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Over 90 days ago
Male, 81
United States


Active Ink Slinger
I think it's just fine, keep doing them. If it keeps just one person from getting hurt, it's worth it!
Active Ink Slinger
Circumsized = "Helmets"

Uncircumsized = "Ant Eaters"
Active Ink Slinger
Wasn't there a car made at one time called the "Shark" or "Mako"??
Active Ink Slinger
This isn't surprising... many animals and birds, along with fish, will change their shape, size and color to keep from becoming the next meal...
Active Ink Slinger
I love it! I'm going to make sure all my girls get a copy of this one!
Active Ink Slinger
I'm not really into skinny women... so I picked "curvy". The skinny ones always remind me of those runway models you see all the time... I've never thought they portray "real" women. As for having sex, I'll go for anything... Like I've always said, my cock has no conscience and always thinks before my brain...
Active Ink Slinger
Since I think this is for the girls to vote on, I didn't vote. But, I sometimes suggest to the girl we do the trifecta...
Shower, shampoo, rinse.... Of course, then going in and brushing her hair.... The sex part is good too!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by catchy
i fuked a preg girl wen she had only just found out. i was scared to throw her around or push to hard on her stomach by accident incase i hurt the kid. the dad did found out and said wen it was born if she definailty new it was his or not. but i would love to shagg a preg girl at 8 months to have the big belly ridding on me

By the way this was written (grammar and spelling) it's apparent to me that you are much too young to be on Lush!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Guest
Quote by iceman

Where, o man of ice, are these pregnant maids in dire need of coitus?

Try just about any major shopping mall, grocery store, department store (look in maternity or baby clothing)... they are there.... It's up to you to approach them. Tell them how beautiful they are, how radiant they look.... and, be very careful.... some of these women may not be pregnant.... choose your words and women wisely.
Active Ink Slinger
Wow! So cool!! I love them all... Prints later for wall!
Active Ink Slinger
I'm not going to pretend to be a counselor, but any time there is a loved one lost... there is grief... it's perfectly normal. So many people here are offering to talk to you, as will I. I've got broad shoulders and don't mind someone crying on them... for any reason...
Active Ink Slinger
Well, now.... Short nails, well kept and painted, are sexy. Long nails, however, as long as they aren't much more that 1/4" beyond the tip of the finger and well defined and painted are very sexy... as long as the lady's hands and fingers support them... It's the total combination that makes them sexy!
Active Ink Slinger
I remember hearing of a woman, while I was stationed in Japan (1975-78) who caught her hubby cheating in their home. She got a shotgun (which was authorized). Held them both at gunpoint, fully connected! She superglued his cock INSIDE her pussy! Not only that, but also nipple to nipple.... And then called security! I happened to be visiting from another base at security headquarters. It was raining very bad, so they couldn't medivac them by helo, but had to take them fully glued together, by military ambulance to another base hospital (which took at least 90min). It took a few hours in surgery to disconnect them (and several layers of skin!). It never hit any news media (wonder why?). The woman was sent back to the states fast, where she got a quick divorce, so did the other woman's hubby. Talk about instant revenge!
Active Ink Slinger
It would have been much better if it only sucked off her bikini!!
Active Ink Slinger
I'm the ICE GOD.. using my powers of cool to very cold to heal and cool our lovely world....
Active Ink Slinger
As a shirt of mine says:

Growing old is
Growing up is

And I taking a Senior's choice to
exercise that option!
Active Ink Slinger
Syd is the naked girl behind Savanna with her hands on Vanna's butt, helping to balance her...
Active Ink Slinger
I know! I know! (Raising hand)...

He's the one with the camera!!

Active Ink Slinger
For years around MCAS Miramar and NAS North Island, police have been cautioned about attempting to track the military aircraft. But, when coming in low and over a hill like that, it's unavoidable. I'm sure those two had the surprise of their lives and won't live it down soon. Good work to our military for not taking out the "hostiles"!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Catnip
You better make sure you don't accidentally pull the whole internet with you.
(If Im on the site at the shutdown, what are the chances I will be dragged into a vortez and find myself on the other side of the globe?)

Damn, Cat... You didn't end up at my place! And I had drinks all ready!
Active Ink Slinger
Happy Mothers Day to all of the lovely
ladies here on Lush, mothers or not!

Active Ink Slinger
What a wonderful concept! What is this world coming to?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Exakta66
Not could use some new rims and maybe a nice Earl Sheib paint job...but, not bad...

Nawwww... New seat covers and she's all set!
Active Ink Slinger
When my wife had our first daughter, she rejected the breast milk. So she asked me to help empty her some so her breasts wouldn't hurt so much. She eventually got meds to dry her up, but i was the source of relief for her.
I loved it and the taste. I would surely help any other pregnant/nursing mom's with milk reduction.

Active Ink Slinger
This gets another "I love it!" from me...

My question is? Do we just pick what we want
like what would be our computer wallpaper??
Or are you going to post a selection to chose