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Bad Sex Moves

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Alpha Blonde
Everyone knows of a few bad "sex moves" that certain men and women tend to make who think are "stimulating", but which in fact really just annoy the hell out of you. Maybe they learned this technique through watching porn, maybe it was something their friends swear by, or perhaps it was just due to a previous sex partner who never bothered to point out the error of their ways. Who knows where they learned it? You're either the type to roll your eyes, grin and bear it, or if you're confident, maybe you'll ask them to stop.

I've heard women complain about the dreaded "jackhammer sex" move from guys, or women that during post-coital cuddling insist on absently drawing little circles around a man's nipples. Maybe it's the bad kisser with the stabby, unyielding tongue?

Name the "sex move" or "sex style" that you wish the opposite (or same) sex would just give up forever...

Perhaps we can all "enlighten" each other.
Constant Gardener
Please quit chewing on the head of my cock.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by WellMadeMale
Please quit chewing on the head of my cock.

Some guys like that.PYmGPf6HDhAuxXGv My ex used to love it, put him right over the edge.
Constant Gardener
Quote by LusciousLola
Quote by WellMadeMale
Please quit chewing on the head of my cock.

Some guys like that.uy7vV9FQ0A83uQpB My ex used to love it, put him right over the edge.

Some girls like being hog-tied, blindfolded and hung by their nipples from a ceiling beam with a cue-ball gag in their mouth and half kilo weights suspended from their labia...before I read them my poetry.

I try to ask most women what their limits are before I commence.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Artistic Tart

You aren't a porn star, and I'm not on painkillers as a precaution, so stick with one of the first 30 positions you learned, cowboy. There's plenty of adventure without making me feel like my neck's about to snap and your dick could rip me open if either of us loses balance.
Alpha Blonde
One I've always hated is when a guy puts two fingers together and keeps them as straight and stiff as he can and proceeds to finger fuck me at warp speed, often screwing up the direction as he goes along. Negative bonus points if his fingernails aren't perfectly smooth.

I've often seen this move in porn films, so I've always assumed this is where guys learn it.

I can't stand it. Two ram-rod fingers vigorously stabbing me is NOT a good feeling. Trying to approximate the speed of a vibrator just makes it even worse.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
One I've always hated is when a guy puts two fingers together and keeps them as straight and stiff as he can and proceeds to finger fuck me at warp speed, often screwing up the direction as he goes along. Negative bonus points if his fingernails aren't perfectly smooth.

I've often seen this move in porn films, so I've always assumed this is where guys learn it.

I can't stand it. Two ram-rod fingers vigorously stabbing me is NOT a good feeling. Trying to approximate the speed of a vibrator just makes it even worse.

Yes, this!!!

I tried to teach my ex not to do this and stimulate the g-spot with his fingertips instead but he just did not get it! I hate porn for teaching men this.

Also the idea that about 2 minutes of oral is enough to get me off while i have to spend bloody ages on him.
Active Ink Slinger
Whilst I could only wish that the missus would spend more than a couple of minutes swallowing the sausage, my actual pet peeve....and again I blame porno vids... is the wifes belief that rapidly & repeatedly pulling down on my shaft with her death grip whilst both wrenching at my knob end and smashing down on my balls is somehow stimulating. It's not. It's painful.

Attempts to 'teach' her to be more gentle usually lead to a barnstormer so I tend to avoid hand-jobs at home.
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
Alpha Blonde
Here's another one... the hickey enthusiast.

I actually thought I had left this practice behind in high school, but last year I hooked up with a guy that had a bit of a hoover-mouth and left a rather unfortunate blotch on my neck.
I had to wear a scarf or a high necked sweater for a whole week!

Unless you're still a teenager, or trying out to be a vampire extra in the next Twilight Saga movie, there is no excuse for leaving any marks.
Active Ink Slinger
It's a penis, not a snake. It's not going to escape and bite your ass. Loosen up the death grip a touch. Gently caress it, stroking it in a rhythmic up and down manner. Let me tell you when to grip it harder, don't make me keep a crowbar on standby to pry your hands off so the blood can continue to flow. And oh, yeah - the teeth have no business ever touching it. Ever.
Lollipop Girl
I had an ex that would scratch my back when doing doggy style...and then would say that he thought I had an itch and that was why...*rolls eyes*

Same guy would also sniff my hair while we had sex and then say God I would love to have sex with your hair...kinda weird...
"Haters make me FAMOUS!!!"

Active Ink Slinger
Kissing someone that seems to have no control, or idea how much saliva they are sharing with you.
Licking it like a lolly is not oral sex, try to envision that milk shake as you draw up on the straw. You don't bite the straw, you smoothly and with increasing pressure draw up from the straw. No, I will not get into further analogize, you're welcome.
Constant Gardener
Would you kindly tell me prior to us having sexual intercourse for the first time on my fairly new $1200 mattress, or on the seats of my sports car...that when you get really excited, you may be prone to squirt?

A simple, "I'm a gusher", would suffice.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

I'm trying to enjoy myself here, and concentrate. Despite what you read in Cosmo, "sexy talk" doesn't mean 10 minutes of reciting what a second female would be doing to me right now.

How about you go back to the tried-and-true method of moaning, with an occasional, infrequent dirty word thrown in now and then?

Thank you.
Flutterby Pharie
Don't just stick your tongue in my mouth and leave it there! I was with a guy one time that thought he was a good kisser by doing this. Good kissing requires a bit of tongue movement. The more the better!
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
I'm trying to enjoy myself here, and concentrate. Despite what you read in Cosmo, "sexy talk" doesn't mean 10 minutes of reciting what a second female would be doing to me right now.

That acually sounds pretty awesome to me....
Advanced Wordsmith
Just because we're married doesn't mean oral sex is unnecessary. If you don't like what I'm doing with my mouth down there, then perhaps you can help me understand how to improve things.

Wait, did I actually post this on an internet board?