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Kelly MacGuire - Lincoln Park Mommy Ch. 06b

"Kelly gets sent down to Miami on a recruiting trip and spends an evening entertaining two Cubans, who take extreme delight in defiling her (Part 2)"

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(If you haven’t read it already, you’ll want to read Kelly MacGuire – Lincoln Park Mommy Chapter 06a before you read this chapter.)

The woman’s hot breath searing into his ear, Eduardo jerked his hips and pumped his cock up into Kelly's pussy, and roughly pulled her ass cheeks apart. "Miguel,” he grunted. “Ready for this? Come and fuck puta culo!"

Kelly turned slowly and looked over her shoulder as Miguel approached the bed, rocking her hips against the kid beneath her and causing his cock to stroke itself in and out of her wet cunt. "Come on, Miguel, don't you want some? Not often that a married whore offers her ass to you while your friend is in her pussy, huh?" she taunted with a wicked smile and smoldering eyes.

Miguel climbed on the bed, the bottle of lubricant he and Eduardo picked up on the way over in his hand. He moved up between his friend's legs that protruded from beneath Kelly's body, his cock growing more erect at the sight of Kelly's spread-wide asshole, the flesh pink and pulsing. He popped the top of the lubricant and poured a liberal amount around her quivering anal ring. Throwing the bottle to the side, Miguel spread the lube around the perimeter of Kelly's asshole, watching her body twitch at the combination of his touch and Eduardo's invading cock. He inserted first one and then another finger in her asshole, loosening her up.

"Nnnnghnn," Kelly moaned. "Hurry up…I need another cock in me."

When Miguel was satisfied that Kelly's ass was ready for his cock, he wiped some excess lube along the length of his shaft. Getting up to his feet and squatting over Kelly's upturned and spread ass, he placed the tip at the crinkled entrance to her butt. He slowly let gravity take hold, working his bloated head against the spongy flesh, teasing it open until he popped through her anal ring and enter the hot, dark depths of Kelly's married ass.

The penetration elicited another moan from Kelly, then, "Yesssss…ass-fuck me, Miguel!!! Stretch it open.”

Kelly was quite a sight. Beneath her, Eduardo was on his back, his hands firmly planted on Kelly's fat tits, pushing them together. Above her, Miguel squatted at her ass, his hands having replaced Eduardo's pulling the slut’s ass cheeks apart.

Sandwiched between them was Mrs. Kelly MacGuire, wife and mother. Her waxed cunt was split in two by Eduardo's thrusting cock. An inch or so above that, Miguel's cock snaked in and out of her battered asshole, lubricant flowing out and over that cock, dripping all over Eduardo’s thighs and crotch.

Kelly arched her back, thrusting her tits into Eduardo's firm grasp as the two pummeling cocks rocked her lithe body. Eduardo buried his face in the housewife’s tits, his lips sucking one turgid nipple, his teeth nibbling on the other. Sweat flowed down the woman’s back, and dripped from the tip of her nose. Her dirty blond hair was matted to her neck and face.

Her eyelids hid her baby blue eyes, squeezed shut in concentrated lust, and she bit her lower lip to keep from screaming. A deep thrust from Miguel into the deeps of her scorching asshole caused her head to snap back, damp locks slapping against her strained back. Her red-painted lips fell slack, moans and groans emanating from between them, evidencing the lust that was growing in her cunt and her ass and threatening to boil over into that raging scream she tried to suppress. She entwined her fingers in Eduardo's hair, pulling slightly, her nails rough against the kid’s scalp.

Kelly’s breath quickened at the thought of these two strange young Cubans using her married holes in a hotel room far away from her home and her husband. She rocked her hips faster, almost forcing Eduardo's cock from her cunt, but quickly recovered, and settled into a quick but controlled rhythm with these boys.

Miguel slapped her ass, causing a loud groan to escape her beautiful lips. "Spank me more…fucking love it!” she spat. “Again…spank me…show me I’m a bad, bad girl…punish me!"

