as his cock grew more until it was completely erect.

“And what do you want, Tim?” I asked.

“I want to feel you overpowering me,” he said.

“I will,” I said, reaching out and grabbing his cock, “but right now it’s your wife that I’m going to fuck.  She doesn’t want your scrawny, little prick that she can’t feel.  She wants mine, a real cock that can fill her and make her feel good.”

I felt his cock jerk and swell as I spoke.  He clearly enjoyed being humiliated.

“And,” I continued, still holding his cock, “you are going to watch.  You are going to watch me take your wife’s body and use it for my pleasure.  You are going to watch from close up as my cock thrusts in and out of her vagina, and you’re going to see my urethra expand as my semen shoots up my shaft and sprays hundreds of millions of my fertile sperm inside your wife.”

Again, I felt his cock jerk and expand as I spoke, but I also felt Mandy’s hand snaking round my hips and taking hold of my cock as she stood up and pressed herself against my back.

“I need you now,” she whispered in my ear, “all this talking is making me very frustrated.”

She took me by the hand and led me to the bedroom, Tim following.  When we got there, she took off her clothes and stood in front of me dressed only in some very skimpy panties.  I took off my shirt.

Mandy stepped towards me and, bending over, licked my nipples, sucking them into her mouth and raking her teeth on them before looking up then pulling my head down and kissing me.

I put my arms around her and pulled her towards me, my hands on her butt, my fingers rubbing the gusset of her panties, feeling her labia. 

I kissed her back, my tongue swirling inside her mouth.  I licked her gums, her teeth, her tongue.  I sucked on her tongue.  Our saliva mingled.  She was rubbing her groin against me and I could feel her panties getting damp.  My cock was erect and sticking up, trapped between us.  She broke our kiss.

“Put your cock in me, Alan,” she said.

“Not yet,” I replied, “I want to enjoy your body first.”

I walked her back to the bed until the backs of her knees were touching it, then lowered her onto it.  She shuffled back and lay there, her knees raised.  I climbed on between her legs and bent over and kissed her again.  Before long we were in the throes of a passionate kiss, her hands holding my face.

I reached for her left breast with my right hand and started kneading it.  I felt her nipple harden and elongate as I squeezed, so I grasped it between my thumb and forefinger and rolled it around.

“Mmmmf,” she breathed into my mouth and pulled me closer in towards her.

I left her tit and moved my hand to her groin, inserting my fingers under the side hem of her panties and running them over her labia, which felt wet and slippery.

She bucked her hips as I did this and her labia opened up, ready for my fingers to slip inside.  I thrust them into the entrance of her vagina and tickled her.

“Aaaaah,” she cried, opening her mouth so that the sound could come out.

I grabbed her panties in my hand and tore them off her body, shredding the thin fabric then, holding my cock in my hand, thrust it into her cunt hard and without stopping.

“Oh my god,” she cried, “you’re too big.”

“Do you want me to stop?” I asked.

“Shit, no,” she replied.

So I didn’t.  I thrust until I felt my cock hit the back of her vagina, and then gave little pushes to extend it further. 

It felt so good inside her.  While she didn’t have the muscular control and technique that both Jenny and Sarah had learned on their Tantric course, her vagina felt uniquely wonderful.  Perhaps it was the texture of her vaginal walls, or maybe the way everything was arranged inside, but it felt like a magic sleeve caressing my cock.

Then I started thrusting in her, fucking her hard and fast with long strokes, my cock plunging in and out.  She hooked her legs around mine and fucked me back, her groin hitting mine, her butt bouncing on the bed.

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“Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh,” she grunted with each stroke, then “fuck. Me. Fuck. Me.”

I glanced round to see Tim standing at the side, wanking.

“Get on the bed, Tim,” I said breathlessly, “and lie on your back with your head near Mandy’s butt.”

He did as I said.

I stopped fucking Mandy and leaned down and kissed her.

