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Kelly MacGuire - Lincoln Park Mommy Ch. 04

"Bora Bora may be a honeymoon destination for the well-to-do, but for Kelly MacGuire it was just another location for her to ply her brand of debauchery."

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A week later, Dan was on his way home from the office when his phone chirped. Taking it out of his suit-coat pocket, he immediately recognized the number and answered the call.

"I'm surprised to hear from you so soon," he said without preamble.

"Disappointed?" came Kelly's little-girl voice.

"Not at all," he laughed. "I should have said, 'pleasantly surprised.' I didn't think I'd hear from you for a few weeks at least, that's all."

"Well, I have the night free, so I thought I'd give you a call."

"Oh? And how did that happen?" Dan inquired, his hand moving to his cock to adjust it as it began to swell.

"Mike's away on business, and my mom and dad have Evelyn for the weekend. They thought I might need a break."

"How interesting."

"Mmm, and convenient. I guess I do need a break, but what I really need is your cock slamming into me."

"Sir," Dan said, addressing the Uber driver, "Change of plans. Take me to Armitage and Sheffield instead, please." Returning his attention to Kelly, he said, "How's five minutes?"

"See you soon," she responded and then disconnected the call.

Traffic delayed Dan's arrival at the MacGuire residence. While he sat in the back of the Uber, he wondered what Kelly had in store for him tonight. He had only been with her a few times, but he was quickly becoming obsessed with her. Her lush body was intoxicating, he thought to himself, seeing in his mind's eye her massive tits smashed into his face, her hairless cunt stroking up and down on his cock. Her face, so angelic and naturally beautiful, belied the slut that underlay her innocent exterior. Her filthy mouth, enhanced by the experiences she so willingly shared with Dan, never failed to thrill him.

Dan was pulled from his reverie when the Uber pulled up to the curb and deposited him on the corner of Sheffield and Armitage. He walked the few blocks to Kelly and Mike's walk-up and rang the doorbell. Before Kelly answered the door, Dan knew he would be greeted by one of two images: the typical Lincoln Park mother, or the slut wife. He didn't really care which, for each would add a great deal of fuel to the fire already burning between his legs. On this night, however, when Kelly opened the door, he was faced with Lincoln Park mommy, which suited him just fine.

Kelly stood there in the doorway, one hand on her hip, one leg bent at the knee and cocked out. Her tits were encased – braless, it appeared – in a mango-colored silk blouse, her ass and shapely legs in white denim jeans. She wore a pair of Mary Jane flats on her feet. A heart pendant hung from her neck, tasteful diamond studs glittered in her ears, and, of course, her engagement and wedding rings flashed on the hand at her hip. She was, in Dan's estimation, the epitome of the urban professional mom, and exuded an innocent beauty that was unparalleled.

The first words out her mouth, however, dispelled any notion of purity: "Ready to pound my cunt?" she asked with a dirty smile, taking Dan's hand and pulling him into the home.

"Not worried about the neighbors this time?" Dan inquired as he kicked the door shut and was led toward the back of the house.

With a chuckle and a shrug, Kelly responded in the negative. "Nobody pays any attention to anyone else down here. If we lived in the suburbs, I'd be concerned, but not in the city." As she led Dan through the first floor of the walk-up, she continued: "Only one neighbor has ever said anything to me, a guy who used to live across the street in one of the apartments. He conned me into fucking him a few times." She paused for a few seconds. "Not that it really took any effort on his part," she reflected. "I would have fucked him anyway if he'd asked. But he only lived there for another few months and moved away, and I never heard from him again."

"You never cease to amaze me. What a slut," Dan responded as Kelly pushed him back onto the couch in the television room and climbed up on his lap, her knees straddling his waist and her arms wrapping around his neck.

"You don't know the half of it," she said, moving her pink-painted lips to nibble on his ear, and then slipping her warm, soft tongue in his mouth.

Dan moaned a barely audible "mmm" with that, and Kelly reached beneath her to unbuckle his belt and unzipped the fly. She pulled away and stood up, pulling off his shoes and then his pants, taking his boxers with them. Her eyes shone brightly at the sight of his cock standing tall. Anxious to get it inside her, she quickly kicked her shoes off into the corner of the room and wiggled her own pants and thong down over her trim hips and off her legs. As she climbed back on Dan's lap, he could see the slickness that had formed on her bare pussy lips, and then felt the heat from them as they made contact with his cock.

She rocked her hips back and forth a few times, causing Dan's engorged cock to course through the slick channel formed by her glistening cunt lips, ensuring that her wetness fully coated the shaft upon which she was about to impale herself. Their shirts were still on, but with Dan's fingers pulling at her nipples through the silk blouse, Kelly rose up and let the cock penetrate her unfaithful pussy, whispering in Dan's ear at the same time. "You know what's really slutty, though?” she intoned, sliding down on the invading cock with a grunt. “Getting fucked by a stranger when you're on your honeymoon.”


The Four Seasons on Bora Bora is incredible. Not an easy place to get to from Chicago, but fabulous nonetheless. Three days after their wedding, Kelly and Mike boarded an American Airlines flight first-class to Los Angeles and, after a few-hour stopover, on to Papeete, on the tropical island of Tahiti. Their layover there was a bit longer before they hopped a puddle jumper to Bora Bora. The resort had a water shuttle waiting for them, which transported them across the lagoon to the property. Upon arrival and check-in, they were taken by golf cart to their over-water bungalow with a mostly western view of the Pacific Ocean's horizon.

