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Kelly MacGuire - Lincoln Park Mommy Ch. 07b

"After a day running around town primping for a charity event, Kelly returns home and gets demolished by the construction crew working on her home. (Part 2)"

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(If you haven’t read it already, you’ll want to read Kelly MacGuire – Lincoln Park Mommy Chapter 07a before you read this chapter.)

Below her, Reggie placed his hands on Kelly's ass cheeks and pulled them apart, exposing her anal ring. Jerome smoothed the baby oil across her cheeks and toward her asshole, the tip of his finger teasing that tight confluence of flesh.

She buried her face in Reggie's chiseled chest and moaned as one of Jerome's thick, oil-slicked fingers slid through the tight ring into the hot confines of her asshole. He tugged gently at the anal ring, forcing it to relax, and squirted baby oil directly into her asshole. Kelly wrapped her right arm around Reggie's neck, her manicured nails digging into his shoulder, and shuddered into his chest.

Jerome moved in closer to her upturned ass and Reggie wrapped his arms around Kelly's waist to hold her steady. After coating his cock liberally with the oil, Jerome placed the head at the entrance to her asshole and gently pushed forward. Kelly relaxed, loosening her butthole, and he was surprised at how easily his mushroom head passed through her anal ring.

"Done this before, huh, slut?" he asked, almost rhetorically, his fingers gripping his shaft tightly as he forced more of his length up Kelly's butt.

"Mm-hm," came the muffled reply. Kelly's lustrous red lips searched for and found one of Reggie's broad nipples and closed around it, sucking the flesh between her snow-white teeth.

Jerome stopped and pulled out, adding more lubrication to his shaft before pushing back into her asshole. The additional oil allowed the full length of his cock to glide into her. A guttural groan escaped Kelly's throat when she felt Jerome's pubic bone mash against her ass cheeks.

He pulled almost all the way out and added a little more oil to his shaft for good measure. He then placed his strong hands on Kelly's hips and savagely drove the length of his cock into her stretched-out asshole balls deep.

"Aaaaawwwww!" Kelly screamed out, the nails of her right hand piercing Reggie's flesh, drawing blood, as her ass was packed full with Jerome's thick cock, pulling her cunt almost all the way off Reggie's shaft at the same time.

Jerome pulled out, pulling her hips with him, levering her back onto Reggie's shaft. Kelly groaned at the opposing sensations of having her ass filled then her cunt filled.

Jerome sliced back into her asshole but held her hips steady, ensuring that she was simultaneously impaled on both cocks, her ass cheeks rippling under the assault.

"Oh, fuck!" she wailed. "So much...fuckin' cock!" Beads of sweat formed on her high forehead and ran down the bridge of her nose. A sheen of perspiration slicked her tanned back, her well-defined muscles undulating beneath taut flesh.

"This what you wanted, cunt?" Reggie taunted her from below. "Two cocks in your little slut body?"

"Oh, God, yes," she moaned as her body was rocked between the two men. Reggie took one of her engorged nipples in his mouth again, sucking the milk from her, letting it spill over his cheeks and stain the duvet cover beneath them.

Pulling his cock from her so that just the head remained ensconced in her once-tight asshole, Jerome spanked one of her ass cheeks, leaving a red mark in the shape of his hand. She shuddered at the assault.

"Never...would have...guessed...Mrs. MacGuire," he began to taunt her, pounding his engorged cock back into the unfaithful asshole, "that you...were such a sick...fucking...cum-dump."

"Oh, fuck," Kelly muttered, her luscious body quaking between her two assailants. Sweat streamed across her back, rolling down her torso and sliding between her taut body and Reggie's muscular one.

Jerome slowed his pace in her asshole and leaned over her back, whispering hotly in her ear, "You like being called names, whore?"

Kelly paused, her eyes screwed shut, then answered with a hiss, "Yesss."

Jerome pulled back but slammed his length back into her hard, keeping it there, her ass cheeks undulating. Kelly grunted at the intrusion.

"Why?" he inquired through gritted teeth, his full lips still inches from her, his hot breath caressing her inner ear.

"'Cause I'm...a filthy...fucking...slut," she grunted.

Below her, Reggie joined in. "Your husband know what a fuckin' tramp he married?"

Kelly shuddered at the mention of her husband. Poor guy. He was sitting in his office, trying to wrap things up for the day, oblivious to the fact that his supposedly faithful wife, the doting mother of his child, was getting double-teamed by two men, and loving every fucking minute of it.

"Noooo," she breathed.

Jerome placed a hand in the center of Kelly's sweaty back and pushed himself back upright, forcing a grunt from her lungs. He pulled her left hand from Reggie's shoulders and brought it back with him, placing it palm-down on her left ass cheek.

"Pull yourself apart for me, you cheating cunt!" he ordered.

Kelly released her right arm from around Reggie's neck and brought it behind her. She used both hands to pry her ass cheeks apart as Jerome slammed his thick cock back into her asshole and held it there, her anal ring snug around the engorged shaft.

He looked down at the vision presenting itself. His oiled-up cock buried to the root in Kelly's stretched-out asshole, the tips of her bright red nails scraping against the sides of his shaft when he pulled out, the diamonds of her engagement and wedding rings glittering.

"Know what I see here, Mrs. MacGuire?"

"Uhn-uhn," she grunted, her angelic face forced into Reggie's chest.

Jerome pushed her off the two cocks, but quickly pulled her back down, a rush of breath forced from her lungs.

