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Author's Notes

"I have rewritten this and the previous three chapters. And will rewrite the remaining chapters over the next month. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Not much has changed, but I have tidied up many inconsistencies."

I came awake slowly, feeling a little seedy. I knew the sound of people out in the kitchen had waked me. I was disoriented, taking a minute to realise where I was as the boat was not rocking. I looked to my left and saw Aaron lying partly turned away from me, his broad bare shoulders exposed above the duvet. Then I looked at the digital clock beside the bed and saw it was 6:15 am.

 The night before came rushing back to me; we were at Valerie’s and Tony’s house. The thrill and arousal I had felt watching Valerie seduced and fucked doggy style in front of the fire came rushing back. I rolled over and cuddled into Aaron’s back, recalling his bringing me to bed and my asking to watch him enter me.

I had asked him to take me from behind as we had just watched Ryker doing to Valerie. He positioned me on hands and knees on the edge of the bed, then took a small mirror down from the bedroom wall and placed it under my tummy. I looked into the mirror and watched as he ran the head of his cock up and down my slit until he had it well coated in my fluids, then almost collapsed onto my face; my arousal was so great. Watching him manoeuvre his impressive shaft into my tight hole was unbelievable.

I shut my eyes and recalled the vision of his large cock thrusting against my pussy. It abruptly forced its way past my stretched labia. The image brought such strong feelings of desire that I thought I would faint, and I had to lie back, breathe deeply and calm myself down. I moved my hands between my legs and let my fingers explore my folds, wondering if he had hurt me. There was some dull pain, well not really pain, more like the feeling that I had been well-used, and this just fuelled my desire even more.

He had come rather quickly, leaving me a little frustrated. I tried to get a vision of what had happened after that but could not remember anything. I knew I must have fallen into a deep sleep. The strong rums we had consumed last night had taken their toll, and I vowed that next time, I would only drink one glass.

I was shaken from my reminiscences by the sound of the garage door in the basement rolling up and Tony’s van starting up and driving off. Aaron came awake beside me and rolled over to kiss me good morning. I wondered if it was Ryker going over to check on the yacht and felt a little twinge of dismay that he had not come to ask us to go with him. I also became aware of the wind still blowing hard against the window.

“Tony’s off to work. That’s bloody early,” said Aaron.

 Then I heard Ryker talking to Valerie in the kitchen, so I knew Aaron was correct, and it had been Tony that had driven away. I also listened to the radio going, so the power must be back on.

“What a beautiful sight you are to wake up to,” said Aaron, leaning forward and kissing me again.

“I don’t want this weekend to end,” I retorted back to him. “Do you think we will be sailing home today? As I have to be back at work tomorrow.”

“By the sound of that wind, I don’t think we will be sailing. Wait until we talk with Ryker, but I have a feeling you will have to phone your work.”

I lay there thinking about all my work colleagues and what sort of weekend they had had. Then, a luscious thought ran through my mind: I couldn’t tell them half what I had gotten up to.

I needed to pee, and just as I was thinking about how to break this to Aaron, he rolled away from me and strode off to the toilet. He was sporting a very impressive morning woody. I followed after him, and when we returned to bed, we snuggled close to one another again. 

I felt so safe and comfortable lying there in Aaron’s arms, so I ventured a question to him.

“What would you think about me sleeping with Rex, Tony, or Ryker? You asked me lots of questions but never really gave me any of your thoughts about that.”

I was being a bitch! I wanted him to say he would be as jealous as hell and that I wasn’t allowed to, as I was confident that I would chicken out if put in that situation anyway.

But Aaron replied, “Ryker is my biggest problem. With the others, it would be just sex. But Ryker has a soft spot for you, and I think he might be slightly put out that you have chosen me. Also, he has some pretty weird tastes, and I would hate to see you exposed to things like that while you are so naive and young.”

I asked him what he meant by weird tastes. He said he would tell me a little about Ryker before he answered that. And he started by telling me that Ryker’s father had died in a motorbike crash when Ryker was fourteen. He said that he had first met Ryker a year or so after that. Ryker struggled to look after his mother, who had deep bouts of depression. She had died of stomach cancer nearly a year after her husband, and everyone had put her cancer down to her grief at losing her husband.

Their passing left Ryker a small fortune. There was the family home in Remuera, four rental properties around Auckland and other substantial investments. Ryker rented out all the properties, cashed in some shares, and built a studio/apartment complex for his architectural business. And that he had lived in the apartment above the studio for the last eight years.

