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A few weeks had passed since Dan had dropped Kelly off near her house.  He’d thought about her, not every day but often enough.  It would be an overstatement to say that he was enamored.  He had no desire for a relationship in general, and certainly not with a married woman.  And whatever this thing was between them, it wasn’t about romance.  It was physical.  Sex.  Though something more than that, too.  The relationship fed a perversion each shared.  Her unapologetic promiscuity thrilled him to no end.

It was a Friday afternoon.  Dan typically worked from home on Fridays.  The office was usually a bit empty anyway and, besides, his boss was not a stickler for facetime.  As long as the young men and women working beneath him got their work done in a timely and professional manner, he didn’t particularly care where they did it.

Dan sat in the guest room of his condo, which served part-time duty as a home office, and was in the middle of a conference call with a gaggle of network engineers that worked for a client.  A call came in on his cell phone and he quickly sent it to voicemail.  He checked the caller ID as some techno-geek prattled on about something or other.  “Kelly,” was all it said.  No last name.  His breath quickened just a bit.

When the conference call ended half an hour later, he checked his messages as he padded into the kitchen for a glass of water.

"Hi, Dan. It's Kelly. Give me a call when you get a chance.”  There was a slight pause. “Mike's out of town.  I, um, I thought maybe we could get together or something later.  Give me a call?"

Erasing the message, he returned to the guest room and kicked his feet up on his desk, gazing out the window.  He cycled through a handful of text messages that had come in over the last few hours.  His mother wondered when he was going to come up for dinner.  A few friends suggested they meet for dinner and drinks that night.

Dan downed the rest of the water and walked into his bedroom.  He had nothing on his schedule for the rest of the afternoon and changed into a pair of shorts, a t-shirt, and running shoes.  Lakeshore Athletic Club was just around the corner, and he decided to spend an hour or so in the gym.  Before he left, he returned Kelly’s call.

"Hello?"  Just her voice, sweet and light, sent a shiver up the young man’s spine.

"Hey Kelly, it's Dan."

"Oh…hi. I, uh, was hoping you'd get back to me." Her tone changed once she recognized his voice.  Still soft, still sweet, but there was a tinge of shyness.  Or perhaps it was chagrin.

"Of course.  What's up?"

There was another pause, as though the young woman was contemplating her next words.  "Well…Mike's out of town for a few days and I, uh, wanted to see if you were up for dinner or something."

Dan’s heart rate quickened again at the prospect of spending the evening with this woman.  He knew that her offer of dinner was subterfuge; if they even ate, it would be just a prelude to the pure raw fucking she craved.  "Sure. Tonight? Where?"

"Why don't you come over here? Maybe I'll cook you something. About 7:00?"

"That, uh, that sounds great, Kelly.  I’ll see you then."

“Okay…great.  Just, you know, text me when you’re close and I’ll unlock the front gate and the door.”

Dan nodded, recognizing her concern.  She didn’t want her neighbors to see him hanging around in front of her door for too long.  “Of course.”

Dan disconnected the call and willed the next few hours to pass quickly. He now had something more to look forward to than getting drunk with the boys. The prospect of an evening with Kelly caused his cock to stiffen slightly as he thought about the married slut he had the good fortune of walking home a month or so ago. And their last time together…God, he loved hearing about her exploits as her tight pussy rode up and down the length of his cock.

He spent an hour at the club but didn’t push it too hard.  He wanted the exercise, and to burn off some pent-up energy, but he didn’t want to exhaust himself.  Back home, he relaxed for a bit then took a shower, dressed, and ordered an Uber.

Dan arrived at the MacGuires’ walk-up a few minutes after 7:00, texting Kelly as the car turned onto her street.  He approached the gate and found it unlocked, and bounded up the steps.  He paused at the door, feeling a bit awkward at the thought of just walking in without a knock.  He needn’t have worried, though; before he reached for the doorknob, the heavy oak door swung open.

Kelly looked like the typical Lincoln Park housewife and mother in her mid-thirties: blond hair pulled back in a ponytail; khaki capri pants under a conservative white blouse that was untucked; no shoes covering her small feet. She exemplified the look of innocence.

