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Author's Notes

"I finished Chapter 9 of this series over one year ago. So you may want to read some of the previous chapters to refresh your memory. This could be good anyway, as I have rewritten all the earlier chapters, to iron out some of the inconsistencies."

The next morning, Aaron woke early, apologising that he had to get on-site before 7:30 am. He said he’d drive down that evening, but Veronique told him to stay up on site for a couple of days, as she wanted to go home and talk with her parents and sort out clothes before moving in permanently.

After Aaron had left, she got up and showered, then dressed for her appointment at 10:00. She had a couple of hours to kill, so after having a good nosey around his house, she made herself a coffee and sat out on the balcony overlooking the harbour. It was a beautiful morning, clear sky and already 21 degrees. She expected she would be nervous before her university appointment but found she wasn’t at all concerned. She had convinced herself that what would be would be.

At 9:45, Veronique arrived at her interview, and five minutes later, she was sitting in front of two learned-looking men. Still feeling calm, she answered everything they threw at her for the next forty minutes. The senior of the two finally told her she was accepted, and they were going to include her in an undergraduate programme in medical and health sciences starting the following Monday. They gave her a list of books and materials she would need to purchase and told her which books she should read before she started.

Veronique was at a loss when she left the building. She was elated and wanted to talk to a friend. Catching the bus home was an option, but she knew neither of her parents would be there. All her other friends would be working, so she called Aaron and gave him the news. He asked her if she had called Ryker to tell him her news.

“No, I called you first.”

“Well, I’m over the moon for you. Shall I come down and take you to dinner tonight?”

“No, I’ve already texted Mum to say I’ll be home tonight. So catch up on your work, and I’ll see you Thursday.”

She hung up and called Ryker. He was ecstatic with the news and told her to meet him out on Symonds St, as he was only five minutes away and would come and get her, so she moved out to the road and stood waiting for him to arrive. When his flashy black Porsche Cayenne pulled in alongside her, she was conscious of how out of place it was amongst the students milling around. She breathed a sigh of relief when they pulled out into the traffic and moved into the traffic.

Ryker reached out and squeezed her knee, “You little beauty. I knew they’d like you. Let’s go have a coffee; then I have a surprise.”

He drove to Mt Eden shops, telling her his office was nearby. Then parking by a chic coffee bar, he helped her from the car. She noticed the pedestrians stopping and eyeing them up. They made a handsome couple. Ryker’s dark, sensuous Romani looks, and Neque’s petite, tanned body stood out in the crowd of people passing.

Over coffee, it came out that Nique needed books for the course, so he drove her down to the university bookshop, and even though she complained bitterly, he paid for everything she needed. From there, they drove up to his office in Grafton, where he said he needed to make a call.

Ryker’s office was modern, a free-standing three-story building with his parking garage underneath. He introduced Nique to his five staff; all were seated at their workstations on the second level, and then they ascended the stairs to the third level, where his office was situated. Alterations were being undertaken on this level, and Nique remembered Aaron telling her that this was where he used to have an apartment. Ryker informed Nique that there were plans for up to four more staff to work there. She gazed out the huge windows at the view of the Auckland Domain as Ryker made a phone call. Then he interrupted her musings, “I’ve found you a car, and we can go look at it now.”


As they drove towards Remuera, Ryker informed me that the car belonged to a family friend whose mother was being put in a rest home because of her Dementia. Ten minutes later, we pulled into the drive of a very stately old home, and a gentleman in his sixties approached us. I had been expecting the son to be Ryker’s age and knew the old lady must be nearly in her nineties. The son led us around the back to a navy blue 2015 Toyota RAV4. It was the top-of-the-line model with all the extras and only had 22,000 K’s on the clock. Suffice it to say it was in pristine condition. Ryker wouldn’t tell me what he paid for it, just that he had gotten it at mate’s rates, and twenty minutes after we had arrived, I was driving home in my new car with a bag of books for my studies on the passenger seat.

That evening, my parents were happy about my going to study Phycology, and Dad was very impressed with my new car. He looked at the log book and informed me it had been well maintained and that I had gotten a little beauty. But he was very suspicious of Ryker’s intentions, quizzing me about what I had to do to get the car. It took some convincing before he accepted that there were no strings attached. 

Aaron called the next couple of nights, and we spoke for hours. Then, Thursday morning, I was studying a book I had to finish before the following Monday when the phone rang. It was Ryker to say we wouldn’t take my car to the Barrier.