“He lent me interest-free money to buy my first home,” Aaron explained. “He gave it to me on my twenty-first birthday, and I will have that paid off in another two years. Then I was going to go and tour Europe. So maybe you would want a travelling companion?”

I had to bite my tongue hard not to yell out with joy at the thought he was asking me to travel with him. He said that Ryker had had many girlfriends over the years, but none had lasted longer than a few months. And that most of Ryker’s affairs were one-nighters or, at the most, lasted only a few days.

 “I think the effects of his parents dying, especially his mother, has affected his relationships, but I’m no psychologist. Also, the fact that he still loves Valerie greatly affects his relationships with other women.”

He seemed to hesitate, mulling over how much he should tell me. Then he started talking again, “For the last two or three years, he has mostly been going out with married women. And with some of them, their husband has been involved as well. He has gotten into BDSM. Do you know what that is?”

I answered that I had no idea.

“It stands for bondage, discipline, dominance and submission. Ryker tells me he likes to tie up a submissive married woman and give her dozens of orgasms. And as I said, sometimes the husband sits at the foot of the bed watching.”

“Wow!” I exclaimed. “I’d like to be a fly on the wall and see that happen!”

“Really! I thought you would be shocked.”

“I know I should be, but this weekend has woken me up to the fact that there is a hell of a lot I know nothing about. And although it goes against all I’ve been brought up to think is normal, I find it all very exciting.”

He continued telling me about Ryker. He said Ryker had just moved back into his family home, as his business had grown so much that he had to hire more staff and convert his apartment into more workspace. Then he added that Ryker was building a dungeon in the basement of the old family home.

I kind of knew what a dungeon was and asked, “Do you like BDSM?”

“A year ago, I would have responded, NO! But as Ryker tells me more about what he gets up to, I find bits of it I’d be OK with. And remember I told you that he tied Sally to the table last time we were here. That was hot; she went nuts. It awoke some insatiable demon in her that all four of us guys couldn’t satisfy.”

I thought about this new revelation. Of course, I would not want to be hurt in any way, but the thought of being tied up and taken by more than one man sounded pretty exciting. And in a dungeon with all sorts of sexual paraphernalia hanging on the walls. I found myself wishing that Sally and Rex had been there last night. What might I have witnessed then?

I wanted Aaron to know I wasn’t totally without any knowledge of sex. “My girlfriends and I watched a porn movie a few months back of a girl with three guys. Everyone said it was horrible, but I could tell that every one of us was horny after watching it.”

“Do you watch a lot of porn?” Asked Aaron.

“No, we were told all about it in sex education at school, that it is all made up and nothing like the real thing. And we shouldn’t watch it. But they didn’t tell us what the real thing is like. So watching Valerie with Tony and Ryker last night was way better than the two porn movies I have watched.”

Aaron grabbed me and pulled me tightly to him, “God, you’re a revelation, you’re so innocent, yet in other ways, you are so curious and open. I love you to bits.”

 Wow! My Heart was beating hard; he said he loved me. Should I tell him I love him? I don’t quite understand all my emotions yet; best to keep quiet.

Aaron pulled me up, “We had better get up and find out what we are doing. It sounds like they have breakfast well underway.”

We dressed and went out to the kitchen to find Valerie and Ryker had made porridge and a heap of toast. Aaron poured me a big mug of coffee, which was fantastic, as my mouth was parched from last night’s drinking. I secretly checked out the dining table, imagining Sally tied to it. It was really solid, and Valerie noticed me looking at it.

“Do you like our table and chairs?” She asked. “It’s Tony’s favourite wood, Rimu; he had it made especially for the house.”

 I responded that I liked it, hoping that what had been going through my mind was not too evident on my face. I looked at Ryker; something about him was different, and then it struck me that he had shaved. He was strikingly handsome and looked younger without his five-o’clock shadow.

“You’ve shaved,” I murmured.

“Valerie made me. Said it irritated her thighs.”

I didn’t bite; I knew he was trying to shock me.

“You had better phone home,” said Ryker. “We are not going to be sailing today. Look at the harbour out there. Whitecaps, imagine what it is like further out. The weather forecast is for the wind to subside late today.”

After I had phoned work and been told there was no problem with my taking another day or two off, Valerie came and sat beside me, “I’m going to go down to Sally’s mum’s to see the kids soon. I’ll take Ryker with me to borrow her car. He wants to take Nick and Sally’s boy fishing over the other side of the island, where it is sheltered, for the day.”

