My partners perfer less hair down there but I'm not completely shaved. I trim it very short most of the time down to a landing strip.
My main reason for shaving/waxing it all off is primarily because it's more hygienic not to mention that most men I've been with prefer a bare pussy and I'm always one to please my man.
No, i would not just do it for my man... I do it for me, I just prefer no body hair on myself, it's smoother, cleaner and feels better, it is just a me thing. That does not mean the same for men, i like normal body hair on men.
Hearing the hygiene thing...urgh. Clearly leaving something there isn't unhygienic or our bodies wouldn't have evolved that way. It won't be down to random chance!
I'm actually a bit prone to chopping and changing...literally. Sometimes I like it trimmed, and I keep it this way for a few months...then I get bored and shave it off, and so on.
I like both ways. One of my favourite things about being 100% shaven is how pretty see through underwear looks when you are. It can also depend on my partner of the time; I will never go with something just because my partner says so, but if he has a preference and I'm cool with a change then sure - why not.
I think the cleanliness just means that you don't sweat as much, and if you do having hair would hold the sweat.
For me, I shave because it just looks better and I find it itchy if I don't
I wanted to give it a sort of new age look by giving it a design of striped shaved areas but it just wouldn't hold still long enough and kept scratching me quite ferociously.
I think it makes sex more sensual, I dont like it when my man is hairy down there either, its just better.
I shave because I like the way it feels. I didn't ever care for having hair and I’m not a fan of hair on either sex. I don’t think it has to do with being unhygienic at all. It might help a little but I’m sure it doesn't make that big of a difference. I just like the smooth silky feeling of being shaved clean.
This question is asked a lot on this site….. o.0
I prefer having it waxed, but I do it because I like the way it looks and feels. One of the days I'll get it lasered!
I find the hair to be really uncomfortable if it's any longer than stubble.
The main reason I shave it is because I like it that way and it is just easier than trimming it.
@crazydiamond...i love the pic...hehe
Shave it baby. All of the reasons above. I love the way it feels when being eaten, and I like to dine out with no hair....or just a little.
I have been completely bare for so long I can not remember why I first shaved. OMG I hope that I did not do it for some guy that is long gone and forgotten.ErNCZ7nCmQzMsK6e
I did laser down there. I like the clean look. I like the fact I do not need to manage anything before going out for a night of sex. I think clean shaven or trimmed is just good.
i've always wanted waxing done, but always been afraid to do it.
It's a turn on!
The styles of clothes out there in super sexy bikinis and lingerie practically demands it!
But it is also a source of erotic foreplay like I stated in the thread about letting our lovers shave us!
Nothing more intimate than having your lover shave you and get you turned on to fuck!
Main reason is that guys prefer it. Was fully hairy for years but hubby complained of getting a mouthful of hair. Other guys did too so I got shaved by hubby. Now he shaves me twice a week
With me its simple, no hair, means guys will go down on me.
Plus Im pierced down below, wich just adds to the sexual excitement.
how often do you shave Allie