Miguel complied, his hand crashing down on that taut flesh. Eduardo joined in, smacking her other cheek. Her flesh rippled and turned a deep crimson. One handprint and then another.

Kelly groaned hard, her head spinning.

"Two cocks feel good, slut?" Miguel inquired needlessly but wanting to feel Kelly shake with the additional degradation. "Husband can't give you this, huh? You need to go out and find it, right, whore?" Miguel continued to taunt.

"Fuck, yeah…I love strange cock…so much better…than my husband…so slutty," Kelly responded through short breaths and over the lump that was forming in her throat. "Treat me like a whore! I live for it!!" she almost screamed.

Eduardo and Miguel picked up their pace and started taunting the married slut that willingly presented her luscious body for their use. "Fuckin' puta.” "Bitch loves young Cuban cock." "Look at her move her ass. She don't do this for her husband." "I bet she would fuck anyone who asks." "The younger the better." "What kind of wife has a shaved cunt, anyway? What a fuckin' slut."

After a few minutes of their continued pounding and degradation, Kelly let out a moan. It started in the pit of her stomach and gathered force, then rumbled up through her chest, punched out of her by the orgasm that slammed through her belly and stopped her heart, a rush of overheated breath as she trembled between the young men.

"Omifuckingod,” she gurgled, her entire body shaking. “More…fuck…yesss…like that…yessss!" and with that, she let out a scream. Her body quaked and convulsed between the invading cocks, her cunt gushing its scalding juice over Eduardo's cock and running down to soak the sheets.

Kelly continued to shake for several minutes after her orgasm subsided. The sweat dripped from her chin and matted her mussed hair to her face. Her hips rolled slowly, masturbating the two cocks still buried in her forbidden holes.

The woman was in an absolute state of bliss. It had been far too long since she had had the pleasure of two cocks in her little body. She loved being double penetrated. It wasn't just physical. Sure, she loved having her cunt and ass packed with thick hot cock. Loved the whorish feelings that washed over her when she gave herself to two strangers.

But it was also mental, or psychological. She knew she was a whore, loved it, and played to it. It was so wicked for her, a married woman, to fuck men other than her husband, to tell them they fucked her cunt better and harder than her husband, to give those strangers what she’d never given Mike – her asshole.

That she had two men in her, though, made it all the more immoral, and she lived for the immorality. For the knowledge that she was corrupt, and would breach her wedding vows with absolutely no thought or remorse at all.

So Kelly continued to rock her hips, luxuriating in the feeling of Eduardo's cock popping in and out of her cunt, and Miguel's stretching her now-tender asshole. She was glad they hadn't cum yet because that meant they would fuck her again.

She was wondering how they would take her, in what position they would force her lithe body, when her phone, sitting on the nightstand, rang. She let it ring a second time when Miguel spoke up. "Answer it, whore!" he hissed, taking her hair in his fist and snapping her head back.

"I can't,” she whined. “I don't know who it is."

"Who fuckin' cares? Pick up the phone, bitch," he ordered when the phone rang a third time.

"It might be my husband, though," she breathed, secretly hoping it was, her nipples swelling almost painfully once again at the thought of getting fucked by these two boys while her husband was sitting at home on the couch, watching SportsCenter before he went to bed.

Without waiting for a fourth ring, Eduardo stretched his arm out, fumbling for the phone. Grabbing it, his thumb hit the “answer” button and he shoved it toward Kelly's ear.

With a scowl and a fiery look of anger behind her eyes, Kelly managed to get out, in a normal tone of voice, "Hello?" as she took the phone in her hand. "Hi, honey, I, uh, I was just thinking of you," she cooed, as Eduardo bent his head and lashed his tongue at her obscene nipples.

