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Over 90 days ago
Male, 81
United States


Active Ink Slinger
Unless I've known the lady I'm going to have sex with for a long time, for me it's mandatory! If she's a pick-up at a club, it's mandatory. I'll always use a condom during those encounters until I'm totally sure she is:

A: STD free

B: On birth control

When "A" is satisfied and "B" questionable, I'll continue using them.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Revolution
I have size 34 C boobies.

Don't you mean "Moobie's"? Man boobies?

Active Ink Slinger
I don't care how you look at it, for any reason, you are performing sexual acts. albeit without actual penetration with the partner. If you are avoiding penetration because of religious beliefs, then you shouldn't even be masturbating, or using toys, or doing oral. If your beliefs say no penetration before marriage, you are violating those by using your tongue, fingers, toys, etc. Think about it!!

Active Ink Slinger
What we need here, is a "print" option for the forum, so people can select and print their favorite recipe's, or a "download recipe" option... printing by capture is quite a waste of paper because of all the other stuff that gets included. but both should be used only on selected threads.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by chefkathleen
Quote by iceman
Ohhhhhhh! Wow! I want one, please, can I, huh?

Bet this toy cost just a tad more than a buck 95!

Go ahead, Icebaby, just cut him a check.

Why waste the paper, I'll just use loose pocket change....

Active Ink Slinger
That's another reason I love this place oh, so much! Besides all the wonderful people and stories, this site is always on the cutting edge of improvements. Keep up the great and brilliant work, all of you, and keep the suggestions flooding in.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LusciousLola
Quote by Dancing_Doll
My favorite is well trimmed/groomed in boxers

Women don't want to see men in panties. Ever. Especially not HER panties.

The only people that probably want to see men in panties are other men with this fetish. Its cool if this is your kink (to each his own), and feel free to enjoy. But this is not something that will ever be a turn-on for the vast majority of women, so its best to keep it under wraps unless you discover an open-minded partner. If you like other people seeing you in panties, then fetish parties and clubs are a great place to indulge.

Exactly. I also like the boxers that can be ripped off

You can rip mine off any time!

Active Ink Slinger
It's always my extreme pleasure to be of assistance in reviewing and editing stories for new authors. You can just PM me and I'll get right back to you as soon as possible with my email address.

Active Ink Slinger
Ohhhhhhh! Wow! I want one, please, can I, huh?

Bet this toy cost just a tad more than a buck 95!

Active Ink Slinger
This is a recipe for my version of baked beans. I've been making these for many years and taking to any cookout I've been invited to. You'll notice it's a large quantity, that's because the leftovers are so good!



1 Gal can Pork N Beans (I use Campbell's)
1 Pound Bacon (plain not flavored) (diced)
1 Large Onion (white or yellow) (chopped med to fine)
2 Cloves Garlic (minced)
1 Box Dark brown sugar
* * Dark molasis (optional)
1/2 Cup Yellow mustard
1/2 Cup Ketchup


Use a stock pot. Place diced bacon in pot and cook until browned, drain. Add all ingredients and mix well to combine. Heat until starting to bubble, reduce heat. Cook over low heat for approximately 1 hour. CAUTION - Stir frequently to prevent burning.

Serve and enjoy

Note: The leftovers are great! Just like many other mixtures, if left in the refrigerator a day or two, gives more time for everything to marry. While it can be eaten cold, it's much better reheated.
Active Ink Slinger
This isn't my own recipe, I got it from the Paula Deen web site at Food

It's for a "different" bread pudding that's to die for! I've served it at a couple parties and have had rave comments.

Here's the link to this at the Paula Deen web site for this particular recipe:

Bill Nicholson's Krispy Kreme Bread Pudding

1 pinch salt
1 9ounce box raisins
2 eggs, beaten
2 4.5-oz cans fruit cocktail with liquid
1 14-oz can Sweetened Condensed Milk (not evaporated)
2 dozen Krispy Kreme Glazed Donuts
1or2 teaspoon(s) cinnamon

Butter Rum Sauce
1 stick butter (unsweetened)
1 pound box confectioner's sugar
** Rum, to taste


Cube donuts into a LARGE bowl. Pour other ingredients on top of donuts and let soak for a while. Mix all ingredients together until donuts have soaked up as much liquid as possible.
Place into a baking dish, pour any remaining liquid on top.

Bake at 350F for about 1 hour, until the center has jelled

Top with Butter Rum Sauce (below)

Butter Rum Sauce:

Melt butter and slowly stir in confectioner's sugar. Add Rum to taste and heat until bubbly. Pour over each serving.