There was not a great deal to do at the Four Seasons, other than rest and relax, but that is precisely what the newlyweds wanted for the first part of their honeymoon. The months leading up to the wedding had been hectic and filled with wedding-related activities and tasks. Stress accompanied all of this, so Mike and Kelly decided that the first ten days of their honeymoon would be spent doing nothing. After this relaxation period, the couple was to move on to Australia for a week.

Thus, they spent the first few days on the resort sleeping, eating, drinking, and tanning on their private terrace, only rarely venturing from the confines of the bungalow. After they adjusted to local time – and after they had fucked each other out – they visited the other parts of the resort, and spent time on the beach and at the resort pool. There, they met a German couple that was also on their honeymoon and an older Australian couple that was simply on vacation.

Mike and Kelly really hit it off with the Australians, Ian and Stephanie, and even had dinner with them on the fifth night of their honeymoon. The following day, they saw Ian and Stephanie again at the pool and joined them for a few late afternoon cocktails before retiring to their bungalow for room service.

After the fuck frenzy of the first few days of the honeymoon, Mike seemed less inclined towards sex, and Kelly often found herself, as they sat by the pool, observing other males – guests and employees alike – as they moved around them. She would see a waiter bringing a drink to someone across the pool from them and wonder if he was a good fuck. Was he adventurous? Did he possess a cunt-stretching cock? Would he spank her and call her names? Kelly's pussy dampened at the idea.

So on the seventh day, with Mike having not fucked her pussy for the last forty-eight hours and bringing his beautiful wife to orgasm only once in the last twenty-four hours, Kelly desperately needed to have her hole plugged. She and Mike awoke around 9:30 and went to the open-air restaurant for breakfast. She planned to drag him back to the bungalow for a quickie before they settled in on the beach for the day. However, as soon as they were seated, Ian and Stephanie entered and saw them sitting alone.

"Mind if we join you?" Stephanie asked, in that Australian accent Kelly was beginning to find so annoying.

She shot Mike a look that, if he had seen it, would have said, 'Don't you dare.' Unfortunately for Mike, though, he didn't catch it.

"Not at all. Kelly and I just sat down. We haven't even ordered yet." With that, Ian and Stephanie sat down and poured themselves cups of coffee, while Kelly's mind began to sulk.

"We really don't mean to intrude, you know. We know you're on your honeymoon, but we just enjoy your company so much," Stephanie explained.

"No bother at all, Stephanie,” Kelly responded, hiding her true feelings on that matter. “Mike and I have the rest of our lives together. We've been having fun with you."

'True,' Kelly thought, but she didn't want to have fun with them right now. 'Right now, I want to get breakfast in my stomach, and then cock in my cunt.'

"Well, what do you newlyweds have planned for today?" Ian asked.

'No cock, apparently,' Kelly thought wryly.

"I wanted to go to Vaitape and check it out, maybe do a little shopping, get lunch, but Kelly would rather lie around again. So…we haven't decided yet," Mike said.

"Me, too. We've been here a few times, but have never made it over to town. Ian never wants to go, so I always miss out."

"Well, if you want, you can join us," Mike offered to Stephanie.

"No, no. I can't do that; I won't do that. You two need your time."

"Nonsense," Kelly cut in. "Why don't the two of you go, and Ian and I will stay here and lounge. Since neither one of us apparently cares to visit town." Mike and Ian both shrugged, and with that, it was settled. If Mike knew that his nonchalance had paved the way for his bride to transform herself into the slut she’d skillfully hidden from him, he may have thought twice before allowing her to stay at the resort alone with Ian. But alas, it was not to be, and Kelly felt butterflies in her stomach.

After finishing their breakfast, Mike and Stephanie returned to their respective bungalows, changed, and gathered the things they needed for the day. They returned to the restaurant where Kelly and Ian were finishing their coffee and said their goodbyes. After they left, Kelly and Ian left the restaurant and set up two poolside lounges. Bathing suits on and lotion (or, in Kelly's case, oil) applied, they lounged away the morning, alternately sleeping and reading books or magazines.

Ian couldn't help but occasionally stare at Kelly from behind his sunglasses. 'What a body,' he thought to himself. She was wearing an aqua-blue bikini made from some shiny material that glimmered when she moved. It barely covered her body, tanned as it was from six days of South Pacific sun, giving Ian a full view of her massive tits bulging out the sides. Her nipples were clearly defined by the material that hugged her chest, as was her bare pussy. Once, when Kelly swung around on the chaise lounge to adjust her position, her legs parted and Ian expected to see the telltale bulge of camel-toe. But it wasn't there. He surmised – correctly it turns out – that Kelly's pussy was free of pubic hair. The image of the young newlywed on all fours, him fucking her from behind, caused a stirring in his groin. Ian loved his wife, but he’d strayed a few times and would not miss the opportunity to enjoy Kelly's obscene body if given the chance.

At around 1:00, the pool waiter stopped by and asked if they wanted lunch served. After ordering, they struck up a casual conversation about the beauty of the Four Seasons and the South Pacific in general.

