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As we sailed into Akarana Marina, I asked Ryker what he wanted me to do. Aaron was already tidying up the ropes, halyards, etc., on the bow, and I wanted to do my bit.

“Just go below and get your stuff packed, then look for anything in the fridge that needs to go in the freezer or be thrown out. We don’t need to do much today, as I will come down and tidy the boat tomorrow morning,” then added, “You could get Aaron to sort out the crayfish and fish we are each taking. I’ve put some white tape on the feelers of the two crayfish you caught, and remember, the two butterfish are for your Dad.”

Once docked and sorted, we carried our gear to Ryker’s car. Well, not exactly a typical car. It was a Porsche Cayenne TurboS E-Hybrid. I knew enough about cars to know that this was a very expensive machine. My father was nuts about cars and car racing and always pointed out flash cars when we drove places, telling me about them and how much they cost.

Aaron insisted I sit in the front, and he got in the back. I have to admit to being slightly embarrassed when Ryker pulled up our drive. We lived in a middle-income area called Glendowie, but our house had once been a State House. Although my parents had renovated it over the years, and we’re very proud of the garden and landscaping, the Porsche in the drive made our house look ordinary.

Aaron saw my discomfort and lent over the seat. “Don’t ever be worried about where you come from or your family’s circumstances. I came from a much rougher area than this, and Ryker has never commented once on my situation.”

“I thought you lived a few doors away from Ryker?”

“That was after my mother and father split and mum married again. Before that, I was raised in a rough part of town until I was fourteen,” he replied.

Before I could comment further, I saw my mother bounding down our front steps, and rushing to embrace me, as I stepped from the car.

“Oh! Am I glad to see you home? I know you said you were OK, but it was such a terrible storm, and I was worried. Your father has called twice in the last hour, asking if you were home yet.”

I looked at my watch and saw it was 5:10 pm, so my father would not be home for another twenty minutes. Ryker was not making any attempt to get out of the car. I could see he was keen to get going. But Aaron got out, walked around to say hello to my mum, and took her hand as he introduced himself.

Embarrassing! My mum acted like a silly teenager, smiling at him and blurting out, “Oh! You are so tall and handsome.”

Then she turned her attention on Ryker and told him to come inside, as my Dad would be home in a few minutes and would want to meet them both.

Ryker gave me a resigned look and climbed out from behind the wheel. And if I thought my mum had been bad with Aaron, she was ten times worse with Ryker. At six foot two and the looks of a Latin gigolo, I wanted to tell her to close her mouth. But thankfully, she pulled herself together, then turned and led the way into our house. I hoped the boys wouldn’t have noticed, but my mother’s walk was far from normal. Her hips had taken on a sexy, inviting swing.

We had just sat down in the lounge, and Mum started firing questions at the guys when I heard my father pull into the drive and park behind Ryker’s Porsche. Thank god, I thought; maybe Mum will tone it down now. When Dad entered the lounge, and introductions had been made, Aaron took him aside and asked where he should put all the seafood we had for them.

So for the next few minutes, Mum and I sorted out my washing, and the guys helped Dad get the seafood into the fridge. I listened to them explain each package and the fact that I had caught the crays and the butterfish for him.

Congregating back in the lounge, my mother continued with her questions. And embarrassingly, she continued to flirt openly with Ryker. I looked to my father to see if he might discourage her, but he seemed mildly amused by her flirtatious behaviour.

I whispered to Aaron that I was embarrassed about my mum.

“Don’t worry,” he countered, “I’ve seen many women acting much worse around Ryker. He has that effect.”

“But my dad is almost encouraging her,” I replied.

“And I’ve seen that before as well. Just relax; we’ll get going in a minute. I’m going to be working the next few days, maybe even over the weekend, and will stay up at the job. But I’ll call you each night if that is OK?” Then he whispered to me to give some thought about moving in with him.

I answered that I looked forward to his calls and would talk to my Dad about leaving home. And before I knew it, the Porsche was backing down the drive, and I had a hollow, lonely feeling in my stomach.

Mum went to the kitchen to start dinner, leaving my Dad and me alone. I immediately thought about how I should approach him regarding moving in with Aaron. However, before I got a word out, my father stunned me by asking, “Well, I guess you will be thinking about leaving home now. We had better plan how we will break that to your mother.” He had a big grin on his face.

“How did you know I may want to leave home?” I asked.

Incredulous, as I thought he would be really anti my leaving.

