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Over 90 days ago
Male, 155
United States


She knows I'm into such things but AFAICT she isn't specifically aware of this site.
I've told her that I read erotica but she'd be mortified to know I've dabbled in some writing.
She's most definitely not on here with me - she's a prude about sex (not necessarily a bad thing, simply true).
I don't think she disapproves of erotica but she most definitely feels that visual pornography is misogynistic.
I don't necessarily hide this site from her but she actively avoids discussing anything sexual.
I'd love it if we could read these stories together but I doubt she'd be willing to participate.
Wow... Vivid...

The last surgery was weeks prior, but I hadn't had an erection for nearly 4 months. To be honest: I hadn't been interested, either. I'd been doing a lot of thinking about living, in general, and hadn't thought about sex very much -- which is odd, because most days I think about it every few hours.

I was lying next to her in our bed after a particularly satisfying nap on a lazy Sunday afternoon. She was sleeping peacefully on her side facing me and the curve of her hip was slowly rising in the diffuse, indirect sunlight as it came through the sheers covering the window. Unexpectedly, slowly, painfully I began to get an erection. The pain concerned me somewhat but it was reminiscent of how I felt after a weekend of love-making when we first got back together, years ago. I brought my hand down to where the action was starting and I closed my eyes as I went through a sort of mental check list: scrotum [feeling: Check], testicles [tender: but Check], shaft [feeling: Check], cock head [feeling: Check], seminal fluid [oddly Missing], kegels [yep, still bounces: Check].

I felt her stir, so I opened my eyes. She said excitedly, "Oh! Look at that!" All I could do was smile. Apparently, all the foreplay she needed was to take off her panties and the old, soft T-shirt she'd taken from me when it was too old to be presentable in public. She invited me to join her with a smile and a simple "c'mon," as she laid on her back.

The initial penetration was an unfamiliar combination of pain and heaven. With each stroke I could feel an intense warmth pulse behind my testicles, deep at my cock's root. It was a little uncomfortable, but I was not going to stop. I could see in her eyes that she was enjoying herself and I was definitely not going to interrupt her pleasure.

I varied the rhythm, depth, and pace in a manner I'd learned -- through years of practice and experimentation -- would bring her to a nice climax. As she was nearing her apex the intense warmth from behind my testicles began to expand up my cock. This was new and, strangely, not unwelcome. I quickened the pace and deepened the strokes because we both like that. Shortly thereafter she began to moan, her eyebrows began to furl, and I could see that her eyes were moving beneath her closed eyelids. When she reached her orgasm and began gasping my cock was suddenly on fire! From the root deep behind my testicles to the extra-swollen head it felt like it had been dipped in hot oil. My eyes shot open and I started to howl as bolts of lightning shot out from the core of my being. There were five or possibly six eruptions and then they stopped.

I left my cock in her as my erection subsided. For two minutes my cock head throbbed and burned with each slowing beat of my heart and I felt a few residual currents of lightning as they traveled up my shaft much slower and less intense than before.

I don't think I passed out, but I have no visual recollections from the cuddling afterwards. I vividly recall what I saw and thought during the sex and up to our orgasms but for the first few minutes afterwards I only recall what I felt from my genitals, nothing visual. My next memory with visual content is after my cock stopped burning and throbbing when I remember watching her say "I love you," as I moved over to the pillow on my side of the bed.

That was, absolutely, the most intense orgasm I've ever had.

There have been plenty of others that have been awesome but, for intensity, nothing has surpassed this one.
I have seen that a pencil can work rather well. A good friend of mine is a superb artist and his drawings of the opposite sex are quite detailed and evocative.

Some of the responses I've seen on this topic have been quite interesting.

One earlier response might be paraphrased as "anything you wouldn't tell your partner about is cheating" and that made me think for a second or two.

I haven't directly told my wife that I visit Lush but I'm sure she's aware that I'm visiting sites of this nature. I haven't told her because she can be prudish and often refuses to discuss sexual topics with me though we've known each other (in the biblical sense, too) more than half of our lives. This is even true right before and right after sex. I think it's a little odd to be that uptight about it, but hey... whatever works (and she works quite well for me).

I don't consider Lush cheating because I'm not trying to hook up with anyone else (physical or cyber), I'm not attaching myself emotionally to another person, and I'm not inspired to leave my lovely and loving wife. The fact that I'm having a fleeting fantasy while reading a story doesn't feel out of bounds to me.

Quote by Magical_felix
This can not be answered really. Too many variables.

for example.

If I am fucking her in Peru, the altitude is going to reduce the time I can bang effectively.

If she is a bigger gal and she tends to come slamming back into me all hard going ape-shit during doggy-style, this will also reduce the effective banging time.

If she is on top yelling "yeeeehaw" then this will increase the bang time. I would want to keep that going there...