"A cheating wife," he began, pulling his cock from her asshole, his breath heavy, "holding her ass...wide open...for strange cock!"

Jerome sliced his cock back into Kelly's asshole and she yelped at the invasion.

"Oh, fuck, yeah," she growled. "Fuck my asshole! Fuck my married cunt! I love...having two cocks...buried in me!"

Jerome let go of her hips and bent over her back again, this time pulling her dirty blond locks from the updo. As they unraveled, ruining her hairdresser's work, he wrapped the lustrous tresses around one of his fists and yanked back, using them as reins to guide her back onto the two cocks that were battering her holes.

He pulled harder, lifting Kelly's face and tits from Reggie's chest. The muscles in her back strained and her neck pulsed from the stress put on her body. Sweat ran down her forehead and cheeks, dripping from her chin to splash down on Reggie's pectoral muscles. Her light makeup ran from above her eyes and smeared along her high cheekbones.

"This how you like it, slut?" Reggie teased the immoral married woman. With her arms still behind her, her diamond-encrusted fingers prying her ass cheeks apart for Jerome's anal assault, and her body arched back, Kelly's enormous 34Fs jutted from her chest and hung in his face, breast milk dripping from her engorged nipples.

"Nnnnghn," was all the woman could manage, her eyes screwed shut to ward off the sting of her own sweat.

"Like fucking...two strange your...husband's bed!?!" Reggie taunted, bucking his hips to drive his blood-engorged cock deeper into the married woman’s cunt, lifting his head to capture a leaking nipple between his teeth, biting it, compressing the spongy tissue.

Kelly began to shake and quiver and jerk between the construction workers. The nerves in her asshole and cunt and nipples sizzled, tripping wires in her lust-addled brain. Her little body convulsed.

"Cum on these cocks, you fuckin' whore!" Jerome commanded her with a brutal slap across the ass.

Kelly's body went rigid. Her glossy, bright red lips parted in a silent scream. Her cunt quivered around Reggie's fat shaft. Her asshole twitched on Jerome's thick cock. Her heart stopped momentarily as her tight body was instantly overwhelmed by a massive orgasm that almost had her passing out.

As the initial wave slammed through her trembling body, her hips jerked violently against the two cocks that impaled her. The sounds that had been caught in her throat were released and tumbled across her glass-like red lips.

"Nnnhgngnnnn!" she groaned, her brain too mushy to even begin to form words.

Reggie's thick lips suctioned to one of her distended nipples, breast milk flowing liberally into his open mouth.

Kelly fell forward against his chest, ripping her abused nipple from his clenching lips, when Jerome released her flaxen hair from his fist. Roughly grabbing her hips, Jerome held her tight on his and Reggie's cocks, pushing down on her pelvis, trying to crush her inflamed clit between her and Reggie's pelvic bones. She continued to tremble beneath his tightly gripping hands.

"Oh my god!" she breathed. "Ohmigod! Ohmigod! Oh, fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Her orgasm subsiding, Kelly's sweaty body calmed. She wormed her arms around Reggie's neck and relaxed against his heaving chest, her sweat-soaked tits squishing between their bodies. Her breath was still ragged and uneven as she lay there for a moment, eyes closed in bliss.

Jerome allowed his cock to slip from her asshole and she rolled off Reggie to her back, blond hair plastered by sweat to the side of her face. Tiny rivulets of breast milk coursed across his flesh.

"Don't you guys ever come?" she asked when she caught her breath.

"We will," Jerome answered, climbing off the bed, baby oil dripping from his bloated cock.

"Hey," Reggie began, addressing Jerome. "Grab a towel from the bathroom. Thus fuckin' slut sweats like a fuckin' pig."

Kelly blushed momentarily at the insult but ultimately didn't care. Jerome returned in a few seconds with a white bath sheet and threw it to her. She grabbed it and wiped the sweat from her face and hair, then ran the towel between her breasts and thighs. She rose from the bed and dragged the towel across her back before looking at her reflection in the closet mirror.

"Fuck," she muttered, her makeup and hair – almost two hours of her day – destroyed. In the mirror, she saw Jerome and Reggie switch places such that Jerome lay prone on the bed she shared with her husband. She turned away from her disheveled image to face the bed, her massive tits bobbing on her chest, cunt juice leaking from her bald hole and milk dripping from her fat nipples. She glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table: 4:00.

"Get back over here, Mrs. MacGuire," Jerome ordered the morally bankrupt housewife. "Stand up on the bed and straddle me."

Dropping the mascara-smeared towel to the floor, Kelly strutted across the room, her trim hips swaying as she moved. Cunt juice dripped down her thighs. She kneeled up on the bed and then stood, straddling Jerome as he had ordered, looking down between her huge tits at his face.

"Face the other way."

Kelly, unstable on the soft mattress, managed to turn around so she was facing Reggie, who stood at the foot of the bed. She looked over her shoulder at Jerome, pulling her sweaty blond hair from her adorable face, her bright blue eyes inquisitive.


Kelly allowed her knees to buckle. She slowly squatted, her blue eyes on Reggie as he watched her bald cunt slowly, inexorably, lower itself toward Jerome's upright pole. When it was within reach, she took Jerome's shaft in her left hand, dragging her fire-engine red nails along his sensitive flesh. His cock jumped in her hand when the back of her engagement ring caught on a thick, pulsing vein.

She re-centered herself, leaning forward slightly, her gigantic tits hanging from her slim torso, and placed the head of Jerome's cock at the entrance to her wrinkled asshole. She was about to let her body drop on him when his voice boomed from behind her.