 Ryker piped up, “I’ll take Aaron with me. I want to check the yacht, and then we’ll go and help with a boat run aground in the harbour last night. Then I can drop him back here before lunch.”

 “Oh! Well, Veronique can spend the morning with me. I will check on the kids, then go over to check out our olive trees. I’m expecting they have been blown to shreds,” replied Valerie.

While we cleaned up the breakfast stuff, Ryker made sandwiches, etc., for him, Nick and Sally’s son ‘Lucas’, who I learned was a month older than Nick.

The four of us traipsed downstairs to the internal garage, where Valerie’s Toyota Corolla was parked. I had not taken much notice of this part of the house and was surprised to see a self-contained, one-bedroom apartment down there.

As we drove off, Valerie explained that they had included the apartment in their build, planning to have the contractors stay there for the olive harvest. She explained that there was only one bedroom, but it had two double bunk beds and a King Single.

“If you and Aaron ever want to come to the Barrier, you know you are welcome to stay there.”


Sally’s mum was lovely; she welcomed us all with warm hugs. She often had the children to stay and loved them all like they were her own.

Ryker, Aaron and the two boys didn’t hang around; they took off in her car to see the boat that had gone aground.

Valerie and I spent half an hour playing with the two little girls; we were talking with Sally’s mum when a car pulled up, and Sally hopped out. Valerie excused herself and went out front to talk to her, and five minutes later, the two of them came into the house.

I couldn’t help myself. I began to scrutinise Sally after what Aaron had told me. I couldn’t believe this was the same woman he was talking about. She was a little taller than me, probably 5’4”, and she was average-looking, with blond hair. Her figure was a bit fuller than mine, but I guessed that was to be expected as she was probably eight years older than me; I’m sure I heard someone say she was twenty-six. She came straight over to me and gave me a big hug and a kiss on each cheek.

She was dressed very modestly and looked like your everyday housewife. She didn’t look anything like an insatiable sex addict. I took a second look at Sally and tried to imagine her tied to the table; I couldn’t see it, no way! Aaron had to be having me on.

“Valerie has asked Rex and me to have lunch with them, Mum. Can you have the kids a bit longer?” Asked Sally.

“Of course, why don’t you leave them here for another night, and you can clean up after the storm,” replied her mum.

Lewd amoral thoughts ran through my mind. Was I going to witness Sally tied up? Then, finally, I came to my senses, realising that Valerie was speaking to me.

“Come, let’s get going,” she repeated, “I want to look at the stranded boat and then check out our olive trees, then we need to get home and get some lunch prepared.”

We drove down to the harbour, and there at the opposite end of the beach to where we had moored last Friday night was a yacht lying on its side, just above the high-water mark.

Aaron and Ryker were two-thirds of the way up the mast, bouncing up and down so that the yacht’s keel was lifting off the sand. Another bunch of guys were attempting to raise the keel and push an airbag under it. Nick and Lucas were standing by a tractor with a mattress tied to its blade, which was obviously going to push the yacht down the beach.

“The tide’s coming in, so they’ll have that floating away soon,” commented Valerie.

“Will Aaron and Ryker be OK? They’ll fall off when it rights itself.”

“They have done this before, don’t worry about them,” she assured me.

She said we should go and check out their olive grove, but I wanted to wait and make sure the guys were OK. The wind was still quite strong and buffeting them as they clung to the wires crisscrossed up the mast. Valerie conceded, and we got out of the car and walked down to stand with the kids by the tractor.

A girl was standing with Nick and Lucas. We learned she was from the yacht, and she pointed out her two brothers, who were amongst the guys trying to lift the keel. It looked like they had it pretty much sorted, and sure enough, an old guy walked up the beach and started the tractor. He told Nick, Lucas and the girl to get up and stand on the small deck attached to the three-point hitch at the back.

Valerie asked if they would be safe. “Sure,” the old guy said, “Why don’t you all get on? The more weight I have over the back wheels, the better.”

Valerie and I climbed onto the deck and introduced ourselves to the girl. Her name was Bailey, and she pointed out her brothers, Owen and Carson. She was nineteen, a year older than me; her brothers were twenty-one and twenty-three. The older brother, Owen, was strikingly handsome but was looking worried.

“Your brother doesn’t look too happy,” Valerie noted.

“No, Dad let him have the boat for the long weekend, and he promised him he would look after it,” Bailey replied.

