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Over 90 days ago
Male, 81
United States


Active Ink Slinger
Quote by nicola
Quote by iceman
I've been wondering.... I've recently read a wonderful love story here on lush, "Canon, Part 1". In it, they mentioned the wonderful music, "Canon in D". I was wondering if there is a way to have a button attached to the story so people can have a certain song or music, of the author's choosing, play during their reading. It would add a wonderful effect to the eroticism and sensuality of some stories, like playing that Canon in D while reading the story. I wouldn't have it automatically start, but maybe a start/stop button lets the reader choose that.

Quite impossible Iceman, for so many reasons. Don't you have a cd player and the cd?

Yes, I do... I was just thinking it would be a great addition to stories. Too bad it can't be done though.
Thank you for your reply.

Active Ink Slinger
Here ya go:

1-A 2-C 3-A 4-A 5-B 6-B

7-B 8-A 9-A 10-A/C

Active Ink Slinger
That is pure cruelty! But, I do love the look on poor kitty,

I'll bet it's thinking: "As soon as I can, I'm gonna scratch
your fucking eyes out!"

Active Ink Slinger
I've been wondering.... I've recently read a wonderful love story here on lush, "Canon, Part 1". In it, they mentioned the wonderful music, "Canon in D". I was wondering if there is a way to have a button attached to the story so people can have a certain song or music, of the author's choosing, play during their reading. It would add a wonderful effect to the eroticism and sensuality of some stories, like playing that Canon in D while reading the story. I wouldn't have it automatically start, but maybe a start/stop button lets the reader choose that.

Active Ink Slinger
Here's one for everybody to respond to. I'll give the answer I was taught in a few days:

There is that area of the female anatomy, between their pussy and asshole,

What is it called? (And no, I'm not referring to the medical term)

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by eroticwriter26
Holy crap... That's cool, I wonder what's down there? lol

Hmmmm... ................. Big, dark, uh - hole......

Maybe, just maybe...... hey! It's the bottom!!

Active Ink Slinger
That is so cool! While I didn't see the movie, I love that song!!

Active Ink Slinger
I, for one, would like to thank all of you moderators
for the wonderful and mostly thankless job you do.
It's not easy reading over many stories each day when
you have other things that need attending.

I also want to say thanks to Nicola for this wonderful
site. I've seen nothing like it, not that I've been looking
cause I haven't and won't.

Thank you all, LushStoriesStaff!

Active Ink Slinger

Could it possibly be the only one with a pony tail?

She really does have a cute butt!

Active Ink Slinger
I actually think she's quite pretty! Interesting... I don't think I
would last very long either. But, if you put your mind to it, you
can do it.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by WellMadeMale
Imagine life without a cell phone. No internet. No email. No instant communications at your hand.

You have a land line phone in your house, shared by another or up to 7 people.

You or your siblings drive a car (or your parents chaperon you) or you ride with a friend lucky enough to have a car.

Your date for the night has to meet your parent(s). No ifs, ands or buts.

Hookup? That's something done to a tv antenna.

Fake IDs abounded, sure. Booze and drugs were just as prevalent (drugs may not have been as potent). You made out in the backseat of a car at the drive-in theatre or went parking out in the country (which is now 10 to 30 miles farther 'out' in the boonies than it was in 1970 or 1980.

Spending the night at your date's house or at a party fucking til all hours of the morning. Rarely.

This was dating from 16 to 20 years of age for many of us older people.

WMM, well done. Now, take it back further.... 1950's or 1960's....

I was in high school grades 9 thru 12, 1956 to 1960. Many times I made my phone calls on one of those "ancient" dial phones. We used to have the so-called "party line", but got that "Private" line by then. Yeah, the dates were still in a parents car. It consisted of them taking you to your dates home. You get out, walk up and ring the bell or knock on the door. You're met by your date if you're lucky; if not, by the mother or "the dreaded father". They would take you in and sit you on the couch, maybe offer you a soda or juice. "She'll be down in a few minutes" as they shout out for the whole house to know, "Sally, your dates here". You're wearing really nice clothes, sometimes even a "suit", depending on where you were going. "Sally" is wearing a nice, crisply ironed white blouse - buttoned up to her neck and maybe one of those "Poodle" skirts, almost to the floor. Sexy? Yeah... it was back then. All the time your waiting, you get daggers from dad or maybe even the dreaded "3rd degree" about where you're going, who else will be there, what are you going to do...etc. He'll stress that "Sally" has a 10PM curfew and don't you dare break that! You finally get out of the house with your date and into mom's car, sitting - usually in the back seat - so you can hold hands or brazingly put your arm around her. You get dropped off at the movie, diner, or dance. Mom says she'll be back around 9PM, so you'll have time to go to the local drive-in (restaurant, not movie) for a soda or shake before taking you guys back to drop "Sally" off. When you get there, you walk her up to her door, with the porch light on. Maybe mom or dad is peeking out the window, watching you. You also have your own parent watching you both. What do you get now, a kiss? Where, lips or cheek - maybe lips, usually cheek. By then her door is open and a glaring dad is staring you down. But it's not 10PM yet! He tells her, "time to come in" and holds the door for her. You run back to your parents car smiling, cause she said she wants to "go out" again! You go home, jump in bed, and masturbate your heart out. If you went to a movie, you probably held hands or had your arm around her. Maybe, you got to feel a tit. Or, if in the "back row" you made out. But it was the way things were done back then. It was heaven to us...........

