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Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by WorkAlone
Quote by stephanie

The thankfully rare but always unexpected moment when you catch your foreskin in your zipper when doing up your pants. It HURTS!!!! And when you get your breath back you know it's going to hurt AGAIN when you have to unzip to free that little pinched piece of flesh.... Urrrrgh!

xx S

Wincing at the memory. Funny we only do that once, huh? I've been _extremely_ cautious going commando since that one time, lol.

Dude! Button fly pants will solve that problem.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by sprite
Quote by DirtyMartini
People are still doing this question thing, aren't they? I thought it was over...I can't believe I just got one...

yeah, i just got another one two... at least it's only ONE and not a DOZEN this time... running out of steaming bags of dog poop to send as replies.

The most recent batch is only steaming? I believe the last batch was flaming. I wonder if the recent recipients feel shorted somehow.
Advanced Wordsmith
Count me as another IT professional. I've been a UNIX Systems Administrator for more than half my life. When I'm not giving my employer more work than I'm actually paid for, I play amateur hockey.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Dancing_Doll


I also think men mistakenly think that 'persistence' is a positive thing and will eventually win a woman over. Of course this only happens in Rom-Com movies where the heroine gets fucked over by an asshole and then suddenly realizes that the real 'man of her dreams' is the guy-friend that's always been there for her and loves her just as she is... blah blah blah. This hollywood dream has fuelled many misguided fantasies.


Ok. End of rant.

While I generally agree with your postings, Doll, I feel the need to interject a little something involving this rant.

You're correct that men should learn to take a hint, I've recently posted my own turning point in another similar thread. However, I take umbrage at the quote above. I am living proof that the girl-leaves-asshole, friend-consoles-girl, girl-falls-in-love-with-friend, friend-loved-girl-all-along thing isn't 100% bullshit. I've been happily with the same woman for over 15 years, and I've loved her longer than that. I'm not leaving her and she doesn't appear interested in leaving me.

And it was almost like a movie (except the part where the guy had a bazillion dollars and takes the girl shopping all over Beverly Hills). Oh, wait, wrong movie.

Realistically the scenario in your quote IS probably better than 99% fantasy and belongs mostly in John Hughes films, but I'm here to say my fantasy came true and there's a non-zero chance that this can actually happen. Occasionally the Good Guy wins.
Advanced Wordsmith
I haven't received mixed signals in quite some time, but when I was younger I was prone to misinterpret comfort in my presence as interest in me. I was always quite shy and only once did I actually proposition the girl.

This girl was seriously hawt. She was an aerobics instructor and absolutely beautiful inside and out. We were reasonably good friends and hung out quite a bit. After about 6 months of being her friend I finally worked up the nerve to let her know that I was romantically interested in her and that I felt those same vibes coming from her. After telling her that, her eyes got huge and the next thing I knew I was on the ground from a poorly placed snap kick (she was aiming for my groin and she hit my abs). We didn't hang out much after that and I began to reevaluate the way I was interpreting signals.

Advanced Wordsmith
When I first read the question (without the polling specifics) I thought "duh, I was born with two." Now that I've seen the specifics, I chose the "hand & lube" option. Sometimes I make enough lube of my own, so I skip the lotion.

After hearing some of my parents' grotesque Tales From the E.R. stories, I haven't really considered the possibility of using any devices other than my own hand. Any doctor/nurse/EMT who has done time in the E.R. can supply plenty of reasons to stick to fairly vanilla stuff. My father always took particular pleasure in sharing these stories at the dinner table or when I had a new girlfriend over to the house.

Advanced Wordsmith
I cannot speak for others of my gender but, for me, whether I go flaccid after an orgasm is a matter of how horny I still am. Sometimes one orgasm in a session is enough, but usually three or four is what I really want.
Advanced Wordsmith
My appreciation for sex stories started in my childhood. I think the first erotic story I ever encountered was when I was about 10: Greenleaf Classics -- "The Autobiography of a Flea". I was quickly hooked and was contantly looking for other erotic stories. Starting at the age of about 12, I could often be found in the University library trying to find books on sexuality. There I found an interesting psychology text that contained hundreds of people's sexual fantasies written in their own words. That book was equal parts enlightening and disturbing but I felt compelled to read it cover to cover (more than once).

Advanced Wordsmith
I know I'm going to regret saying this... but yes. I can bring myself to full tumescence using just thought. Conversely, I can use directed relaxation techniques to dissipate an erection. Dissipation is far more difficult and requires a lot more concentration. If I cannot get some help from my subject, or if it is inappropriate to get help, I definitely prefer to relieve the tension by manipulation rather than relaxation.
Advanced Wordsmith
Aussie, Kiwi, Brit, Welsh, Irish, and Scottish accents from most women pretty much get the InstaBoner result from me.

Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Dontholien

Me: Hi
Him: So whats up?

How do you even reply to that last one? ...
Is there actually a correct answer to this question?

Technically, I believe the correct answer is the counterclockwise cross product of the two vectors that define the horizontal plane.

But, then, that may be a little too geeky.

Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by LadyX
Does it make me not so nice if I say "France"?

Honesty is good. smile It's nice to know up front how much effort it's going to take.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Quote by Magical_felix
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Yes, I have wet dreams, and I do have orgasms while sleeping... and they always wake me up. It's not a weekly thing though. When I do wake up I am usually laying on my back, and there is no manual stimulation involved. But I can also cum with no hands while awake using just kegals and dirty thoughts, so I think I'm a rarity with that anyway.

Good lord... What a scene. You in front of your computer kegaling away while your fingers furiosly hit the keys.

You should have seen me in the classroom at school. Sometimes staring at the blackboard with my eyes glazed over, I didn't even realize that class had ended...

