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Veronique's First Time Sailing

Veronique’s First Time Sailing - Chap. 1

Her first attempts at sex were terrible, but then she went sailing.

My name is Veronique, so named because my mother spent her last year of High School billeted with a French family in Tahiti, and she named me after their youngest daughter. My mother and father met in high school and left when they turned sixteen to get jobs and save some money for their big OE to Europe. At eighteen, they were on a boat to England and based themselves in London, as it was easier to get a three-year worki...

Veronique’s First Time Sailing - Chap. 2

Veronique is happy to get away from Max, but is Aaron going to want to see her after this weekend?

As we sailed out of Tryphena Harbour, I looked back and could see Tony’s van disappearing up the road to his house. I almost felt sorry for Max; I guessed he would get a roasting from Valerie while he waited at their place before leaving for his flight. I turned and asked Ryker when they had decided to fly Max out. He replied that it was all sorted out after Valerie had spoken to me the previous evening. “Valerie was take...

Veronique’s First Time Sailing - Chap. 3

Veronique is caught in a storm, both the weather kind, and with her emotions.

The pain from the pressure in my bladder, woke me the next morning. I lifted my head and knew by the faint glow coming from the hatch above, that it must be close to dawn. The air was cold but snuggled in against Aaron; I was beautifully warm and did not want to move. I dropped my head back to the pillow, knowing I had to brave the transom, but not wanting to get out of the lovely warm bed. I stretched and felt unfamiliar...

Veronique’s First Time Sailing - Chap. 4

The weather has put an end to the sailing, but not the fun.

I came awake slowly, feeling a little seedy. I knew the sound of people out in the kitchen had waked me. I was disoriented, taking a minute to realise where I was as the boat was not rocking. I looked to my left and saw Aaron lying partly turned away from me, his broad bare shoulders exposed above the duvet. Then I looked at the digital clock beside the bed and saw it was 6:15 am. The night before came rushing back to me;...

Veronique’s First Time Sailing - Chap. 5

Veronique finally gets to see Sally taken by the guys.

It was almost midday when Valerie and I arrived back at the house. We had Aaron help us with the salads, cold meats, and setting the table. Surprisingly I still felt horny after Valerie and my encounter at the olive orchard. I had been apprehensive about how Aaron would take my infidelity. But, he actually seemed to be immensely turned on by the thought, as he was paying me a lot of attention and kept brushing his hand ar...

Veronique’s First Time Sailing - Chap. 6

Everyone mucks in to get ready for the party.

Ryker put the phone on speaker, then hushed us all as the phone started to ring. When Ethan picked up, Ryker introduced himself and mentioned they had met at the volunteer fire brigade party two months before. Ethan said he remembered him, and Ryker told him that he and some friends were at Valerie and Tony’s riding out the storm. “We are cooking up a feed of seafood tonight. And wondered if you and Sacha would like to jo...

Tony had opened the table, and twelve places were set on it. Not all chairs matched, as Rex had brought six up from their house. Valerie ushered us to our seats, stating that no couples were to sit together. Tony sat at the top of the table, and then to his left were Bailey, Rex, Ethan, Myself, and Ryker. Carson, Valerie, Owen, Sally and Sacha were to his right, with Aaron sitting at the bottom of the table. But as we all...

Veronique's First Time Sailing - Chap. 8

The party breaks up into individual couplings. Veronique gets to watch all the goings-on.

I almost felt sorry for Carson. Despite his indiscretions with Sacha, he had been the life of the party, and now he was sitting on the window seat looking pretty lonely. Then I saw Sally take Ethan by the hand and walk him towards the stairs. As she passed Carson, she whispered something to him. He smiled, gave them a minute, and then snuck down the stairs to join them. “Did you see that?” I asked Aaron. “Dirty little bug...

Veronique's First Time Sailing - Chap. 9

Back on dry land, the fun continues.

As we sailed into Akarana Marina, I asked Ryker what he wanted me to do. Aaron was already tidying up the ropes, halyards, etc., on the bow, and I wanted to do my bit. “Just go below and get your stuff packed, then look for anything in the fridge that needs to go in the freezer or be thrown out. We don’t need to do much today, as I will come down and tidy the boat tomorrow morning,” then added, “You could get Aaron to sor...

Veronique’s First Time Sailing. Chap. 10.

Veronique moves in with Aaron. And they travel back to Great Barrier Island.

The next morning, Aaron woke early, apologising that he had to get on-site before 7:30 am. He said he’d drive down that evening, but Veronique told him to stay up on site for a couple of days, as she wanted to go home and talk with her parents and sort out clothes before moving in permanently. After Aaron had left, she got up and showered, then dressed for her appointment at 10:00. She had a couple of hours to kill, so af...