"No! The other hole," he directed.

Kelly shuffled her feet a little, moving the thick shaft toward her blooming cunt lips. The cockhead grazed against her clit, drawing a gasp from her, and she moved it down a little. Before she could coax her lips apart with the head, Jerome grabbed her hips and sadistically pulled her down on his bloated cock, skewering her to his balls in one brutal moment.

Kelly's glossy lips parted and her head snapped back. "Ughh!" she wailed, her bloated tits wobbling on her chest, her nipples flushing red. Manicured hands on her knees, the muscles of her legs worked furiously to push her weight back up and off the invading shaft, leaving it coated in her burning wetness.

Before the head popped from between her lips, Jerome again pulled her down on his shaft, his savage grip holding her steady, not allowing to her rise up. "Nnnhgnnn!" she groaned again, softer this time. Reggie watched the scene unfold with amusement.

Jerome released his grip on her hips and Kelly pushed up again, slowly. Her cunt walls contracted as the thick shaft withdrew. When she felt the bloated crown tug at her cunt lips, she stopped and hovered there.

She ran her bright red nails through her blond locks, gathering them, and looked over her shoulder at Jerome, her eyes filled with lust. Her legs quivered at the strain. Her arms still stretched above her, hands on top of her head, bloated tits standing proud on her torso, she looked back toward Reggie, still standing at the foot of the bed, stroking his cock.

"What should I do?" she asked him, her voice dripping with false innocence.

"Impale yourself," he commanded her, a smirk on his full lips.

Feigning shock and surprise, Kelly's eyes went wide and she placed her open left palm, her engagement ring sparkling, over her glossy lips. "What?" she play-acted. "I can't do that. It could hurt. Besides, it might tear my little vagina apart for my husband. I can't do that to him. He loves me."

Reggie looked on with amusement. "Just try it, Mrs. MacGuire. You might...," he began before Kelly interrupted him.

"Okay," she announced, letting her knees buckle, impaling her cunt on Jerome's thick pole with the full weight of her lithe body. Without skipping a beat, her legs powered her back up, where she again floated above Jerome, just the thick head of his cock burrowed between her drenched cunt lips. Her eyes remained locked on Reggie's throughout the whole exercise.

"I'm sorry, Reggie. What were you about to say?" she asked matter-of-factly, ignoring for the moment that she was a married white woman whose bald cunt had just swallowed a thick cock.

Reggie chuckled. "I was about to say, you might like it."

Kelly let her legs go again, arms atop her head, fat tits wobbling on her torso, fiery eyes locked on Reggie's. "Like it?" she growled, her bright red liquid lips twisting into a sneer. "I don't like it," she grunted, lifting herself up again but just as quickly slamming her cunt back on Jerome's blood-engorged cock. "I fuckin' loooove it!"

Before she could again rise to her feet, Jerome dug his fingers into the soft, pliant flesh of her hips and held her fast, then pulled her back until she was lying prone against him, her back against his heaving chest. Kelly's milk-engorged tits trembled atop her chest as she settled. Beads of perspiration broke out across her forehead and lined her upper lip.

Jerome released her hips but reached up and around her chest, capturing her bloated tits in his massive hands, squeezing the flesh until it oozed between his knotty fingers. Breast milk oozed from her nipples and mixed with the sweat that had collected in her cleavage.

"Jesus, you're a sweaty little whore," Reggie derided her, eyes wide as the mixture of sweat and nourishment coated his co-worker's fingers and dripped down Kelly's rippled stomach. "Bet your husband would be proud of you now."

Kelly ground her cunt against Jerome's cock, her bright blue eyes dripping with lust as they bore into Reggie. Her glassy lips curled back into that sneer as she rocked her hips round and round, the root of Jerome's cock stimulating her inflamed clit.

"My husband," she grunted out, "has never seen...this side...of his wife."

His thick cock still in his stroking hand, Reggie shook his head and moved toward the door to the hallway, leaving Kelly atop his co-worker, grinding her cunt against the bloated shaft. She heard his feet fall against the stairs before he returned a moment later with a pair of the small clips that he and Jerome used to hang the tarps over the windows.

Her trim hips still rolling around Jerome's thick cock, stimulating her inflamed clit, Kelly's brow furrowed in confusion when Reggie re-entered her bedroom. But then her eyes hooded over and her shiny lips parted in shameful lust, Jerome below her arching his hips in quick bursts, teasing the inner walls of her sopping cunt.

Reggie climbed atop the king-size bed, holding the clips in one hand, a smirk deforming his thick lips. "Know what these are for, don't ya, bitch?"

Biting her lower lip, Kelly nodded her head, her tangled dirty blond hair rising and falling over her shoulders.

Reggie knee-walked between the widespread legs of his co-worker and the unfaithful cunt that had invited them into the bed she shared with her husband, and leaned over her. With one huge hand, he encircled – or tried to encircle – the base of one of her tits. He squeezed hard and the thick, leaking nipple swelled up.

"Maybe this'll keep you from dripping so much," he announced, opening the little clip and letting it close softly on the distended bud.

"Nnnnghnn!" Kelly mewled as the cold steel clip compressed the tender flesh of her nipple. Her little body thrashed around on Jerome's gently bucking hips, pulling his cock this way and that, distorting her cunt lips as they were stretched wide.