If she is super hot - Maybe one of the biggest factors in having a bangathon - It's like runner's high, but for banging. Banger's high, I suppose.

If we are fucking in a hot tub, chances are it's not gonna go for a real long time cause who wants to get all prune-y?

...pussy tightness. Not uptight about anal are factors as well.

I mean even under optimal conditions like correct altitude, temperature, humidity, hotness, energy level... there are still variables, like her yelling out some sexy shit that makes me blow my load.

I am sure there is some fucking algorithm or something that can be applied to the variables to compute the effective time but I suck at that shit.

Dude, you kill me. You are spot on with this...
The one thing that I desperately wish I could change is something that I cannot face posting here. It's a sad part of my life that probably wouldn't have happened if I'd made one choice differently.

Thank you for this thought provoking question. Though it may be painful, it's good to think about this kind of thing now and then.
Let's see if I can manage this...

This is a series of photos I took on a cruise of Monterey Bay in California during July 2010. There was an unprecedented krill bloom and there were multiple blue whales and humpback whales lunge feeding all over the place.

These photos are untouched (except to be sized down for Lush). They were taken with a Canon EOS Rebel XT and a 300mm lens. The boat was rolling and churning all over the place, so I was unable to frame these the way I wanted.

I keep in shape by playing at least 2 ice hockey games each week; more when I can find the time. That will definitely keep you fit.
Oh My God, it's so Hot!

That has happened a few times with my wife (not every time, by any means) and it's awesome because it means that I've helped her to feel like I always feel -- out of control with pleasure. I don't think you should be embarrassed at all. It increases and improves the lubrication which can make it easier to go again and help her to another orgasm. She doesn't usually want to go again afterwards, but the one time we did was mind-blowing for both of us.
Sex before marriage? Done that. Living together before marriage? Did that for 4 years. Religious? Recovering.

Wouldn't have it any other way. Wouldn't get in anyone else's way if their opinion differs from mine.

A large part of my large extended family are ranchers in the southwest United States. When I was a teen, I lived in an area of Texas known for its stockyards. I spent one summer getting paid very well to shovel cow manure. No kidding. It was back breaking work and I stank each evening afterwards. Yet, I still eat beef.

I have no problem killing a hen or a rooster for dinner. I haven't had to do that in the last 25 years, but I have done it before and would do it again. I prefer my food to be treated as humanely as possible. I pay a premium for meat from animals that were treated humanely.

I love going to visit my family; they've always got the best food. Organic vegetables from their own gardens and meat from animals they've raised themselves.

Quote by sprite
you know that chickens are omnivores too, right? they'll eat meat. dead chicken parts are part of their diet. also, chicken waste is a huge issues, so they found that they can mix it with grains and feed it to cows, high source of protein. Also, dead cow parts are fed to chickens. the cycle of chicken waste to cows, cow parts to chicken, is one of the ways mad cow disease is spread. just tying to enlighten y'all. smile

I don't think you're going to change my mind, sprite. Sorry. I'm quite comfortable in my role as an omnivore (yes, I eat vegetables, too). As for transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, I'm probably more likely to contract worse diseases.

Just sayin'...
You forgot to mention that organic, free range chicken (and the eggs they lay) taste better.
Quote by thepainter

Unless they have no standards and are just desperate to get laid.

Wow. Such honesty...

I was a virgin until I was 19 (let me tell you, High School was no cakewalk) and, thankfully, I have never been that desperate.

My sample size isn't as wide as some men's, but it's fairly large. I haven't had bad sex as long as she was an active participant. I had one partner, once, that didn't participate (which is too bad, because she was a total hottie). I didn't compliment her afterwards and I wouldn't return her calls. Otherwise, I agree with Clum's earlier response "sex is pretty good for guys most times... sometimes it's especially good".

Quote by Dancing_Doll
Question for the die-hard PC-lovers out there:

Let's pretend you just won a brand new computer as the grand prize in some random Techno-Geek Sweepstakes. The computer prize is the best of the best. But you get to choose PC or Mac.

You cannot sell it on ebay later by the way and pocket the change (I'm onto you, WMM!). You have to keep the computer - so the actual monetary value is irrelevant, but just know that both the PC and the Mac are the latest and greatest versions of both.

Now... with all things considered the same and cost out the window... do you choose PC or Mac?

Come on honest with yourself... you sure you don't want to try?

I'm a computer professional; I work with and on these things in order to earn a living.

To answer the question: I'd get the PC because it is most likely to be the faster.

Since I already have a desktop that I have customized to my satisfaction, I would offer this newly acquired PC hardware to my niece and nephew. I would ask them what they prefer, Windows or MacOS or something else, and I would install that operating system onto the shiny new PC for them. This can be done because, as has been stated before, modern Intel-based hardware can run MacOS and Windows and many other operating systems.