This recipe is courtesy of Paula Deen

Servings: 20-24 servings
Prep Time: 45 min
Cook Time: 1 hour
Difficulty: Easy

What Lush needs to do is put out a book of all these wonderful recipe's!

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by chefkathleen
That would be about the only way I'd get one. Then I'd go have it removed.

Tats are difficult to remove. Now a days, they use lasers to burn them off, while trying to minimize scaring. It's more expensive than getting them and is also more painful.

A little lesson here, boys and girls... Don't ever get tattoo's in a place or style you aren't intimately in love with.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by chefkathleen
That's a whole lotta tattoo for such a small phrase of two words.

Can you imagine laying on your side while getting it done? I've got tats and they can be painful!
Some people say it doesn't hurt, I beg to differ with them!


Takes a lot of and plus a few

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by chefkathleen


01010000 = P
01100101 = e
01100001 = a
01100011 = c
01100101 = e
01101100 = f
01110101 = u
01101100 = l
01000110 = F
01110010 = r
01110101 = u
01110011 = s
01110100 = t
01110010 = r
01100001 = a
01110100 = t
01101001 = i
01101111 = o
01101110 = n

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Black-velvet
I don't speak for all women when I say this, but for me and most of the women I know, the build up to sex is much more exciting than the sex itself. So if I were to give you a word of advice, then it would be.... foreplay, foreplay and more foreplay. And if that doesn't work, then just ask her what pleases her, how she likes to be touched. Have fun!

Black-Velvet is totally right! Foreplay before play!!

And, don't ever be afraid to talk to her, communication
is so important. Don't be afraid to ask what she wants!

Active Ink Slinger
A while back, there was a thread asking for people to do story review for other authors.
I was one of many that volunteered.

I'm wondering how many of those volunteers would like to have a badge, "Story Reviewer"
placed on their profile. The could also have "Reviewer" placed as their "Rank" below their
avatar in the Forum, similar to "Moderator".

I, for one, would love that identity marker to show others who may need help with their stories.

Active Ink Slinger
Sitting in the back of the class, I slowly raise my hand;

Uh... that would be me....

Active Ink Slinger
There are so many descriptive words! I have used so many of them too.
But, I'd rather not us a term that even implicates toward being a derogetory

Here are my submissions:

Honey pot
Love nest
Hot Taco
Sin Pot

BTW: If it smells like fish, go for the lamb!

Active Ink Slinger
I'm gonna go with the "Don't ask, don't tell" attitude on this one.

First off, any number from zero to gazillion is irrelevant!

Secondly, ditto the first.....

Active Ink Slinger
Hell, I'm volunteering to lick them all nice and clean!

Active Ink Slinger
Dammit! That made me spill my coffee all over a great lush story!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by chefkathleen
You guys cracked me up!

Where else, but on LUSH!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by BrindleChase
The gentile clack of a rickety old cane prefaces my entrance. Ka-thunk, swish. Ka-thunk, swish. Step follows cane as I slowly put one foot in front of the other that drags along with me. My back is bent, my old bones needing the cane's support as I wobble into the conversation. My ancient eyes strain to focus on the assembled faces. The colors blur, then fade before the fuzz around everything sharpens into partial clarity.

Back in my day... you know, after we discovered fire, but before we discovered the wheel, 43 wasn't that old. Now that I am... it's old. Writing was a pain too, using the burnt tips of wood to draw sigils on the cave walls.

*lol* I think age is irrelevant once you're 18. Some younger people find older people attractive, because they have experience. Wisdom and can stimulate you with conversation. Some older people find younger people attractive, because their bodies are vital, vibrant and beautiful. They have stamina and strength. Its those people in their late 20's and early to mid 30's that have it all. Youthful looks, with some experience and social intellect.

My range starts at 18 and goes into the 60's. I've seen women who are absolutely smoking hot in their so-called old age. And adult-teens who look about as fresh as a compost pile. Hehehe. And vice-versa, of course.

I'm no spring chicken. I still get looks from young women and that makes my day... but I fare better with them once they get to talking with me.

Damn! You had fire?? I'm one of Lush's distinguished "Older Gentlemen", (although I've never been falsely accused of being a gentleman). I am in my 60's (check profile for age) and have many friends of all ages. It isn't the age that's important to many people. Just go out there and be yourself, I'm sure you'll end up with lots of friends.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by robynsrockin
I don't alone, but love the taste of my partner and I mixed when going down on him after he's cum inside me.

And, being a guy, I love to clean up my work... There is nothing like a clean pussy and no huge wet spot on
the sheets!