"I agree," said Ian. "I only wish we had booked earlier. It seems every time we fly over here, the bungalows out at the end of the piers are booked. We've never stayed in one; we always stay closer to the beach. It's not bad, but I'd much rather stay way out there."

"That's where we are. I love it, waking up each morning to the sounds of the ocean splashing against the piers. Looking out the window and seeing nothing but ocean. It's incredible and quiet. And the sunset? I mean…I’ve never seen anything so beautiful. You and Stephanie should come out one afternoon. We can have cocktails on the terrace and order a few appetizers through room service. It's truly amazing."

"Sounds like a good idea," Ian said as their lunch arrived.

After they finished their lunch, Kelly reached into her bag and pulled out her bottle of tanning oil, intending to re-apply. "Rats," she muttered. Ian looked up from the book he had returned to. "I'm out of oil," she said to his inquiring look. "I'll be back in a few minutes. I have another bottle in the room." Kelly got to her feet and started walking down the beach toward one of the piers that held the bungalows. After a few steps, she turned back to Ian. "Want to go with me? It’s not sunset of course, but the view is still pretty awesome," she teased in a sing-song voice, tilting her head from side to side.

Ian again looked up from his book and, staring at the flat, tanned stomach and bulging tits of the little blonde newlywed, quickly agreed. As he and Kelly padded along the pier toward Kelly and Mike's bungalow, they were quiet. Ian was simply enjoying the sun and the breeze and the smells, but Kelly's mind was in overdrive.

In fact, she had not run out of tanning oil, but it was the easiest way, she thought, to get Ian back to her bungalow. That part had gone fine, but now her mind was trying to figure out how to get his cock in her quivering cunt. Should she give him a signal and let him run with it? Or should she seduce him? And when were their spouses going to be back? Did she even have time for subtle signals or seduction?

These thoughts swirled through her mind as they walked along the pier. Before she could resolve any of the conundrums, they arrived at her and Mike's bungalow. She keyed the door open and Ian followed her in. She left him standing in the living area, and went into the bedroom, and found a new bottle of tanning oil. When she returned to the living area, Ian was standing at the sliding doors to the terrace, staring out across the lagoon and over the vast Pacific Ocean, his back to her. "Beautiful, isn't it?" she asked. Ian murmured his assent without turning around.

'Fuck it,' Kelly thought. 'This is how this is going to work.' Walking toward the couch and coffee table, she pulled the small triangles of her bikini top to the side, causing her tits to pop out. They bulged up and out, forced together by the tight top, and created a deep cleavage. Her thick, pink nipples quickly hardened in the cool, conditioned air.

As Ian continued to stare out at the ocean, Kelly sat atop the glass-topped coffee table and straddled it, placing her feet on opposite sides of the table, spreading her legs lewdly. After pulling the small, aqua-colored triangle aside, exposing her bald cunt, she quickly grabbed the bottle of oil and liberally squirted it against her exposed tits. The oil ran down her breasts and through her cleavage, covering her taut stomach and exposed pussy, and she spread it evenly over the front side of her body with her hands. All in all, Kelly looked like a porn star about to go on set, rather than a newlywed on her honeymoon.

"Did I tell you about the glass-topped coffee table?" she said in a sultry voice that barely eclipsed a whisper.

When Ian turned around, he was stunned at the vision before him. Her deeply tanned body glistening in the liberal amount of oil that covered it, Kelly sat there on the coffee table, leaning back on her outstretched arms. Her lightly muscled legs were spread wide, exposing her bald pussy. Her back was arched, causing her tan-lined, oily, bulging tits to point to the ceiling. "Jesus Christ," he said in a whisper.

When Kelly beckoned him closer with her manicured finger, Ian walked toward the coffee table, almost tripping over an ottoman that sat in front of an easy chair. As he approached the table, he made like he was going to crawl between Kelly's legs and fasten his mouth to her cunt. "No, no. Up here," Kelly said, crooking a manicured finger at him again. Ian walked around the side of the table so that he was standing at Kelly's side. Her baby-blue eyes staring up at him, her left hand reached out to untie the string that held his bathing suit in place. Accomplishing that, she roughly pulled the suit down so that it fell to his feet. Kelly then let her eyes slowly drop from Ian's face, down his muscular chest, to the cock she was about to swallow.

The sight of the fat cock left the woman trembling and she chewed her lower lip. Her left hand encircling the cock, her pretty pink lips opening in anticipation, Kelly leaned to her right and took half of Ian's eight-inch cock in her mouth. Moans escaping the seal formed between her soft lips and Ian's turgid cock, Kelly began bobbing her head back and forth, up and down, eventually engulfing the entirety of the invading phallus. Occasionally, her tongue broke the seal and snuck out, and the underside of Ian's cock ran along it as he thrust his hips at the beautiful bride's face. The flickering tongue allowed Kelly's saliva to escape her mouth, and it dripped from her lips and down her chin; it formed a little puddle on the floor of the bungalow.

"My God," Ian exclaimed. "That feels so fucking good. Keep sucking." Kelly, for her part, had no intention of stopping just yet, and continued bobbing her head on Ian's cock, her left hand alternately squeezing then stroking the base of it. She stroked the thick shaft until she felt him about to cum, then squeezed its base to keep the cum from filling her adulterous mouth.