There was nothing innocent about this one, though. As soon as she closed the door and flipped the bolt closed, one of her hands pushed Dan back against the heavy door while the other reached for his zipper.  Kelly lowered herself to her knees, and a manicured thumb and forefinger pulled the zipper down.  A hand fished into Dan’s pants for his cock and she leaned in.  Her teeth gnashed at his belt with an almost animalistic growl, pulling it loose just as his cock popped free. It immediately swelled as he looked down at Kelly's manipulation; her hand, tipped with long, red nails, the engagement ring and wedding bands, all wrapped around his cock instantly brought a hard-on.

Kelly knew his mental triggers, too.  Two sessions with the slightly younger man had given her all the insight she needed. She flaunted the diamond-encrusted rings on her finger and the fact that she was married. That soft mouth parted and she took him between her plump, glossy lips, bobbing her head, sucking hard until the bloated head banged against the back of her throat.  After a moment, she pulled back, a little breathless, her gloss smeared along his length.  She smiled up at him, that innocent smile masking the inner-slut, and guided the bloated head of his cock across those soft lips, along her lightly powdered cheek.  "Just the thought of fucking me here, in his house…it excites you, doesn’t it?"

Dan could only murmur his agreement, lost in the pleasure of Kelly's tongue washing over the length of his cock. He adored her potty mouth and her filthy mind.

Rising up to her feet again, she tucked Dan’s cock back into his pants, struggling to get the rigid shaft properly packed away.  Dan helped her out by buttoning his pants, and then she took him by the hand and led him into the kitchen.

Apparently, Kelly’s idea of cooking something included putting together a charcuterie plate, ordering chilled shrimp and crab legs from a place over on Halsted near Armitage, and mixing a pitcher of Old Fashioneds.  They slid onto two of the stools situated around the island and grazed at the spread and sipped their drinks.  Knees touching, they made innocent small talk for a while before Kelly excused herself for a moment.

While she was gone, Dan looked around the kitchen.  The whole situation was surreal to him, to be honest, sitting there with this woman like they were newly dating, knocking knees and giggling like a pair of lovestruck teenagers.  They were anything but.  She was married.  Their relationship – if you could even call it that – was based on nothing but fucking.

She wasn’t gone long, and Dan swiveled on the stool when he heard her coming down the rear stairway and back into the kitchen.  She reached for his hand as she neared him and kept walking, almost pulling him off the stool.

“C’mon,” she said playfully, tugging him behind her toward the family room.  Releasing his hand, she began to undress as she walked.  It didn’t take much effort.  She pulled the blouse over her head and tossed it aside, and wiggled the pants over her hips and down her thighs before kicking them off.  By the time she rounded the couch to the sitting area, she’d reached behind her and undid that poor bra and flipped it near the fireplace.  Standing before the couch, she shimmied her way out of her little pink thong, leaving it a tangled mess on the Oriental rug.

The married woman then sunk into the deep, comfortable couch.  Her tits sat high and proud on her chest, her nipples beginning to swell.  She raised one high-arched foot to the back of the couch, opening herself up lewdly and revealing her freshly waxed pussy, already wet with her need.  Very lightly, she tapped a manicured finger over her engorged clit, the diamond of her engagement ring flashing.  “Why don’t you two get reacquainted,” she invited, her voice a bit husky.  “There’s something I need to tell you while you do.”


Kelly and Mike had been engaged for just a month. The dinner with her parents at their country club in Lake Forest had been on the books for a few weeks. Truthfully, Kelly was dreading it.  She enjoyed her parents and didn’t mind the occasional trip up north, but she really tried to avoid either on the weekends.  But they’d arranged the dinner as soon as Kelly and Mike announced their engagement, and she knew her mother wouldn’t countenance having it rescheduled. 

However, a few days before the dinner, Mike was called out of town to tend to a client emergency, and he would not be returning until late the night of the dinner.  Kelly thought seriously about canceling and having a night out with some of her girlfriends, but when she called her parents to tell her about Mike’s travel, her mother still sounded so excited at the prospect of seeing her daughter.  Kelly couldn’t bring herself to back out on her parents.

Driving up to the club and climbing out of her silver BMW, she was a sight to behold for Aaron, the valet. When he opened the car door for her, the white pumps were the first things he saw, followed by the young woman’s long, lean legs, the flesh smooth and tanned.  When she stood, the large white buttons that held the jacket to her light blue Chanel skirt suit closed strained to withhold her D-cup tits.