“One look at you and Aaron told me how close you are. Then when we were out at the freezer, I asked him what he did for a living and where he lived. He gave me a good marketing blurb about how acceptable he was as a son-in-law. He didn’t realise he was doing it, but I read between the lines. When do you intend to leave?”

I looked at my father in amazement. We had always been close, so I expected a lot more opposition. “I hadn’t even decided if I was going to move in with Aaron. He only asked me this morning. But you’re acceptance of my leaving has just made up my mind.”

“Oh! Trust me, I don’t want you to go, but it will inevitably happen sometime, and he seems a pretty stable sort of guy, and the two of you do seem to get on well together. I would probably be much more uneasy if it were anyone else. You are very young, though. I would rather you were a bit older and had more life experience.”

“Well, it won’t be for a week or so, as Aaron has to catch up on his work and thinks he will have to stay at the worksite over the weekend.”

Then Dad questioned me about Ryker and informed me his car would have cost over NZ$300,000. “Imagine spending that much on a car?” he exclaimed.

I told him Ryker’s circumstances, then asked him about Mum flirting with Ryker, saying how much it had embarrassed me. But, of course, I didn’t tell Dad that Ryker was building a dungeon under his house. Although with my Dad’s subsequent comments, I wondered if that would have been quite acceptable to him.

“Your mum has always flirted, I was not her first, nor will I be her last,” he said.

“Are you not jealous of her flirting around?” I asked. It was much easier to talk to my father about these things than with my mother.

He explained that they had been very open in their marriage in the early years. Then when we shifted homes when I was about nine, the new group of friends they had made were very liberal. He didn’t say as much, but I guessed they had been to a few parties, very much like the party we had had on our final night at Barrier Island.


At work on Thursday, the other girls all asked me about my weekend away. I didn’t say much more than that I had met a guy that I liked. I did have a kook for Natalie at lunchtime, but she was nowhere to be seen. However, that night, Gabriel called, asking about my weekend and if he could take me out this Saturday night.

I told him it had been an awesome weekend and I had met a guy I liked. I heard the disappointment in his voice at my exuberant reply and so hastened to tone things down, but said I would not be available Saturday but could meet him for lunch the following week. He hung off, saying he would call me.

I felt guilty, having already turned him down to go on the sailing trip. He was a nice guy, and if I hadn’t met Aaron, I would have been very happy with the attention he was paying me.

Friday, I again looked for Natalie in the lunchroom, and just as I finished my sandwiches, Natalie walked into the lunch area. I waved her over to sit with me, and I struck up a conversation with her while she ate.

Between mouthfuls, she asked me about my weekend, which surprised me as I didn’t realise she knew I’d been away. Evidently, she had run into one of my girlfriends over the weekend, and they had told her where I was. So I told her about meeting a guy on the trip and that I was considering moving in with him. I wanted to ask her about the older man it was rumoured she had been going out with. But I was saved from having to ask, as when I mentioned that Aaron was ten years older than me, she got a funny look on her face and blurted out that I should be careful.

I asked her what she meant, but she seemed reluctant to say anymore, seemingly embarrassed. It took some cajoling from me to get her to open up, and then it was only to tell me that she and an older guy she had been going with had broken up.

I told her a bit more about Aaron, trying not to be too boastful but also trying to allay her fears about his being too old. Again I tried to steer her back to why she had broken up with her man. But she kept evading the questions.

Finally, I asked her outright, “Natalie, I want to know why you told me to be careful. My Dad likes Aaron, but I’m very young and would like advice from someone my age. I have no one else to ask. You know how flighty most of my other girlfriends are. I would really value anything you can tell me.”

Natalie anxiously looked around. “I can’t talk to you here, it’s a long story, and I need to get back to work. Also, it turned into a very fucked up experience, and I’m far too embarrassed to tell anyone about him.”

I motioned to her to relax, then mentioned that a lot of my weekend away was something that I couldn’t share with anyone either. “What are you doing tonight? You could come around to my place. I have my Dad’s old stereo up in my bedroom. We could listen to music and share our experiences if you want.”

Natalie hesitated momentarily, then said, “I’d actually like that. What time?”

“Come for dinner, we are having seafood that I caught on the weekend, and there is heaps. I’ll help Mum cook it, so if you get there before 6:30, you can sit and watch or help us. if you want.”

As Natalie got up to leave, she turned to me, and I saw she was blushing. “Turns out he was married, and before I found that out, we did some pretty crazy stuff. Stuff that I am too embarrassed to tell anyone about, but I will try and help you if I can.”