The old guy had done this before; he nudged the mattress-covered blade up against where the keel attached to the hull. He lifted it slightly, which dropped the yacht's stern down onto a large canvas roll placed under the stern. He yelled at us to jump up and down and applied some power. The yacht slowly started to slide down towards the water. Aaron and Ryker were still bouncing up and down on the mast, but as the yacht began to move, they worked their way back to the deck.

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The old guy pushed the yacht down towards the incoming tide. The yacht wanted to slew around, but guys were down at the stern trying to stop that from happening. Still, he had to back off and push the bow around a couple of times but eventually pushed it down until the tractor wheels were in the water and the guys at the stern were waist-deep.

Ryker and Aaron jumped down from the yacht and came around to help us off the tractor. Valerie said we would leave them to it, but as we turned to go, Ryker asked about having the three kids from the yacht over for dinner that night.

“They’re a bit distraught; they won’t be sailing for a couple of days, as there is some damage to the rigging.”

“Sure, we have plenty of food, but it would be good if you caught some fish today.” Then she turned to Bailey and asked where they were going to stay.

Bailey replied that the tractor driver had offered them to stay under his house and that there were two bedrooms they could use. Valerie said she knew where he lived, and her husband Tony would come down and pick them up at 6:30 tonight.

“Just dress casually; it will not be flash,” she called to her as we walked to the car.

Ryker, Aaron and the boys were also about to leave; they were heading over to Schooner Bay to check on the yacht before going fishing on the other side of the island. Once in Valerie’s car, we drove inland for fifteen minutes until we came to a field with neat rows of olive trees. Valerie pulled up beside the ranch slider of a building in the corner of the field.

“Ryker has put up the money for Tony and me. We want to develop an olive oil business.”

Her statement made me think about Ryker; first impressions had me thinking there was a dark side to him, and I’m sure most parents would be alarmed if their daughter brought him home to meet them. But when I heard about how quick he was to help his friends and how environmentally conscious he was, I had to revise my opinion. Also, he had been so patient and happy to teach me about sailing the yacht, etc.

We got out of the car and walked over to the closest trees. They were blown about and had lost a lot of leaves, but the little green olives didn’t seem to have suffered at all. We walked back to the shed, and Valerie unlocked the ranch slider and let me in.

There were a few items of machinery stacked against the walls. A tractor with a sizeable upside-down umbrella device attached to the rear was at the far end, next to a roller door. Where we had entered, there was a crude kitchen and a bed. I raised my eyes at Valerie, “Is this where you send Tony when he annoys you?”

She laughed, “No! Good idea, though! It’s where the contractor that planted the trees stayed. All the other stuff is pressing and harvesting equipment.”

She moved to the bed and sat down, “Come and sit beside me; I want to talk to you.

“Sally and Rex are coming for lunch, I don’t know how much you know about them, but it will get interesting.”

I interrupted her, “Aaron told me about Ryker tying her to the table and all the guys having sex with her.”

“Did Aaron tell you he had sex with her as well?” She asked.

“Yes! He said he did not want me to find out from someone else. But I’m finding it hard to believe she did that. Meeting her just then, she seems so normal.”

“Well, good for Aaron. Most guys wouldn’t admit that to their girlfriends. Yes, Sally does look very normal, doesn’t she? I like her, but she’s not the brightest flower in the bunch, and Rex is a bit of a handful. That surprised us all when Ryker awakened the sleeping sex maniac in her.”

She hesitated, “What about the million-dollar question? How do you feel about Aaron fucking her after lunch? She wants to have him again, quite desperately. That is why I wanted to get you alone.”

I searched my mind for what answer to give her, “I’m struggling to understand what I want. My instant reaction is jealousy, it churns my stomach up, yet I have visions of Aaron fucking her, and they arouse me. Also, you all seem so much more mature than me, and I don’t want Aaron to think I’m some silly young thing that gets all upset over things.”

I hesitated. Valerie sat and waited for me to formulate my thoughts.

“I don’t want to be the good girl next door all my life, then disappointed when I get old and wish I had experimented. I want to experience lots of different things. I don’t expect them all to be good. In a few days, I will return to Auckland, where I’ll act like a young professional and conform to other people’s expectations again.”

Valerie held her hand to me, “I don’t think you are some silly young thing. Ryker is very impressed with your attitude to life. I now realise he has read you pretty well. My advice is to let Aaron fuck her. It will be just that, a fuck. As I said, she’s not the brightest spark and has no designs on taking him off you. Unlike many women, you will come up against in the future.”

I still wasn’t sure I could bear to let that happen, so I changed the subject, “Aaron also told me you have slept with Sally?”

“Does that shock you?”

