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Over 90 days ago
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Burkina Faso


Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Jillicious
I love XKCD!

Thanks, I had no idea who it was. Very amusing cartoonist.
Active Ink Slinger
That's one huge lemon. Fell off my 30" screen even.
Active Ink Slinger
Pass. What happens if the little baby tries to grab your knob while you're inside or something?
Active Ink Slinger
Am I allowed to say I'd like a tit wank followed by a blowjob from her?
Active Ink Slinger
Thanks for the answers. At the end of the day, life is what you make it yourself I guess.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by WellMadeMale
I give 5's to all the women, thinking that will help me get some cyber.

Same, I give 5's to all the hotness.

If a story has a good plot, flows nicely, and is arousing, I vote it well. If it fails in all departments, it gets a 1. I can't remember the last time I gave a 1 though.
Active Ink Slinger
Sometimes I feel like I'm going through the motions with my life. With my wife, kids, job, friends. I haven't felt really alive in a long time.

I'm sure I'm to blame, who else's fault can that be?

Does anyone else feel like that? Or for those that have lots of drive and feel like life is one great big adventure still, how do you keep that frame of mind?

I am in my late 30's. Is it an age thing?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by shameless009

That's just plain wrong shameless

Active Ink Slinger
Thanks. Here's a pic of our oldest, I think he has some behavioural problems too:

Active Ink Slinger
Thanks for the advice everyone, it has been helpful. I think my wife has post natal depression too, but wont see a doctor. That doesn't help matters.
Active Ink Slinger
Thanks Ling-Li, Lisa, and LusciousLola. Is there something about L's that make them good advice givers?

Your advice is remarkably useful.

Ling-Li: I had already asked my wife to be the one who draws the line (she worked as a primary school teacher a decade ago), and this is a reminder that I need to make sure I stay out of it, and she does what she knows best. Thank you.

Lisa: you know what, avoidance isn't the answer, you are right. It's easy, but not going to solve anything. And, since you mentioned the dividing nature of her behaviour, I explained the theory to my wife, and we tried it out. Sure enough, whenever we have a conversation, the little one tries to butt in and take the limelight.

Believe me, it's not the terrible 2's, it starts aged 3, and I've heard it lasts until they are 5 sometimes.

LL: very nice idea. I started doing this knowing she feels displaced, I sometimes take her to the dog track and pub with me Just kidding. I take her out just her and I, she loves it. The choices thing I know about, she normally doesn't like either option.

I'm glad I posted here, it has been useful.

Ok, back to the dumb posts for me.
Active Ink Slinger
We've recently had our second child who's an adorable son. My first child is an intelligent 3 year old girl, who's driving me insane pushing boundaries, stamping feet, shouting around the place, even spitting (picked this up from childcare I think).

Dealing with the older child is putting immense pressure on my relationship with my wife. I've even thought a lot about divorce recently.

Most of the problems lie with the way each of us approaches parenting. She lets our 3 year old get away with murder. I am more strict, and loosely follow the way I was brought up. In my day you didn't pussy foot around repeating to children that it's not acceptable to scream their heads off, or repeatedly doing things like pouring water all over the floor or jumping up and down on the furniture (she recently dug a hole in our very expensive leather couch with a wooden toy block, we weren't in the room at the time of course.) When I was a kid, I'd have been belted for that. Not a polite telling off.

I agree with my wife's approach somewhat, and would never hit our children, but the eldest needs a firmer hand and more punishment I believe, even if it's having to stay in her cot until she calms down / the naughty chair idea. My wife is slowly coming round, but the whole home environment is very stressful. I come home late from work deliberately, and leave early. I dread the weekends.

Yes, I've discussed it with her, there's a fundamental difference in mindset. We had a very happy relationship until kids came along, it's not their fault of course.

Anyone else been through this kind of scenario and came out the other side unscathed or divorced?
Active Ink Slinger
I think he's saying "I'm a short fat boy." Is anyone else better at lip reading?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by shameless009

For some reason, this turns me on enormously.

In return, I bring you a robotic animal with no head

Active Ink Slinger
So you can be famous for a short while being made into a dancing fatty gif and posted on the internet?

Active Ink Slinger
Holy crap, I'm glad I stopped by. Nice high beams.
Active Ink Slinger
Lmfao, nice one

This is one of the cleverest "get even" actions I've ever seen. Good for Dave. Screw United and its corporate "we can't help" attitude.
Perhaps United will think twice now before it disregards a valid customer complaint. We are living in the Internet age when it is quite easy to put the screws when deserved.

A musician named Dave Carroll recently had difficulty with United Airlines. United apparently damaged his treasured Taylor guitar ($3500) during a flight. Dave spent over 9 months trying to get United to pay for damages caused by baggage handlers to his custom Taylor guitar. During his final exchange with the United Customer Relations Manager, he stated that he was left with no choice other than to create a music video for youtube exposing their lack of cooperation. The Manager responded: "Good luck with that one, pal".

So he posted a retaliatory video on youtube. The video has since received over 5.5 million hits. United Airlines contacted the musician and attempted settlement in exchange for pulling the video. Naturally his response was: "Good luck with that one, pal".

Taylor Guitars sent the musician 2 new custom guitars in appreciation for the product recognition from the video that has lead to a sharp increase in orders.

Here's the video...