After about five minutes of Kelly's sloppy blowjob, Ian abruptly pulled his cock from between her glossy lips. A thick rope of saliva and pre-cum hung between the woman’s lips and Ian’s cock, which quickly snapped, falling across Kelly's oil-slicked right breast and running down her body and between her legs. Her lips and chin were shining in saliva, and it dripped from the tip of Ian's cock and his balls. "You don't like?" Kelly whimpered in a deliberately subservient voice, her eyes looking shyly up at Ian.

After catching his breath, Ian responded, "No, no, no, I definitely liked it. But I couldn't take much more. I want to fuck you," he said, pulling Kelly off the table and onto the couch. When her back hit the cushions of the couch, Kelly quickly raised her legs in the air and, reaching a hand between her legs, spread her slick pussy lips with two manicured fingers; a third rubbed at her engorged clit. Ian, well aware of the desperation in Kelly's eyes, bent his knees so that his cock approached the opening of Kelly's unfaithful pussy. "Slow or hard?" he asked.

"I don't care," Kelly breathed, anxious to feel the penetration that was coming. "Just stick it in and fuck me!"

"Slow or hard?" Ian repeated, dragging the purple head across Kelly's hairless cunt lips and up to her clitoris. When no answer came, only the slutty bride's pleading look, Ian gripped the base of his cock and roughly beat the head of it against Kelly's clit, causing her to whimper and jump in desperation. At the same time, she arched her back to get at the string behind her back. Finding it, she pulled hard and, feeling the knot release, pulled the bikini top from her giant tits.

"Hard, then! Fuck me hard!" Without waiting a beat, his hand still grasping the base of his cock, Ian forcefully pushed into Kelly's sopping cunt, sinking half the length of his cock into her overheated and dripping cunt. Kelly's eyes bugged out some, and air rushed from her lungs, followed by a groan. "Oh my God. Jesus Christ. A little slower," she managed to get out, placing her hand on her firm stomach, her slender fingers splayed out, as Ian began to withdraw and then penetrate her again.

But Ian was having none of that. "You said 'hard,' sheila. You'll get it hard," he grunted as he continued splitting Kelly's married pussy. By now, his shaft was fully lubricated by her cunt juices, and it slid smoothly and evenly in and out of the little wife's cunt, hindered only slightly by the rubbing of the pulled-aside bikini bottom. Ian set a rhythm and began pounding Kelly's cunt with swift but deep strokes, his hands gripped tightly to her trim waist.

Ian looked down at the sight before him and groaned at his luck. His eight-inch cock was fucking in and out of Kelly's tight, well-oiled, bald cunt. Her eyes were screwed shut, and her head was tossing back and forth, small moans escaping from her throat. She was muttering under her breath, but Ian couldn't make out what she was saying. All the while, the force of his impact against her caused Kelly's massive tits to wobble wildly atop her chest. This must have caused her some discomfort, because after a few minutes, she brought her manicured hands up and pushed her tits together, stabilizing them.

Maintaining his pace, Ian leaned down to take a thick, hard nipple between his lips. He couldn't resist the impulse. This little slut looked so fucking sexy with her oversized tits pushed together, shining with the tanning oil, capped with the thickest, longest nipples he had ever seen. Taking a nipple between his lips with light suction, he heard Kelly hiss, "Yesssss, suck it."

Moving to the unattended nipple after a minute or two of lashing at the first, Kelly pulled his face hard into her tit as soon as Ian's lips had attached to it.

"Harder, Ian, suck my nipple harder!"

Ian complied, wallowing in the sensation of his cock burying itself in Kelly's cunt and her thick nipple in his mouth, feeling the heat coming from the tanned, lithe body splayed beneath him.

"Bite it, come on, Ian, keep going," Kelly said in a hoarse whisper.

Ian again complied, taking Kelly's left nipple between his teeth and lightly nibbling.

"Harder, bite my nipple harder," she whimpered.

Ian's teeth gained purchase on the nipple, and he could feel the flesh of it compress between his teeth. In response, Kelly began fucking back at his invading shaft and a throaty growl emanated from her pretty, innocent-looking mouth. Her breathing increased, coming in short gasps, and Ian continued fucking that cock deep into her cunt. His teeth parted some to decrease the pressure on Kelly's abused nipple, causing her to immediately freeze her return thrusts as her eyes snapped open.

"Noooo!" she cried out. "Keep biting me, I fucking love that feeling," she sobbed. "Come on, Ian; treat me like a fuckin' whore. Keep fucking my little cunt, and bite my nipples…harder…harder…yessssss, that's it," she moaned as Ian's teeth once again clamped down on her left nipple. Ian was afraid of drawing blood, but he maintained constant pressure on Kelly's nipple, while at the same time increasing his penetration of her sloppy cunt.

Prodding him along, Kelly used the heel of one of her feet to pull Ian deeper into her soaking-wet cunt, kicking him relatively hard in the ass. The kick caused Ian to inadvertently slam his cock in her waxed cunt to the hilt, but also to bite harder on the now-raw nipple that sat atop one of Kelly's magnificent tits. The effect sent Kelly over the top. Letting out a loud moan, her hands went to the back of Ian's head and pulled it tighter to her chest; there was no way that that nipple was escaping his mouth. At the same time, her thrusting at Ian's cock increased, her narrow hips jerking against him, trying to swallow that cock. Soon, the orgasm ripped through her guts, her head lolling back and forth against the cushions of the couch. "Oh, fuckkkkkk," she hissed. "I'm…I'm cummmminggg. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckfuckfuck."