Her clamped tit fell from Reggie's grasp as she wiggled atop Jerome's invading shaft, but he soon corralled the other wobbling mound, affixing the other clip to Kelly's neglected nipple. The whine as the second clip bit into her sensitive flesh was pathetic and drew a soft smile from the man’s lips. Satisfied with his work – with his abuse of the filthy mother – Reggie jumped from the bed to grab the bottle of baby oil that Jerome had used earlier.

Kelly whimpered when Jerome's sinewy arms reached around her slim chest and flicked at each clip with his middle fingers, causing slight tugs at her engorged nipples. "Mmmpphh," she moaned, trying to sit up to impale herself further on his jutting cock.

But Jerome held her back as Reggie re-mounted the soft mattress, the bottle of baby oil open in his hand. He let a liberal amount of oil drip over the length of his shaft and then over Kelly's bald, cock-filled cunt, before knee-walking between her lewdly spread legs. He let the immense weight of his shaft fall against her blossoming cunt lips and she shuddered at the contact, cunt juice flowing from her stretched hole and coating Jerome's groin before dripping to the duvet.

Above the tip of Reggie's pulsing, purple cockhead, Kelly's taut tanned belly glimmered in baby oil.

"You said your little slut body could take anything," Reggie began. He held himself at the root and lightly tapped the bloated head of his cock against the woman’s swollen clit. Her wetness splattered her quivering belly and Jerome’s thighs. "Ready for two cocks in you, slut?"

With a thick cock buried in her cunt and another manipulating her fiery clit, Kelly squirmed on top of Jerome, her massive tits swaying from side to side in time with her movements. "I already had...two me," she breathed with a chuckle, her wet pink tongue sliding over her glossy lips. "Of course...I'm take them again."

Reggie leaned into her, the underside of his cock gliding over her agitated clit, its weight heavy and relentless. He breathed into her perspiring face. "What you had, bitch...was one your cheating ass...and your unfaithful cunt... How 'bout two that tight little cunt?" he grunted.

Before the provocative words had passed his lips, Jerome jerked his hips up and thrust deeper into the corrupt housewife, forcing her cunt higher and higher. Reggie's twitching cock dragged over her fiery clit and down her flowered cunt lips. Pre-cum leaked from his bloated head, leaving a slick trail on her bald flesh, and the crown rippled and tugged at her engorged clit.

Kelly threw her head back, damp blond hair whipping back over her shoulder to lash Jerome's face, and a guttural moan rushed from her throat and across her liquid red lips.

Without waiting for her to respond, Reggie wrapped a fist around his burgeoning shaft and pressed the head of his cock against Kelly's cunt. Jerome's thick mass had her lips stretched tautly and Reggie was unable to slide his cock in next to his co-worker's. He pulled back and turned the bottle of baby oil upside down over his shaft and then over Kelly's distended cunt.

"What? No!" Kelly almost screamed as Reggie again placed his bloated cockhead at the entrance to her sopping hole.

Jerome held her steady from behind, his thick, muscled arms encircling her stomach and holding her by her heaving tits. He pulled out until just the head of his cock remained sheathed in the married woman.

In front of her, Reggie wiggled his cockhead against her cunt lips until they spread further, trapping it against Jerome's. Not wanting to lose momentum, he grabbed Kelly's supple hips in his massive hands and pulled her toward him.

Kelly braced her dainty feet against the mattress, bright blue eyes locked on Reggie's determined face. Her head shook slightly to and fro as if to deny to herself what was happening. The withdrawal of Jerome's cock had allowed her resilient cunt walls to relax but her eyes shot wide when Reggie's cockhead joined Jerome's just inside her slick distended labia.

Jerome released her milky tits and placed his hands atop her shoulders. He pushed, and Reggie pulled, and two thick cockheads buried themselves further in Kelly's cunt, pulling her bald cunt lips into a shape that would not have been recognizable to her husband.

She sucked in her breath, her cheeks billowing, and her massive, milk-filled tits bobbed on her chest. “Fuck…God…no…omigod…Jesus no,” she pleaded, even as her trembling legs raised, and curled themselves around Reggie’s back, her ankles crossing and the soft soles of her feet at the small of his back, giving him no means of retreat.

Reggie pulled back just a hair before resuming his assault on Kelly's cunt. He felt the heat from Jerome's cock against the underside of his own as another two inches of cock – one from each construction worker – slid into the unfaithful slut's hole.

Kelly's head whipped back, her sweat-soaked skull thudding against Jerome's ripped chest muscles. Her glossy lips parted in an agonized howl. "Oh fuck!" she groaned, her eyes screwed shut in apparent pain. "Oh fuck! Oh shit! Oh fuck!" Her chest heaved up and down causing her enormous tits to bounce. Despite the presence of the steel clips, breast milk dripped slowly from her engorged nipples before running down her tanned stomach to mix with the baby oil that sought to ease the dual penetration of her cunt.

"What's the matter...cunt?" Reggie asked rhetorically through gritted teeth. "Thought you can take...anything!" he finished, grinding his hips in slow, tight circles, attempting to force her cunt deeper onto the invading cocks.

"But not...," Kelly began before Jerome rocked his muscular hips, sending his cock further into her battered cunt. The wind was sucked from her lungs and her eyes flew open. Wincing, she looked between her trembling tits and down her spasming stomach. Half of Reggie's cock was buried in her sore cunt. Though she couldn't see it, she felt the presence of Jerome's thick shaft just below Reggie's.

Reggie leaned back on his haunches to give her a moment to adjust, but reached a hand up her stomach to one of her abused tits, flicking the cold steel clip with his forefinger.

