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3 weeks ago
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I'm gonna have to side with the editors on this one. Just like the forum moderators, they are the unsung hard laborers who actually make this a worthwhile destination.

For me, Lush is a place where I can relax and enjoy stories without being distracted by writers' errors in grammar and usage. Nothing gets me less into a narrative than careless writing. Misused words, misspelled words, run-on sentences, or even full walls of text are far too common on other sites.

Even the great writers of literature are smart enough to understand that editors are a crucial part of the creative process. Authors, after spending many, many hours getting their stories out of their heads and into words frequently overlook minor errors that can ruin an otherwise enjoyable read. Call it the mental equivalent to being nose-blind to funky house smells.

So, yeah, as a reader count me as strongly appreciative of the work the editors do.
Quote by Meagananne1986
I haven't told him flat out no, I won't. That is the problem. By nature, I'm not confrontational. I like to think of myself as consensus builder, a team player. I'd rather he take the hint and not force me to be definitive with him. But those who have responded are probably right. Probably a bit selfish too, but I really wouldn't to take the responsibility for setting someone up if a relationship went sour. I don't want to be matchmaker, even in real life.

Well, there you go. You've clearly stated in the post above why you don't want to do this, and I'll be damned if I can find any confrontation in it at all. As long as you aren't attacking him, e.g. telling him to fuck off, you are keeping it quite diplomatic.

If he still doesn't take the hint, ask him if he's really willing to risk your friendship by his continuous efforts to get you to do something that makes you uncomfortable. If he's really a friend, we all know what his answer should be.
After rereading your OP, one thing really kind of stuck out to me -- that your wife has struggled with weight all her life. This is hardly a surprise to you. Gastric bypass surgery and the lifestyle changes necessary to give it a chance to be effective are difficult. 200 pounds is a tremendous amount of weight to lose. One package of cookies isn't going to reverse all that progress. People succumb once and a while. Guilt isn't helpful.

At some point you found her sexually attractive in spite of her struggles with weight, but now you've lost that attraction. I may be wrong, but it sounds like you're looking for moral support from the members here to cheat on your wife.

Here's the thing -- cheating likely isn't going to help things.
Quote by apptobebad

Now I understand the comb over...
Quote by sprite

i'm not. i took a hammer to it, put all the pieces in a tube, sealed it, and used it as a dildo. GENIUS!

Now THAT'S our Sprite! Brava!

(But I don't think that's what they mean when they talk about glass toys...)
Nope, not a deal breaker.

If it's something both partners want to share, great.

If it's something that is more important to one than the relationship itself, it ain't much of a relationship.
Quote by sprite
Tried it once. All i had as was a full length and i couldn't get it to fit in my vagina...

Never thought of you as a quitter, Sprite...
So, we're finally getting around to truth in advertising!

Seriously, though, what's your beef? Do you find this "trend" offensive? Do you not see the humor in them?

I'd suggest that sexism (and just about every other -ism) has been rampant in advertisements for as long as ads have been running, so I've no problem with having it turned on me for a change.
Could I endure it? No, but I grew up in a toxic household (drunk mother) so your mileage may vary.

Here's the thing. If it bothers you enough to ask strangers about it now, then it's only going to get more disturbing to you in the future. Disappointment will be followed by frustration, leading eventually to resentment. You probably don't want to go there -- it ain't fun.

Cheap advice: Talk to her about it, let her know your concerns, and see what she does. If she's looking for a long-term relationship with you, then her behavior may change for the better.

If it does, you may have found a keeper; if it doesn't, be ready to cut your losses.

Once you've overtaken the car to your right, MOVE THE FUCK OVER!!!

(( Sorry, just spent several long, aggravating days on the interstate highways marveling at the ignorance and/or selfishness of many of my fellow drivers.))
Quote by ar2014

Thanks.. The only hesitation is that I'm married.. and would 2 sex toys from a married guy ring alarm bells.. I was married when I gifted her the first vib too.. and we've discussed sex after my marriage too.. or do these mean something else that I'm not grasping (as in should I consider these as some hints from her end)

It sounds as if you and your friend have a pretty good relationship. Congrats on that.

Here's a question for you -- does your wife know about your generosity to your friend? If not, how do you think she would react to learning about your presenting a very intimate item to another woman as a gift? I'm not judging, but trying to understand the dynamics involved.

Tasty, and importantly, long lasting. This was no scarf and be done treat, this sucker could take a long time to enjoy.


Pretty much colored sugar, and I always suspected that these were simply ground up Sweet Tarts. But it still had value...


Might get some push back on this one, but I was never a fan.
Quote by Buz

My girlfriend (now my wife) and I in college had sex on the G on the middle of the field at Sanford Stadium. It was like past midnight at the time. It's a UGA tradition.