Kelly tried to rise up, to get Eduardo's mouth away from the sensitive nubs, but Miguel, with his cock still buried in her ass, pushed her back down. A look back at him over her shoulder, fire still in her eyes, got her nothing but another shove, her fat tits mashing into Eduardo's face and mouth.

"No, nothing bad," she fake-laughed, feeling Eduardo's cock burn inside the depths of her sopping cunt. "I was just missing you, and wishing you were here with me," she said.

Miguel started to very slowly fuck her ass again. While Mike was talking, Kelly took the phone away from her ear and muted it "Stop. Right now,” she hissed over her shoulder. “I can't do this. If you start fucking me again, my husband will hear."

It was to no avail. Putting the phone back to her ear, she heard Mike saying, "…put her to bed a few hours ago, and was about to go to bed myself. I just wanted to call and say 'hi'."

While Kelly only vaguely comprehended her husband's words, Miguel picked up his pace in her ass, and Eduardo began rocking again, his cock slipping in and out of her cunt, his teeth nibbling her nipples. When he took one between his teeth and bit down, Kelly responded with a deep moan.

From a thousand miles away, her husband heard the almost guttural sound from his wife’s throat. "You okay, Kelly?"

"Yeah," she recovered a bit breathily. "I'm just getting undressed. It feels so good to get these work clothes off," she murmured as she delighted in the double fucking she was getting with her husband on the other end of the phone. "How was your day, babe?" she asked, hoping to keep him talking.

While Mike started relating the boring details of his day, Kelly again muted the phone. "Let's change positions," she moaned. She felt Miguel's consent when he pulled out of her ass and moved to the side of the bed. Knowing that her husband was still talking, even though she wasn't listening, Kelly climbed off Eduardo, feeling empty when his cock slipped from her gaping hole with a squelch. She turned around, again squatting over Eduardo's prone body.

When she grabbed his cock this time, however, she guided it toward her asshole and sank down fully upon it when she felt his head lodged itself firmly against her quivering anal ring. She leaned back, placing her hands on either side of Eduardo's chest, and kicked her legs out from under her, placing them beside Eduardo's knees, making sure to spread her legs wide as she could. Her massive tits stood proud and tall on her chest, nipples almost glowing like beacons.

Miguel caught on and was eager to feel this married whore's hot, sodden cunt wrapped around his cock. He climbed between Kelly's spread thighs, and with his hand positioned his cock at the opening to Kelly's bald cunt, running the head around her labia to lubricate it with her cunt juices.

With one hand supporting her weight, Kelly picked up the phone with the other and brought it to her ear. "…home around seven thirty, and told Esmeralda that she could go home. Evelyn was still sleeping…" her husband continued.

While Kelly’s husband droned on, Miguel teased her, slapping the fat head of his cock against her clit. She rocked her hips, relishing the feeling of Eduardo's cock now stretching her asshole, and her eyes rolled into her head as Miguel continued his torment of her clit. After a minute or so of this exquisite torture, Kelly opened her eyes, the phone still at her ear, and found Miguel staring right at her.

Miguel couldn't take much more. True, he wasn't the one being teased, but he still desperately wanted to fuck this puta. When Kelly opened her eyes and saw him staring at her angelic face, he saw her lips begin to move, the phone tucked just beneath her chin. He could barely hear her but was able to make out the words. "Fuck me like a whore…fuck that whore-cunt."

A sneer formed on Miguel's lips as he thrust his cock forward and up into Kelly's married cunt. He shoved into that battered dripping hole, eyes locked on hers, watching with amusement when her eyes popped wide, and then began slamming into her cunt. Every third or fourth stroke, Miguel ground his pubic bone against her, brutally crushing her clit between them.

Kelly put forth a great deal of effort to keep from screaming out. As Eduardo's cock maintained its stretching presence in her asshole, and Miguel began pummeling her cunt, Kelly needed release – she needed to moan and groan and scream. She could do none of these things. Not with her husband on the phone. He knew the sounds of his wife’s orgasms. If she came right now…game over. He might not realize that his loving wife, the mother of his child, was servicing two Cuban cocks at the same time, one stretching her asshole and the other getting ready to shoot a load of searing hot sperm in her unprotected cunt. But he’d know that someone was inside his bride, fucking the pussy she’d promised to him.