“We’re going to do it doggy style,” I said and pulled out.

She rolled over onto her knees and looked back at me.

“Move over so that you’re over Tim’s head,” I said.

She moved over, straddling him with her cunt above his head.  She ducked down and gave his cock a quick lick then straightened out again. I positioned myself on my knees between her legs and pushed my cock back in her cunt until I was buried deep inside her.

“Look closely, Tim,” I said, “now you’ve got a good view and can watch your wife get fucked by a proper cock.”

I started thrusting using long, slow strokes, burying my cock all the way inside her until my groin slapped against her butt, then pulling back almost all the way out before driving back inside again.

I could see her labia clutching my shaft and being dragged back and forth as they were so tightly wrapped around it, with the outline of my glans clearly visible on the outstroke.

Her cunt felt magnificent. A warm, slippery sleeve with a texture like velvet, that wrapped itself around my cock and massaged every nerve until it felt like it would explode.  She rotated her hips as I fucked her, shifting me around inside and tickling my corona.

I could feel precum oozing out of my glans, making her insides feel more and more slippery.  The base of my cock was now wet with our fluids, and a ring of white foam formed around it, soaking my pubic hair.

Mandy was now grunting with every thrust then moaning as I pulled back.  Her tits were swinging from our movements and brushing against Tim’s stomach, her nipples dragging over his skin.

“Oh gawd, Alan,” she cried, “ooooooooh.”

I speeded up my thrusting and fucked her harder as her body jolted from my movements.  I could feel my cock hit the back of her vagina, squashing my glans and tickling my slit.  The corona at the top of my glans was brushing back and forth over her cervix, sending electric jolts shooting through my cock.  I was going to cum soon.

All my muscles were tense and I was holding my breath for long periods of time.  My total focus was on my cock and its feelings, everything else faded into the distance.  I was completely lost in my pleasure when I gave an extra hard push as I felt the muscle at the base of my cock contract and my cock expand as a wad of semen surged up my urethra and erupted inside Mandy’s cunt.

“Ayeeee,” she screamed, “aaaaah.”

My muscles relaxed momentarily and I pulled back before tensing up again and thrusting as I ejaculated another stream of semen into her cunt.

I could feel her spasming around me, her cunt clutching rhythmically at my cock in time with my ejaculations, coaxing every last sperm out of me.  I could feel her vagina full of my semen, warm and slippery and swirling around. Fluids were oozing out of her cunt and dribbling down my balls, making them itch. 

Eventually my spasms dwindled out and my breathing became less laboured.  Mandy slumped forward, her head on Tim’s thigh.  I pulled out of her cunt and let my cock flop onto Tim’s face, then watched as semen oozed out of Mandy’s cunt and dribbled onto my cock.

I lifted my hips slightly so that my glans rubbed his lips. He opened his mouth and sucked it in, licking as he did so.  After a few minutes I pulled it out watched as he licked Mandy’s cunt, swallowing the slimy, white fluid.

“Mmmm,” Mandy said, “that feels really nice. Your tongue is magical.”

After a while he stopped.  Mandy lifted herself up and moved to the side to lie on her back.  I moved next to her, lying on my side and trailing my fingers up and down her body.  Tim sat up and looked at us.

“Did you like that, Tim,” I asked, “watching me pump my semen into your wife’s vagina?”

“Oh god, yes,” he said, his face bright and very animated, “it was fantastic. I could see your urethra expand and throb as your semen shot up it, then contract immediately afterwards until your next ejaculation when it expanded again.  It’s the most exciting thing I’ve seen and I was only a few inches away from it.”

“Good, I’m glad you enjoyed it. You also seemed to enjoy cleaning up.”

He didn’t say anything, just smiled.

“You missed my balls, though,” I said.

Again, he didn’t say anything, but he leaned over and took my balls in his fingers, then bent down and flicked them with his tongue before sucking the hairs between his lips and licking my sac.

