Doesn't matter what his age is,
LOL, piece be with you old timer.

Quote by Buz
Y'all really should check out Pete's stories. They are superb! Pete is Piquet so just check out
Quote by Piquet
In this era of suit and counter suit, thrust and parry, we have lost the art of detached indifference aka the cold shoulder. If anyone contacts you with issues as trite as some of the ones broached above, just ignore them. Life is too short; live and let live people.
And while we're on the subject of profiles. How do I get myself 'interviewed'? Such Lush luminaries as Dancing_Doll, Buz and the great NatureBoy have interviews on their personal info column - all of which I've enjoyed reading. I want one too !
Quote by vines
Okay I guess I'll be the one guy that sticks up for him. Let him be. If he want to flash random woman so be it. In the end a guy is going to do what he's going to do. However if you want to me girl and not just show her your thingy you will have to shape-up.
Quote by sugarbabe me some of granny's jug, I'm almost there!
Quote by DirtyMartini
Why don't you go help him out Scooter...I'm sure he'll appreciate it...Yeah, I was wondering where all my pictures went...I was ready to post them on the side of a milk carton when they went missing...
I'd be honored Alan. You know how I love to tear shit up!
As for a Kazoo player, I think I found one Rump.
Rock on Gav.
Quote by RumpleForeskin
Morning, Lushlanders. Once again, Tittie Tuesday, has fallen on Mardi Gras day. This is, of course, as nature intended and is one of life's great blessings.
Now, as for 'Man Boob' Monday, welll, let's just say, and here I speak only for myself, sometimes being blind can be a real positive. ;)
With old St. Val's big day fast approaching, I'm wondering what did folks give to their 'significant others' before the invention of edible panties?