But try as she might, she couldn't control herself any longer. Biting her lower lip hard, almost drawing blood, she managed to let out just a short, low, "Nnnnnghn."

"Honey…you sure you're okay?" she heard Mike say into her ear as Miguel, still fucking her hot cunt, placed his hands on her tits and squeezed hard.

Looking directly into Miguel's brown eyes, almost gritting her teeth, she responded, "I'm okay…I'm gonna go for a run so I'm…I’m just stretching a little."

Miguel's fingers found her engorged nipples and closed down on both simultaneously.

"I've been cooped up all week," she managed to get out, "and I feel like I need some exercise."

Miguel maintained his firm grip and flipped his wrists, twisting.

"I was thinking . . .," she began before Miguel twisted more. "Oh, God," Kelly let loose, her eyes still burning into Miguel with a lust that could not be measured, before she lost it. The arm supporting her upper body gave way, and she fell back against Eduardo's chest, dropping the phone in the process.

Miguel began assaulting her cunt violently, but Eduardo, realizing what happened, grabbed the phone and put it back to her ear, holding it for her.

"Sorry," she managed, gasping. "I, uh…I dropped the phone. Anyway," she breathed, "I was thinking I'd go for a run down to South Beach and back, burn off some stress."

Not to be outdone by his friend, Eduardo wrapped his free hand around Kelly's body and filled his palms with her huge tits. Kelly, caught up in the lust of the moment, put an arm behind her, wrapping it behind Eduardo's head, pulling herself closer to his thrusting body.

"Well, be careful. I know there's a lot of people around there, but I don't want anything to happen to you," Kelly heard as Eduardo's free hand latched onto one of her obscenely large nipples and pulled up, stretching her right tit way beyond its natural proportions.

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In her free ear, while Miguel stroked his cock in her unfaithful cunt, he whispered, "Are you turned on, slut? You like getting all this cock with your husband on the other end of that phone?"

Kelly shuddered and wiggled her hips to take more of Miguel's cock into her pussy.

From behind her, Eduardo saw Kelly nod her head slightly, and he reached further across her chest to grab the other massive tit, tightly pinching the nipple and then twisting it around, letting it go – grab, twist, release; grab, twist, release.

Miguel hissed in her ear again. "Married slut. Fucking two eighteen-year-old Cuban boys while your husband's at home. You know what we call white bitches like you? Puta. You’re a puta."

He watched as Kelly's left hand snaked down her flat stomach and found her bare cunt, manicured fingers racing over her inflamed clit.

"Nice ring, puta. Did your husband buy that for you? What would he do if he could see you now, sandwiched between two young boys?" he continued taunting the woman

"Kelly, are you there?"

Eduardo quickly unmuted the phone.

"Yeah…sorry…I was just pulling on a top," Kelly muttered through her lust-induced fog. She couldn't take anymore. "Honey…I've got to go…I want to get this run in before it gets too late."

Kelly was about to lose it. Eduardo's cock was still lodged deep in her ass. She could feel it pushing against the thin membrane that separated her ass from her cunt. In that cunt, Miguel was still pistoning his young cock. This, Eduardo's almost psychotic twisting of her nipples, his filthy words in her ear, and her fingers doing a dance across her clit, all combined to scream for release.

"I'll call you tomorrow, okay babe?"

"All right, Kelly. I love you, hun," she barely heard through the telephone.

"Yeah…love you, too," she managed to get out before Eduardo pulled the phone away from her ear and disconnected the call, tossing the phone aside.

As soon as she heard it tumble to the floor, Kelly let loose. "Oh my fuckin' God," she moaned. "Fuck me! Harder, goddammit! Fuck me harder, assholes!"