“Don’t forget them next time,” I said, “now you can go back to the living room while your wife and I carry on where we left off.”

Tim got off the bed and went to the door, then turned around.

“Thank you for tonight,” he said, “it was the most intense experience that I have ever had and has made me realise that I need to let go of my fears.”

He left, but did not close the door.  I turned back to Mandy.

“You need to keep this up,” I said, “he wants to be number two.  He wants to be humiliated but not discarded.  You need to find the balance in doing that.”

“I will,” she replied, “I’m beginning to understand him better.”

“Are you OK with this?” I asked.  “Is this what you want?”

“Yes,” she replied, “I’m OK with it.  I do love him and I want to spend my life with him, but he can’t satisfy me sexually.  Now as long as he’s happy that I seek that satisfaction elsewhere, everything will be fine.  I still want to make love with him, but that’s primarily for him and for the emotional warmth it gives me.”

“What about the dominance and humiliation?”

“Ah, I’m actually beginning to enjoy that,” she replied, “it’s given me power that I didn’t think I had.”

“Good,” I said, “let’s see how you use it in the coming weeks.  Now turn that gorgeous body of yours onto your side and cuddle into me.”

She turned towards me and shuffled closer.  Her tits were against my chest as she swung her leg over my thigh.  My cock was still erect and nuzzling at the entrance to her slit.

I kissed her gently, licking her lips, then kissed her eyes, her cheeks, her nose.  I felt her tongue snake out and lick my chin.  I lowered my head and sucked her tongue.  Soon we were kissing deeply, our tongues in each other’s mouths, playing around.

She shifted her hips slightly and I felt my cock part her labia and rub inside her slit.  I reached down and positioned it at her vaginal entrance then shoved forward and felt it enter.

“Aaaah,” she murmured into my mouth, then gave a push forward with her hips and adjusted herself around me.  Soon I was quite deep inside her, feeling the remnants of my semen squelching around my cock.

“I love you, Alan,” she said, breaking our kiss.

“No, you don’t,” I replied, “you love the way I fuck you.”

“No,” she said, “I mean yes, I do love the way you fuck me, but I also love you.  Not in the same way I love Tim, but more than just physically.”

“Don’t go there, Mandy,’ I said, “I’m not good relationship material.  You’ll end up getting hurt.”

“I don’t care,” she said, “all I know is that I need you in my life.”

I could feel my cock swelling and jerking as she spoke.  Her words were a tremendous boost to my male ego. I started moving gently inside her, small thrusts with short strokes.  I could feel her cunt clinging to me, clutching and releasing.

I looked at her as we were fucking.  Her eyes were open and staring into mine, but with a dreamy look.  Her mouth was partly open and she was panting.  Occasionally her tongue emerged and moistened her lips.

“You are my man,” she gasped, “I feel so safe with you, so protected.”

She leaned in and kissed me again, then threw her head back and shrieked.

“Ayeeee,” she cried, “oh god. Oh no,” and pushed hard against me, her cunt spasming rhythmically.

I continued fucking her gently as she wallowed in her orgasm until she slowly relaxed.

“My god, I don’t know how that happened so quickly,” she said.

“Don’t think about it,” I replied, “just enjoy the feelings.”

We carried on fucking gently and it wasn’t long before I felt her body starting to tense again.  She was going to orgasm again.

“Oh Alan, oh my darling,” she whispered, “please cum.  I want to feel you ejaculate in me.  I want to feel your sperm inside me, swimming into my womb.  Please, please cum.”

Her words excited me beyond measure and soon I was fucking her much harder with longer strokes.  I could feel my arousal level rising as my balls tightened, and my cock started to tingle. 

“I’m going to cum soon, my little fucktoy,” I growled, “I’m going to spray your insides with my fertile semen.”

“Yes, yes,” she shrieked, “fill me, fill me with your sperm. I want your baby.”