I cannot believe I'm wading into this religious war...

WMM is correct: the hardware is, in most respects, the same. That is because around 2006 Apple stopped using CPUs manufactured by IBM (called the PowerPC) and switched to the the less expensive and ubiquitous Intel manufactured Pentium line of CPUs.

In reality, this forum argument is about the perceived philosophy behind the complex software known as the operating system. Some people are fanatics about Windows or MacOS or OS2 or BeOS while others are fanatics about Linux or FreeBSD or Solaris or Hurd or Plan9 or System V R4.

Honestly, does it matter? I have my own operating system preferences, but I will keep them to myself.

Seriously, get the best computer you can afford and then use the software you prefer.
Quote by eviotis

That reminds me, I've had a Chimay Cinq Cents (White) aging for a couple years.
I know what's for dinner tonight.

McEwan's Scotch Ale (8% ABV)
North Coast Brewing Company's Old Stock Ale Reserve 2009 (13% ABV)

I suspect a diagnosis of cancer could be used as encouragement to help one cease smoking.

Just sayin'...
I know I'm not female (which means this question was not directed to me) but I'm going to answer anyway.

When I was a young man I was struck in the testicles a great many times; at least one was enough to rupture a testicle. Consequently, I have a very low sperm count. When I was in college I only used a condom to protect against disease. After 4 months I would explain the situation to the woman and we'd generally stop using them altogether if she was clean. In my mid-20's I had been dating the same woman for well over a year when she sat me down for a difficult talk. Apparently, a total sperm count of 200,000 (merely 1% of what is considered "low") is sometimes enough to impregnate a woman.

We chose not to have that child. However since then I've had this exact fantasy. To my displeasure, we use a condom every time now. I suppose continued condom use helps to reinforce the fantasy, though.
Vancouver was wonderful! smile Thank you for the excellent tips.

Here's a little bit of what I did:
went to Granville Island
visited Whistler
met some very friendly locals

It was a truly wonderful time; I definitely plan to visit again. A few days isn't nearly enough time to see some of the great stuff that's there.

Thank you, everyone, for the wonderful advice. Canadians are awesome!

I have never been to Vancouver and would appreciate any recommendations for things to see and/or things to do while there. If it matters, it looks like it will be mid-October when I will be there.

As long as I'm soliciting information, does anyone know how reliable the public transportation is in Vancouver?

Thanks for any tips.
My peeve is not a phrase, but the correct usage of a single word: unique. The word describes an absolute condition; something is either unique or it is not. Preceding "unique" with an adverb like "very" or "mostly" is simply absurd.

junk food: Fritos

snack food: green chile (with a little salt and garlic powder) in cream cheese smeared on a thick, home-style flour tortilla and then rolled up.
Quote by Dudealicious
Quote by LittleMissBitch
Quote by Dudealicious

I have had some of the most amazing orgasms through having my prostate massaged

im such a hypocrite when it comes to anal. always receiving and never giving...

LMB if you do decide to try giving to your man someday, please make sure you weren't just chopping those green chiles you like so much - gives new meaning to "Ring of fire"

Mmmmmm Green Chile. Think I'll buy a bag this year.
I've never cybered. I don't consider it lame, however it's not anything that I've ever done. I haven't sexted or had phone sex, either. I guess I'm too plain/vanilla to be hanging around here (or maybe too old?).

Quote by slickman
any one been to New Zealand, I hear the South Island is very beautiful ,although slightly shakey at the moment!!

Wow. Five of the best weeks of my life were spent in New Zealand (two weeks the first time and then three more the next time).

The North Island is filled with cultural stuff and is interesting from a somewhat urban point of view (though, none of NZ is all that populated). The South Island is simply stunning for the majestic scenery and landscapes.

Stay in the "backpackers" whenever possible if you're traveling in NZ. They're similar to American bed & breakfast locations that because they're often private residences converted to provide shelter for travelers (although you have to cook and bring your own food). They're a less expensive alternative to hotels and, in my experience, they were always clean and welcoming.

As for the people in NZ: every individual we met or interacted with was polite and helpful. It seems clear to me that tourism is a major industry there and most locals are more than tolerant of travelers.

I'd give New Zealand an 11 out of a 1 to 10 scale.
Wow. This topic brings up some visceral memories.

I'd have to say my personal space boundary is relative to how well I know/trust the individual and what level of agitation is being presented. In general, though, I suppose an arm's length would be about right.

In some stressful and educational experiences in my youth, I've learned that I cannot control myself long enough for an agitated person to get away with nose to nose commentary. I find others' self-restraint during nose-to-nose commentary to be admirable and incredible. In my adult life I've been in that situation very few times and, though I'm generally a peaceful person, each of those situations have ended in physical violence. I cannot say that I'm proud of my actions, but I'm not entirely displeased.