The day just dragged once I got back to the laboratory. But I did phone Mum, told her who I had coming around, and asked if it was all right if she had dinner with us.

Natalie turned up bang on 6:30, so we sat her down at the kitchen table with a glass of wine while Mum and I cooked. Then, after a fantastic feed of scallops, crayfish, etc., and lots of semi-rude jokes from my father, we excused ourselves and headed up to my bedroom with the remains of a bottle of Chardonnay.

Once I had some music playing and our glasses full, I asked her what had gone wrong with her affair. She was still very reluctant to talk, so I tried to break the ice by telling her about running along Peachgrove Bay, nude, with Ryker and Aaron watching. I didn’t intend to say a lot more and was saved by a knock on the door, and my mother passed the phone through to me, saying it was Aaron.

I flapped my hands excitedly at Natalie and mouthed, ‘It’s him.’ Then proceeded to ask him where he was and what he’d been doing. Finally, he managed to get a word in and asked me what I was doing. I giggled and told him I was with Natalie and had just this minute told her about our time on the beach at Peachgrove Bay. 

In a startled voice, he asked, “What you told her about Ryker and me sharing you on the rock?”

“No!” I gasped. I just told her about my running along the beach in the nude. Then teasing him, I added, “But I could tell her about that. She might be very jealous.”

He laughed and said I could tell her what I liked, but he would like to be there to see her face. So we talked some more, and he told me he had to stay on the job over the weekend and would probably call me about lunchtime Sunday to tell me when he would be home. So after telling him I was missing him and couldn’t wait until Sunday night, we hung up.

Natalie was looking at me with a surprised look on her face. “I heard most of that, you know, did you really sleep with him and his friend?”

I blushed crimson. I never gave it a thought that she might be able to hear Aaron. “God, I’m embarrassed.”

But she interrupted before I could offer anything else to cover the shame that had my face feeling like an oven.

“Maybe we’re not so different, I didn’t think you were a prude exactly, but you don’t come across as someone who would step outside the bounds very often. I’d like to hear all that happened on your weekend, and then I’ll try and explain some of what happened to me.”

After telling her a significantly diluted version of Ryker taking photos of Aaron and me, which had turned into them making love to me at Peachgrove Bay, Natalie opened up a bit.

She told me they didn’t know anyone when they moved to Auckland. Their next-door neighbours were a little younger than her parents but hit it off well. They had two children aged six and three, and about a month after they moved in, they asked her to babysit, as they wanted to go to a movie. Which soon became an almost weekly occurrence.

Then one Thursday night, when she was babysitting, there was a knock on the door. When she looked out the window, she saw it was Brenda’s elder brother; she had met him several times and so opened the door and let him in. He told her he had had a massive argument with his wife and wanted to stay the night. She told him Brenda and Mike were due home at about 10:30, and he had replied that he’d sit and wait until they got home.

They had talked; she said he was funny, made her laugh and treated her like an adult. When Brenda and Mike arrived home, he said he had calmed down and would go home. However, he insisted he walked her home, even though it was just next door. It was an excuse to ask for her phone number, and he surprised her with a quick kiss outside the front door.

He called her a couple of times over the weekend, asking to see her. But she had declined, thinking him far too old, as she figured he must be nearly forty, as she was sure Brenda was thirty-six. But she couldn’t stop thinking about him. The next time she babysat, though, Jim turned up about half an hour after Brenda a Mike had left. She was surprised at how happy she was to see him, and within minutes they were kissing, and soon after that, they were on the rug in the lounge, fucking like rabbits.

“He was so experienced, and I was a virgin. He put a towel down on the rug and had a tube of lubricating gel. It was so well planned; I should have known he was taking advantage of me. But I thought I was in love, and he talked about leaving his wife. So I just went along with everything he wanted after that,” she said, looking ashamed of herself.

“Don’t be ashamed,” I burst out. “I had a married man who took advantage of me, and it was him that took me away sailing for the weekend, where I met Aaron. So it can turn out all right.”

“But you don’t know the half of it,” she cried out, “it gets a lot worse.”

She went on to explain that Jim came around the following two times she babysat, and he always left before Brenda and Mike arrived home. He kept pressuring her to go out with him, and she finally relented. The following Friday night, she had walked down to the dairy on the corner, where he picked her up and took her to a party with his mates. She said they had had a fantastic night, and she had danced with him and also some of his mates. He was a real gentleman all night, and they had parked up and made love on the way home.