That explains a few things about one of the girls I went to school with. She'd be sitting there glassy-eyed in Calculus and then she'd close her eyes and her face would flush and then she'd grin. I always suspected, but never thought it could be done without some type of direct manipulation.

I found her attractive and distracting and fascinating. It did turn out to be motivation to go to Calculus at some indecent hour of the morning, though.

Advanced Wordsmith
Sadly, I cannot say that I've ever experienced great fellatio.

The woman that I married is squeamish about about any kind of sexual fluids whatsoever. I suppose that makes her a prude (a very, very sexy prude).

The only time I've ever felt that I could have an orgasm from oral sex was the one time she showed me that she could deep throat. However, that happened years ago when we were still dating. To be fair, though, none of the other women I've had sex with were able to excite me with oral, either.

I think the previous posters are probably correct, though. If the partner is interested in having a good time and enjoying the act I believe that I would enjoy it, too. I know that I've enjoyed masturbating to the fantasy of a great blow job. smile

Advanced Wordsmith
I hadn't thought about this before this posting; I only just discovered that I kiss with my eyes closed (I assume you mean passionate kissing; not like kissing one's mother [though, I suppose that could be passionate for some...]).

When I'm kissing passionately, it's like my brain completely stops processing anything that's coming in from my eyes. I mean, I honestly cannot ever remember seeing anything at all while kissing.

As an odd side note, I do sleep with one eye open. It still disturbs my wife somewhat. Once I'm asleep, it seems that my brain either stops processing visual information or else it incorporates it into the current dream.
Advanced Wordsmith
I sleep in the nude and have been known to sleepwalk. It's provided me with some amusing stories (I'm pretty sure I posted one already).

I can only recall waking up during ejaculation a few times; those incidents happened when I was a a teenager.

As for having an insatiable hunger all day long, welcome to my world. Like many men, I'm simply horny all the time.
Advanced Wordsmith
I've had long hair my whole life. I had to put up with a lot of garbage from bigots asking "is that a boy or a girl" (and other obnoxious remarks of that ilk). Before college it was to my shoulders and since then it's been down my back. When I braided it, the braid used to be about 3cm in diameter (though, now it's only about 1cm).

I like having long hair and I like well-groomed long hair on either gender. However, I'd never presume to tell anyone of either gender what length their hair should be kept. When my wife cuts her hair shorter and lets it grow longer I only state my opinion when asked (though, she generally looks nice both ways).

I suppose this topic is a pet peeve of mine because of the harassment I received in my youth... Sorry for the interruption.
Advanced Wordsmith
I've had multiple orgasms in a single session. They would be more common if I didn't have to contend with donning another raincoat in order to continue.

Maybe it's time to get my tubes chopped or strangled or whatever it is that they do for men.
Advanced Wordsmith
Just because we're married doesn't mean oral sex is unnecessary. If you don't like what I'm doing with my mouth down there, then perhaps you can help me understand how to improve things.

Wait, did I actually post this on an internet board?
Advanced Wordsmith
I'm sure I won't be the only man to answer with this: bent over at the waist.
As for how you can tell: I get a solid tent every time I see my wife bent at the waist, even after all these years. It doesn't matter if she's trying to turn me on or not, her backside in that position has always worked for me.

Similarly, doggie-style will always get me off the fastest.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Jillicious
the only vagina tattoo worth mentioning is the Homer Simpson look. since there is a forum rule about posting genitals, I'll just let you google "homer simpson vagina"

Uhm... wow.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Jillicious

After seeing that squeezebox, I don't know if I'm going to sleep tonight.
Advanced Wordsmith
I attended catholic school for many years as a child; I have to say: those "nun" uniforms don't have the effect on me that they seem to have on some people in this forum. I'm quite happy that there haven't been very many of them.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Ace87
Let Go by Imogen Heap/Frou Frou (Or even Boys Like Girls version). One of my newest requirement for my future lover is that she must like this song silly

You might like Sara Bareilles. YouTube has a few "Stripped: Raw and Real" recordings of her.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Jillicious
I would feel gross inside if I saw Rosie O'Donnell making out with another woman.

That said, most women are attractive. The woman's form has a lot of beauty in it. While a lot of men's bodies seem to be utilitarian, like an old truck, used for getting around in and performing a bit of work.

I fully intended to respond with something equally shocking, but I find myself nearly too shocked (or maybe hurt) to come up with anything of that caliber.

Your statement that the male form is analogous to an old truck implies that there's no beauty in it at all. I believe that your statement is insulting to both old trucks and men (both of which embody some degree of aesthetic beauty as well as utilitarian use).

I will, however, concede that the female form is definitely more beautiful.
Advanced Wordsmith
Love sometimes involves lust. However, confusing the two can be a dangerous proposition.

Lust is: "I want it now" and love is "I am a better person because of this meeting".

Love isn't always everlasting, which is to say that the uplifting affect isn't ever-increasing. But, if you are lucky enough to find a person that has a constant positive affect on your life, put forth all reasonable effort to maintain that relationship.


When I met My One Everlasting Love, it was lust at first sight. After less than a month of dating I knew that she was The One.

After a year of dating, she broke up with me because I had many things to learn about myself (admission: I was an asshole). Through a great deal of effort from both of us, we remained friends but over the span of about two years we slowly lost touch with each other. Seven years after the breakup we met again by chance in a large crowd of people. I realized during our first re-date that she was still the ruler by which I measured all other women. After many apologies and a few months of work to completely rebuild the relationship we moved in together.

That was 14 years ago. It was then and still is worth every bit of effort.


My apologies regarding the proselytization.
Advanced Wordsmith
I am naked because Mars intends to align with Venus.