Aaron's cock squirmed as he watched the young woman get out of the car and flash him a million-dollar smile, but settled down when she handed him her car keys and he saw the three-karat engagement ring on her left hand. Aaron had fucked a few of the wealthy white girls that flitted around the club on daddy’s dime, but he tried to stay away from the married ones. Getting caught with your cock buried in a member's wife was the quickest way to get sacked.

Max, on the other hand, wasn’t quite as circumspect.  He led with his cock; his brain might or might not follow.  He started working at the club that past spring and took advantage of being the flavor of the month for a dozen or so of the trust-fund girls that sought to scratch an itch their stupid boyfriends couldn’t reach, and a small handful of the bored trophy wives whose husbands spent too much time on the golf course.  The little blonde treat having dinner with her parents was a new one, though; he hadn’t run across her yet.

As the Fitzgeralds' waiter that night, Max was very attentive, making sure their water glasses were filled and their wine goblets were topped off.  Another serving of bread?  Of course.  Every time he brought something to the table, he had a bird's eye view down the front of Kelly's buttoned jacket.  Though he tried to be discrete, Max found it difficult to not stare at the massive tits that nearly bulged from the jacket. The large diamond on her finger didn't dissuade him in the least. In fact, it only added life to the fat slab of cock that he tucked inside those black tuxedo pants. Throughout their dinner, Max tried to conceal his erection from the club's guests, but it was difficult.

When he brought the Fitzgeralds' first round of drinks, he caught the glint of Kelly's engagement ring when she raised the glass to plush red lips that seemed to drip with gloss. On delivering their appetizers, Max watched from the corner of his eye as Kelly's beautifully manicured fingers – light pink tonight – plucked a shrimp from a martini glass, and imagined those soft white fingers wrapped around his thick, black cock, gripping tightly as she jacked him off over her panting mouth. And as she popped the last of her steamed lobster into that sinful mouth, Max, watching her discretely from across the dining room, pictured the young woman and those plush lips devouring his cock.

And let’s be honest.  This wasn’t Max’s first gig.  He’d worked a handful of the clubs along the North Shore.  He had learned to be watchful.  Aware of his surroundings.  He felt those pretty blue eyes linger on him every time he walked away from the table.  He caught the sideways glances as he stood between the girl and her mother taking their orders, Kelly biting her lower lip gently when the fabric of his pants stirred just a little as his cock jerked.  It’s what kept that waiter in a semi-erect state as he served the Fitzgeralds.

When Max collected the signed chit from Kelly's father and walked away from the table, he filed the image of Kelly away in his mind for future consideration, encouraged given her surreptitious glances towards him when he stood near her. The sluts always looked; they tried to hide it, but they always looked.

He slipped into the kitchen and entered the chit into the system, collected appetizers for another table, and pushed through the doors just as the Fitzgeralds rose from their table.  Kelly cast a soft smile tinged with a bit of coyness his way.  He gave her only a curt nod and the bare hint of a smile, which slid into a smirk when she turned away.  ‘Yeah…file that one away,’ he thought to himself as he served the crab cakes to Table 9.

It turns out that the future arrived a little sooner than he had imagined. After he served a few more tables, the kitchen manager told Max to take his break and he snuck back to one of the club rooms down a back hallway. They were rarely used – only for larger events – and the waitstaff often took their breaks in those rooms, even though it was against club policy for them to do so.  Max pushed open the door and stepped inside, finding Kelly there with her back to him, just ending a call on her cell phone.

"I love you, too, sweetie. I'm leaving in a few minutes, and should be home by eleven or so." Turning around as she hit the "end" button on her phone, Kelly was startled to find Max standing in the room with her.

"I’m sorry, Ms. Fitzgerald,” he said with the formality expected of the waitstaff. “I didn't know anyone was in here."

"Don't worry about it, Max," she said as she started across the room to retrieve the Louis shoulder bag she had laid on one of the club chairs. "I was just calling home to let my boyfriend…my fiancé, know that I'd be home in an hour or so."

