I missed the company first, then the danish-es,
the boose and the spirits~
Quote by WellMadeMale
Yeah, what you said....
Getting back to the OP's question...
I've cheated on a woman ( when I was in a monogamous relationship with her ) - I didn't come back and then have sex with her again afterwards. I didn't apologize in hopes that I could salvage the relationship. I took the easy way out. I knew she probably couldn't trust me going forward and I wasn't going to continue being a major dickwad.
I've had a few women cheat on me (while 'we' were supposedly in monogamous relationships) and I was never able to trust any of those women again, so I either ended the relationship during the conversational confrontation - or, a few told me to pack sand and that we were fucking over - effectively dumping my ignorant ass on the curb - then & there. I probably deserved to be cheated on, to be honest.
No biggie. It happens.
I've also fucked women I knew were married and I knew they were cheating on their husbands. I fucked a few girls who were screwing around on their boyfriends too -
And I've been involved in long term relationships with women (and neither of us cheated on each other with someone else).
In the scenario posed by the OP - I don't think that once that page has been turned - either party can forget & forgive. There are reasons (or a good reason) why the physical cheating occurred to begin with...and just saying "I'm sorry, so sorry, please forgive me - isn't going to fix whatever was broken so badly that the cheating occurred.
So within a monogamous relationship - if trust breaking and emotional or physical cheating occurs... I think it's 'Stick a fork in it fucking doner then done'
Time to move on with each other's lives and find that person who won't cheat on you or you won't cheat on her/him. They are out there.
(incidentally - if you're screwing a woman or man who is already all hitched up to someone else - you are a fucking cheater, buddy...don't think you're not).
Quote by CurlyGirly
Sorry, I've been having trouble figuring out that whole different time zone thing. Maybe if someone can draw me a conversion chart, so that doesn't happen again.
Quote by Ravyn
You know, you might come across a little more credible if you were to curtail your name calling. Intelligent adult conversations can and should occur without the use of profanity.
Quote by Magical_felix
You're either really stupid or really funny. I think it's the former... You make assumptions based on my erotic fiction then go on to say why assumptions are bad? What?
Judging by your lack of an ability to spell correctly, even though English is your first language, and also your inability to have noncontradictory thoughts I am going to assume you are a slow adult. I mean, you literally do all the things you are saying I do.
So you think the kids out there should give cheaters a chance. Good for you. Great advice. I am telling the kids not to listen to suckers like you. I think that is better advice.
Try not to hurt yourself when you go kick some shit.
Edit: I saw how you added a few things about feeding me to sharks? Are you telling someone over the internet you would kick their ass? haha..
Quote by Magical_felix
I will throw all the stones I want, I will juggle those motherfuckers and toss in some tricks n shit before I throw them too.
I am capable of change. Like quitting smoking or trying to not interrupt people while they are speaking, for example. Normal things.
A cheater... I imagine you, stud, must have cheated before and now you're all good and reformed. Or there might be a lack of women willing to cheat or whatever... or sheep or whatever. I don't want to think about the possibilities....... So now you are reformed.
Cheating.. Getting hard, sexually excited, performing while having in your mind that you are hurting the woman you vowed to love more than life itself... You want to know what that is? Psychopathy. A total disconnect with empathy for other people. There is a reason why adultery is in the Ten Commandments right there with thou shalt not murder and thou shalt not dishonor thy mother and father. It takes a psychopath to do things like that. It really does and guess what.. Psychopathy isn't a trait that can just be changed. The brain is wired that way and no amount of bullshit smooth talk can change that. That is why I say that you are just cheating yourself for whatever reason for trusting a cheater. You are allowing them to use you. A scorpion can't just decide to be a ladybug when caught stinging and vise versa.
Quote by slipperywhenwet2012
You can't get caught doing something if you DON'T do it. Duh. I can only speak for myself. And I know for a fact without a doubt that cheating is something I'm not capable of. If something is powerful enough to draw me away from my commitment to the person in my life, then it's time to sever that tie instead of just stringing them along. That's so selfish. What's the point of being in a relationship if you want to be with someone else? There's way more to cheating than the act itself. Cheating requires a conscious decision/effort. You have to plan to do it. How to do it. When to do it. Who to do it with. Where to do it. How to conceal it. If someone can actually think it through, know what's at stake, and then take all of those steps, and STILL be able to go through with it, then no. They aren't capable of change. Because the change of heart would have taken place during the decision process of cheating....BEFORE the act occurred. And when I say someone, I include myself. Would I be capable of change? Sure...for a while. The remorse would kick in..as would the overcompensation for what I've done. But it'll get tiresome, and it's only a matter of time before my eyes would wander again. And the process repeats itself. So would I or anyone else who cheated DESERVE a second chance? Absolutely not. I applaud those who have the ability to extend second, third, or more chances...but I am definitely not strong enough. I've been cheated on once, and once was enough. He didn't deserve a second chance, so he didn't get one...and if the situation were reversed, neither would I.
I speak from experience, so I'll throw all the stones I want.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
'Pieces of cum'... Hmmm... Are you sure you weren't eating her boyfriend's jizz that had pooled up and dried up in her panties? Not to freak you out or anything, but yeah - you never know what's in a person's panties when you randomly pull them out of a hamper.
Onto your second question - I would not mention it. Unless she's kind of a super-freak or you've hooked up with her in the past or have had a very flirty friendship with her, I'm thinking she would be creeped out. It's not so much the panty sucking itself (if it had been consensual) but the invasion of privacy. My first thoughts would be uh oh - was he constantly going through my stuff doing pervey things and fixating on me. Some things are better left unspoken.
Quote by biteentina
i think if you are caught cheating that is it. go straight to jail dont pass go and dont collect $200
Quote by VirginWriter777
I will have a bottle of Captin Morgan Black Rum. I also want a tall blonde with ocean blue eyes and she is wearing a short denim skirt no panties and a red tanktop no bra. Can u send that over to me through the internet like in Tron or something cuz thats what I need right now. Send them right over. Don't forget the rum u do I am gonna sick Captin Jack Sparrow on ya. Lol lol Just joking but u best send the woman and the rum.