Kelly shuddered as the raw nipple bent back and forth with the swaying of the clip, her arms falling to her sides to brace herself, manicured nails gathering the duvet cover in her grasp.

Together, Reggie and Jerome resumed their penetration of Kelly's adulterous body. Jerome held her shoulders steady while Reggie pulled her from her soft, pliant hips. Kelly's head again fell to Jerome's chiseled chest and moans escaped her throat. Reaching for the baby oil, Reggie prepared for the final assault on her unfaithful cunt by emptying the contents of the bottle over the remaining lengths of two shafts. Grasping tightly to her supple thighs, he pulled the writhing woman toward him, impaling her further on the two shafts.

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Kelly thrashed her head back and forth. Her long blond hair swept across Jerome's sweaty, pock-marked cheeks, leaving a salty trail of perspiration over his lips. Sweat flew from the tip of her nose, splattering across Reggie's sculpted chest.

"Oh, God," she whimpered feebly. "Stop...please stop."

"What a good...little whore...Mrs. MacGuire," Jerome taunted her from below. "Almost got...two strange cocks...buried in your nasty...slutty...hole."

Between them, Kelly shook, her small feet falling from around Reggie’s waist and fighting to find purchase on the duvet cover. With a final tug, Reggie savagely pulled the married woman's hips against his, forcing the remainder of his cock and Jerome's cock into her battered cunt.

"Nnnnnnghnn!" The piercing wail bounced off the walls of the MacGuires' bedroom, assaulting the construction workers' ears.

Kelly's lithe legs shot up, her dainty, fire-engine red toes pointing to the ceiling as her tender cunt was brutally skewered on two thick black cocks. Pleasure-pain shot from between her legs and through her stomach. It tingled her throbbing, clamped nipples and sucked the breath from her lungs. Her chin dropped to her chest and her glossy lips fell slack, a stream of saliva threatening to break loose and drop to her heaving chest.

"Unngn…nnghn…mmmph…ngnnghn," she babbled, the ripping sensation in her tattered cunt rendering her incapable of speech.

"Hold her steady, man," Reggie requested, pulling his cock from her hole until just the head remained within her raw cunt lips. Jerome replaced Reggie's hands on her hips with his own as Reggie slid the full length of his cock slowly back into her, holding it there, trapping her abused clit between their pelvic bones, before withdrawing again.

With unfettered violence, Reggie slammed the full length of his cock back into the depths of Kelly's cunt, crushing her clit between the bodies and knocking the wind from her laboring lungs.

"Oh God…yesssss!" she screamed a moment later, her voice hoarse, her athletic body flailing once again, her soft heels banging against Reggie's muscular ass.

Jerome reached around her heaving body, taking her bloated tits in his meaty hands, brutally squeezing the milk-filled flesh. Kelly's nipples were raw in the clips as Jerome's fingers found them, twisting and tugging at the clips, pulling her nipples in unnatural directions. Sweat streamed from her slutty body, dripping onto Jerome's chest before sliding to the duvet cover, soaking it.

"Want stop filthy cunt?" Reggie spat, his cock coursing between her stretched cunt lips. "Want pull these...fat cocks...outta your cunt?"

"Ungh," she grunted as Reggie crashed his broad hips against her far narrower hips. Her bright eyes eased open and locked on Reggie's bucking hips before traveling up his chiseled body to his strained face.

"!,” she hissed. “Abuse my little...fuckin'...cunt! Pound it!" she bawled, her face contorting into a grimace as Reggie's cock, more than snug inside her already occupied cunt, slammed into her, straining the slick walls of her cunt. "Pound it! Pound it! Pound the...fuck...out of my...cunt!"

Kelly brought her hands in from their bracing position to her heaving chest, covering Jerome's hands, her bright red nails gleaming in the sunlight that poured in through the bedroom window. Her searching fingers found the steel clips and pulled them from her pained nipples.

Breast milk streamed profusely, gushing down her long, thin fingers, coating her engagement and wedding rings. The opaque fluid collected between her rolling tits and ran in rivulets to her collarbone, covering Jerome's face below her tanned shoulder. Her fingers slicked with milk, she ran them over her sore nipples, trying to soothe the raw and inflamed flesh.

Below her, Jerome jerked his hips, forcing his shaft against the walls of her cunt. Above her, Reggie withdrew, only to viciously slam back into her, mashing her tender clit each time and sending shivers up her spine.

The warm milk alleviated the pain and harshness at the teats of her bloated tits. Though she was sore, Kelly's lithe sweaty body hummed and buzzed with exquisite pleasure, with pure gratification. This is what she had been missing those last few months. Fucking. Not making love. Not having sex. Depraved, immoral, hardcore, abusive punish-fucking.

She wished she could see herself live and in person but had to settle for the mind's eye. She quivered with lust as the image etched itself onto the backs of her eyelids. Sandwiched between two construction workers, their thick cocks stretching her cunt to the point of destruction, her small feet bobbing behind a stranger's pistoning ass, her soft heels prodding him on, encouraging him to fuck her harder.

Her engorged nipples spitting breast milk against the ripped stomach of the man on top of her; in her mind's eye, the milk boiled on contact with his hot flesh. A pair of mitts brutally massaged her bloated tit flesh, forcing more milk to express itself. Her fingers, tipped with bright red nails, diamonds floating on one of them, alternately soothed and tweaked the distended, glowing teats.

