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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 154
United States



Here Comes The Boogeyman

A lonely housewife is haunted by a creature that visits her in the night.

I first saw it while I was doing the dishes. I was scraping an untouched plate of stir-fry into the garbage. Theo had called with an apology and an excuse. Last-minute emergency. No one else available to cover. Coming home late. See you in the morning. The usual. After dropping the clean plates into the sink I found myself just staring out the kitchen window. It looked out into the backyard, a 900-square-foot rectangle of...

Ghost Hunting

Carlos has an unexpected adventure when his best friend Becky takes him ghost-hunting

As the party bustled around him, Carlos Garcia adjusted the plastic fangs in his mouth and hoped that the fake blood on his lips hadn't smeared too badly. As he smoothed and adjusted his cape he snuck glances at the girl across the room. She was exactly the type that Steve had told him he should approach: a cute, perky looking gothess dressed as a slutty vampire. Her breasts were equally perky, accentuated by her tight to...

Party Manimal

Scott's sexy werewolf costume turns out to be more literal than expected.

Scott Macintire stood outside of the house at the end of Nettlewood Drive, hesitating only a few moments before pressing the doorbell. It was one of those McMansions that had started springing up everywhere before the housing market tanked: somehow managing to look both cheap and expensive at the same time. The driveway and front lawn were filled with scattered cars and SUVs and from inside he could hear the faint, steady...

Delta-V: Chapter 1

Captain Selena Wan is alone in space, her only companion the ship's AI: Delta-V.

“Captain Wan, when was the last time you masturbated?”  Captain Selena Wan paused, hands frozen above the palmtop computer she was holding. The voice was not obviously male nor female, old nor young. Clearly synthetic, but with a timbre and pitch carefully calibrated to be pleasant and soothing to the human ear. Although its volume was gentle, it filled the room completely. There were no speakers, micro-adjustments of art...

Red Hot Summer, Pt3

The finale of Red Hot Summer.

David was barely aware of the conversation happening around him, their voices sounding distant and muffled as though heard underwater. He could hardly think anyway. It was like he could feel the blood draining from his head and flowing into his cock. All his worries and thoughts melted away, replaced by a fluffy cloud of hot, lustful energy.     Tiffany's body felt amazing against his. Relative to the oppressive, humid he...

Red Hot Summer, Pt2

The discovery of a mysterious algae causes things to get crazier on Ilha Anjos.

The next afternoon the sun was, once more, high and hot, its light glittering on the surface of the Atlantic and beating down on the boat bobbing up and down on the low waves next to a bright yellow buoy.     After the events of the night before everyone returned to their respective rooms for several hours only to emerge once again and gathered for a morning meal in the dining area. Juliana had heated a few rolls and serv...

Red Hot Summer, Pt1

On a mission to study changing climate patterns, a research team gets... distracted.

The sun was high and hot, its light glittering on the surface of the Atlantic and beating down on the cigarette boat cutting through the low waves, piloted by a wizened Brazilian man in a tattered Parrotthead shirt. Inside the boat's cramped cabin David Mercer tapped away at his laptop.   It was the same book he always worked on when he was idle, writing, changing his mind and rewriting, over and over again. It was a chea...

Praise Him

Dr. Victoria Lazlo comes under the sway of something not of this world.

Dr. Victoria Lazlo was alone in the elevator as it approached the ground floor. She wore a tailored, gray dress suit with sensible heels and no ornamentation beyond a pair of slim, designer glasses. Her auburn blonde hair was bound in a bun, secured with a pair of hairpins. Every element of her attire and stance was collected, professional and cold. She was the Facility’s top exophysicist and the administrator of level 20...

The Tale Of Astra Pt 3: The Eremite

Astra encounters Cass, a young elvish priest sworn to celibacy. These vows will be tested.

“Can we stop for a bit? I need to get a drink or I’m going to pass out.” Kal wiped his brow and adjusted the awkward weight of his traveling pack. The mid-day heat had made his dark skin shiny with sweat and his mouth and lips were gritty from the dust of the road.Astra was walking a few paces ahead, which had at least provided Kal a pleasant view for the last few hours. The sight of her legs and ass, barely covered by he...

The Tale Of Astra Pt 2: Time To Go

Kal and Astra escape into the wilderness following a violent encounter.

It was several hours later when Kal awoke, still well before dawn. The shoddy traveler’s lodge wasn’t the sort of place he preferred to stay but Astra had been demanding. After she’d finished wringing him out he had been left completely worn out and rather than wending his way back to the more comfortable room he was renting for himself, he’d simply collapsed into bed next to her. She was still sleeping peacefully next to...

The Tale Of Astra Pt 1: A Bit Of Fun

The nymph warrior Astra runs into an old friend and the two have a bit of fun together.

  The room is a small, run-down bedchamber, the kind rented for a few coins to merchants or tired travelers looking to sleep off the rigors of the road. It contains little more than a bed with a threadbare mattress and blanket and a small shelf with a water pitcher and an unlit oil lamp. Its floor is bare wood, stained by water and worn by the feet of its many tenants.     The room echoes with a sudden, loud thump and the...