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by fystee
Quote by Loislane
Self medicating with those little bottles of jack daniels and diet coke tends to make flying a more relaxing experience lol

I totally agree!

Now why dilute perfectly good Jack Daniels with anything, other than more Jack Daniels!

Active Ink Slinger
"Stupid toll booth again.... I'll just skip this one......" he thinks, stepping on the accelerator.....

Active Ink Slinger
I've dated girls of all sizes... makes no difference to me. I just love girls!!

Active Ink Slinger
I totally agree with the pigeon's comments at the end!!

Active Ink Slinger
This is certainly a tragedy! I, agree that BP "should" fail. I'm positive that they are holding secret meetings with other big oil giants trying to figure out a way to fuck all of us by increasing petroleum product prices to "offset" their losses. Their stock has been declining daily. I'll bet the stockholders are "up in arms" about their losses too. I would certainly love to see the prices on gas/oil "frozen" by executive order. But, that most likely won't happen. Once "Big Oil" gets their collective asses going, they will figure out how to raise prices to fuck all of us and save BP. Every day I watch as they try to get the CEO on tv for interviews and he refuses. It's up to everyone to get after their politicians and force something to be done.

Active Ink Slinger
Hmmmmmm...... Why do some questions asked in the forums sound like they are from somebody not old enough to be on LUSH?

I know this is for girls, but.... Hell, I'm always buttin in anyway...... Even guys can use handheld showers to masturbate.... It's good clean fun!

Active Ink Slinger
I'm another who can relate to everything said. Now that comeback he used, "Bi-Sacksual" is something I'm gonna start using, if anything to see what kind of comments and looks I get when shopping.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by chefkathleen
I think we should all chip in an extra buck and have a tip jar there for them. I'd drop a dime in there every time I went through. OR..
We could have it on Pay Per View. That should pay for it in no time. You would take your chances. $34.95 for two hours of watching people walk through it. And then one time BOOM!!! You could talk about being on to see it for weeks. People would be buying your drinks all night just to hear about the time you were watching PPV when some guy got fried.

I think the whole thing would be great! I'd most likely pay $50.00 for the show!

Active Ink Slinger
That's what I did with my "Dragon".... works great!

I don't know if I can post the link to where I got that picture, but if anybody wants it just let me know... the site has a huge, really big, selection... enough to satisfy just about anybody...

Active Ink Slinger
A lady friend called me last night with a question I can't answer. Her daughter works as a buser in a large hotel restaurant. She was told by some other women not to lift some of the heavy containers of dishes because if she does, it can mess up her reproductive system and she won't be able to have kids. Her mom doesn't know but thinks that isn't true. I do know you can get back strains and pull muscles. Can any of you ladies help??

Active Ink Slinger
All of those BP lawyers, media specialists, and executives should
be arrested for smuggling the smelly brown fecal matter the use
as brains!

Active Ink Slinger
I guess I'll never understand why people make such a big deal of two girls kissing.
A kiss a lesbian does not make! She's probably still fucking guys, so kissing a girl and
possibly having sex would make her bi-sexual, (BI) not a lesbian!

Active Ink Slinger
Up or down, thinks ScarletBlue.... pants up or down.... Hmmmmm, down does feel better!

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Loislane
Quote by gypsymoth
Quote by Loislane
Quote by LadyX
Lots of good info there guys, so go get those enhancements! LMAO!

This is some seriously funny shit.

I know (giggles)...

Gotta love Aubrey Beardsley and those naughty 19th century repressed dudes.

Why is the little one smelling his penis (falls off chair)???

Because he most likely has been doing a little "analizing" of the two behind him.....