She agreed to meet him again the next Friday night, with the same arrangement. They met outside the corner dairy. Her mother had wanted to know who she was meeting and if it was a boyfriend. But Natalie had just told her it was girls from work, and they were going to party at one of the girl’s homes. She knew her mother would have exploded if she’d known she was meeting a forty-year-old married man.

“The party was at a different house this time,” Natalie explained. “But some of the same guys were there. I danced with Jim most of the night, but one of his mates did interrupt us a few times and whisked me around the dance floor. He was a lot younger, a mate from Jim’s work, he told me. I was getting a bit tipsy, and now I realise they were probably spiking my drinks.”

She paused; it looked like she was plucking up the courage.

“Jim’s mate was letting his hands roam around, and I halfheartedly tried to stop him, but then Jim came and joined us, with me dancing between them. It felt incredible; I knew I should object or something, but I didn’t want to cause a scene. Some couples around us were cheering me on, and then I felt Jim working my panties down my legs. I told them not there in front of everyone. I don’t know why I said that. They took it as consent, lifted me up, and took me to a bedroom.”

Natalie paused and looked at me. “Do you want me to carry on? I’m sure you can guess the rest.”

“Yes, keep going. I’m OK. You heard already that I have done much the same, so get it all off your chest.”

“I wound up having sex with both of them, but Jim changed. He got quite rough and called me dirty names. I got a bit upset, but that did not stop them, especially his mate, who seemed to get even more turned on by treating me dirty. He pinched my nipples and called me a slut and other horrible names.”

I stopped her. “Did you call out for the others at the party to stop them?”

“No, this is the funny thing. It actually turned me on. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I hate myself for what I let them do. Jim was very apologetic on the way home and said he got a bit carried away as I was so sexy and stuff like that. All the next week, I was conflicted. One minute I’d be thinking he was a bastard, and I’d tell him it was over next time he called. The next minute I’d be wriggling around, my body on fire and so wet between my legs.”

She looked at me to see if she had just shocked me. But I smiled encouragement to her and said I understood.

“He rang the next Thursday, and even though I had finally decided to call it off, the second I heard his voice, I agreed to meet him outside our dairy the following night. This time the party was at another house. The first part of the evening was a blast. It seemed that every guy at the party wanted to dance with me. There were lots of women, all much older than me, and I found myself matching them for drinks, and they accepted me as one of them. Then it started getting out of hand, guys dancing with me, lifting my dress and pulling my top down. Soon I was laid out in the master bedroom with a line of guys waiting at the door.”

Natalie stopped talking. I could see she was visibly upset. She turned her face from me to hide her shame. But I heard her murmur, “I don’t want to go over the rest. I’m too ashamed.”

I took the glass from her hand, placed it on my dresser and wrapped my arms around her. We stayed like that for a while, while she mumbled into my neck that I must be mortified by what she had done.

I asked her if she wanted to go to the police or for me to go with her and tell her mother.

“God, no! This is between us. Promise me you will tell no one else.”

I promised but told her she should do something.

“I have done something, but you don’t understand. I never tried to stop them. On the contrary, I got incredibly aroused during it. In fact, I would have gone back with Jim the next week if he hadn’t been so horrible on the way home.”

She looked to see if I understood, and I could see her eyes pleading for understanding. “What did you do about it?” I asked.

“He stopped where we had parked up the first night he took me out. Only this time, he took me from the rear in the back seat, telling me I was his slut. And when I protested and said I didn’t want to see him anymore, he said he had taken photos and video of me, so I had better do as he wanted. So I told his sister, Brenda, that he had been coming around while they were at the movies and that he had the photos, etc.”

“Good on you. What did she do?”

“She asked me why I had let him, and when I told her about his saying he was going to leave his wife for me, she was pissed and said he was happily married and had three kids. I’m not sure what she did, but I haven’t heard from him since, and that was three weeks ago. But I haven’t been asked to babysit again either. Which has made me feel even worse.”

We talked some more. I told Natalie a lot about the party out at the Barrier, making sure I covered the bit where Sally had been tied up, and two guys had fucked her at the same time and assured her that Sally had absolutely loved it. Before we knew it, Mum was at the door calling out that it was nearly midnight. So I asked Mum if Natalie could stay the night and we phoned Natalie’s mum to tell her where she was.

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Dad came up and helped us move the single mattress from the spare room into mine. We talked for half the night. At one stage, laughing at how we had both made excuses not to attend this Saturday’s party. And we both blurted out simultaneously, “Let’s go together.”