“I’ve just gotten off the phone with Sacha. She has her Grandmothers table and chairs she wants to get out of her house. So I’m going to have to hire a van.” He informed me.

I drove to Aaron’s that evening and cooked dinner. He arrived home at 6:30, and we were in bed before 9:00 and making love minutes later. The following day was an early start. We had to be at the ferry terminal at Half Moon Bay before 7:00 am. Ryker was already there in a Ford Transit van.


The vehicular ferry motored into Tryphena Harbour just after Noon, the trip over having taken four and a half hours. Sacha and Tony were waiting on the pier next to the boat ramp. Sacha was bouncing from foot to foot; she was so excited. She looked gorgeous, dressed in jean shorts with a white sleeveless crop top. Her blond hair blew in the breeze, and the area of bare skin above her shorts had most of the males on the ferry glancing her way.

Tony took off back to work once he had said his hello’s, Sacha climbed into the van with Ryker, and Aaron and I followed them over to Tony and Valerie’s house. Valerie was waiting for us out front; Tony must have called that we were on our way. She had Ava on her hip, informing Ryker that Nicholas was still at school. Ryker approached Valerie and gave her a quick hug before dragging Sacha through the door of the downstairs bedsit.

Aaron and I followed Valerie up the steps onto the deck and inside, where she had laid the table for lunch. She quickly walked over to the stairs and closed the door as amorous sounds were already resonating from below.


Sacha was in Ryker’s arms the second he closed the door. Ryker’s hands slid down her body and under her skirt, cupping her ass. 

“God, I’ve missed you; I’ve hardly been able to sleep; I was so horny.”

“Did you masturbate?” Ryker asked.

Sacha lowered her eyes and looked embarrassed, “Yes, several times.”

“Good, I want to watch you doing that soon.”

He leaned in, locked tongues, and lifted her to the bed. Sacha wrapped her legs around his waist, her arms over his shoulders, and dragged him down on her. Ryker broke free of her, ripped her skirt and panties down and pulled her top over her head. He went to mount her, but she cried out that she wanted him naked. And so, as she attacked his jeans, he pulled his shirt off and kicked his jeans and boxers away. 

Both now naked, Ryker bent down and kissed her again. Then grabbing Sacha’s hips, he flipped her around to straddle his lap. Sacha emitted a surprised yelp at the ease with which he manipulated her. Then she reached down, gripped his cock, and placed it at the entrance of her pussy. Then looking him in the eye, she slid down onto it, feeling his thick head spread her as his shaft sank between her labia. 

They found each other’s lips again and kissed like she had never kissed. Ryker’s hands found her hips and guided her up and down on his long cock. Sacha complied; she bounced her hips, using him for her pleasure. Breaking their kiss, she leant back, moving her hands behind on top of his knees. Her tits stood proud from her chest, and she pushed them into his face. Ryker quickly took one of her globes into his mouth and teased her nipple. Letting out a moan, she rode his cock like one of the mechanical bulls she’d seen on TV. Ryker reached a hand up to her shoulder to keep her from slipping away and yelled, “Fuck, Sacha. Hurry up and cum; I’m about to explode.” 

His words made Sacha go crazy; she fucking herself up and down on him, desperately wanting to cum. 

It was not long before Ryker came. He sat rigid, his cock still deep inside her, as she brought herself off with several violent jerks of her hips. 

As her orgasm subsided, she fell back, squealing and laughing. 

“Roll over. I wanna see your ass,” Ryker instructed. 

Sacha immediately rolled onto her hands and knees, all modesty from the week before long forgotten.

“Shuffle back,” he told her, and grabbing her ankles, he pulled her back until she was kneeling at the edge of the bed. Standing behind her, Ryker rubbed his semi-hard phallus along her slit. She felt him stroking it, attempting to get it hard again.

“Ohh, you little slut. I want you again,” he growled and suddenly slapped Sacha’s ass hard. 

The sound and the pain in her bum were intense. But it awoke a desire in her that she’d never felt before. He’d called her a slut, and far from being offended, she found it increased her appetite immensely.

”Yes, oh fuck, smack me again,” she growled, pushing back on his expanding cock.

