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Over 90 days ago
Male, 154
Burkina Faso


Active Ink Slinger
Mari once entered a Mari look-a-like competition and came third.
Active Ink Slinger
That looks frigging awesome fun, how fast does it shift?
Active Ink Slinger
Post people and things about people you find unattractive:

Active Ink Slinger
Thanks for the replies and concern.

We're working through this troubling time. I am actually really starting to enjoy being a father, that was part of the problem really, I never saw myself having kids, and didn't really want them. My wife and I have discussed it in depth, and are quite rational about it all. Having a f*ck up of a father and difficult childhood hasn't helped me, I have to constantly stop myself repeating the ingrained patterns. I have a great book "raising confident and happy children," some of the things I read in it make me cringe in terms of realising my many mistakes. It's a learning process that's for sure.

Hearing my little boy (7 months) saying "dada" for the first time today, nearly brought tears to my eyes.

The "date" idea works well, we've been spending more quality time together, it's vital. Sex at least once a week helps too
Active Ink Slinger
Sorry, not a woman, but reminds me of the old joke, Q. "How do you turn a woman on?" A. Who cares
Active Ink Slinger
Boring tournament so far, but gathering momentum now.

The germans certainly ripped England a new one. Argentina or Spain should win it, I doubt the germans can beat either of those.

Active Ink Slinger
I come here for a laugh and sexy time, not to be depressed. Thx.
Active Ink Slinger
Seriously, WTF is the world coming to?

A Balinese teenager caught in the act of intercourse with a cow passed out on Friday when he was forced to marry the animal in a ceremony witnessed by hundreds of curious onlookers.

As the Jakarta Globe reported earlier in the day, Ngurah Alit, 18, an unemployed youth from the seaside village of Yeh Embang in Jembrana, was caught stark naked positioned behind the cow in a rice paddy field.

In his defence, Alit admitted to the act of but claimed the cow, which he believed was a young and beautiful woman, had wooed him with flattering compliments.

As part of a Pecaruan ritual, a ceremony to cleanse the village of the unholy act of a man mating with a cow, Alit was forced to “marry” the animal.

Alit, however, according to, passed out surrounded by locals and police, who were attempting to prevent a number of journalists from covering the spectacle.

It is unclear whether or not he got to say “I do.”

Alit’s collapse prompted his mother to begin screaming hysterically, while other family members shouted at photographers not to take pictures.

“Poor kid. He’s actually a quiet kid,” said one villager.

As part of the ceremony, Alit’s victim and new bride was drowned in ocean.

Alit, on the other hand, was symbolically drowned and bathed on the beach.

“Only his clothes were thrown into the sea,” the villager said.

Village chief Ida Bagus Legawa declared that the village had been “cleansed” from the “defilement from the incident.”
Active Ink Slinger

I scored 73%: Your kinkscore is pretty high. Most likely you're up for trying anything at least once, which show open-mindedness. You're probably a great lay, so just keep doing that thing you do!

Don't fill out that okcupid crap at the end, it's to try and sign you up on their dating site.
Active Ink Slinger
Any Eminem fans in here?

I don't think he's done anything half decent since "The Eminem Show."

This song sounds like half of it is missing:

Active Ink Slinger
Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, "Leo" to his mates.
Active Ink Slinger
Thanks Necho. It reminds me of my second child who has done similar. Hilarious.