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Ian felt a wet heat spread around his cock as Kelly's pussy constricted around the veiny shaft; her wetness flowed liberally out of her cunt and dripped his balls. It ran down the inside of his legs to the floor of the bungalow, and down the crack of Kelly's ass, leaving a wet mess on the cushion. Ian continued to fuck the newlywed as she rolled through her orgasm, moans still coming from her throat and her head tossing back and forth, her long blonde hair matting itself to her sweaty face.

As Kelly began to come down from the high, her grip on Ian's head loosened, and he pulled his face away from her oversized tits to get some breathing room. Still thrusting at the sopping hole between Kelly's legs, and having caught his breath, Ian said with a laugh, "Jesus Christ, what a fucking slag you turned out to be!"

Kelly shuddered at the degradation, a smile appearing on her lips and in her eyes, now hooded in post-orgasmic bliss. "Never would have guessed, huh?" she responded breathlessly as she continued to grind her messy cunt at Ian's still-erect cock, grinding her overstimulated clit between their respective pubic bones.

"Not in a million years, sheila. Not in a million years."

"Well, we're not done yet," she whispered. "Keep going. Keep fucking me." Ian started to increase his pace again, his breath having returned. "Yes, just like that, Ian, fuck me. Harder…use me…abuse my trashy little cunt," she breathed out. "Abuse me like I'm your little fuck toy. I love it…yessss, more. Come on, call me a fuckin' slut, Ian, abuse me!"

Ian did not think he could last much longer. Fucking a beautiful slut like Kelly was enough to make any man shoot short, but her nasty mouth made it all that much harder to keep his cum in his heavy balls. To make it last a little longer, he pulled out of the married woman's cunt, and told her to bend over the coffee table. "Yessss. I absolutely looooove getting fucked like a dog," she almost squealed, getting up and bending over the table and presenting Ian with her tanned, oily backside.

Ian moved in behind her, and felt the long, manicured nails of Kelly's right hand snake between her legs and grab his erect cock, pulling it into her cunt. When the head was seated properly between her pussy lips, Ian slowly pushed his full length into Kelly until he felt her taut ass cheeks against his stomach. "You like it like a dog, slag?" he asked and felt Kelly shiver under his words. "You like this? You like being called names, you fuckin' whore?" he taunted her, again feeling her quake with the degradation, as she braced herself on both hands against the onslaught that Ian was building up to.

"Yesssss," Kelly hissed back. "I fucking love it. I'm a nasty…fucking…whore…fuck me…use me…I don't give a shit…I'm…your…fucktoy," she managed to grunt out as Ian increased the pace of his fucking and spanked one of her ass cheeks.

"Damn right you are, sheila," Ian got out between thrusts into the young wife's cunt. "You're on your honeymoon, for Christ's sake."

Kelly quivered at the realization of her infidelity. Of course, she realized all along that she was being unfaithful to Mike, and only a few days after their wedding at that. But Ian’s verbalization of the fact brought it home, rubbed her nose in it.

"Fucking some stranger within a week of taking your vows! What a fuckin' whore! Nothin' but a slag," Ian taunted as he continued slamming Kelly's bald cunt from behind.

It was one thing to think about it, to know, inside your head, that you were little better than trailer trash when it came to fidelity. It was quite another to hear someone say it out loud. Ian's words made Kelly tremble with a curious mix of lust and shame.

"Look at your hand, Kelly," Ian demanded between pants, thrusts, and spanks. "Look at your ring, slut. You've been married for a week, and you've got a strange cock in your unfaithful cunt," Ian continued.

Kelly looked down at her outstretched arms, tanned from a week's worth of sun and fun. Her eyes traveled down the length of her arm, taking in the light blonde hairs, to her darkened hands and fingers, to the light pink fingernails that had only recently been wrapped around the cock of a man who was not her husband, that had spread her cunt and manipulated her clit, all preparatory to getting this magnificent, forbidden fuck.

As Ian continued to punish her unfaithful cunt, she saw the three-carat engagement ring Mike had given her over a year ago and thought back to the night they got engaged. Mike had left her at her apartment (she wouldn't allow him to sleep there – ever). After he left, she walked down to the Clark Street Ale House, picked up a stranger, and brought him home. Within minutes, she was riding the stranger's fat cock. Half an hour after that, cum dripped from her stretched-out cunt and hung from her fat nipples. After he left, she called Mike to tell him she loved him, cleaning her used cunt at the same time.

"We haven't even kissed, just like a fuckin' prozzy," Ian's voice intoned, just barely invading her private thoughts.

She thought about all the cock that had enjoyed her tight bald cunt since she and Mike got engaged. And she thought about that little promise she had made to herself, the one about remaining faithful once she and Mike were married.