Miguel picked up his pace in her pussy, and the force of his hips slamming into Kelly's caused an uptick in Eduardo's anal stroking. Eduardo's continued abuse of her left nipple – grab, twist hard, release; grab, twist harder, release – sent Kelly into a monumental orgasm.

"Nnnnghn," she groaned as the cocks continued to stretch her holes, and the fingers continued to abuse her nipples. "Jesus…fucking…Christ," she let out in an air-filled wail.

Kelly’s stomach rumbled and twisted into a tight knot. Her feet left the mattress, hovering and shaking. The orgasm washed over her, rattling every joint in her quivering body, tearing at every tendon and muscle. Her cunt gushed like a fountain, spurting out around Miguel's cock snug in that hot hole, spraying his chest and groin in her mess. One spurt, two, three, and Miguel's lower body was soaked.

"Jesu Christo!" he groaned. "Look at this puta!"

Eduardo, trapped beneath the shuddering woman, craned his head to look over her shoulder, and between her wobbling tits, saw her cum splashing against Miguel's chest. Kelly's hot, tight ass had Eduardo on edge, and the sight of her squirting cunt was too much for him. He started bucking his hips up against Kelly's ass, sending his cock deeper into her bowels.

"Fuck my ass harder, Eduardo!" Kelly commanded.

A few more strokes and Eduardo couldn't help but let the entire contents of his balls empty into Kelly's little married ass. His balls hitched up and his cock swelled, tugging at the walls of her tattered asshole. The fat head blossomed, hot thick streams of cum spilling into her.

On top of her, Miguel felt Eduardo's release. The twitching of Eduardo's cock, palpable through the thin membrane that separated the two cocks, had Miguel ready to cum. He looked down at Kelly's body. Her flesh glowed with the heat inside her. Her thick nipples burned bright, one gripped sharply between his friend's fingers. His eyes traveled down her lithe body, crossing her flat stomach to her bald cunt. Kelly's left hand, with the 3-karat ring sitting atop the ring finger, a blur over her smoldering cunt.

"You, too, Miguel!" she growled through gritted teeth, her eyes burning with lust. "Fuck me…pound your young cock into my married cunt! Do it!” Her lips curled into a sneer, her tone a ragged snarl as spittle flew from her bruised lips. “Fuck my husband's cunt! Fuck…that…unprotected…cunt!"

Miguel reached the end of his rope. He shoved his cock into Kelly’s married cunt and held it there. He shook and his eyes rolled up. His hips dropped and the underside of his cock grazed hard along the floor of Kelly’s cunt. That young cock ballooned, the head swelling before ropes of cum blasted out, painting Kelly’s cunt walls as she constricted around him, milking the young Cuban’s balls until he had no more to give.


Like Miguel, Dan couldn't take any more.

"I told him to fuck me. I said, 'Pound your young cock into my married cunt! Do it! Fuck my husband's cunt!' The whole time, he was watching his cock fuck me, my fingers spreading my cunt for him. My wedding rings were not even an inch from his cock when he emptied his balls in me," Kelly finished in a whisper.

Dan opened his eyes to find Kelly's slutty tank top pulled up to the bottom of her tits. She was sweating so profusely that the tank was soaked, revealing her wide areola and thick nipples in all their pornographic glory. She had lost the heels and bright red mini-skirt during her telling of the story, and her smooth cunt was glistening in the faint light of the room.

Tucked beneath the tank, squeezed tightly between Kelly's massive tits, Dan’s cock slid up and down, up and down, as Kelly rocked to and fro. The sweat pouring down her chest provided ample lubrication. Her fingers, tipped with long nails painted a deep red, formed her tit-flesh into a tight tunnel. As he took all of this in, Kelly dropped her weight, forcing her tits down the length of his shaft, and his cockhead almost hit the underside of her chin.