She rocked back and forward on her knees as he smacked her again, feeling his shaft slowly coming back to life and slipping inside her. He grabbed her hips and began to pull her back as he pushed forward faster, then faster. Then, like a wild animal, he yelled, “I’m gonna cum again. Shall I stop and wait for you?”

“No, don’t stop! Cum again, cum inside me,” she moaned.

“Oh god, I am. Tell me you love it. Say it out loud,” Ryker groaned.

“I do, fuck; I love it, fuck me as hard as you want.”

That’s all it took, Ryker erupted, this time even more forcefully. Sacha buried her head into the duvet to muffle her scream. And when he slapped her ass again, she came. It was almost as big as her first orgasm, and she marvelled again at how this man could bring her to such fast orgasms. Then, as Ryker withdrew his fast-softening cock from her, she rolled and snuggled against him and tried to tell him how good that had been but felt herself slipping off.


They slipped from their semi-comatose state to the sound of Valerie calling them to come and have lunch if they were finished. Ryker asked her where the sexy new version of Sacha had appeared from. “You were scared to say ‘boo’ last weekend.”

“I’ve thought about how screwed up I was over sex. And over this last week have determined I will go along with all you ask of me. I want to make up for all the years I have wasted.


They all sat around the dining table, discussing what they would do that afternoon. Valerie had filled Veronique in about Ethan having moved in with Sally. And that Rex was chasing some lady in Claris. He was building there, and she was a neighbour of the people he was building for.

Veronique asked Valerie where Claris was and was informed that it was on the other side of the island, near the airport.

Ryker wanted to drive to Sacha’s house and start loading her things. But Veronique told him to stay put and that she and Sacha would talk with Ethan first. So they got on the phone and found out Ethan was at Sally’s having lunch. So Valerie told Ethan to stay put for half an hour as Veronique and Sacha were coming to discuss things with him.

They drove up the hill to Sally’s. Veronique told Sacha to stay in the car while she went inside and sounded Ethan out, which was probably a good idea, as Ethan looked angry when he opened the door.

“So they’ve sent you to soften me up?”

“Not exactly how I would put it. But I want to know why you’re so angry and are being such an arsehole.”

“There’s another guy fucking my wife. Don’t you think I have a right to be angry?”

“But I took photos of you fucking Sally long before Sacha went anywhere near Ryker. Pot calling the kettle black, I would have thought.”

Over the next fifteen minutes, his angry jibes slowly mellowed until he finally admitted he was being unreasonable. Afterwards, I wandered to the car and asked Sacha to come in and sort stuff out with him. But Sacha did not want to talk with Sally and asked me to tell Ethan to come to their house. When I returned inside to speak with Ethan, Sally came out of the bedroom and sheepishly greeted me. Seeing Sally under these circumstances was awkward, but I liked her and gave her a reassuring hug. 

Ethan followed us up to their house, and we began to sort through each other’s belongings. It soon became apparent that the stuff Sacha was setting aside would never fit in our two vehicles. So Ethan got his trailer out from the side of the house and told Sacha to take that and that they would sort out later how to get it back to the island.

Around 3:00 pm, we had all Sacha’s contents in the lounge, and Ethan drove back to Sally’s. He didn’t want to be there to meet Ryker. So we phoned the boys, and they drove up, and we spent the next couple of hours loading up the vehicles and Ethan’s trailer. 

Tony arrived to help at 5:00, but we had all but finished. And set out in a convoy back to their house. Aaron and I had the trailer on the back of his station wagon. Dinner was a happy affair now that everything was sorted. Sacha and Ethan had managed to settle what they would do with their two houses; the one we had just half emptied and their home back in Auckland.

After dinner, Tony got out the cards once the table was cleared. Over the next two hours, we played ‘Hearts’ or, as the boys called it, ‘Hunt the Cunt’. It was hilarious; I’d never played it before but soon caught on and won two games.

While we played, I noticed Ryker whispering in Sacha’s ear and her negative replies. But finally, I saw her give in and agree to something. I did not know what it was all about until Tony called the last game, and on its completion, Ryker and Tony headed downstairs with Sacha.

Valerie told Aaron and me to go to bed and that she would clean up. I was glad to call it quits; it had been a long day. I joined Aaron in the shower and, once dried, slipped under the sheets and waited for Aaron to join me.

Instead, Valerie emerged from the bathroom, closely followed by Aaron. She had come through from her and Tony’s bedroom, which shared the same bathroom.