And she knew she couldn't keep that promise. She knew she was a whore, when it came right down to it. And although this was the first time she had cheated on Mike as his wife, she also knew, without a doubt, that it would not be the last. She loved it too much. Not just the sex, but the filth. She reveled in the knowledge that she was a whore, that her pretty face and innocent appearance, and conservative wardrobe hid the fact that she had absolutely no morals. Married or not, she would fuck anyone, anywhere, anytime. She would fuck them all, white, black, Asian, Hispanic, poor, rich, it didn't matter. Kelly Fitzgerald had been a fucking whore, and now Kelly MacGuire, too, was a whore.

The thought of her continued infidelity, and of the world of cocks that she was now free of mind to explore, brought Kelly to yet another orgasm. It crept up on her silently, and without any warning, her arms gave out beneath her, and her upper body collapsed on the glass-topped coffee table. "Omigod, omigod, omigod," she panted, her lush body convulsing under Ian's continued pounding of her unfaithful pussy.

Ian did not last much longer. Pounding Kelly from behind, degrading her, calling her "whore" and "slut" and "tramp," knowing he was fucking a newlywed on her honeymoon, all brought him to the edge of an orgasm. When Kelly collapsed on the table, her generous tits bulged out beneath her body. The sight of this married slut sprawled beneath him, a mixture of sweat and tanning oil covering her tanned, honed body like a slick lubricant, willingly taking his cock in her bald, sopping, spoken-for cunt, was too much for Ian. And he was a lost cause when Kelly turned and looked over her shoulder at him, fire burning brightly in her baby blue eyes. "Fuck me! Pound your cock in me! How's that married cunt feel!?! Fuck it, Ian, fuck my unfaithful cunt faster…faster…yesssss…that's it, fucker, do it!"

With one, two final thrusts, he grabbed Kelly's hips tightly, and shot one, then another, and then a third rope of hot semen deep into the burning cunt that was still convulsing around him, coaxing the rest of his cum out and into its depths.


Dan had no actual memory of blowing his nut in Kelly's womb. He was thrust out of his fantasyland when he felt his now-limp cock slip from the scorching confines of her hole and heard her whispering hoarsely in his ear. "…fuck my unfaithful hole faster…faster…yyyeeesss…that's it, fucker, do it!" Dan's cock slipped from between their bodies and lay across his thigh, wet and dripping, and he could feel his cum mixed with Kelly's ejaculate leaking from her hole onto his crotch.

When he opened his eyes, Kelly had pulled back and was resting her firm butt on his thighs. Her sweat-soaked hair obscured the features of her gorgeous face, and her body was gleaming with perspiration. Dan watched as two, then three, beads of sweat formed along her collarbone and quickly slid down her chest, between her firm tits, the nipples still engorged, down her stomach to her cleanly waxed pussy, from which it dripped to join the sex juices collecting at the root of his cock.

"Jesus Christ, Kelly," he breathed, his eyes closed again. "You are fucking incredible."

Kelly slid from his lap, and Dan found her on her knees – a position she enjoyed immensely, apparently – with her mouth open, about to engulf his spent shaft. Saying nothing, Kelly ran her soft pink tongue along the length of it while her nails lightly tickled the insides of his thighs.

As blood began to make its way back to Dan's cock, Kelly brought one of her hands to his flesh just above the root of his cock and, using two fingers, started scooping their combined ejaculate down to his cock. Her licking tongue quickly made the concoction disappear into her mouth. Dan watched with growing excitement as Kelly swallowed his and her cum. Kelly lifted herself up a little and bent over him, her tongue bathing his flesh, cleaning the rest of the mess they’d made from around his cock. Her soft hand curled around the thickening shaft, slowly jerking Dan back to erection.

Satisfied with its stiffness, Kelly rose to her feet and walked away.

"Hey, where're you going? You can't leave me like this."

"Shut up, Dan. I'll be back."

Dan heard her bouncing up the stairs, stroking his cock while he waited her out. She returned to the television room a few minutes after leaving, holding in one hand a bottle of baby oil. Dan was again astonished at the sight of her: walking toward him, her flat stomach swaying with her hips, her bald cunt shining with their combined ejaculate, her fat tits bouncing tightly with each step. She may have been married, but her body was made to be fucked often.

Kelly twisted the top off the plastic bottle as she approached him. "Get your hand out of the way, pervert."

When Dan removed his hand, Kelly turned the bottle of baby oil upside down, directly over his cock, coating it and his crotch with an abundant amount of the oil. Reaching down with her left hand – she was always cognizant of Dan's triggers – she spread the oil evenly around his crotch, making sure that her engagement ring and wedding bands were in full view as she tugged Dan's cock, watching his facial expressions the whole time. With a smirk, Kelly noticed that not once did Dan look at her face – his focus was entirely on her manicured fingers, one of which held a certain amount of platinum and diamonds, encircling his cock and stroking it.

Straightening up again, Kelly turned around and arched her back, causing her gorgeous ass to thrust toward Dan's prone figure leaning back against the couch. The bottle still in her right hand, she brought her arm behind her and again dumped the contents of the baby oil bottle, this time down the small of her back, from where it ran down the crack of her ass. Bending over, Kelly placed the bottle on the floor next to her feet, and reached behind her – with her left hand, of course, flaunting her marital status – to spread her ass cheeks apart. She knew, without really knowing, that Dan was observing her every move intently.

"Oh, fuck," came the words from behind her, confirming what she already knew.

"That's right, Dan. I want you to fuck my ass," she said forcefully, her beautiful eyes looking at him over her shoulder. "Think we have enough lube?"