The pale yellow light of a nearby lamp caught the diamonds on her left finger. The glittering result caused Dan's cum to rocket out of his balls, and up the shaft. The first messy rope hit Kelly under her chin, but then she leaned back, pulling the cock from between her tits and out from the tank top. Grabbing the pulsing shaft in her left hand and ripping her top up with her right, Kelly brutally tugged Dan's cock, aiming the bloated head at her ample tits. The second and third blasts from the shiny, purple cock head smacked her right above the tits and ran down her chest, dripping down her taut stomach. Kelly continued to pull on Dan's cock, sinking her red-painted lips over the head to catch the last trails of cum oozing out.

"Jesus Christ, Kelly," Dan managed to say as his orgasm began to subside. "Such a slut."

"That's what you like about me, isn't it?" Kelly asked as she licked the remaining splotches of cum from the head of Dan's cock. "That I spread my legs for anyone that asks?" she continued, scooping gobs of cum from between her tits and dripping the collected mass into her upturned mouth. "That I love the taste of cum from strange dick?" she said, swallowing the mass down her throat.

"Absolutely," Dan responded, still a little breathless.

Kelly patted his thigh with a hand, then rose from her kneeling position and retrieved her glass of wine from her husband's desk. She washed her mouth out with the wine, swallowing it down.

Kelly returned to the couch, but this time climbed up on Dan's lap, folding her lithe body around him. Turning to kiss him, Kelly stuck her warm, pink tongue in Dan's mouth, swirling over his. "And you really like that I take young cocks into my cunt, don't you?" she muttered through their combined mouths.

Dan nodded.

Kelly chuckled softly into his mouth. “Don’t think I don’t pay attention…when I tell you about my past, the younger they are, the hotter you get.”

He whimpered softly, then licked his dry lips. "Yeah, but…how do you do it?" he asked, pulling his mouth away from hers. "There’s never rubbers in any of these stories. Have…fuck…have you ever gotten pregnant?"

Kelly pulled back and sat on his thighs, slowly shaking her head with a wicked smile on her lips. "Nope…morning-after pill."

Dan pushed the woman off his lap. Having cum all over her tits, he was now ready to fuck her, and his cock was back to full flag.

"What are you gonna do, Dan? Fuck me? After the story I just told you? Don't you know I need more than one cock at a time?" she laughed, rolling into the corner of the couch, teasing him.

"Mine will be enough. You can't turn it down, can you, slut?"

The smile left Kelly's eyes and was replaced with a sweltering need as Dan climbed between her spread legs. The head of his cock, blisteringly hot, made contact with her bald cunt lips. She reached down with her left hand, intent on stuffing it in her sopping hole.

Dan beat her to the punch, however, and shoved forward with all his force. The engorged cockhead shoved her labia aside and forced her walls to open up to accept him. When he met resistance, he pulled back a little, then shoved deeper into her, almost knocking the wind out of the woman. Her tits wobbled atop her chest with each penetration. She reached down, the pads of her fingers on her clit, and Dan pushed deeper, buried to his root in her buttery hot cunt. Her hand was trapped between them, the edges of the diamond on her engagement ring cutting into his lower stomach.

"Fuck yessss," she moaned, tugging her hand from between their bodies. She grabbed Dan's hips and pulled him roughly into her.

Understanding, he started fucking into her yielding pussy on his own, hard brutal thrusts that rocked her small frame.

"You love my married cunt, don't you, Dan," she said tenderly, the palm of her left hand brushing against Dan's cheek. She turned her hand over and scratched the diamond across his cheek.

His thrusting increased, and Kelly's breath began to shorten and her eyes started to roll into the back of her head. Just as she was about to cum, a cry from upstairs put a screeching halt to her euphoria.

"Dammit. Hold on," she said, untangling herself from Dan's grasp. Kelly padded quickly from the room, adjusting the obscene tank top, and ascended the stairs. A few minutes later, the crying stopped.