That tipped me over the edge.  With a shout I tensed my muscles and shot a thick wad of semen deep into her vagina, then another smaller one, and then it was over.  It was too soon after our last fuck.

Mandy held her groin hard against me as I came, her vagina rippling around cock as she moaned.

“Oh.  Oh.  Oh.  Oh.”

Then gradually we both relaxed and started breathing more easily.  After a while we just lay there, kissing gently but still joined at the groin.

“Did you mean that,” I asked, “do you really want a baby?”

“Only yours,” she replied, “but I know that’s not going to happen.  Neither of us need that at the moment.  Anyway, I need to get things sorted out with Tim first.”

That made me feel much more relieved, but I kept the thought in the back of my mind as I put my arm over her and hugged her.  She kissed me again then pulled her hips back and kept my cock slide out of her before sitting up and then getting off the bed.

“I love seeing my semen ooze out of you,” I said as I watched it running out of her cunt and dribbling down her thigh, “it looks so sexy.”

She laughed and put her hand between her legs to stop it dripping on the floor.

“Use your left hand,” I said, “I want to see it on your wedding rings.”

“You are such a shit,” she said, but she rubbed her left hand under her cunt so that her rings were coated with semen, then shoved it in front of me.

“There,” she said, “is that what you want to see!”

“Yes,” I said, “that shows me that your body is truly mine.”

“You know it is,” she replied, and left for the bathroom.

After a few minutes she returned and got back into bed.  I cuddled up to her back, and it wasn’t long before we were both asleep.




I woke up quite early the next morning.  Mandy was still asleep, so I got out of bed carefully, trying not to disturb her, and went to the bathroom.  Once I’d finished there, I put on Tim’s bathrobe and returned to the bedroom to wake her up. 

“Wake up, sleepy head,” I said, kissing her cheek, “time to get up.”

She opened her eyes and looked at me, then smiled.

“Oh, hello Alan.  Do we really need to get up?”

“I’m afraid so,” I said, “much as I’d like to stay in bed with you, unfortunately we both have to go to work, as does Tim.”

She stretched then threw back the bedclothes and sat up.  I looked at her and thought how sexy she looked, then put that thought out of my mind.

‘I’ll go and check on Tim,” I said, and left to go into the living room.  When I got there, I saw he was already awake and sitting up.

“Morning, Alan” he said as I came in, “did you sleep well?”

“Like a log,” I replied, “and you?”

“Me too,” he said.

“I suppose we all have to get ready for work,” I said, “I’ll head off home as I didn’t bring anything with me last night.”

“You can borrow something from me, if you want,” he said.

“Thank you, but no,” I answered, although I thought it would be quite apt to take his clothes, just as I had taken his wife.

“Is Mandy up?” He asked.

“Yes,” I replied, “she should be here soon.”

Mandy arrived shortly after that and we all went into the kitchen to make coffee. 

“I want to tell you two that I had an unbelievably good time last night,” Tim said, “I don’t think I’ve ever been so aroused by anything as I was last night, and I most certainly want to do it again.”

“I’m so pleased, my love,” said Mandy, “because I also want to do it again.  I really enjoyed what you did to me afterwards.”

“I’m going to get dressed,” I said, “I need to go,” and left for the bedroom.  I found my clothes and put them on and then returned.  The two of them were deep in conversation.

“Listen, you two,” I said, “why don’t you go back to bed and make love.  I think it would be a good idea and you have enough time before work.”

I stepped up to Mandy and gave her a kiss on the lips then went to the front door and let myself out.

On the way home I imagined what they would be doing.  Tim would be happy that he had permission to fuck Mandy, but would find his wife’s cunt loose and wet, full of my semen.  Mandy probably wouldn’t feel much physically, but would enjoy the emotional closeness with him.  She would probably pretend to climax.

Then I thought about Mandy mentioning a baby.  I have the usual masculine desire to propagate, and taking another man’s wife to do that is hugely erotic.  I wondered whether she would do anything about it...


Written by aljames21
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