Dan leaned forward and reached for Kelly's slim hips, pulling her back toward the couch so that she was lying on top of him, her back to his chest. Moving one hand to her tits and another between her legs to manipulate her clit, he felt the baby oil squish between their bodies and then felt Kelly begin to slip down his body toward the floor. The hand reserved for playing with Kelly's clit quickly moved further between her legs and basically grabbed her by the cunt, halting her downward slide.

"I need an anchor," she said laughing, standing up again. This time, Kelly stood above him, still with her back to him, and reached between her legs to hold Dan's cock upright. Lowering herself, she said, "Grab my ass and spread my cheeks."

Dan complied and, as Kelly continued to lower her body, watched in fascination as the purple head of his cock made contact with the slick wrinkles of the woman’s anal ring. Kelly slid the cockhead around the contours of her ass until she found the right spot for it. When she found that spot, she eased her ass down on him. Her anal ring resisted until she gave a deep grunt, and the bloated head passed through the tight ring of flesh. A soft whine came from her throat as Dan’s flared cockhead passed through her asshole, then grunted again as she rocked her hips, easing more of that cock into her anus.

"Mmmm," came from Kelly's mouth. "So fucking good. So awesome. I love having a cock in my ass," she murmured as she began to grind her ass into Dan's crotch. Feeling secure that the cock was not going to slip out, Kelly again leaned back against Dan's chest, resting her pretty head against his shoulder, and continued her grinding, her feet flat on the floor giving her leverage.

Dan, meanwhile, wrapped his arms around Kelly from behind. His right hand found Kelly's left tit, and begin rubbing, tweaking, twisting, and pulling – gently – the nipple. His left hand slid down her taut stomach, pausing to feel the muscles beneath her skin tense and relax with her movement, then moved on to her bare pussy. He manipulated her clit, causing her breath to quicken, her chest to heave. Feeling a subtle release of cunt juices, he hooked a finger, then two, into her married cunt, pulling against her pelvic bone.

Satisfied that her mind was completely in the gutter, Dan whispered in her ear, nibbling the lobe between words. "I love fucking your ass, whore… Not the tightest ass I've ever had…but what can you expect? Lotta cock's been in there, huh, you fuckin' slut?" Kelly's breathing and grinding increased. So did the speed of Dan's finger fucking, and the pressure that he placed on her left nipple. "How fuckin' filthy are you?"

"Mmmm," Kelly barely got out. "So filthy…so fucking filthy…. Anything. I'd do anything…for cock," she whispered. Wanting to get more leverage, Kelly moved her manicured feet from the floor to the front edge of the couch, spreading her legs further to Dan's fingers probing her slutty hole. "I love this shit…sitting on a cock…on the couch where my husband…watches TV… I'm a fucking whore, Dan…. I love that you know how to treat me… Just like a slut, ring or no ring."

"Ring," Dan said, removing his fingers from her cunt and rubbing them rhythmically back and forth over her clit, using two fingers to give it a sharp slap.

To be a fly on that wall. You could barely see Dan. His legs stuck out, and you could see his arms encircling Kelly's sweat-soaked body, and his head over one of her shoulders, but the rest of him was concealed by her body. And there she was, her feet planted firmly on the edge of the couch, her legs spread lewdly. Her right arm, outstretched to the seat cushion, braced her body, while her left arm snaked behind her, grabbing a handful of Dan's hair and holding his head to her own. Where her lithe, toned legs met her pelvis, the fly would see her asshole filled with Dan's cock, the baby oil lubricant gleaming in the overhead lights. Her cunt lips were hanging loose and open as Dan's fingers roughly frigged her fiery clit, trying to keep contact with it as Kelly ground her ass against the invading cock, quicker and quicker.

Her enormous but firm tits stood proudly atop her chest, wobbling just a little with the movements of her ass. One nipple, thick and standing almost an inch long, was under pressure from Dan's fingers, alternately being squeezed, twisted, and pulled. The other nipple, starving for attention, stood erect nonetheless, almost glowing red in anticipation. The fly couldn't see Kelly's face, covered as it was with her dirty blonde locks, but her eyes were closed, and her head was lolling back and forth, reveling in the indecency of her predicament, egged on by Dan's taunting and teasing, his degradation.

"I like the ring, slut. You know that, don't you?" he whispered, increasing the speed of his fingers over her clit, feeling an almost steaminess rise from her sopping cunt.

"Yessssss," Kelly grunted, crushing her ass harder against Dan's crotch, trying to wedge even more cock into her asshole.

"It turns me on to know that you're such a whore when you're with me or all those other men. That by day, you play the doting mother and faithful wife," he taunted, gripping her nipple tightly between his fingers and twisting as far as his wrist would allow.

"Yesssss," she hissed, her voice cracking with excitement.

"But you're not faithful at all, are you, Kelly?" he asked rhetorically, his breath labored. "You're a fucking slut. You'll fuck anything with a cock. You strut around, wearing sexy clothes, flirting, thrusting these fat tits at anyone who will take a look. Teasing men and boys with this tight ass – well, not so tight, it turns out. But it's not a tease, is it, whore? You'll fuck them, all of them. Isn't that right?"

The pressure on her left nipple, the fingers strumming her aching clit, and her infidelity being laid bare, all left Kelly breathless. She could only murmur her agreement.