Dan waited a few minutes more, and when Kelly did not reappear, he went in search of her. He didn't find her in the living room, or family room, or the kitchen, so he went upstairs and looked in her room. Not there, either. On his way back to the stairs, he looked into one of the other bedrooms and found Kelly leaning over against a crib, still naked from the waist down. He stood in the doorway and the faint light from outside allowed him to spy Kelly's massive tits bulging out from the sides of her tank top.

Kelly must have felt his presence because she turned and looked over her shoulder as he stood. She gave him a wicked, sinful smile, and wiggled her lips a few times. Dan knew from that action that his presence was welcomed.

He stepped into the room and walked up behind Kelly as she stood up straight. He slipped his arms around her midsection and looked over her shoulder, her tits tucked into the sweat-soaked tank top, nipples engorged, tenting the cotton top.

With his left foot, Dan coaxed Kelly's feet apart. She willingly complied, and Dan bent at the knees a little, his cock rubbing first against her ass, then slipping between her damp thighs and sliding through the hot slick furrow of her cunt. Kelly backed up a little, allowing her to bend over more, and reached down to guide his thick cock into her adulterous cunt.

Dan grabbed Kelly's hips and pulled, making sure his cock was firmly seated in her exquisite pussy. He then reached around her with one hand and let a finger graze lightly over her clit.

"Feel good, Kelly? Do you want this?" he whispered, reaching around with the other hand to tug the tank top down. Her tits popped out and he took a nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

"Yesss," she whispered back. "I want this soooo bad."

"Right here? You want this right here?"

"Nowhere else," was her hushed response. "Fuck me right here. Right. Fucking. Here."

"What do you like about this…slut?"

With a shudder, Kelly said, "It's so…whorish. Standing here in my child's room, with your cock in my cunt. Getting fucked in my daughter's bedroom by someone who is not her daddy," Kelly moaned while Dan slowly stroked his cock in her unfaithful cunt.

"Pretty fucking filthy, Kelly. But that's you, isn't it?" Dan taunted her as her breath quickened and her massive chest heaved. "A cheating whore…no morals. You're such a slut you won't think twice before getting fucked right in front of your daughter. Behind her back once, but now right in front of her."

Kelly, not wanting to wake her daughter, remained quiet, but Dan knew she was coming. The heat exploded in her cunt. Thick juices flowed from her cunt and down his thighs. Her body quaked, her knees giving way. She would have fallen but she held tightly to the crib, and Dan clutched her waist to hold her steady as the orgasm ripped into her.

After she calmed down, Dan released his grip on her, and Kelly slowly turned to face him, her eyes still full of lust, her cheeks glowing. Her huge tits brushed against the top of his stomach, the still-engorged nipples grazing his flesh, the sign of a woman who will do anything to get cock.

True to form, Kelly squatted down before him, leaning back against Evelyn's crib, and took his cock in her hand, pulling it towards her mouth. When Kelly's lush lips parted, Dan moved forward and put the tip of his cock on her outstretched tongue. He left it there, and she made no move to take it further in her mouth. Instead, her hand started stroking his shaft, moonlight streaming in from the window causing the diamonds of her rings to glitter in his eye. From her kneeling position, she looked up at him with wide, innocent eyes, her eyelashes batting slowly.

With a quiet grunt, Dan gripped the edge of the crib. His balls lurched and a stream of cum flew from his cock, flowing over Kelly's soft tongue. The second and third streams threatened to spill from her tongue onto her jutting tits, so she pulled her tongue back in her mouth and swallowed. An unexpected final rope of cum splashed against her plump lips and fell to her heaving tits, dripping from her nipples.

"You…are…amazing," Dan panted as Kelly’s slender fingers spread his cum over her tits, teasing her nipples, while she licked her lips clean.

Kelly smiled up at him innocently, then rose to her feet, took him by the hand, and led him out into the hallway and downstairs.

Written by ISYM
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