Valerie crawled beside me, and Aaron climbed in on the other side. 

Valerie purred into my ear, “I found Aaron alone in the bathroom and asked him if he was ready to watch you and me making love. He seemed very keen. So here I am.”

“I’m too tired," I responded, thinking I needed to offer some resistance, as I was still wary about how Aaron felt about my playing around.

Valerie gave me a cheeky grin, “We have all night, and I don’t want to sleep alone. I doubt I will see Tony before breakfast.”

She moved in close and gave me a light kiss on the cheek. Then, as I pulled back, I felt Aaron’s hands close to my hip and his teeth nibbling at my ear. Although my mind said this wasn’t right, Aaron didn’t seem worried about Valerie joining us. So I lay between them and experienced an out-of-body experience as they worked my body. 

I noticed that Valerie’s breasts were much larger than mine, with nipples standing out long and hard. She put her arms around my neck, pulling me to her. As her lips touched mine, I felt a yearning desire engulf me. Her nipples pushed hard against my breasts, and her hands went between my legs, searching out my wet slit.

Aaron slipped his fingers between my legs from behind, adding to my hunger. My quim flooded; it was as if a tap had been opened. I got so wet it embarrassed me. His fingers sliding into my thick warm wetness made my breathing laboured, not helped by Valerie’s kisses restricting the air I inhaled. Thankfully Valerie pulled away and moved down to my breasts. She began to alternate between each of my nipples, sucking them into her mouth and nibbling them with her teeth. She was biting hard enough to cause me pain, but I found the little stabs of pain were only making me wetter.

Then she moved lower and began kissing my cunt. I tried to deter her, as I was terribly messy. But when she nibbled on my clit, my hips lifted off the bed, attempting to get more contact. 

Valerie sucked on my clitoris like it was a nipple. She pushed my objecting hands aside and sucked clit, labia, and everything into her mouth. I was well past caring what Aaron thought; I remembered Valerie and my time together at the olive grove and wanted to reciprocate.

“Turn around,’ I moaned, “Want to do the same to you.”

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Valerie lifted away, pulled me down the bed so there was room for her legs, and, straddling my head, she presented her cunt to my lips. I felt Aaron lift my head between Valerie’s legs. He murmured encouraging comments in my ear and continued to chew on it as I parted Valerie’s gash with my tongue. She was wet also, and the way her hips jerked as my tongue entered her, I knew she was just as turned on as myself. The instant my fingers reached her pussy, she let out a loud moan. It set me off, desire almost making me faint. The feeling was that strong; I began fingering her with my two middle fingers and felt someone doing the same to me.

Then another hand was between my legs, and I realised it was Valerie’s finger joining Aaron’s. Slowly sawing back and forth on their fingers, I felt Valerie pushing another finger beside the others, and her mouth on my clit moved into overtime. My mind was reeling from the sensations. Then, deep in my mind, a little voice warned me I was about to experience a very memorable climax.

After a few more minutes, Valerie’s breathing became noticeably laboured also as she approached an orgasm. Finally, her hand reached behind, attempting to grab my hair and pull my face, coated in her nectar, harder onto her crotch, and she started grinding her hips against me.

Aaron was not idle; I could hear that he was excited with all he was witnessing, and I felt him remove his fingers and attempt to replace them with his cock. But the angle was wrong, and Valerie’s head was in the way. So he rolled us over, so I was on top of Valerie. He pulled my legs apart and took me from behind. It crossed my mind that Valerie must have a fantastic view of his ginormous weapon splitting me apart. And by her yelped gasp, I knew she was impressed.

Valerie must have liked what she saw, as she quickly lost control. An orgasm consumed her body, and she writhed and jerked around under me. The energy coursing through her body transferred to my own. My cunt went all tingly, and I abandoned any attempt at suppressing my orgasm. I became very vocal, moaning and screaming with every thrust of Aaron’s cock. My cunt was suddenly very sensitive; I couldn’t stand it. Valerie was still sucking hard on my clit, and Aarons’s cock was hitting on some very tender spots deep inside.

I tried to wriggle from between them, and thankfully Aaron lifted to let me go. But he stayed kneeling over Valerie as she reached up and pulled his cock to her mouth. I collapsed beside them and watched Aaron begin to fuck her mouth. Jealousy crushed my chest, and I rolled over to pull his cock away from her. But she wouldn’t let him go, and I fell back, realising that he was fucking her harder than I would ever be able to handle.