"What would your husband think of you now, you fucking whore? Sitting here on my lap on his couch? Your nipples thick and excited? My cock and a lot of baby oil jammed in your ass? My fingers bringing you close to cumming? What would your husband do, Mrs. MacGuire?"

Kelly couldn't answer. The stimulation – both physical and psychological – was too much for her. Dan's fingertips abusing her clit and her nipple would have made her cum eventually, but his exploitation – turnabout is fair play, after all – of her psychological propensity toward adultery, immorality and complete and utter indecency brought the orgasm about a little quicker.

"Oh, fuckkkkk," she moaned through gritted teeth. Her left hand released its grasp on the back of Dan's head and flew to the seat cushion, bracing her for the orgasm that punched her in the gut. Her body went rigid, her stomach twisted into a tight knot, her legs shook, and her ass ceased its punishment of Dan's cock.

But Dan didn't let up. He battered his cock up and into Kelly's ass. The fingers of his left hand slapped at her engorged clit and those of his right twisted – hard – her nipple.

"Aaaaaahhhhhh, fuckkkkkkk," she groaned again.

Dan felt her orgasm against the fingers of his left hand as they continued to fly over her clit. At one moment, her wetness provided the only lubrication for his abuse. In the next, Kelly's ejaculate squirted from between her pussy lips, adding more slick mess to the effort.

Her body lost its rigidity, and she started shaking and convulsing against Dan's body, moans of delight escaping her pretty lips. The ringing of the cordless phone, just two feet away from her unfaithful body, caused her to go rigid once again, but only for a brief moment. In her foggy mind, she decided to let it go, and her body resumed its gut-wrenching shaking as the brutal orgasm washed over her.

Throughout, Dan continued to ram his cock deeper and deeper into her bowels. When Kelly's body lost its rigidity and began shaking and shivering atop him, he felt his cum begin its travels from his balls to his shaft. When the phone rang not too far from his ear – when he realized that Kelly's husband was calling her, not knowing that she was getting fucked in the ass by another man in his own home – Dan's cum rushed along the shaft of his cock and shot from the shiny, blood-engorged cockhead that was firmly planted in this married woman's asshole, splattering her intestinal walls with his viscous, pearlescent cum.

As his hips slowed their pace, as the dark, dank interior of Kelly's asshole sizzled with the heat of his cum, she too slowed her convulsing, coming to rest against Dan's chest. She was still breathing heavily, her chest and bloated tits rising and falling with her breaths. Sweat poured from her body, adding to the baby oil that saturated Dan’s waist and her asshole. Her left hand returned to grab the back of Dan's head, manicured nails scraping his scalp. She pulled him into a deep kiss, her plush wet tongue parting his now-dry lips and finding his own. She moaned into his mouth, he into hers. But this was not romance.

"Jesus Christ, what a fuck," she moaned into Dan's mouth. "I love fucking you so much because I can let loose with you," she said, turning her head away from him, staring across the room at the fireplace. More accurately, she was staring at the pictures that sat on the mantel of the fireplace. In one, she stood next to Mike. He was wearing a tuxedo, she a beautiful Vera Wang wedding gown. "I can be a slut with any man who will let me, but with you, it's different. I can talk about things, about the shitty things I've done to my husband."

Dan nibbled on her ear, kissed her neck. In the other picture, Kelly sat at a chair with her daughter, a one-year-old at the time of the picture, in her lap, Mike standing behind her, his hands resting on her shoulders. She recalled that time, and the cab driver that she had fucked in their backyard the night before while Mike sat on this very couch only thirty or so feet away, separated only by the wall.

"I don't mean 'shitty' like I want to stop," she said, shifting her weight as Dan's limp cock slipped from the warm confines of her ass. "No way, but I love being able to tell someone about it. All these one-night stands? Those men – or boys – they don't know me. The only thing they know is that I’m their slut for the night. But who knows?" she continued. "As far as they know, I just got in a fight with my husband and the one-nighter was revenge. But you know different," she said, as she lay her head against Dan's shoulder. "You know I'm a whore. That I'm habitually unfaithful to my husband. That I cheat on him whenever I can. You know, like no one else does, that I have no morals, that I will take any cock in my pussy or my ass or my mouth without thinking twice about it."

Dan felt himself growing harder again.

"You know it's not revenge. Fucking someone else on your honeymoon is not revenge. Fucking some college kid in his dorm room, my pregnant belly hanging down, is not revenge."

That last bit brought a gasp from Dan's mouth. "What!?! When…when you were…pregnant?"

She laughed and rose from her relaxed position against Dan's body. "Of course, idiot," she responded, picking up the bottle of baby oil and screwing the cap back on it. "You didn't really think I could put a hold on this lifestyle for nine months, did you?" she continued with a disbelieving shake of the head. "Not going to happen, hon. I stopped fucking around during the last month or two of the pregnancy, and then for a few months or so after. But that's it."

"Tell me," Dan pleaded. But Kelly was already taking the baby oil back upstairs, and he watched her firm, shiny ass, cum sliding down her inner thighs, disappear up the stairway.

"Another time. Time to go, Dan," she said over her shoulder. "I need to check my voicemail. You don't want Mike getting suspicious, do you?"

Written by ISYM
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