“No! Well, I don’t know how I feel. I’ve also had visions of you and Sally together. I know that should repulse me, and it does make me feel funny, but that also gets me aroused. So I asked Aaron if that meant I’m a lesbian.”

Valerie smiled, “You’re not a lesbian, nor am I. Lesbians generally don’t like men. At the worst, you’re bi-sexual, but I don’t like that term either. For me, I just like to fuck sometimes, it might be a handsome guy, like that young man this morning, or some ugly bastard that turns me on, and now and again, it is an intelligent, beautiful woman like you.”

“What about Tony?” I asked.

“Tony’s a gem. He never judges me and lets me have my way in most things, so I’m happy to let him think he’s the boss.”

“Ryker says he loves you and that you wouldn’t marry him?”

“Ryker needs to let me go. We were never going to work out. We’re too much alike. He flits from woman to woman and runs like a rabbit if they try to get serious. He won’t admit it to himself, but he would have played around if we had married. And he couldn’t handle sharing me. It sent him crazy. If it weren’t for his children, I’d get tough and kick him out, so he could work at getting a life and settle down. But the children complicate that,” she sighed.

“You said, children, I thought only Nick was his.”

“Shit, you must keep that to yourself. He doesn’t know that Ava is his. Tony and I tried for five years, and finally, he went and got tested, and we found he can’t have children.”

“Why did you not tell Ryker?” I replied, with a puzzled look spread over my face.

“I’ve just never found the right time, plus I don’t want to be the one who lets out that Tony is impotent; guys are a bit funny about that. But the big reason is that Ryker keeps trying to push money our way, making the excuse that he is looking after his son. We think he would be even worse if he knew Ava was also his.”

“You’ll have to tell him sometime. It will just get harder the longer you leave it.”

“Yes, I know. And it has become more urgent, as Tony and I are hoping I may have gotten pregnant again last night. So let’s change the subject, come here and cuddle me. This conversation is getting way too serious.”

I leant towards her and put my arms out. Valerie pulled me in close and hugged me hard. I could sense the tension in her body, and as we hugged felt her relax a little.

 She wore a navy-blue sundress with lace on the bodice and around the neck, sleeves, and hem. The top fitted very snugly, highlighting her cleavage, and I realised as she pressed into me, and my hand ran down her back, that she was not wearing a bra. Her warm breath made my neck tingle; this and her soft breasts squashed between us made me bite my lip and sent tingles of anticipation flowing through my stomach.

Valerie pulled back and looked at me, “God, you look sexy when you bite your lip.”

Then she leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I squeezed my legs together; I felt like I was already soaking wet down there. Then she pulled me to the side, and as I fell sideways onto the bed, she guided me around so we lay side by side.

I could see she was also aroused; her nipples were trying to push their way through the lace bodice, and I could faintly make out the darker colour of her areola through the lace.

“Do you like the look of my breasts?” She asked, “They’re not a patch on yours; unfortunately, two children take their toll.”

I grinned back at her, “I like that you are not wearing a bra, and I can see your hard nipples through the lace. Can I touch them?”

“Certainly, you can. I’m not wearing panties, either. Maybe you will want to touch me there also?” She whispered seductively.

Embarrassed by her openness, I felt the urge to stick my hand between my legs and rub myself furiously. But instead, I reached my hand out and touched her nipple.

“Do you like them pinched as Sally does?” I blurted out.

“It depends on what arousal stage I’m at, but not generally as hard as she likes it. That is the difference between making love to a woman as opposed to a guy. Guys have no idea when to be soft and when to be firm.”

“I have no complaints with Aaron.” Then thinking of him, I spoke up, “I’d like to touch you, but I would like Aaron to be here, so I should stop!”

“We’ll include him next time.” And she pulled me onto her and hugged me tight again. I was half on top of her, her leg pushing against my mound. She kissed me again, which was quite different from kissing a man; it was tender but urgent. I felt her hands pulling the back of my skirt up. Then her fingers slipped inside the elastic of my cotton panties and eased them down off my bottom.

I tried to lift away from her. “Someone might see us through the window,” I gasped, pointing to the ranch slider.

“Exciting, isn’t it? But no one is there, unfortunately. I like to be watched. Take your panties off for me,” she ordered.

My mind was screaming that I should leap up and run back to the car. But my body was being driven by a different tune; all my erogenous zones were crying out for attention. So I looked to the window, rolled on my back, lifted my butt and slipped my panties off my hips. Next, I lifted each leg to drop them off my ankles, and as I leaned forward was struck by the smell of my arousal.

