Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
I'm trying not to make this sound like a rant. But someone who shan't (lol, shan't) be named sent me a PM saying my profile had too much going on and that I, and I quote, "Am taking this thing waaay too seriously. People come here for sex. Not to see you trying to be Ms. Popularity." I was too caught off guard and the message was too ridiculous for me to even attempt to be offended. I should also note that this person's profile was bare and lacking in even an avatar. And the gender was left ambiguous. I'm not even sure how said person stumbled across my profile in my lowly corner of Lush. I mean I'm chalking it up to disgruntled boredom. Which I didn't even know existed until about 3 minutes ago. But I digress. It just all seemed rather bazaar to me.
Has anyone else been criticized (and I use the term loosely in this case) because of something so trivial as your Lush Profile??
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**rolls sleeves up** gimmie the name of this goon and I'll kick their teeth in **shakes fist**. But in answer to your original question, I don't think I've ever received criticism for my profile. Sounds like whomever dissed yours was being a hypocrite or perhaps was trying to troll you because at least you're making an effort, unlike unnamed criticizer.
wtf...your profile is about YOU not them ...ffs people...give us ALL a break you are so not the new york times sorry sweetie..some people are just asses. GET OVER YOURSELF haters!
I think this person should look at there blank profile before they even think of crticise anyone else, I mean not even to have an avatar they provide a couple you can use on here. I agree this is your profile and you can put as much or as little as you want to show!
Now that is a new one haven't heard that before. personally me I couldn't give a rats ass whether someone likes the profile I have up or not. As someone above stated it's clearly not about them I wouldn't worry to much about it.
“I'm not one of those complicated, mixed-up cats. I'm not looking for the secret to life.... I just go on from day to day, taking what comes.”~Frank Sinatra~
I'v heard people complain about blank profiles, and this one is new. Frankly I'm surprised that he spent time to write you emial, instead of that the time and effort to fill in his profile.
I have a full profile, which I had took time to fill, to upload pictures and videos, and I'm proud of my profile because I put efforts in it. I haven't heard anyone complained about my profile. In fact it was my profile which drew some of my friend's attention and became friends with me.
In this era of suit and counter suit, thrust and parry, we have lost the art of detached indifference aka the cold shoulder. If anyone contacts you with issues as trite as some of the ones broached above, just ignore them. Life is too short; live and let live people.
And while we're on the subject of profiles. How do I get myself 'interviewed'? Such Lush luminaries as Dancing_Doll, Buz and the great NatureBoy have interviews on their personal info column - all of which I've enjoyed reading. I want one too !
For what it's worth, I like your profile. It takes a while to load because of all the gifs in the public comments section, but data in your bio is interesting.
SlipperyWhen Wet your profile is just fine. I enjoyed looking at it. It may be shorter than mine or very similar in length. Obviously Dancing_Doll's profile is a huge success, just look at her story follower list and friend's list.
The complaining about your profile is just some jealous snot heads being whiny and bitchy. They gotta cry about something. Offer them a tissue.
I have a few passing comment that my profile information was a little basic, and I have in the past not accepted friend request from people for not really having much info on their profile.
It’s the first I've heard someone moaning about too much information.
I'd just ignore it.
Yes, I've had a few people pass comment on the opening line of my profile, 'I'm here for my enjoyment, not yours. If that confuses you, please leave now.'
A few people have told me it makes me seem like a bitch, one even sent me a message asking if I allowed anyone else to enjoy themselves on here. As far as I'm concerned, it clearly did confuse them and rather than leave they felt the need to get in touch.
People who are going to nit pick over your well filled out profile, aren't worth your time and more than likely, they aren't the sort of people you'd want to be talking to anyway.
I guess it wouldn't go down well then if I said your background gives me eye-rot and having music on a profile makes me want to kick things.
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