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Over 90 days ago
Male, 65



If you lock eyes a smidge over the time limit, which seems to be about six seconds,

reconnect with the dude, he's as flustered as you are.

Never be afraid of your fellow man. Be strong, and forget your worries,,

And to think putting it on paper seems to of helped clum.

Thats a good story dude.
Quote by chefkathleen

The bolded part totally made me laugh. We think alike.

I second that emotion.
LOL, You should be a bit more open minded Dude.

This is an interesting question, even though it may be a bit difficult to swallow.
I figure; if a girls a big enough girl to get a mouthful, she's certainly capable of disposing herself of the sticky matter.
What a sweet thread sprite!

After enjoying my favorite fruity delight, I'm usually up for a smoke.

Good morning Rump and company,

Boy, you sure do know your Schitts Rump.
I didn't know Jack Squat about the Schitts until your recent post. Maybe Rumpopedia would be an appropriate re-naming.

If I'd a known you were going to kick off Tittie Tuesday poppet, I'd a been here early yesterday, with bells on!
I really enjoy Tittie tuesday for two reasons,,,

LadySharon, sorry to hear about your bout with the sniffles, but it's gotta be better than having the Schitts.
I must say; you make my flannel Lumber Jack pajamas look better than I ever could.

Well, I'd better go and get my Schitts together now.

Fitness is what's important here Clum.
Go when it's convenient for you, and work hard.
Soon they'll all be chatting you up.

Quote by DirtyMartini
Good Evening Lushketeers...looks like a party going on here, or maybe not...Reverend, would you be so kind as to slide a bottle of Beaver Breath down my way? I thought I heard Scooter say he was buying...or maybe that was last matter...

Anyway...I heard Miss Elaine say she needs a good explanation of what the Super Bowl is all about...well Elaine...this picture is the best I can do...and with this baby, you don't have to worry about who wins, or if the lights go out...


Hey, at least Phil won again.
Locker Room conversations have always been clumsy Clum, just like getting into a crowded elevator and nobody speaks a word after the doors close.
But I don't let that bother me. I enjoy being the first one to blurt out something relating to the days situation to help lighten the thick atmosphere.
Locker Rooms are no different, I don't care if a guys drying his dingle berries or not, say what you need to if it's appropriate.
Just don't get caught looking at the dudes package afterwards.
As with a woman, look them in the eyes as you talk to them, and don't let your eyes roam.

Good morning Rump Mates, ( I tried to take the sexual overtone out of that the best I could )

Sure, ice is nice if you live in Texas. I have little icy flakes falling from the sky as we speak sad
Good to see you LadyS, I hope your new muse inspires you well. I'm pretty sure Lush has room for a few good love/romance stories.

That's a pretty good one Rump, with the crazy weather we have around here, the temperature rises and falls like a honeymoon duvat as well.
But that's what make the sap flow in the Sugar Maple trees so,

Maple syrup covered, vodka-infused snow cones for everybody!

Happy Birthday Dancing_Doll

I hope it's ground hog day all year long for you. smile

Hey ya CurlyGirly,

Never heard of an Ice Bar before. But being the first Friday of February and all, take your pick.


Quote by DirtyMartini
Good Morning there People of Lush...what are the chances of getting a cup of decent coffee this time of the morning? Maybe I shouldn't ask...just pass me over a sizable cup of whatever Busty concocted...and toss in a few ounces of Beaver Breath...just to kill any germs on the know, for medicinal purposes...

Btw, did I hear correctly that Mr. Scooter mentioned something about paying off my tab? I always knew you were indeed a gentleman Mr. spite of what the rest of the world may say...

What hit the Powerball or something? That might give you enough to pay off most of my tab...I do appreciate this fact, tell the Reverend to get you a drink...

And, um...put it on my tab...



Good morning Ladies and Gentleman, and DirtyMartini.
I see you got a bran new bar tab already DM. Nice work my friend!

Quote by DirtyMartini

The problem with that is it won't cover up any fishy oders...

Your a brave man DirtyMartini.
Hey ya Rump,

Yeah, hit me with one of those Busty's Brawny Brews/Beaver Breath Brandy combo specials when you get a minute.
I reckon everybody who's anybody is well on their way to New Orleans by now.
If not for the Super Bowl, for Mardi Gras or maybe both.