In the morning, Natalie had breakfast then I walked her home. I met her mother for the first time and could see the relief in her mother’s eyes that Natalie looked relaxed and was with a female friend.

That night my Dad dropped the two of us off at the party, even though it was only half a mile from our home. He said to call, and he would pick us up later, no matter what the hour was. We tried to tell him we would be OK, but he insisted we were not to walk home at some late hour on our own.

The party was mostly girls; only half a dozen boys were there when we arrived. But our girlfriends talked about more boys coming after the pubs closed. I didn’t care about having boys turning up, and I don’t think Natalie was much worried either. We just spent the night dancing together or sitting around talking and fending off lewd questions our friends were firing at us.

At around 11:00, some more guys arrived. They were half drunk and loud, and of course, they were hitting on Natalie; she being one of the prettier girls at the party. I couldn’t help myself and put my psychoanalysis hat on, surmising that Natalie had a different air about her, as the guys seemed to sense that she might be available. And this was further reinforced when some guys started hitting on me and making suggestions. Stuff that I don’t believe they would have made a week earlier. How could they possibly know that we were no longer virgins?

I noticed some of my oldest girlfriends glancing at one another and looking a bit cheesed off that we were getting so much attention. So it was with some relief that when another group of guys arrived, I saw Gabriel walking towards me.

“I thought you would not come tonight, seeing that you have a new boyfriend?” he fired at me with an irritated tone to his voice.

I found myself apologising and spluttering out about having met Natalie and her wanting me to come to the party with her. And then telling him that Aaron was working and I wouldn’t be seeing him for a week.

Gabriel immediately apologised for his outburst and, taking my hand, took me out to the kitchen to get a drink. He poured himself a beer and then asked what I was drinking. I was a bit pissed at myself about my blubbery, girly response to his accusation, and so I asked for a rum and coke.

I had only been drinking wine until that stage and was already feeling a bit tipsy. So the rum and coke was not a good idea, but bugger it, I wanted to show him I was mature and not still the naive teenager he knew from weeks before.

We went back to the lounge and were soon dancing. Over the next hour, Gabriel had another couple of beers and refilled my drink each time also, and without my realising quite how it came about, I found myself in an upstairs bedroom, on the bed and minus my panties.

I knew I shouldn’t let him grope me, but I did not think about why. I was horny and so put up little resistance when he removed my top and bra. But when he was between my legs and trying to line up his pecker, a vision of Aaron floated past my eyes, ‘SHIT!’

I rolled Gabriel off me. I don’t know where I found the energy. I was really quite drunk. But I had enough wits about me to note his look of anger and disappointment and reasoned I had to give him something. So pushing him onto his back, I took his very erect prick into my mouth and gave him a blowjob I hoped he would remember for a very long time.

However, as I felt him starting to come, he thrust too hard, hit the back of my throat, and I vomited the night’s food and drinks into his crotch. He hadn’t taken off his pants; he was in a hurry to have me. So I noted with some embarrassment that most of my vomit filled his underpants and down the front of his trousers.

He took it quite well. I had expected him to explode in anger. So while he raced out to find a bathroom, I hurriedly searched for my clothes, dressed, and headed downstairs to find Natalie.

She saw me enter the lounge, left the guy she was dancing with and hurried over. “Are you all right? I saw you go upstairs and have been so worried I should have stepped in and given you an excuse.”

I told her what had happened and said I wanted to go home. “Will you call my Dad? You stay here. I will phone you tomorrow.”

She shook her head. “No, I’m ready to go. If I stay any longer, I’m likely to do something stupid myself, that guy is quite nice, but he’s coming on too strong.”

Dad knew I was drunk but didn’t get mad. He just thanked me for calling him before I got into some awkward situation. Little did he know. He dropped Natalie off first, then helped me inside and up to my bedroom.

The next day I was a right-off. Natalie called and had me on about my actions the night before. She thought it was hilarious. Gabriel called and, amazingly, asked me out again. I told him No! I regretted what we had done, and I had told him the truth about meeting someone I liked. When I put the phone down, I was wracked with guilt and wondered how I would tell Aaron and how much I should admit to him.

When Aaron phoned at 4:30 pm, I was feeling better but still did not know what to say to him. He sensed straight away something was up and asked me what was wrong. Once I started talking, it just poured out of me. I was crying by the time I admitted how far I had gone with Gabriel.

