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Over 90 days ago
Male, 81
United States


Active Ink Slinger
I totally agree. Withholding sex is a great way to totally ruin a relationship. I had an ex-wife who would do exactly that..... It's the biggest reason she's an "ex!"

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Ace87
Haha I like the girl. She was so shy when she explained what a camel toe is. I wonder if it really works

She really is a cutie... What she should have done is give personal/practical examples! I talked to one girl I was dating about the famous "camel toe". According to her, girls who let their pussy show like that know exactly what's going on and it is intentional.

"Long Live Camel Toe"

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by chefkathleen
What's that guy called Silver?

A target??

Active Ink Slinger
Here you go all......

HELMET = Cut/Circumsized

ANT EATER = Uncut/Uncircumsized

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by nicola
Open the door, there's a whole beautiful world outside.

Nicola! You left the keys in the front door to Lush Stories web site!

Active Ink Slinger
See! There are UFO's after all... I've been saying that for years....

Active Ink Slinger
I've been given thank you's from quite a few girls for looking them in the eyes when talking to them instead of looking back and forth from their eyes to boobs to eyes.

I love making contact with a girl and keeping it instead of looking away when I get caught scoping them out. I've found that they will often invite me over to chat or join me at my table.

Most women have a cleavage slowing for easy access to their "safes"..... If she's wearing a bra..... They keep loose money (one girl wearing a bra even put change in there), wallet, ID's, cell phones, keys, etc. I've never asked what else they carry there besides those items along with their tits......

Active Ink Slinger
Being a oh yeah... gentleman.... I can easily get lost here on lush and read for hours and hours. In the past two days, I read a complete paperback book of 370 pages cover to cover...

Active Ink Slinger
I'm sorry you got a 1, Snake... I couldn't imagine giving a 1 or 2 to anybody unless the story is pure trash in content, spelling, grammar, and style. They should have mandatory comments for both 1 and 2 or that score won't be recorded. I have give a 3 a time or two but very seldom and always tell why. 99% of the stories I read do rate 4 or 5, so I score and comment accordingly. There are so many wonderful authors here on LUSH. While I have visited some of the other sites around, my home is here. Lush Stories is a live, living being in my opinion, may it long grow and thrive!

Active Ink Slinger
This should have been a video about how to make sure the "camel toe" does show!
I've seen girls around here with white pants, not too tight, but not wearing panties
and have a very nice camel toe.......... gotta love it!!

Active Ink Slinger
I have to agree with just about everybody. I really love being with the lady I love, start the foreplay, get down to business, take a little break for more foreplay, repeat... repeat... repeeat.... making it all last as long as possible before that one big finale climax and then into afterplay... and cuddle to sleep....

Active Ink Slinger
Should have sent him to the Plumbing Department, different sizes and they cut to length.....

Active Ink Slinger
I think yes, just look at the IDF, Israeli Defense Force. There are several views of them on YouTube, or you can ask Savanna about them.... My belief is that women have been fighting alongside men since warfare has been in existance. Just because it's a female doesn't mean she can't be a warrior and damn good fighter. Women are serving in front line patrols in both Iraq and Afghanistan now. There are women leading these patrols also. While in the service, I've served with women and would certainly trust my life with them, so why not...

Active Ink Slinger
I answered "Yes" to the survey... It's cool when done by a cute girl while having any type of sexual play....

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by WellMadeMale
Anything longer than 13 minutes is too long?

Would you prefer to make love for a longer period of time than 10-13 minutes?

What's a good timeframe for you? Have you ever noticed how long it takes for you and your partner to achieve climax?

How often have you engaged in marathon fucking? 40 minutes to two hours? What constitutes a marathon, to you?

I've been thinking anywhere to 120! The longer the better... and hope she wears my ass out!

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Charlie_Brown
slip n slide - finger can slip n slide into any hole

And all this time I've been thinking that's what tits and bellies were.... slippy slides... hehehehe

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by ShakespearesHeart
Quote by iceman
I feel very bad for both. He may be one of those guys that will never want kids. Her, being in the Army now, should rethink her position. While being in the military does have advantages, there are also many disadvantages. What if she is assigned to a combat unit and something very terrible happens? He could be left as the sole parent. It would be better, in my humble opinion, if she found someone who will embrace her views also. But, she should also rethink her wanting children while in the Army. Good luck to both.