I calmed myself with the thought that I wouldn’t be able to take him fucking my mouth that hard. And after the orgasm Valerie had just given me, I shouldn’t get angry. So I slumped back, happy to lie and watch.

After he came, Valerie swallowed every drop, she tried to pull his head down between her legs, but Aaron resisted and gave me an apologetic expression. So I helped him by creeping down and inserting my fingers back into Valerie’s cunt, and worked her until she came again. Aaron rested his head alongside my own, and we watched her legs straighten out as her pussy quivered and pulsed with her climax. I had wicked satisfaction as Valerie choked on Aaron’s cum.

After Valerie recovered, we lay in a heaving pile for several minutes before rolling apart. I pulled Aaron close and kissed him hard; I don’t remember much after that; we must have all drifted into a deep sleep.


As they walked to the downstairs bedroom, Sacha’s mind was in turmoil; she didn’t want to share Ryker with anyone; she wanted him all to herself. Besides, she was still terribly guilty about what had happened the week before, no matter how much she had been told that no one had judged her.

But Ryker insisted they had Tony join them. He pointed out that they may not have a chance for several months and that he didn’t want their relationship to begin under false pretences.

 When Sacha pressed him on what he meant, he answered, “I’m no angel. The notion of and nine to five work week, coming home to a dutiful wife with a meal prepared, and in bed for conventional sex at 10:00 pm is not what I want for us.”

“But I’m not comfortable screwing around with all and sundry.” she cried.

“I don’t expect you to, and if you really don’t want to do something, I won’t force you. But watching you last week was incredible. If I hadn’t pressed you, it would never have happened. So I’ll push your boundaries in the coming months to see where your limits are.”

She stood at the foot of the bed, not knowing what to do. The boys stood on each side of her, kissing, caressing, and removing her clothes.

 Sacha was stripped of all but her skirt when they pushed her onto her back on the bed. She opened her eyes as Ryker lay beside her, and she noted he was only wearing his boxers; she had not noticed the guys removing their clothes.

 She lifted her head to find Tony and saw him naked and dropping between her legs. Instinctively she clamped them tightly closed.

However, Ryker pulled on one knee, and Tony gripped the other, and they pulled her legs apart. Sacha let out an explosive gasp of air as Tony enveloped her cunt with his mouth. And as the tip of his tongue assaulted her clit at a furious pace, she spread her legs wider and felt both men let go of her knees.

Ryker moved his hands to her breasts. The stimulation between her legs and Ryker pulling on her nipples had her chest rising and falling as she gasped for air. Tony had pushed her skirt up onto her stomach, and she felt it stick to her perspiring skin. Her firm, outward swelling breasts felt like they were about to burst. Thoroughly aroused now, she pushed her breasts up into Ryker’s face, and he rewarded her by taking her rock-hard buds between his teeth and nipping them hard.

 Tony had shoved a finger inside her making her moan. And as his finger dug deep inside her, his tongue flicked down, and he licked along her slit, causing her to moan loudly with the exquisite feelings she was giving her. He started licking first in circles around her pussy, and then in long flat strokes up along each side before letting his tongue play inside her hole.

All of Sacha’s reservations about having Tony join them in bed disappeared. She was horny as hell and wanted this. And when he started licking up onto her clit and flicking it repeatedly and gently with the tip of his tongue, her first orgasm rushed up on her. A long, drawn-out moan announced its arrival. The moan quickly became a wail, and then finally a scream as her whole body shook, and every muscle in her body tensed up for a few seconds before she slumped back onto the bed.

Sacha was disappointed; it had been so fast. She tried to push Ryker away from where he was nibbling on her neck, as she was super sensitive after the orgasm. But Ryker didn’t release her. Instead, he lifted above her, then used his body to pin her to the bed, and took a solid grip on her wrists to keep her from moving. His other hand worked its way between them and guided his cock to her entrance.

 Even though Sacha jerked and writhed under him, she found her slippery, desperate body wanted more. And as Ryker eased himself into her desperately needy cunt, Sacha gave up her struggle. She realised that as sensitive as she was, she was ready for more. So she began buckling her hips back into Ryker as his tempo increased.

Ryker’s teeth closed delicately on her ear, and he began to nibble, his breath warm and tickly. She wriggled madly, it was all too much, but he wouldn’t budge and increased his assault.