"Fiancé? I suppose congratulations are in order, Ms. Fitzgerald.”  He paused a moment, conjuring up the questions he was likely supposed to ask in such a situation.  “When is the wedding?  Are you having it here at the club?”

"Oh, not until next spring.  We just got engaged a few weeks ago…I’m so excited!" she gushed, those pretty blue eyes alive as she walked toward Max on her way to the door.  “And yes, I’m sure it will be here.  I don’t think Daddy would have it any other way.”

When she neared, Max extended a congratulatory hand and took Kelly's soft white hand in his.  He looked down and the ring perched on her finger and his thick cock stirred in those pants. "Damn, girl, that rock must have cost a shitload."  His eyes popped open when he realized that his waitstaff persona had slipped.  “Oh, God, I’m sorry, Ms. Fitzgerald…I shouldn’t have spoken like that.

Kelly laughed.  “Don’t worry about it; I’m not one of the stuffy old bitches you have to deal with every day.”  She fiddled with her ring, staring down at it.  "And yeah…I'm sure it probably did cost a shitload," she responded, looking up and shrugging. "Mike’s never been stingy with me."

"Better not be. He's lucky to have you. What a beauty you are," Max said, as he bent and kissed Kelly's hand, right above the ring.

Blushing, and somewhat taken aback, Kelly stuttered, "Uh, thanks, Max. I…I really should get going.”

Instead of letting Kelly's hand go free, however, Max twisted the ring slightly and it slipped from her finger, falling into his palm before he closed his fist tightly around it.

"Max, give that back! What are you doing? I have to go."

"Kelly, I will gladly give you this ring back, but first, I want something from you."

"What?" Kelly whined in desperation, not missing the fact that Max referred to her by her given name, with no apology for breaking club protocol.

Max took a step closer to the young woman.  “I watched you during dinner,” he began.  “Those gorgeous blue eyes.  I watched them.  And I know you were watching me.”  He paused.

Kelly shook her head, silky blonde tresses brushing over her shoulders, silently denying the implication.  She just stood there in her heels, gently chewing that plump lower lip.

Max nodded in response.  “Oh, yes…you were.  And you’re not my first rodeo.”  He reached out and popped the top button on Kelly's tailored suit, then continued, "So what do I want from you?  How about a little bit of what you been hidin' under here?”

Kelly was speechless but made no move to stop him.

With a few quick snaps of his wrist, the jacket to Kelly's Chanel suit hung open, only her white, lacy bra blocking Max's view of her firm tits. A few seconds later, the jacket was lying crumpled on the hardwood floor.  He slid a hand lightly down her ribcage, feeling her shudder at his touch, and popped the button at the top of her skirt before tugging downward on the zipper.  The lightweight wool whispered down her taut thighs before forming a puddle around her feet. Almost before she could protest, Kelly stood before this black man dressed only in her heels, thong, and an overworked bra.  Her pouty lips were slightly agape and she panted softly, those pretty blue eyes staring up at him, her lashes blinking rapidly.

Max extended his arm, the tips of his fingers feather-light against the young woman’s breast bone, and gently eased Kelly backward until her butt hit the edge of the pool table.

Finally, the young woman gave up a weak protest. "Max, please…please stop. I have to go.  My fiancé…he’s waiting for me at home… Don’t do this. What if you get caught?”

"He can wait a few minutes for his pretty little girl to get home.  And the door is locked; I ain’t gettin’ caught.”  He stepped close to the woman again and traced a finger along her collar bone, down that breast bone.  He hooked his finger into the center gore of her bra, tugging gently.

“Max…you…you need to stop this.”  She brushed her fingers through her hair and took a deep breath, her voice soft.  “My parents…they’d be mortified.  You’d…you’d lose your job if anyone found out.”

Max smiled down at her.  It was a genuine smile.  She was breaking, her willpower crumbling.  He’d seen it happen before with these spoiled little princesses.  They deny their forbidden lust for him in the first place, then they’d drop that pretense and feign only concern about the consequences, about being discovered.  He wasn’t entirely sure that he had the woman just yet, but he was encouraged, and reasonably certain, that he’d be sinking his fat cock into her tight white pussy before sending her home to her fiancé.

