Evening, miniman44.
Good to see another person here who's based in Wales which, as the world sees it, is part of England !! I'm in Flintshire (Sir Fflint) looking out across the Dee, Wirral and Mersey.
Trust you'll enjoy your time here.
P S Trust a 'scouser' to ask where England is !! They've always lived in their own universe.
Having a lower level spinal injury, L5/S1, which is around waist level, and is the area from which the nervous system derives the signals for ejaculation, I can certainly confirm the importance of 'proper' connections !
Equally, as I have constant but, thankfully, often low level pain, orgasm certainly relieves that ! Often for much longer than the statistics suggest, lol.
The downside is that achieving climax takes a lot longer than those same statistics !!! (Point 9)
Mind you, hopefully, over the years, a few partners have benefited from the delay.
Thanks for the info., Liz
Having a lower level spinal injury, L5/S1, which is around waist level, and is the area from which the nervous system derives the signals for ejaculation, I can certainly confirm the importance of 'proper' connections !
Equally, as I have constant but, thankfully, often low level pain, orgasm certainly relieves that ! Often for much longer than the statistics suggest, lol.
The downside is that achieving climax takes a lot longer than those same statistics !!! (Point 9)
Mind you, hopefully, over the years, a few partners have benefited from the delay.
Thanks for the info., Liz
I was married for many years and there were things my wife didn't want to do, sexually, but that was O K.
As far as I'm aware, we satisfied each other within those 'unwritten' boundaries.
As for flirting, cannot the phrase 'I chosen from the menu but that doesn't stop me looking' apply ?
You'll have gathered that I'm not married, now, and, as a virgin until shortly before I was married, I've been quite surprised - quite often pleasurably, sometimes not so (!) - by the antics of subsequent partners.
In summary, I think that, as others have said, one can never pass judgement on other people's marriages.
So, let's simply enjoy our times here.
No, I haven't bought one but did mend a 'Rampant Rabbit' for one woman friend.
Her appreciation was boundless, almost endless !!!
Sensing that her state of arousal is increasing, knowing that it is because of what we are are doing to each other and what is likely to eventually happen.
Always a new thrill each and every time.
I'm with chriskayaks. I met someone for the first time and, unexpectedly, since it had never happened to me before, she made it clear we would be 'going back to her place'.
I wasn't especially attracted and, to my chagrin, my 'performance', wasn't, one might say, good !
Fortunately, for once, I actually learnt from that and, a couple of years later when a similar situation occurred (nearly said, arose !) and I was attracted to the other person I was sensible enough to avoid it.
O K, we met again two days later........!!
So, unlike the politicians who trot out the mantra 'lessons will be learned', I really did learn.
As an aside, a big thank-you to all those who make so many contributions to the various 'threads' (hope that's the right word) as I often read things which I had never appreciated before.
Whilst appreciating that this topic is addressed to the 'gals', I couldn't resist responding that if one of you thought I had the perfect beach body, I'd think you were either very shorstsighted or your eyes were blurred with sand !!
It was a loooooooooooonnnngg time ago but I still remember it vividly.
It was pre HIV etc and my then girlfriend was on the ubiquitous pill so I wasn't using a condom. The sensations of the heat, vevlvety texture and muscle contractions were exquisite. Both of us spontaneously released groans of pleasure and started moving. Suddenly, she remembered she'd had a stomach bug a few days earlier and wasn't necessarily 'safe'.
Amidst her shouts of 'Stop', me thinking I was hurting her (I was a virgin and ignorant), immediate wilting and general confusion, my loss of virginity was memorable, unforgettable and, best of all, we ended up laughing a great deal !!
I'm please to also report subsequent 'consummations' were very enjoyable.
All the sexual partners I've been with (which is not that many - I was married for many years) have had, naturally, very little hair. Only one was shaven and had left a neat 'landing strip'. My preference is for my partner to have some hair.
For myself, I attempt to neatly trim and haven't had a complaint - so far !
The most regularly (when there is the opportunity !) intense orgasms are after my partner has climaxed enough times for her satisfaction.