“Hmm...hmmm...hmmppff!” she moaned rhythmically as he hammered himself into her, and amazingly another orgasm hit.

Feeling her ardour increase, Ryker slammed a forceful thrust into her cunt. Sacha instantly threw her mouth wide open and moaned to him that she was about to cum. She frantically tried to hold her orgasm at bay. But she gave up when she heard Ryker gasp, “Me too.” 

He ejaculated and collapsed on top of her. A couple of seconds later, her back arched, her head tilted back, and a long, loud moan escaped her lips as her second, even more, intense orgasm swept her away.

As they lay on the bed catching their breath, Tony snuggled behind her and told her how incredible it had been to watch her climax like that. She turned her head to reply, but he kissed her, and she responded eagerly. Then embarrassed by her enthusiasm, she returned to Ryker and tried apologising.

“Don’t apologise for showing your emotions. Why did you feel you needed to kiss him?” Ryker admonished her.

“I suddenly felt sorry for Tony; he didn’t get to cum,” Sacha replied.

“We have all night, or were you thinking a quick kiss may get rid of him?”

Sacha wanted to deny and explain but saw from the look on Ryker’s face that he was kidding her.

 “It had just felt right,” she explained.

 Ryker held her tight, murmuring sweet nothings in the rear, and she felt herself drifting away.

She awoke sometime in the middle of the night, busting to pee. She climbed over Ryker and made her way to the bathroom. She was in absolute darkness when she closed the door, so she flicked the light on and caught a glimpse of herself in the full-length mirror. Noticing she still had her skirt on, she unzipped it, folded it neatly and placed it on the shelf that held spare towels.

Perusing her body, she noted the dried white marks inside her legs. She wasn’t sure if they were Ryker’s or her own mess, but she felt clammy and dirty, so she ran the shower. She climbed in and washed herself thoroughly when she had the temperature just right. There was a pleasant well-used pain between her legs, not surprising, really, as she had had more sex in the last week than she had had all year,

Turning off the light, she slipped out of the bathroom and crept back to bed. But as her eyes adjusted to the moonlight, she saw Ryker and Tony awake and watching her. Ryker climbed out to let her in and headed over to the bathroom for his own relief. As she slipped under the covers, Tony pulled her over to his side of the bed and wrapped her in his arms. One hand slipped down her bum and cupped a cheek; the other reached around and cupped a breast. His fingernails scratched ever so lightly over the front of one breast, and the nipple immediately hardened.

 Tony whispered in her ear, saying that she smelled good enough to eat. His hands were sending smouldering warm feeling flooding down to her loins. His attentions earlier that night flashed into her brain, followed by a vision of Carson rogering her bum as she lay impaled on Ryker. That evening was the most intense sexual experience she had ever had, and it had been the catalyst for much of her masturbation sessions that week.

 She wriggled her bum around on Tony’s hand and let out an encouraging groan when his finger slid over her puckered brown hole. At that moment, Ryker emerged from the bathroom, leaving the door open and the light on.

“What are you two up to? It sounds like you have touched on something that needs our attention, Tony?”

“Yes! I think your horny wench wants some attention in her nether regions. She’s squirming around on my finger like an eel in mud.”

Tony moved over, and Sacha rolled over with him. But as Ryker climbed under the covers, Tony climbed out of bed, heading off to relieve himself. 

So Sacha snuggled into Ryker and gave him a hot needy kiss, “I’m horny; Tony touched my bum.”

Did it bring back memories?”

“It did, and embarrassing memories,” said Sacha, hiding her head in the nape of Ryder’s neck.

“Don’t be embarrassed. Tony and I would love to do that again.”

A minute later, Tony climbed in behind her and asked. “What would I love to do?”

“Sacha wants a Doctor Pepper again.” replied Ryker.

Sacha gave Ryker an enquiring look, and he grinned at her, “Doctor Pepper, DP. Double penetration, you know, what we did with you last week.”

“Oh no, I can’t do that again,” she shrieked.

But Tony began running his finger over her bumhole, and again she shuddered in anticipation. The boys immediately sprang into action. Ryker felt around beside the bed and sat up with a bottle of lube in his hand, he lifted her right leg up, and Tony moved in behind her. Ryker poured a good dollop of the lube into his hand and handed the bottle to Tony. She squirmed around as they both began greasing her up, Ryker concentrating on her pussy whilst Tony started fingering lube into her rear.