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“Don’t care about this job…or your parents,” Max finally responded.  He relaxed his finger and trailed it down Kelly’s firm belly, relishing the shudder that ran through her.  He paused at the top of her thong, tracing slowly along the panty line, then down her thigh.  He felt the gorgeous girl tremble at his touch, and heard the sharp intake of her breath.  The walls were coming down.

Max brought his finger back up, and slipped it gently beneath the gusset of her thong, pushing the flimsy garment to the side.  The pad of his finger glided over her hairless slit, up and over the hood of her swollen clit.

A soft little whimper came from the young woman’s throat. The black waiter eased his finger down again, through those hot slick folds, and he felt the slut's pussy give up some of its wetness. He had her now. Kelly MacGuire was now Max’s pretty little toy.

Max eased the thong over her hips and down her lithe thighs and calves, leaving it puddled around her heels. Averting her gaze in shame, Kelly willingly stepped out of it and leaned back against the pool table, her bare mound glistening and on display.

Max took this as the sign of surrender that it was and dragged his finger back up through the swampy mess that was forming between the woman’s thighs, flicking his finger against her swollen clit rapidly. Kelly held her hands at the edge of the pool table and her eyes eased shut, her breath became ragged, and a little pathetic sob formed in her throat.  Kelly's engorged nipples tented her bra. When Max felt she was on the verge of orgasm, he slowed the frantic pace of his finger over her clit, causing her to whine in need.

"What's the matter, Kelly?" he hissed into her ear, leaning in close.

"I…fuck…I want more,” she moaned through gritted teeth.  “Keep doing that…please.”

"That's all you want? You just want me to play with your messy little pussy?"

"No…I want more…more than just your fingers,” Kelly croaked, her voice soft and almost sheepish.

Max smiled, his breath a little heavy, and it was hot against her ear.  "What do you want, whore?" he taunted the woman, biting hard on the last word.

"Don't…oh God…don’t call me that. I'm not a…a whore," Kelly protested with a moan, as Max's fingers spread the mess forming at her cunt along those tender glistening folds.

He laughed.  It was soft, but still harsh, right in the trembling woman’s ear.  "Kelly, Kelly, Kelly…you've got a fat rock on your finger…your fiancé's waiting at home for you…and you're letting a black man finger this hot little cunt in your parent's country club. How can you say you're not a whore?"

The moan caught in the back of her throat.  She licked her lips nervously, then swallowed.  Those bright blue eyes glanced toward the door to the club room.  She felt reason slipping away.  She bit her lower lip, then turned back toward the waiter.

"Just…just shut up and fuck me, Max," Kelly hissed, regaining control of herself and reaching for Max's waist.

He made no move to stop her, and instead let her manicured fingers unbuckle his belt and work his zipper down. Dropping to her knees, Kelly came face-to-face with the first black cock she had ever seen live. Its length was something to look forward to, but she had taken nine inches before, even more.

What fascinated the little blond daddy's girl was not the length, but the thickness.  The veins that marred the flesh.  The angry purple head and the wide crown that flared from it.  The obsidian flesh so dark it shimmered. She ran her soft hands up both sides of the length, feeling the immense heat of that fat cock, feeling the ridges formed by the veins grab at the underside of her engagement ring. She marveled at the white-on-black image that filled her bright blue eyes.

Kelly turned her palms up and dragged her manicured nails along the underside of the engorged cock, the tips of her nails lightly scratching at the flesh.  The thing twitched and swelled before her eyes.  She leaned forward, the bloated head brushing along her cheek, leaving a streak of pre-cum on her white flesh.  The whimper returned.

"Suck, whore," Max ordered softly, breaking her out of her reverie. A moan escaped her throat, and Max began to think she enjoyed the degradation.

Kelly parted her soft red lips, accepting the head of Max's cock. As he invaded her mouth, Kelly's tongue snaked out along the underside of the shaft.  Blood surged from around the man’s body and coursed into the fat stalk. As his cock reached full length, the head tickled Kelly's tonsils, causing her to gag a little. Not much, though. This was not Kelly's first oversized cock, and she knew how to take it into her throat with little effort. And that is just what she did, altering her angle somewhat and allowing Max's cock to slide past her tonsils and into her throat.