Her hair, elegantly coiffed earlier in the day, now a tangled mess, some of the damp locks plastered to her face, the rest dripping salty sweat onto the man's face. Her eyes screwed shut; where there once had been a light mascara and eye shadow, only her tanned flesh appeared, hiding lustful eyes that sparkled a deep blue. But her bright red liquid lips remained intact.

Kelly MacGuire was torn from her reverie as Reggie leaned into her, closing his thick lips over hers, moaning into her wet mouth as the taste of her stay-behind lip gloss washed across his thick searching tongue.

She was back in her element. She had been gone too long, but she had returned. She craved this debauchery. She hungered to be debased like this, a petite woman, with a diamond on her finger professing love, trapped between two hulking men as they violated her unprotected cunt.

Her eyes flittered open as Reggie planted wet kisses down her cheek and across the top of her heaving chest. She released her nipples and wrapped her tanned arms, little blond hairs standing upright, around Reggie's neck as the two men continued their assault on her wrecked cunt.

The long, bright red nails of her left hand circled the back of his head, pulling him into her, guiding his sucking lips to her thick nipples. He slurped at the distended nubs, his warm tongue soothing to her. Her eyes locked on the three-carat diamond that was poised four inches from her face.

Pump for the weekend? Fuck two strange cocks? The devil won that argument hands down.

Reggie allowed one of Kelly's abused nipples to slip from his milk-slicked lips and pushed himself back up to his knees, driving his aching cock deep into her distended cunt. He leaned back on his haunches, exposing her engorged and inflamed clit, and lightly slapped at it with two beefy fingers.

"Oh, God," Kelly squealed, her eyes burning into his.

Jerome again took hold of her wobbling tits, his thick fingers finding her nipples, tweaking them, tugging them as milk squirted and dripped.

Kelly winced as Reggie's fingers smacked down on her clit again, her bald cunt allowing the sharp sound to resonate through the bedroom. The mess pouring from her cunt splattered everywhere, speckles of her lust dotting her belly, getting in her eyes.

"Havin' fun, Mrs. MacGuire?" Reggie asked, a sneer in his voice.

She couldn't respond; her breath was ragged. Her head lolled back and forth. Eventually, she managed a barely perceptible nod.

"Tell me...what you...want...cunt."

"Cum...I want cum...all over me," she moaned, her body reaching the point of exhaustion.

Reggie slapped her clit again and her eyes shot open, her body jerking and convulsing.

"Cum!” she hissed, her unfocused gaze boring into him. “Take that fucking cock out of me…and empty those balls…empty them all over me!"

Kelly's supple body trembled as Reggie smacked her engorged clit again, keeping his fingers there, mashing the sensitive nub, manipulating it. Her dripping cunt tightened against the invading shafts that pulsed within her.

"Not gonna...cum...on your tits...slut!" Reggie bellowed, spittle flying from his lips, speckling her pretty face. "I'm gonna your whore...cunt!"

Kelly shuddered at the thought of the man spewing his cum into her cunt. She hadn't resumed taking the pill for fear that it would mess with her ability to produce milk, and she wasn't using any other form of birth control. Almost four months post-birth, her ovaries were ripe for the plucking.

"Don't," she breathed. "I'm not...on the pill."

Jerome pulled Kelly closer to him, his lips breathing through her sweaty blond tresses, tickling her inner ear. "Want him to cum in you anyway?" he asked malevolently.

"Oh fuck!" she groaned, her cunt contracting around the piercing shafts. She slammed her little feet into the mattress, bracing her quaking body against the orgasm that tore through her cunt. "Oh, God!" she bawled. "Cum in me! Shoot your cum in me!"

Kelly's twitching cunt overwhelmed Jerome and with a violent jerk, he sunk his cock into her gaping hole and held it there. His balls released a torrent of cum that coursed through the length of his shaft and exploded from his cockhead. Searing cum splashed against the hot, slick walls of her cunt and gushed toward her ovaries. Her now-cavernous cunt full, Jerome's semen spilled from around the invading cocks, running over her sore asshole and down Jerome's balls before puddling on the duvet beneath them.

The twitching of Jerome's cock beneath the sensitive underside of his own triggered Reggie's orgasm. His thick fingers left Kelly's engorged clit as he braced himself against her hips, grabbing tightly. His thick cock lurched deep inside her snapping, constricting cunt and his heavy cum-sac hitched, a steady stream of cum flowing from the pulsing cum-hole.

Her yawning cunt already filled with streaming cum, Reggie's contribution to Kelly's debauchery had nowhere to go and poured from between her raw cunt lips and slid down her sweat-slicked ass before joining the puddle of bodily fluids that had collected atop the duvet cover.

His body still trembling, Reggie pulled his heavy shaft from Kelly's worn-out, cum-soaked pussy and held it steady above her bald cunt lips as cum continued to gush from his cockhead, glazing her raw flesh with the sticky, pearlescent fluid. As Reggie's flow lessened to drips, he leaned back on his haunches to catch his breath.

As her heartbeat began to return to normal and her breathing slowed, Kelly rolled to her side, Jerome's cock slipping from her devastated cunt with an audible pop. Her lovely blue eyes fell to the bedside clock: 4:45.

"Fuck!" she exclaimed, suddenly sitting up on the edge of the mattress. Cum dripped down her stomach and flowed from her battered pussy. She turned to the two men. "My husband will be home soon…forty-five minutes."

Jerome, still reclined on the mattress, his fat cock laying along his thigh and still leaking, chuckled. "Plenty of time for another go. Isn’t that right, Reg?"