Women are never put on the frontline iceman....although they do see combat, this is for 2 simple reasons.

1) A man will put his own life before anyone elses to save a woman (distraction)
2) No Nation or country wants to see women coming home in body bags.

Although women are better fighter pilots than men, this has something to do with the structure of the body, they can handle more hahaha (G-force) than men can lol.
Although I've made a joke of it the above paragraph is true.

Obviously you haven't seen the news lately, there are women serving on and leading combat patrols in both Iraq and Afganistan.... and they are coming back home in body bags, missing limbs and otherwise wounded...

Active Ink Slinger
I feel very bad for both. He may be one of those guys that will never want kids. Her, being in the Army now, should rethink her position. While being in the military does have advantages, there are also many disadvantages. What if she is assigned to a combat unit and something very terrible happens? He could be left as the sole parent. It would be better, in my humble opinion, if she found someone who will embrace her views also. But, she should also rethink her wanting children while in the Army. Good luck to both.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Loislane
Quote by roccotool
"The hailstones leaped from the pavement, just like maggots when you fry them in hot grease."

why would you fry maggots in hot grease?? (giggling)

They aren't as much fun as cockroaches!

Active Ink Slinger
Hmmmmm Oh, yeah! Mine are very sensitive, just like a girls. They jump out when it's cold and they love to be handled, kissed, sucked on and nibbled! Go for them, girls!

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by WellMadeMale
Quote by iceman
Quote by richp21
I have written a story, but really need help with editing it. I want to publish but I really suck at grammar and spelling etc.. Can any one help me please?

Most word processing programs have spell check and grammar check. I use Microsoft Word 2003, and run spell check and grammar checks often. On Word 2003, just press F7.

The common mistake I see more often than almost anything else (regarding spelling) and I often do it myself, is...typing the correct spelling of a word while thinking of the non plural, or the plural form - or another word entirely with a correct spelling. (except for accept...their for they're or you instead of let's fuck, etc...)

When I read my manuscript, my eye 'might' see the wrong word, although my brain may accept it. When MS word proofreads my manuscript it will only pick out the typos or the misspellings of words.

But if I meant to type the word: woman ... yet I typed women, unless I am proofing it slowly and pronouncing the words, I may not catch the mistake, and MS Word certainly won't. To the software, there is no mistake, unless you have typed it as womin, wimen, wimon, wuman, etc...

I will have the spell and grammar checking functionality turned on all the time using any software which provides for it to be turned on.

If you don't have access to such functionality, native to your computer you are using - several spell/grammar checking online tools exist, which can be found using Google, and many work very well.

In cases where there is any doubt, it would be good to have an independent party review the story. It's that second set of eyes and a mind that's not on the story that will catch those errors not picked up by the computer's programs.

If anybody at all needs help, just PM me.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by richp21
I have written a story, but really need help with editing it. I want to publish but I really suck at grammar and spelling etc.. Can any one help me please?

Most word processing programs have spell check and grammar check. I use Microsoft Word 2003, and run spell check and grammar checks often. On Word 2003, just press F7.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by rxtales

Can you imagine some girl putting tiny padlocks on them (looks like there could be anywhere from 5-8 places)? And, then getting super horny and wanting to get going, only to have lost the keys??


Active Ink Slinger
Now this, I don't know if our Tech God Gav can do or if it's even possible:

Would it be possible, instead of having "online" under the name of friends and people online,

to have "traffic lights" appear in the corner of the avatar? They could be:



Green.......Online/Accepting chats

If not the little lights, then just those words.

When a member changes their "status" the lights would also change
showing others that they are available, busy, or offline.

This will give a little more information as to the status of friends.

Active Ink Slinger
I was wondering why I couldn't get the "Home Page" to load up
for a while. I think it's great!

Active Ink Slinger
Yes... He did use drugs and booze and then a 13yo girl, illegal in every country.