Aaron told me not to get upset, and he would come down and see me and would be there in about an hour or so. Then added, “Would you grab some stuff in a bag and come around and sleep at my place?”

I said yes, without even thinking about how to break that news to Mum and Dad. Also, after I hung up, I remembered I had work the following day. Knowing it would all work out, I set to packing a small bag with the clothes I would need.

Aaron arrived about 5:30. He came in and talked with my parents, and they didn’t even object when I said we were off to see Aaron’s house and that I would stay the night there.

The drive to his house only took fifteen minutes in his beat-up Holden station wagon. He explained that he carried a lot of engineering and survey equipment, so something flash like Ryker’s car was inappropriate. He then tried to put me at ease about the night before and told me he was impressed that I had the resolve to stop Gabriel but the intelligence to give him a blow job. “Some guys get bloody bolshy if they think they have been led on and then get turned down.”

His calm acceptance sparked a tinge of annoyance in me. “Are you not upset that I almost slept with another guy?” I snapped.

He laughed, which annoyed me even more. “Not upset, but I’m jealous, of course. Looking at it logically, though, you were pissed, and things moved too fast. I’ve made thousands of mistakes; luckily, I never had to own up to many of them. As I said to you on the Barrier, I want you to live life and not miss out on things because of me. So if we are honest with each other, I will try never to get upset with you.”

Then with a stern look on his face, he added, “But you owe me a blow job, and it had better be a good one to get back in my good books.”

His house wasn’t one of the huge mansions often associated with Coates Ave, Mission Bay. It is one of the flashier streets in Auckland, but his house was tidy and well-kept. It was an older house, obviously added onto and renovated over the years.

When we reached the bottom of his drive, he swung left into a double garage, and I noted the red Ducati motorbike parked in the other space. And waving his hand above his head, he told me there was a tiny one-bedroom flat above. He said he had renovated it with the idea of getting a Tennant.

There was a covered walkway that connected the garage unit to the house. Once inside the front door, I was surprised at how tidy and modern the place was. I had a preconceived notion that a single guy’s home would be untidy and desperately need cleaning.

A large living area was composed of a kitchen, dining and lounging area with a TV. He guided me over to some French doors that opened out to a deck and swimming pool and pointed out the fabulous view of the harbour. We then walked through to a formal lounge on the left of the living room, where another set of French doors opened to the view. Then moving to the stairs that led to the upper floor, Aaron pointed out the bathroom to the left of the stairs. He showed me the three spare bedrooms, and with a wink, he said I could choose any of them. The bedrooms shared a beautifully tiled bathroom, which he proudly told me he had done almost all the work himself. Then he took me to what was obviously his bedroom. It was huge, with a king-sized bed, its on-suite bathroom and a separate walk-in wardrobe. The bedroom also had French doors that opened onto a small balcony with even better views than the floor below.

I was looking at the view, taking note of all the lights sparkling in the oncoming dusk, when Aaron wrapped his arms around me and drew me back onto the bed. Then, rolling me onto my back, he asked if I would do something for him. I gave him a questioning look with a hint of maybe in it.

Instead of saying what he wanted, he placed my hand between my legs and then sat back to watch.

“I will if you will,” I retorted.

“Oh shit! I can’t do that in front of you!” he mumbled.

So I withdrew my hand from between my legs, hitched my skirt up to my waist, and placed my fingers just inside the band of my panties. And giving him a look that said. “Your Play?” I bit my lip and changed my expression to a sulky temptress look.

He caved in immediately, struggling to get his semi-erect pecker through his half-opened fly. Just as he managed to get it out and wrapped a hand around it, there was a loud banging on the front door.

“Jesus H, who the hell is that?” He groaned.

I watched him struggle to thrust his semi-hard pecker back into his shorts. Then I leapt off the bed and followed him down the stairs. I stopped a few steps from the bottom, poised to retreat out of sight if needed.

He swung the door open to be confronted with two neatly dressed young men, quite obviously Mormons or Seventh-Day Acrobats. I watched Aaron’s face with some amusement. I thought for a second he might belt them one. But he controlled his emotions and calmly said, “Not today, thanks. Not at all interested.” And he slammed the door.

I came down the last couple of steps, struggling to contain myself. In fact, I couldn’t and burst out into uncontrolled laughter at the look of annoyance on his face.

I dragged him into the living room and sat on the edge of the dining table, hitching my skirt back up around my waist.

“Do you not want to go back up to the bedroom?” he asked.

