What body part do you find yourself most drawn to? What about it turns you on?
On a woman or a man!!!!!!! O well I'll answer both!!
On a woman it has to be their waist area..just holding it and planting lovely kisses right there HMM
On a man their chest..I like them big and broad!!
Above all else though their brain..either sex could be sexy as hell but if I have to hold your hand through a conversation then I dry up like a desert!!!
I love a man with a nice broad chest. Dont mind if there is extra padding there. I just need someone with big shoulders. This is going to sound weird but I love a man with "working" hands. I cant take a guy with soft hands. Gives me the creepers. Yes, I do look at a man and check out everything. What can I say....I love men!!!
Similar to the other posters - chest and abs do it for me. The reason being - if that looks good, the guy is obviously fit, so chances are the rest of his body will be pretty hot as well.
For me its Abs and Arms. Love really tight abs and well developed (but not huge) arms.
Big hands, strong arms. I don't know what it is, but they make me go all tingly.
Shoulders, abs, biceps and torso if he's fit.
Eyes and hands.
The middle leg!!!
I love his arms and his smile...gets me all tingling and I imagine his arms around me when we make love or a hard fuck!
I'm very fond of arms and chests. Also legs and butts.
Shoulders! My guy has nice broad shoulders. And I don't like skinny guys at all.
Shoulders and back.. A well defined back is just heaven to massage or rake with your nails and stuff
I love strong men so I would say the arms and chest at first look. I will look then at their hands and then the butt. I agree about a working man's hands and a few scars here or there is sexy too.
Eyes, nose, lips then thighs- in that order. After all, it's his face in gonna be looking at most so it may as well be a nice one!
I'd say cock, lips, arms and chest! In that order....
Back/arm muscles, smile, and eyes.
I find I can't take my eyes off a guys tight bum.
arms, and back. i love when a guys has like a nice muscular back.. weird ik
beyond the obvious ;-) i think feet are sexy....
His eyes//facial features will catch my eye but it's a nice ass that does it for me.
Bunker Love
My Dream my latest stopry