Max groaned at this.  He looked down at her, those gorgeous blue eyes gazing up at him.  Her eyelids batted and tears formed at the corners of her eyes and her nostrils flared as she sucked that thing deeper into her mouth.  Her throat constricted around it, threatening to strangle it, to trap it there.  A gurgle came from somewhere inside her and reverberated through him.

Kelly’s eyes fluttered and her hands raised to his hips.  That tight throat relaxed and she pulled back, dislodging the thing from inside her.  The red of her gloss streaked the black flesh, mixed with spit and pre-cum, and dripped from her lower lip.  She panted softly, trying to catch her breath, and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

Ready to get absolutely railed, Kelly stood and reached behind her to release the trio of hooks at the back of her bra. Max pushed her back against the pool table as the bra fell away from Kelly's huge tits and fluttered to the floor, exposing her thick nipples to the air-conditioned environment in the club room.

Max immediately went to her, taking first one and then the other nipple between his teeth, his hands gliding up and down Kelly's ribs.  He washed his thick tongue over a distended nipple then took it gently in his teeth, scraping them along that engorged, hypersensitive flesh. His nibbling caused Kelly to let out a groan, and she reached for his fat black cock, stroking it to ensure it was hard enough to split her cunt open.

"What do you want, Kelly?" he teased, lashing his tongue at one of her fat nipples.

"Fuck me, Max, just…fuck me with this thing." The insane heat of him, the rigidity of his cock, made Kelly lightheaded, almost delirious with anticipation, and she curled her soft fingers around the girth of him, holding him fiercely

"With what thing?" Max taunted, knowing full well what Kelly wanted, but wanting the woman to beg for it nonetheless.

"Your cock, Max. Fuck me with it," she hissed as she eased her tight little ass onto the pool table.

"Tell me you want my black cock, Kelly."

"Fuck me with your cock," Kelly moaned, her legs spreading to invite Max's cock in. She was frustrated with this game.  Black, white, she didn’t really care.  She just wanted that yearning cunt stretched taut, filled with cock, pounding her until her teeth chattered and her eyes rolled into the top of her head.

"Black cock, Kelly, black cock!"

"Ooohhh, goddammit, Max! Fuck me with that black fucking cock," Kelly moaned, pulling the fat, purple head of Max's cock to her bald cunt opening.

Max let the head sink in, her slick folds spreading around the bloated head, stretching over the flared crown.  He pushed in a few further inches, reveling in the guttural moan that escaped Kelly's throat, the white-hot heat that came from her pussy.

"Whores like you love fat cock, don’t they, Kelly?"

"Nnnghnnn,” the young woman groaned, her legs rising, wrapping themselves behind Max’s back.

"What a fuckin' slut you are. Who would have guessed?" Max asked rhetorically as Kelly shivered under his degradation. He pumped in and out of this primadonna’s cunt, enjoying the hot slick walls gripping his thick shaft, trying to suck him in deeper. "You come in here…dressed like some little fucking debutante…a prim and proper bitch…fuck…but that’s not you, is it?  You’re just a whore…spoiled little white bitch craving fat black cock."

Kelly's breathing became more ragged, a patina of sweat formed on her body, and droplets of it threatened to drip from her nose and chin.  Her engorged nipples swelled almost painfully, thick, and obscenely long. Soon, her ragged breath turned to short moans and groans and, with a sound escaping from her throat that almost turned to a scream, a scalding mess gushed from her cunt, almost squirting out around the engorged cock that plugged that slutty hole.

Kelly’s discharge was copious, and flowed liberally down Max's inner thighs, soaking the skirt that lay on the floor beneath their feet. Max slowly pumped in and out of Kelly's lubricated cunt as she adjusted to the thickness inside her and her breathing returned to somewhat normal. He pulled her from the edge of the table, flipped her around, and bent her over the pool table, causing her engorged nipples to drag against the green felt, eliciting a groan from her red-painted lips.

Pushing into her engaged pussy from behind, Max was rewarded with a long, low-pitched, "Yesssssss! Fuck me, Max! I want to feel that cock stretch my cunt…pound me…pound that fucking cock into my cunt so fucking hard I pass out! Make me forget his fucking name!"

"You love this dark cock ruining your cunt, don't you, whore?" Max taunted as he picked up the pace, one hand placed lightly on Kelly's beautifully formed hips, and the other tracing circles across her sweaty lower back, causing her to shiver even more.