“No! I want to do you in every room in the house. So here will be a good place to start.” As I said this, I pulled at his belt while unzipping him with my other hand.

He flopped his pecker out again, and I saw it was again fast rising to the occasion. And as he wrapped his hand around it and took his first tentative stroke, I rewarded him by laying back on the table and slipping my hand inside my panties.

Talk about timing! We both froze as we heard the roar of a high-powered motor screeching to a stop outside the kitchen window. Followed by the slam of a car door and then a banging again on the front door.

This time it was me that uttered an oath. “Bollocks! That sounds like Ryker. Can you get rid of him?”

Again I was reduced to laughter as I watched Aaron trying to stuff his rampant monster back into his shorts. He was quite red in the face and having little success. So I motioned him to the side and said I would get the door.

When I opened the door with the intention of telling Ryker to bugger off, it was not a good time. He just stepped past me, picked me up, spun around and carried me into the living room, not allowing me to say anything.

Give him his due; as he put me down and took notice of Aaron’s state, he did apologise. But in the same sentence, he continued with the fact he had big news.

We both looked at him expectantly. “Well, spill it out. What is so urgent?” snapped Aaron.

“I’ve two bits of news. Well, one, really. The other is a favour to ask of Nique,” he said, looking at Aaron.

Then he turned to me. “I’ve got you into the Uni’s Psychology course. You have an interview with the senior lecturer at 10:00 am tomorrow.”

“Surely, it was already full. How did you swing that?” I asked.

“I told you, one of my clients is very high up there, so I approached him and put a pretty persuading argument as to why you should be reading phycology.”

“But I have work tomorrow morning.”

Ryker waggled his finger at me. “Don’t try and wriggle out of it. Trust me, this is your calling, and anyway, he called one of the doctors on your ward for a reference. He did more to convince him than I did. It was after that that he agreed to interview you. So I believe your work already knows where you will be in the morning, but you had better phone in the morning anyway.”

Aaron put his arm around me, hugged me tight and whispered in my ear how proud he was of me.

Still feeling uncomfortable about being somewhat pressured into this new career choice, I asked. “What is the favour you want from me?”

I need you to come over to the Barrier next weekend and help me get all Sacha’s shit together and help her leave Ethan.

“Why on earth do you need me?”

“Because Sacha asked if I would bring you. Ethan is being a bit of a bastard, and she thinks that he will tone it down with you beside her.”

Aaron piped up, “I’ll come too.”

Ryker responded that he really just needed me and asked if he could borrow his Station Wagon to fit some of her gear in.

“She’s not going back to the Barrier without me!” Aaron stated forcefully.

“But if the car is full of people, there will be no room for Sacha’s stuff.”

We stood looking at one another for a minute, and then Aaron spoke up. “We take two cars.”

“I can’t take my bloody Porsche over there, Christ; that would really inflame Ethan. We’re trying to get her off the Island without too much fuss.”

Again we stood looking at one another, minds working out what to do. And again, it was Aaron that spoke up. “We buy Nique a car. Like a RAV 4, where the back seats fold down and then with the Station Wagon, you will have plenty of room to fit everything in. It will kill two birds with one stone, as Nique will need a car to get into Uni on rainy days.”

I made to object that I didn’t want them buying me a car. But Ryker just shushed me, then looked at Aaron. “Deal! You two come with me for the weekend, and I’ll get a car.” Then, turning to me, he said, “Do you know what you want, or would you trust me to get one?”

“Why do you think you can just push me around? I like to make decisions and purchase my own things. Thank you! And, No, I have no idea what car I want. I’d like to do some research.”

Ryker looked at me with a slightly puzzled expression. “There is no time. I’m planning for us to catch the Friday morning ferry. I’ll just buy you something second-hand, if you don’t like it we will sell it afterwards, or you can sell it and buy something you like later. I want to get Sacha off that Island as soon and with as little fuss as possible. So please humour me on this and go with the flow for a change.”

I felt angry at his telling me to go with the flow and was about to retaliate when Aaron put his arm around me and whispered in my ear, “Let him have his way this time. I’ve never seen him so worked up over a woman. I’m quite enjoying the experience.”

We tidied up some minor details, then with a ‘see you guys later,’ Ryker departed. However, he did have one last swipe as he exited through the front door. “Sorry I interrupted and rode all over you, Nique. You can go back to molesting Aaron now.”

