Just here to reconnect with some old friends was once Bikebum and I left for personal reasons but came back cause I missed some people that have become very close with My name and av may suggest I am a lover of motorcycles and a rider of them I do love them but a rider not just yet hoping by next year at the latest. My main passion is has and always will be the bicycle that to me is the purest form of riding. I don't ride to race never have never will I also don't group ride just not my thing I do however ride for the pure freedom of the open road to wherever my wheels will take me and what ever direction I am going. The journey is the main thing not the destination for me. My best friend online is also a member of Lush Queenofhearts she is one person that has always been there for me no matter what over the past few years needless to say I have become pretty protective of her. Hoping to meet at one point in person and planning a good road trip by motorcycle when she gets hers and I get mine one day@other members I am very close with and equally as protective of as I am Queenofhearts My other good close friend is Sprite I am her as she puts it going back to my Bikebum days her Captain of the gaurd. Ask her for meaning on that she alwaso knows how to get me laughing again and joking around me and her are also pretty protective of each other so mess with either of them you will see a not so happy guy and they will let me know Be nice to my girls is all I ask they are all pretty important friends to me *
Interests Bikcycels motorcycles scooter(classic Vespas) camping fishing hiking backpacking. I also have an interest in knife making and other forms of blaksmithing though I have never tried this yet. Lover of cars FORD RULES sorry Chevy guys LOL. Talking with old friends online and making new ones as well.
Favorite Books Mainly non fiction books something to where I can learn how to do something or a true adventure story. I rarely will read non fiction though have a couple of favorites.
Favorite Authors Only one author comes to mind is Bill Bryson funniest man I know and great write as well.
Favorite Movies To many to name mostly action some drama and yes the occasional rmance movie. I adore classic black and whites and love old westerns and war movies.
Favorite Music To many to name again but anything from big band classic rock modern country and some classical.