I hear ya, if I had a nickle for every time the missus complained about; good feeling and filling kielbasa being hard to find,
let's just say; I'd have enough money to pay off DirtyMartini's bar tab by now.

Since the Cleveland Browns stand about a snow balls chance in hell of ever making it to the Superbowl,
I think they should at least get the chance to host the event next year.
It may just spark interest in the players to over achieve the following season.

Oh, and sorry about the mysterious disappearance of the rabbit ears last year.

It was all Dirty M's fault, his idea, and we only had them in the back room for a minute or two
Quote by chefkathleen

This totally cracked me up. I would live by that rule if my husband wouldn't make fun of me. All you have to do is drive in Malfunction Junction one time to understand why.
I live in a yellow section of the state and there's plenty of oranges and rednecks to go round.
I missed TT but indulged my husband in some TT so all is well.
Now for Wenie Wednesday. Everybody ready?

Malfunction Junction! That's where I grew up chef.
When I was 15, we rented a motor home and headed to Florida for a family vacation.
Two weeks of fun in the sun. The biggest problem was; being winter time and all,
the only folks on the beaches were tourist, and none of the famous bathing beauties from Florida. ):
Then on the way home, we all got caught red handed picking oranges out of the Groves
Fortunately, we got a slap on the wrist, and were able to keep our 2 pillow cases full of Temple oranges.

Those were the days,,

Wenie Wednesday, sounds kinda filling

When the perch are feeling lazy out on Lake Erie, I squirt a dab on my minnow. ( my baited hooks, not my sausage link)
Apparently, what ever's in that stuff attracts the fish!
Dig a deep hole (deep enough to trap a cougar)

Fill it with ashes, then lightly cover hole with pine straw, sticks and leaves.

Hide in a nearby bush. When your prize cougar comes along, kick her in thee ash hole.

Hey, morning Mr Rumpster.

You snuck in ahead of me there.
Speaking of Tittie Tuesday, if this is the same Rita Alexander that you speak of,
I can certainly see where your comming from. (:

I happen to love moonshine,
especially when the girls get into a good bottle.

mazz, I hope your feeling better. Have a tug on the bottle of shine or two, that should cure what ails you.

I see Florida hasn't changed a bit. My mom-in law lives in one of the blue sections on the west coast.
She survives by; never turning left on Seminole Blvd, or any of the big streets down there.
It's way too dangerous, in her opinion. She recommends; keep turning right and eventually you'll get where your going
TGIS Lushers,

Rump, all I could find was the quibbles and bits section. I read it word for word, in hopes it was about ladies undergarments.
I was looking for one of those brail versions of Playboy magazine.

Is it me, or is Busty's coffee improving with age

Quote by RumpleForeskin
(slides free 'alcoholic' drink over to Chef as payment, I mean, thanks for her checking out my story.)

Slippery, drinks (non-alcoholic) are free. Drinks (alcoholic) aren't. Well, they might be depending on inducements offered to the barkeep. ;)

For more info on this subject, check out Article VI, Paragraph five, sub clause 4 in the, Rules and Regulations for Running Rumple Ragged. Believe it's in my office under the day bed/sofa cushions.

LOL, I found it Rump, it's right here.

Does that mean your raising your prices now?

I think you guys have been drinking too much again.

That goes for the girls too!

Congratulations to all the writers on this one.

I guess by saying it that way, I didn't exclude any one. smile
I love the song and it's meaning along with the cover picture.

The dude following the lead fighter, is off about a half a bubble, starbird.
It's probably me
Ifin Terrence is tapping a few legs, waiting for the music to start, then so be it.
I chose this one because; we are all amazing in our own unique ways.

Quote by chefkathleen
Happy Friday my friends. Scoot has the first round. I'll get the second. Well, after the dust clears from Alan sliding in to the place and onto a bar stool once he hears someone else is buying.

I'm all in chef, what'll you have, while I got the door open here.

This is a good one DM.

Hey Al, about that book of yours. Is this an actual hard cover book? Or is it something a person can get for an e-book.
If it's a real book and you sign it for me, I'll take one. For real.


Happy Sunday everybody smile