Very occasionally, a partner and I have achieved simultaneous orgasm and those left us both gasping for breath for a long time afterwards while our pulse rates and quivering bodies steadied.
Masturbation has, for me, simply been a release of sexual tension. Perhaps, it's because when puberty hit I was away at school and one quickly learnt to be very, very quiet during such activity in a dormitory !!
Thank-you for your considered responses.
Good to read, Jacquie.J, that I wasn't the only one who couldn't press the 'off' switch !
I was initially 'led astray' because it was on the Community Channel (on Sky) and then I was hooked. Apologies for the dreadful pun !
You're quite right, Hytherion, scar tissue does form and, occasionally, gives a twinge of pain as it pulls.
Relieved there plenty of people who are used to handling a number of languages as the media, here in the U K would have us believe otherwise.
I was lucky to have a very good teacher of French, at school, who realised that I was becoming bored with the daily lessons and let me wander off into reading the likes of Camus, Sartre etc in French. I think, though, he was an exception to the norm.
Oh, another one to add to the European language 'melting pot'. I live in Wales and can speak it, haltingly, (!) and can read simple text. All the civil authorities produce forms, brochures etc in both languages which makes for some very unwieldy leaflets at times.
Whoops, double posting ! Sorry
So, we're almost in agreement that size is not the criterion - neither length nor girth.
Can we settle that's it's essentially what the male to whom it's attached does with it and all the other equipment he has at his disposal - lips, mouth, fingers, enthusiasm for his partner, tenderness, ferocity et al ?
So, we're almost in agreement that size is not the criterion - neither length nor girth.
Can we settle that's it's essentially what the male to whom it's attached does with it and all the other equipment he has at his disposal - lips, mouth, fingers, enthusiasm for his partner, tenderness, ferocity et al ?
An intriguing question.
As chatnstroke said, not a permanent change, so my answer must answer must be a.
I guess it's a case of the 'devil one knows' - even though I'm still learning after sooo many decades !
Hope it's not offensive for a guy to submit a post.
I had the male equivalent many years ago - more than I'm prepared to admit ! Suffice to say that if another male knew about it, the question was : Are you O K firing blanks ?!
As kee4fun said, it's a mental attitude. In my case, another child could not replace the two we already had and we were the sort of couple who only had to look at each in a certain way and she'd be pregnant !
I guess there's an element that if I'd 'played around' there was no possibility of unexpected consequences but that, of course, is only something the two of you can resolve.
However, the scars of my 'tubal ligation' are still evident X number of years later !! Perhaps you should do similar ? But, then, I'm trying to get into your mind which is unfair.
All I can say is that, for the two of us, it was a release - no scrabbling for the dastardly latex/rubber or any concern as to the effects of the latest contraceptive 'pill' being inflicted upon a female.
Hope you both enjoy the results of whatever choice you make.
My former wife wouldn't entertain the use of sex toys - for her or me.
Subsequent to my marriage, I've enjoyed using them with partner's and even repaired a 'rabbit' for one of them ! We had to ensure, of course, that the repairs were durable.
As a male who is older than 'Randall'(by a few years!), not sure whether I'm blessed or cursed, but desire doesn't lessen and, fortunately, the equipment continues to function.
Now, all I have to is find a woman who wishes to ensure I'm not bragging - lol.
An immigrant to Flintshire, North Wales - born in England and school in Scotland
Triumph Herald, M G B, Land-Rover LWB and a Vauxhall Senator - So far !! Hope springs eternal.
Sorry, can't comment on American cars as I've never been in one.
One thing you don't mention, is your age.
As one gets older, it is more likely that an erection, even if perfectly solid, will not be above the horizontal. Just think how many times it's had to try since puberty to, say, 50 !!
If you're in your 20's, for example, this and this really worries you, try some exercises such as draping a towel - not too heavy(!) - and tightening the muscles in your perineum - area behind your testicles. You'll find that the erection tries to lift it. For once, an exercises that can be fun and pleasurable !!
Don't overlook Hera Teleia's sound advice though, if it's a sudden change.
Good luck