Then Ryker propped himself on one elbow and watched Tony work his knob into Sacha’s bottom. She let out an impassioned cry, saying it hurt. But within a few minutes, she happily bucked her arse back against his every thrust.

Ryker helped her stay connected to Tony as he rolled them both, Tony finishing his back. Tony held her in place by taking hold of both her breasts. The big smile on Ryker’s face revealed his eagerness as he crawled between their legs and inserted himself into her wet and willing fanny.

 Bathed in late summer moonlight and the dim light from the bathroom, Sacha reached out with one arm and pulled Ryker down on her for a kiss. Then feeling the shafts of both men’s cocks moving on the thin wall separating her two passages, she began to buck her hips and moan.

“Oh, fuck I feel full. Go slow, please I’m a little tender.”

 Ryker and Tony held still, giving her time to adjust. Then when she began rocking back and forth slowly so that both cocks slid in and out, they began to move with her.

Sacha moved a little faster as she became accustomed to having the two men inside her. But the effort of straining forward to watch began to tell on her. So she tried to relax, lay back on Tony and let them work on her. It didn’t take long for the two cocks to do their magic, and soon Sacha felt the smouldering heat of another orgasm begin to build.

“Fuck me,” she cried out. “You can fuck me as hard as you like. But, please don’t stop.”

 She sucked in a gulp of air and gasped out. “Whatever you do, don’t stop. I’m going to come.”

 Ryker immediately thrust hard into her, gripping tightly onto her hips. He plunged his cock deep, ramming his pubes against her mound, and her delighted squeals encouraged him to go even faster. Tony also tried to slam into her, but the combined weight of their bodies was too much, so he just made small jerking movements into her bum.

Their enthusiasm did the trick, though; within seconds, Sacha was screaming out as the exquisite vibrations of her orgasm hit. It was a sharp, quick climax, lacking the long slow build-up of her amazing orgasm earlier in the evening. But it still made her grip Ryker’s head with her free hand and pulled him in for a hard kiss. She couldn’t reach Tony for a kiss but clenched the muscles in her bum, milking him as he exploded in her rectum.

Afterwards, she lay between them, gasping quick little exhalations as she wound down.

Next, she knew daylight was pouring through the ranch slider and could hear people moving around upstairs. Flicking her head left and right, she saw that Tony had gone. She moved down the bed to wake Ryker with a blow job. But he held her at bay. Then rose to relieve himself.


Veronique also woke to the sounds from the kitchen. She was alone; someone was in the shower; it had to be Aaron, as she could hear Valerie talking in the kitchen. She rose and joined Aaron in the shower.

When Sacha and Ryker appeared, she stood with Aaron at the breakfast bar, dishing out bacon and eggs. Sacha came over and hugged her. Not the ‘arse a couple of feet away’ hug she gave her the week before. But a full-bodied, enthusiastic crushing hug of a confident woman.

She felt a pang of jealousy, though, when Sacha hugged Aaron. He lifted her off the ground and spun her around, “You look much happier, satisfied even. You must have slept well.” he breathed in her ear.

Sacha blushed deeply and scurried back to Ryker when Aaron set her down. Aaron turned to Veronique, “Bring the cutlery; I have the plates.” And they went back to the dining table. 

Veronique watched Aaron from the corner of her eye all through breakfast and was happy to see that he only paid attention to Sacha when she spoke. But she had noticed Sacha looking at Aaron’s groin, so she was still worried.

When they drove to the car ferry at midday, she couldn’t help herself and asked him, “Are you interested in Sacha? She’s a beautiful woman.”

“She’s lovely. I’m happy that Ryker has found a woman that measures up to Valerie.”

Veronique was trying to learn where their relationship may head. All the debauchery of the last week had her worried about their future. As she didn’t want to share Aaron. His answer told her he had missed the nuance of what she asked, “I meant do you want to fuck her?” She snapped.

“What, Sacha? No, why would you ask that, and why would I want her? She’s pretty, but not a patch on you.”

With a grin, he asked her if she wanted to sleep with Sacha.

“No! I’m not normally attracted to women at all.”

“Good, because I don’t want to share you either.”

Veronique slumped back in her seat. That was the answer she had been wanting.

To be continued…

Written by mingemuncher
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