I'll never again hear the phrase "between the hedges" without thinking of you Buz -- gotta love SEC traditions.

BTW: Go Gators! (I changed my avatar for the game -- not that it's likely to make any difference)
I grew up in the early 70's (you know, back when houses were small, party line telephone numbers were common, and neighbors actually knew each other), and the family sedan was the mobile make-out den.

So yeah, I've had car sex. Often.

Still enjoy it every once and a while.
Quote by GabrielSweet
Warm summer night, little MGB, Pulled off the side of a country road under a line of trees and got out and fucked on the hood .... wonderful trip. Still have the pics LoL

Got as far as "MGB" and I was worried -- the human body just isn't designed to bend in ways that would make sex in an MGB possible. I've got a little more room in my GT6, but even that would be a real challenge.
Pipe -- you are facing an uphill battle. You took your relationship for granted, and your wife finally reached her limit. I applaud her courage to get away from a situation that she obviously found to be unbearable.

You have spent a fair amount of time trying to sell yourself to us, but our opinions don't matter. You really need to talk to your wife about whether or not she's willing to reconcile, and if so under what terms. Yep, that's right, she gets to set the ground rules. If you can live with and up to them, then best of luck to you both. If you can't live with them call it a day, wish her the best and move on. Most importantly, if you honestly don't think you could live up to the new rules then tell her up front.

You also gotta make a decision about what's more important -- (a) simply getting your dick wet or (b) having a fulfilling relationship. These aren't mutually exclusive options, but all too often option (a) leads to behavior that undermines option(b).
Quote by cuckgeoff

Thank you. There is an agenda behind the qurstion and iit is not racist or interfering. I was asking a biological question looking to see if anyone had the knowledge, education or experience to give a biological expanation. Instead I get a volley of abuse and neo-phillosophies that has been rammed into a genration that has been programmed to bight without reason or widdom!

There's an old axiom: If you want a quality answer, ask a quality question.

I find no fault with any of the answers provided given the broad and undefined nature of your original post, which frankly came across as a little racist. Folks took umbrage to the tone, and then you got your knickers in a twist because they didn't understand the actual (unrevealed) motivation for asking the question in the first place.

We can all try to do better, can't we?
Quote by marie5555

Who was it who said, "'England and America are two countries divided by a common language'?

George Bernard Shaw (most likely)
First off, congrats on your recovery. Tough thing to do, but keep it up.

As to your relationship -- you guys really need to talk this one out. She apparently feels the need to try to keep this secret from you; you apparently feel the need for validation of your suspicions. Combined, that's almost certainly going to lead to conflict and heartbreak.

Look, she knows you far better than anyone here does. Maybe she's guilty about what went on (if anything did...) while you were apart. Maybe she's afraid of how you will react. She may not be finding the emotional support she needs at home. She could be miffed that you won't believe her when she tells you there's nothing to the relationship, and yet you continue to invade her privacy. Perhaps you may not fully accept the pull impact that your years of addiction may have had on her. Maybe since your recovery, she finds you a much different man than she's known for so long. The list could go on forever. Only she can answer these questions, and you need to be willing to accept the answers.

Hope it works out for you both, either together or apart.
Quote by SugarBaby2013

Now why do I think that the person snapping the pic came up with the idea for party attire?
Quote by MrAve

I mentioned forced since back then there were no swim suits allowed in the pool in the old days.

Ah, much better than I feared. "Forced" can mean so many things, and most of them imply non-consensual. Glad it was harmless.

Yeah, swimming in the buff is pretty AOK in my book. The wife & I have gone to nude beaches on a couple of continents, and we've always found them to be quite pleasant.
Quote by MrAve
I got hooked when I was forced to swim nude at the YMCA as a young man.

I'm sure there's a story behind this statement, but I'm not sure I want to hear it...
Quote by youngblackdangerous
I know things will cost. However, I want to get what I am paying for. I am willing to spend. Just would like better things than VS has to offer

I think the girls are trying to make sure you DO get what you pay for -- which in this case would be an appreciative girlfriend.

You skimp on lingerie, and the hit to the wallet will be the least of your regrets.

Trust me: Don't follow your instincts on this. Splurge. Think of it as a long term investment that will keep paying returns (provided you get the right size that is...)
Not sure if this has been suggested before (I really haven't taken the time to wade through the first 115 pages), but here goes:

Would it be possible to enable a "go to first unread post" feature in the forum pages? Right now, it's either start from the beginning of the thread or go to the last post. I know that some bb programs allow this, but don't know if the program here would support it.

Thx for the consideration.
+1 on the oversensitive thought.

It's a common courtesy that you shouldn't over think (unless the gal says "after you, Gramps.") As long as you are holding the door for others when you can, then everyone's banking good Karma points. I hold doors open when I can, and smile and say thanks when they are held for me. It's a win/win for all involved.