"Fuck off," Kelly responded, not giving Reggie time join the discussion. "I need to get ready." She rose from the bed and gathered the clothing she had dropped on the floor earlier. She paused before a mirror above their dresser.

"Jesus Christ," she breathed, running her bright red nails through her destroyed hair, her eyes taking in her ruined makeup. "You guys gotta get outta here,” she mumbled, rushing into the master bathroom.


Before jumping in the shower, Kelly escorted the two men to the backdoor and then raced back upstairs. She stripped the bed and shoved the sheets, towels, and her clothes into the washing machine down in the basement. She looked at her watch: 5:00.

She then showered, grimacing as she ran her soapy hands over her raw nipples and her battered pussy. After drying off, Kelly styled her hair and was applying her makeup when she heard the front door shut. She ran a tube of the bright red lip gloss she had purchased from the spa across her full lips, puckering them in the mirror. She had just slipped the elegant black velvet gown down her exhausted and abused body when her husband appeared in the bathroom doorway.

"Well, well," he admired. "Don't you look spectacular?"

Kelly smiled warmly as he put an arm around her waist and pulled her close for a kiss. She stopped him with a manicured finger at his lips. "Careful, sweetie," she cautioned. "I don't want you smearing my lips."

Mike sulked playfully. Had he known that his wife's mouth had entertained two men that afternoon, his sulking would not have been so playful.

Kelly left the bedroom with Mike in tow and slipped into a pair of heels, and then they descended to the first floor of their house. "Looks like the demolition crew got a lot done today," Mike commented as he walked through the living room and into the hallway that led to the kitchen.

Walking behind him, a small smile tugged at the corners of Kelly’s mouth, the irony of his statement playing across her face. The woman’s tattered cunt, tender asshole, and raw nipples were a testament to the efficiency of the crew.


Dan’s jaw was sore. His tongue ached. His lips were bruised. His cheeks and chin were slick with her wetness. It matted his hair and dripped down his neck and left the leather of his couch glistening.

And Kelly wasn’t done. Her slender fingers twisted in his hair. Her thighs clamped tight to the side of his head. Her hips rocked, jerked, smearing his face. Her erratic movements forced his nose down through that pink slit, hot and wet and slick.

Dan’s eyes eased open and he looked up. The muscles of Kelly’s stomach strained. Her tits heaved on her chest. Her nipples were like big fat figs straining against her bra. And her mouth was open, slack, puffs of breath audible. She trembled atop him.

His tongue washed over her perineum and she gasped, her fingers in his hair twisting harder. Dan let her have her way with him. Usually, she was the fuck-toy but he had no objection to letting her reverse the rolls every once in a while.

When Dan’s tongue lashed at her asshole, the slick tip teasing her anal ring with rapid little flicks, Kelly moaned hard. He winced at the sharp pull at his scalp but let her ride. He pulled his tongue back in his mouth to wet it, then lashed again. Above him, Kelly heaved and jerked. She whined and mewled and her core tightened and then that cunt opened up, gushing a thick molten burst of cunt-mess all over his face.

The rolling of her hips began to slow and her grip on his hair relaxed. Kelly’s heart rate flattened and her breathing began to return to normal. After a moment, she pushed herself off his face and leaned down to kiss him on the mouth. “That was…incredible,” she whispered before rising to her feet.

She trod into the kitchen and returned a minute later with a hand towel. Kneeling next to the couch, she wiped his face and neck dry and blotted the mess she’d made on the couch. After setting the damp towel on his coffee table, she turned and slid a hand into his boxers, her slender fingers closing around his veiny cock tightly, the heat of the shaft burning into her fist.

“Thank you,” she said softly. “I needed that.”

Dan laughed in return. “Yeah…I could tell.”

Leaning over him, the married woman parted her soft plump lips and place them over his cockhead, just above the crown. Holding the root firmly in her hand, she tightened her lips on him then pushed down, fucking that tight mouth over the flaring crown, down the trembling shaft. She felt every vein, every pulse. Her tongue traced along the ridges. Her throat opened, letting the head inside. When Dan pushed into her throat, she looked up into his eyes. She suppressed her natural gag reflex, though her eyes watered and she fought for breath. Then she swallowed. Hard. The muscles of her throat constricted around Dan’s cock, threatening to strangle it. Her smile made it her eyes just as his fluttered shut and he moaned, hips starting to thrash.

Kelly pulled off him, pre-cum and spit hanging from her lower lip. “That was for being such a good boy for me today.”

Standing, Kelly padded across the room to her shoulder bag and reached inside, extracting a tube of lubricant. Returning to the couch, she flipped the top open and squeezed a healthy dollop into her palm, set the tube on his chest, then briskly rubbed her hands together. She took his cock in one fist, and then the other, oiling his cock liberally. Her gaze was locked intently on the cock, on the veins that pulsed with need, the head that flared and swelled with each downward stroke of her fists. The flesh glistened in the lubricant, quivering and eager. Pre-cum bubbled from him, streaked down the shaft, and mixed with the lube to coat her slender fingers.

“This, too,” Kelly said, rising and straddling him. She tucked her feet beneath his arms, up near his shoulders, and leaned back, her hands grabbing at his ankles. Her firm butt rested on his thighs and she rolled them forward, Dan’s cock nestled upright against the hot, wet folds of her cunt.

She raised her legs, pulling them up. The cheeks of her butt spread open. She looked through her mountainous tits at him. Her chin pointed toward the tube of lubricant resting on his chest. “Use it…now…this is for you but…I want my ass fucked.”

