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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 34


I'm 5'2 so I'm quite small and everyone notices! I love being this small though as much as i would love to have long legs because i can wear really high heels when i go out which i love. I do love my men to be tall and well built but if i did really like someone who was good looking and a bit short then i wouldn't single him out! I don't think you should tease him over it though now you know its bothering him. smile Hope you get him to change his mind and get him to come out with you all still, otherwise he will never find a woman who likes a short guy lol.
Are you male or female? F
How old are you? 22
How many times a week do you masturbate? I'd say about 10-15 times a week.
How many times do you orgasm each time you play? Everytime.

Where do you masturbate:
In bed? Yes
In the shower? Yes
In the bath? Yes
Outdoors? Rarely
At work? All the time
Every room in the house? Depends
In a car while traveling... ? Love this one, traveling makes me soo horny

What do you fantasize about when you play:
A significant other? Hmmm sometimes
A friend? Depends
A friend's spouse? Yes
A stranger? Majority of the time
A student? Not really
A member of the same sex? Quite a lot
A past lover? No

What position do you play in:
On your back? Often
Standing? In the shower
Kneeling? Sometimes
Sitting? Yes on the end of a chair
Lying on tummy? Yes love this one

How do you play:
With left hand? Left hand to rub clit
With right hand? To insert fingers
With a toy? When i have more time a dildo
With water from bath? Not really
Written erotica? Yes ones that are written well
Pictures? Depends on the picture if i find it hot i will
Movie clips online? Love watching porn
Videos? Videos people have sent me has got to be my fave
Something on TV? ....

What is your favorite porn:
Straight sex between man and woman? Mostly
Gay or lesbian sex? Love gay and lesbian sex
Group sex or orgies? Yes
Blow jobs/oral sex? Love blow job porn
Cumshots? Yes in the mouth/boobs
Anal? LOVE
Interracial? Ok
Age play? Yes
S&M? Yes
Role playing? Love
Kinky? Love

Have you ever masturbated to:
Email messages? Yes
A chat room dialogue? Yes
Exchanged stories or pictures? Yes

Have you ever:
Been caught masturbating? Yes
Masturbated for a man/woman? Yes
Masturbated for the same sex? Yes
Masturbated in a group? In a 3
Masturbated for a photo? Yes
Masturbated for a webcam? Yes
Masturbated for a video? Yes

Do you ever:
Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating? All the time
Insert something or play with your ass? Now and again
Insert something in mouth when masturbating? Fingers
Use pain as a method of playing? Not really

For men and women:
Do you taste your cum? If someone wants me too
When was the last time you masturbated? About an hour ago
Are you wet or hard now? Wet always ;)
Are you going to masturbate now? No maybe in a few hours
Are you a masturbation addict? Yes
What is the most you have played in one day? About 7 times
Nice shoulders/arms (big) but firstly their eyes, teeth and lips! Nice teeth is a must.
Hmmm I love both. Circumcised makes you think its cleaner (Well it makes me think that) But I prefer sucking an uncircumcised cock better just because it feels better in my mouth! Sex wise no different really.
Quote by scooter

Thats a good one miss lopez,
Kick-ass shirt your wearing, by the way


Thank you
Bad boys are no good, but good boys are no fun! Until someone proves me wrong I won't change my opinion!
Hmmm i wear them because i don't like baggy jeans, baggy jeans are for men i think personally!
I love being in control but now and again i do like to be controlled and its in the fantasy thing way!
I personally wouldn't do it on purpose not really a good look, but can see why some guys would find it a turn on!
I don't like the word especially in general but when talking dirty i love it....
I like it, especially when they grab my hair/head and push it! Not sure why just do.
If its on show its on show for a reason, any woman who says they don't like it should cover up ;-)
I find it a huge turn on too! I love the feel of pussy grinding. Yeah its an amazing feeling.
I'd say Slim with Curves so a flat stomach but curvy hips and a bum and boobs. Nothing worse than a girl having a little boys figure! - However saying that some women actually suit being skinny and some women suit being bigger.
I prefer everything smooth, turns me on so much more. I'm not a huge fan of hair especially on the chest.i8cC9sh4Z2ahqm7i
A pencil dress thats tight fitted and heels for clothing anyway. Other than that it would be sexy underwear and heels!
Quote by Curlygirly
I love a naughty chat, but it has to be with the right man, and there is only 1 man for me. There needs to be a connection, otherwise they're just words.

I usually prefer reading erotic stories and letting my imagination work over watching porn.

Exactly that
I don't think it is. Its not passionate to me, its not touching so i don't think its cheating. However, i can see why others think it is. Depends on your relationship with your partner really.
Men to be able to flush the toilet, put the toilet seat down and wash their hands would be more than enough.
Yes i love watching men masturbate - I also like both gay porn and lesbian porn. Only recently started to like gay but it turns me on big time!
Women will always say looks don't matter. I'm not saying you have to be good looking to get a girl but thats the first thing women see then it goes on to the personality. Try getting to know someone first and don't come on to strong with them. Everyones beautiful in their own way and there is someone out there for everyone you've just got to relax and not look to hard. Expect the unexpected. I would personally go for someone with looks but i wouldnt seperate people who are average looking from the good looking ones. Looks catch the eye, personality catches the heart as they say. I couldn't marry someone just for their looks though, so as long as you have a good heart you will find someone.
Quote by Fugly
Quote by big-g
my woman wants to let me have her piss all over my face. does it really turn you women on doing that ???????

Have a man piss all over my face? No thanks! It would totally destroy the bag.

Would I ever pee on my bloke? Yes, if he asked, and if it was in a bath tub/shower so we could wash together/each other straight after.

I would never want a guy to piss in my face! - NO NO NO NO HELL NO! But i can see why people like being pissed on. I don't find it a huge turn on but i think it could be hot if it was in the shower and i peed on him, but i cannot see why it would be a turn on to piss on or get pissed on her face but as they say each to their own.
Yes!!!! - I'm always horny, but after I've been to the gym or for a run thats a different thing! I love it, its amazing
Quote by WHR43
As much as I love being eaten by a man and some of you guys are very skilled in this art form. I still prefer the performance of a woman.

Why is that? Not sure maybe it is the between woman., Could it be that when each is providing pleasure to the other, you know it may go on and on, infact maybe all night. When you know a man will soon what to get on to other games. Or maybe is because as woman we know other womans bodies and how she will best respond.

Maybe it is all in my mind.???

Exactly that!