Turning and looking over her shoulder, her bright blue eyes smoldering with lust, Kelly responded in a low, guttural voice, "Fuck, yeah…I love that black cock fucking me like I’m some kind of whorish animal," she snarled, little flecks of spittle flying from her lips.  “Tame that cunt…tame it, you fucking asshole!”

Max grabbed Kelly's hips hard with both hands and began jackhammering her sloppy cunt, pushing that gorgeous face down into the green felt and causing her massive tits to bulge from the sides of her trim body. Though he couldn't see it, Kelly's thick nipples swelled even further and burned red from the friction against the felt. From her lips and throat, moans turned to groans and threatened to turn to wails of pleasure.

Wanting a different angle after a few minutes of fucking this slut, Max grabbed Kelly's long, blond tresses in one hand, and a shoulder with the other, and lifted her upper body off the pool table.  Her back arched almost painfully and her hips rolled forward, tits wobbling from her chest, nipples on fire.  The pressure along the underside of Max’s slick shaft caused the waiter to growl from deep in his lungs.

Kelly's groans, interrupted by Max's abrupt change in position, returned full force as he continued to slam his hips against her firm little ass. "Reach behind you, slut, and spread your cheeks so I can get deeper."

Usually the submissive, Kelly did what she was told to do. She reached behind her and placed each of her hands, fingers splayed wide, on her ass cheeks and pulled them apart.

Max's intake of breath was clearly audible, even above Kelly's increasing groans. In spreading her ass cheeks, Kelly exposed that tight, pink anal ring, framed by her slender pink-manicured fingers, one of which was adorned with the obscene diamond. Max was struck by a thought as he continued to fuck Kelly like a doggy-bitch over her parents' country club's pool table: what is her naïve fiancé doing right now? What would he do if he saw his fiancé, the picture of all that is innocent, at this exact moment?

What a picture she was, too: bent over a pool table, mewling like a porn starlet, her massive tits hanging from her chest, sweat dripping from her face and nipples, ass cheeks rippling with each thrust from the man behind her, baby-soft cunt lips stretched so taut the flesh was blanched white, long blond hair half in her face and half in the grip of a tightly clenched fist. And that man was a black man, a servant to her parents, no less.  What would Mike do if he could see his fiancé behaving like a complete whore, like a hooker, a cheap prostitute?

These thoughts and images, combined with the clamping of the young woman’s cunt around his thick shaft, her pelvic bone crashing against the underside of his cock, caused Max’s heavy, bloated balls to hitch up violently.  He yanked hard on the reins he’d made of her hair and suddenly went rigid, letting loose one and then another jet-stream of cum into Kelly's scalding, sucking cunt.

Pulling out after the second burst of cum splattered itself against Kelly’s cunt walls like some sort of Jackson Pollock work, Max pulled her by her shoulders and hair off the pool table and into a kneeling position before him, like a good little bitch. The third and fourth eruptions shot from the engorged, purple head of his cock as he looked down into Kelly's lust-filled eyes, partially obscured by the sweat-soaked blond locks that stuck to her face, and saw her left hand, the one carrying her shiny new engagement ring, wrap around his fat cock and shuck it back and forth, hoping to coax more cum from the dripping black shaft.

Those final shots of sperm splashed against Kelly’s forehead and then to her cheeks.  They dripped down her face, leaving a pearlescent mask, thick ropes dripping from the tip of her nose and chin, splashing against her tits.  As degrading as this would be to most women, Kelly reveled in it and it left her shaking.

As Max attempted to regain control over his breath, Kelly ran the fingers of her right hand across her forehead and over her cheeks, sliding Max's thick and gooey discharge toward her open mouth, licking her fingers clean and moaning as the waiter’s cum slid down her throat and into her belly.

Her left hand was busy between her legs, her slender fingers a blur over her unfaithful, hairless cunt, nearly bringing her to a second gut-wrenching orgasm.  The cum from Max's first two explosions dripped from her gaping hole, down her fingers, and liberally coated her engagement ring.

His breath was back to normal, and Max stepped away from Kelly just as her second orgasm welled up inside her gut and tore through her, and started to get dressed.

Alarmed and desperate to keep riding the violent wave of her second cum, Kelly whined, "Where are you going? I'm not done yet! I want you to fuck me again!"