Dan’s breath was short. He’d seen Kelly in highly agitated states before, of course. But this was something a little different. She was…fuck…she was desperate. Almost begging. He reached for the tube. The top was still flipped open. He held it just above her bald cunt and tight asshole and squeezed. Thick, gel-like ropes of the substance snaked out and clung to her flesh. He overdid it and then tossed the tube aside. He pushed his cock through the thick lubricant, coating his shaft and at the same time oiling that asshole.

Kelly moaned softly when the cool gel hit her flesh, when the hot flesh of his shaft teased her asshole. She pulled her legs higher, rolling her hips back. She trembled when the head tickled her anal ring.

Dan pushed his cock until the head snugged up against her asshole. He pushed a little harder, watching as that little ring of tight, crinkled flesh winked a little and sucked the head of his cock inside.

“Nnnghn,” Kelly groaned.

Her stomach muscles relaxed and her hips rolled forward again. The weight of her impaled her asshole further on his shaft. Dan reached for her legs, his core straining. He took her by the backs of her knees, pushed and pulled, and pushed and pulled some more, rocking her hips, forcing his cock deeper into that burning asshole until he glided in and out with ease.

Kelly tossed her head back, mouth slack again. Little mewls alternated with guttural groans, her lithe body shaking. “Fuck…my…ass,” she groaned.

The view from Dan’s perspective was glorious. Kelly’s legs were now spread lewdly, shaking, her little toes curled. Her cunt was flowered open, wet and dripping. And her asshole was stretched wide, impaled on his cock.

But the position was awkward and didn’t give him enough control. He rocked forward into a sitting position, then twisted his hips and legs around. He had her folded in half, her knees up near her shoulders. Her tits, still in her bra, were bunched up, and mashed against the underside of her chin. A stream of pussy juice oozed over her belly, collecting below her tits and darkening the fabric of her bra.

He reared back and withdrew his cock from her asshole. The snug ring clung to his shaft, trapped the bloated head inside her. Then he pushed forward, hard.

Kelly’s breath was forced from her lungs and her eyes rolled up. She reached out, hands at his stomach as if to stall the fucking of her asshole.

Too late. Above her, Dan was back in control now. He pinned her knees to the couch on either side of her shoulders. He drove his hips down, spearing into her. Then again. Each thrust was hard and brutal, each withdrawal slow and measured.

Below him, Kelly whined. Her head thrashed from side to side. She clawed at the couch, her nails scratching at the leather. Her breath was ragged, eyes slammed shut.

“Fuck it,” she hissed. “Fuck that ass…fuck my asshole…punish it.” Her pleas were like wails, the sounds of a beggar.

She reached between her spread thighs. She tapped her clit. Not once, and not gently. Rough slaps in rapid succession. The red of her nails was a blur. The shine of her diamond was a streak.

Dan skewered his cock into her again. Harder this time, and faster. The scent of her wet cunt filled his space and overwhelmed him. He slid one hand down the back of her thigh and grabbed her by her left wrist. He kept her hand at her cunt, found her fingers, and pushed two of them inside her as his cock pounded away at her asshole.

Kelly whimpered and so did he. Her ring was cutting into the palm of his hand. He adjusted his grip and twisted the thing around. The diamond grazed over her clit and her back arched wildly, the sharpness too much. She fought for breath and failed, her stomach tensing, then relaxing. Her cunt gushed, spilling her pussy juice down her stomach. Her entire being jerked and convulsed through the orgasm and her asshole clenched tight, strangling the cock buried in her asshole.

It was too much for Dan. The ring and the spurting cunt and the asshole snapping tight around the root of his cock. His balls hitched up hard and he pushed himself up. His fist closed around the root of his cock and he pulled it from Kelly’s ass. Her tight little anal ring tugged at the flared crown, wouldn’t let him out, until he pulled harder, popping it free.

One hard downward stroke at the root of his cock was all it took. The shaft swelled up. The head engorged. And then a thick rope of cum exploded from him. It slapped her upper lip and smacked her in the chin, dripping down her neck. The next explosion doused her bra and her tits, leaving her upper chest glistening in cum. By the time he was done, her belly fared no better, and her bald cunt was slick with a mixture of his cum and her own.

Breathless, his body slick with sweat, Dan fell back into the other end of the couch. His chest heaved and his cock softened between his legs. The racing of his heart slowed and he sighed heavily, blissfully.

Kelly untangled herself from his legs and rolled from the couch. She was a mess from her thighs to her face: cunt juice and cum slicking her flesh. She hurried down the hall and into Dan’s bedroom and he heard the shower start before his eyes eased closed.

Fifteen minutes later, he felt her on the couch again, crawling up to nestle herself between him and the back cushions. She pulled a cashmere blanket from the back of the couch over them and curled her arm around his chest, kissing his neck lightly.

Dan drifted off to sleep with Kelly’s tits against his back, her warm body nuzzled close to him and her nails tracing lazy little longs over his chest.

But somewhere in the back of his head, a warning sign flipped on. A red flag was raised. His last girlfriend used to snuggle with him like this. She liked to cuddle. Kelly was no snuggler, no cuddler. Typically, when he was at her house, she very bluntly told him it was time to leave. The few times she’d been here, she simply got dressed and left. There was no lingering, no small talk, no cuddling. Yet here she was, doing just that.

Dan was too tired to deal with it at the moment. Besides, he didn’t really know how to deal with it, or what he would say. Thankfully, when he awoke a few hours later, she was gone, and he stumbled into his bed.

Written by ISYM
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