I went to retaliate, but the door slammed, and he was gone. Aaron’s arms wrapped around me, and he moved me back to the dining table, but the mood was gone. I slipped out of his arms and told him we needed to talk, and grabbing his hand, I dragged him over to sit on the couch, where we had a beautiful view of the lights twinkling down on the edge of the harbour.

“You guys just ride all over me. I was brought up to make my own decisions.”

Aaron put his arm around me and drew me against his chest. “I’m guessing this is about the car. Ryker is like that with everyone he knows. It’s not just you. But I have found over the years that if he does something for you, it’s because he wants to. There will be no expectations, no wanting any return favours. Just what he feels should happen, so I usually accept it as part of our friendship.”

“It’s not just the car. It’s arranging for me to go to University and do a course that he wants me to do. It’s about following him to the Barrier this weekend. What if I or we had other plans? He doesn’t even ask. He just expects us to jump to his needs. And as for him telling me to go with the flow for a change, bugger him, I’ve done nothing but go with the flow. Most of the girls I know would not have condoned half of what you guys asked of me last weekend.”

I tried to sit up to stare angrily into Aaron’s face. But he just held me tight, kissed my forehead, then lifted my head and forced his lips to mine.

The anger left me with his kiss, and I found myself responding. Then Aaron eased back and told me that if I really did not want to go to University, he would have it out with Ryker.

“I don’t know. It has happened so fast. I haven’t even talked to my parents about it. But, I guess it’s probably what I would like to do?”

Aaron hugged me again. “Go to the interview and make your mind up. You have nothing to lose. I agree with Ryker on this one. You would make a terrific phycologist.”

I lifted up and kissed him as a reward for his encouraging comments. He shivered, and I looked into his eyes. “Are you cold?”

“No! I can’t quite believe I am lucky enough to be with you. I’m a bit frightened you will become an elf and disappear, as it’s all a dream.”

“Upstairs?” I whispered and, leaning in, ran the tip of my tongue over his lips. “I’m not going to disappear; in fact, I’m probably more horny than you are.”

He stood, bent and scooped me up in his arms. “Let’s go to bed. We have years to try all the other parts of the house.”

As he carried me up the stairs, I asked. “Do you want me to have a shower? I’m probably a bit stinky?”

“No! I can’t wait. You smell bloody good to me.”

He lay me on his bed, and he was between my legs before I could stop him. His tongue found my slit, and for the next few minutes, he explored my opening, thankfully staying away from my clit. As I think I would have exploded there and then.

“God, you taste beautiful,” he exclaimed as he came up for air.

His efforts had put me in a very contented state, so I lay back and relaxed, remembering I was staying the night, and we had plenty of time. Soon though, his attention drifted to my nub, and he started flicking it rapidly with the tip of his tongue. When he inserted a couple of fingers, my hips began to churn, and the tiny whimpers now escaping my mouth let him know an orgasm was fast approaching.

I pushed him away. “I’m going to cum if you keep doing that. Come up here and fuck me, please. I need you now.”

I looked down to the bottom of the bed and watched Aaron drop his shorts. I noticed that my T-shirt was clinging to the shape of my high, pointed breasts, and my nipples were hard and erect like little trig stations. Then he crawled on top of me, his hand directing that massive, beautiful cock to rub along the inside of my legs. Then, without speaking, he eased my legs further apart and raised over me until the tip of his engorged knob was pushed against my opening.

“Uggghhh...” I grunted and responded by pushing my hips forward to meet him, and I felt a surge of sexual desire rush through my body at the sight of his knob slipping in through my labia.

“Damn, you feel good,” declared Aaron.

He started thrusting very slowly and increased the pace in stages. I matched every thrust of his with a counterthrust of my own until he was buried to the hilt. After that, we settled into a nice steady rhythm, and I quickly felt my arousal beginning to overwhelm me.

“I’m going to cum! Sorry, I can’t wait for you,” I whispered in his ear as my body took on a life of its own.

I think he said something like, ‘Me too,’ but I was too far gone to comprehend fully. His body flicked into overdrive, and my body twitched and jerked in tune with his assault.

Then I lost it. “Ohhh yeah... uggghhhh... uggghhhh... God, Aaron... uggghhh...“ I moaned as waves of pleasure surged through my body.

Aaron collapsed onto me, my breasts squashed against his chest. My hearing returned, and I heard that he was making similar noises. He pulled me close, searched out my mouth and kissed me hard, then rolled off to my side.

I heard him ask a question about how good that was but could not get out an answer. I was buggered and slipped away into a dreamy, wonderful sleep.

Written by mingemuncher
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