With a laugh, Max responded, "Again? I have to get back to work, slut.”  He looked down at the pathetic young white woman squatting before him.  Her fingers raced over her engorged clit and her tits wobbled on her chest, nipples like big fat grapes.  “Jesus, what a fucking whore you are,” he chastised her, dropping into a squat before her.

Max slapped her hand away from her cunt, pulling another whine from her. But he turned his hand, palm up, and lightly tapped two fingers against the mewling slut’s slick swollen clit.  Kelly jerked and yelped, eyelids fluttering.

Max slapped her clit again, harder this time, her wetness splattering his fingers and forearm.  She put an arm up behind her, fingers curled around the edge of the pool table to keep herself from toppling over, mewling and moaning like the whore Max said she was.

Another slap, even harder this time, and Kelly’s head snapped back, mouth slack, and she cried out.  Her entire body shook and her cunt gushed, whatever was left of Max’s cum in her cunt and her own sloppy mess pouring from her battered folds, splashing on the floor of the club room.  She sucked air into her lungs, nearly hyperventilating, as the violent orgasm receded, leaving her sweating and breathless.

Max withdrew his hand and wiped it across Kelly’s tits, then stood, turned on his heel, and went back to serve his next meal.  He left behind a cheating whore on her haunches beside the pool table, the finger of one hand absently twisting a thick nipple and her tongue licking the sperm from her other hand – and from the glittering 3-karat diamond that adorned the ring finger.


Dan grunted hard as Kelly concluded another of her wicked tales of absolutely depraved infidelity.

He had no conscious memory of moving from between her taut thighs to beneath her lush body after giving her hot wet cunt an intense tongue-lashing, or of her riding him through the end of the story.

But when the story drew to a close, his eyes eased open and there she was.  Kelly’s tight cunt, perfect in all its bald glory, slid up and down his slick shaft, the hot slick walls gripping him fiercely.  Her bloated tits bounced in his face.  One of her engorged nipples grazed his cheek, and a droplet of sweat dripped from the other, dropping to his chest.

"I was so desperate for more fucking cock," she hissed in a lust-filled whisper, her right hand with a firm grasp on the back of Dan's head, gripping his hair.  She pulled him into her tits and guided his mouth to one of those fattened nipples.

"I couldn't believe he left me there…fuck…suck it…suck, Dan…bite…nnnghnn…I was kneeling on the floor, begging for more of his fat cock and twisting my nipples…”  Kelly’s free hand slapped the back of Dan’s head lightly.  “Harder…please…just…oh God yessss…he just walked out the door and I…fuck…I brought my engagement ring to my mouth and…ngnnn…and used my tongue to clean his cum from it."

Dan scraped his teeth along that nipple and his hands took her narrow waist and firmly yanked down, impaling her on his engorged shaft.  She cried out and fell against him, her tits mashing against him.  She twisted, pulled that nipple from his sucking mouth, and lifted her other tit to his mouth, her engagement ring and wedding band just inches from Dan’s mouth.  His eyes rolled up and he jerked, burying his cock in that sopping cunt, mashing her clit against his pubic bone.  He held her there firmly, grinding that nub until she cried out.  His balls hitched up against her ass and that shaft swelled inside her, a torrent of cum splashing from his bloated head against the slick walls of her adulterous pussy.

Dan’s chest heaved and she lay against him, both of them trying to catch their breath.  The sweat cooled on their worn-out bodies as heartbeats slowed and breathing returned to normal.

“Did you enjoy that?” she murmured into his neck a few moments later.

“Yeah…no question.  I…I love hearing those stories…hearing how filthy you’ve been and experiencing it at the same time.”

“There’s a lot more,” she whispered, kissing him softly below the ear.

After a few minutes, Kelly pushed herself up and slipped her tongue languidly into Dan’s mouth, and then untangled herself from his lap and slid from the couch.  Her muscles ached and her nipples were on fire; cum leaked from her raw labia, glistening on her inner thighs.

"But for now, I've got to go get Evelyn from the babysitter’s and call Mike. Why don't you, uh, get dressed?  We'll get together again in a few weeks."

Dan felt dismissed.  He didn’t care.

Written by ISYM
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