“Oh! I’m smelly and messy down there,” I said as I clamped my legs together and tried to push my panties as far away down the bed as I could.

But Valerie sat up, reached down and took my panties from my hands. She lifted them to her nose and breathed in deeply, “What a heavenly smell,” then she put the wettest part of my panties in her mouth and sucked. I shivered, her wanton display sending waves of heat and longing flooding through me.

“You taste divine, don’t ever be embarrassed by your secretions,” she said, looking me in the eye. “Now, take your top off and your bra, please?”

It had gone too far for me to object now. I had the wicked thought that if Valerie had been wearing panties, I would have liked to suck on her wet spot and watch her expression as I did it. Instead, the thrill of anticipation made me squirm my bottom around as I sat up and removed my top and then my bra.

While I did this, Valerie also sat up and removed her dress, revealing her lithe, toned body. She had a full tan, so I realised she must sunbathe nude on her deck. Her breasts were not as firm and didn’t stand out like mine, but they looked divine, her nipples standing up hard and proud.

Valerie leaned in quickly and took my nipple between her lips. I looked to my left to recheck the window, then lay back, pulling Valerie down atop me. Warm butterflies flowed through my stomach as I anticipated what was to come.

She glided her lips and tongue down my body, humming to make her lips vibrate against my skin. When she reached the swell of my mound, I opened my legs wide. And she dived between them and sank her tongue into my vagina.

I should have concentrated on her technique but was out of my mind as the exquisite feelings caused my hips to undulate on her face. Then she pulled away, and when I looked down to see why, she asked if I would eat her as well. I moved my head, indicating that I would try, and she shifted up, spun around and straddled my face.

She lowered her vagina onto my mouth as her tongue reentered me and fucked me with her tongue. For the first time in my life, I tasted another woman. I was pleased to find she was wet as I was, so I knew she was just as turned on. I didn’t think about how she tasted, but the fact that I was lapping up her nectar and that it was such a taboo thing to do, turned me on more than what she was doing down between my legs.

She lifted her head and worked her tongue around my clit, and then I felt her part my labia with a finger and slip it into me. I reciprocated, shifting my tongue to her erect nub, then reaching up and pushing two fingers as deep as I could into her sloppy wet gash. She groaned, so I worked them in and out, and she did the same to me. Powerful spasms ran up my spine; I moaned incoherent sounds and struggled to hold back my pending orgasm.

I could feel her breasts bouncing on my stomach, so I reached down with my free hand and tweaked her nipple. I guessed how much pressure I should apply and must have gotten it right as she gasped and wriggled her hips hard onto my face.

Then she really started fucking me with her fingers, yelling out for me to cum, as she couldn’t hold out for much longer. The euphoria I felt that I could bring this beautiful mature woman to a climax almost overwhelmed me.

I lapped at her clit, not really knowing how she liked it and rammed three fingers in hard and deep. I was so intent on getting her off that my own impending climax was forgotten. She squealed in delight, so I must have been doing something right.

Then she bucked her hips against me and yelled, “God, I’m coming, harder please, deeeeeper, haaaarder!” She squeezed her thighs on my head, almost suffocating me, and then collapsed on my body.

She lay still for a minute or two, her fingers buried in me. Then she turned and looked at me, “Sorry, I don’t usually come that fast. Lie back and relax. I’ll do you now.”

She lifted off me and moved up to lie beside me. She gave me a tender kiss; our tongues locked and wrestled together as it became more passionate. Then she slid her hand down my body and re-inserted her fingers.

“God, you’re wet.” She pulled them out and brought her hand up to our kissing lips. Her fingers were coated in my creamy white nectar; she slipped them into my mouth and then kissed me again, flicking her tongue in and around, trying to capture as much of my juice as possible.

It was like sipping an aphrodisiac. I felt my orgasm build quickly to where it had been just before Valerie had cum. She either sensed it or saw it in my face and slammed her hand back between my legs and fucked me hard with it. It felt beautiful and quite stretched; I opened my eyes to find her staring down at me. She mouthed that she had three fingers in me, and that was all it took to tip me over the edge.

It was not the mind-blowing orgasm I expected, but a soft, gentle flood of feeling from head to toe.

We lay together until our breathing slowed. Then Valerie sat up and reached for her dress. “That was as good as I have ever had with a woman. Thank you, I needed that. Let’s get dressed and go see what happens with Sally. I’m not worried about you any longer.”

To be continued...


Written by mingemuncher
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