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1 month ago
Straight Male, 34
0 miles · Florida



The Treck Back to Love Again

The survival of those who had their love and trust betrayed

Return to me my precious one And I’ll return to you in spades. Come with me towards the sun Where neither love nor passion fade. The trip we’ll take through loves lost lives, Include those on lush whose hearts lie dark. Those with hearts cut deep by loves knives. ‘tis true time heals but the cut leaves it’s mark. Return to me my precious one And I’ll return to you in spades. Come with me towards the sun Where neither love...

The Night I Was Pickle Fucked

Was it a dream? Or real? Surely a dream?

As pickles in a barrel, constrained I feel A pickles life seems just surreal As pickle A fucks pickle B “I’m in a pickle” says he. Lumped together against their will They live in the brine and raunchy dill. Until alas they accept their lot of life within the pickle pot. I once peeked in the barrel at night And witnessed the horrid pickle plight For some ‘twas a game of fuck me please As the cukes fucked freely ‘tween kosh...

My Life's Valentine

True passion shines in life long Valentines.

You were my Valentine when we were teens And when we married at twenty-one, my Valentine you remained Each year without fail I gave you nature and greens And when we were thirty your presence my soul barely contained On each anniversary I painted you my feeling The reds of passion and the blues of lust Each year you had me reeling From my depths I craved you, to have you I must As the years flew by my passion never bored...

A Quatrain Just For You!

Even when I muse and ponder and play with words, what I do I do for her.

I wrote a quatrain just for you in hopes you'd fuck me all night through But must we follow rules and such fuck the rules 'tween your legs I'll touch. Pen in hand refreshed anew, I wrote a quatrain just for you. And so it goes when creative thoughtcan add to sex a masters thought. I ponder how the rules of rhyme are like you sucking me a second time.  I wrote a quatrain just for you to suck my cock and fuck me too. I than...

Joe Pisses Me Off

Joe and Chanel team up to punish me

Joe entered the room with his usual cocky flare. He alwaysseems to feel like no matter how late he is that nothing happens until he gets there. He pisses me off big time. But I have to bite my tongue because my mistress is passionate over Joe and I am already due for punishment. As a matter of fact it was the purpose of this get together. “ What’s in the bag sexy Joe?” Chanel asked from across the room. “Just my latest pu...

My Admission and Punishment

I was guilty of poor behavior and this poem is my punishment

My girlfriend master is livid! I cost her a dear friend and with it, my actions have made her look bad so punishment now must be had. I now must admit before all of you here that my actions have been most intrusive. Not only to her but to a dear man to whom I must bow for being abusive. My punishment is embarrassing for sure, For I must apologize before you in panties midst laughter. So I don these pink frillies and not a...

Nightmare's Cure

She is my cure for life's past horrors.

I begin to write subdued and meek but ever grasping the ring I seek. As we circle back a final time I grab the ring. It’s finally mine. I was told the ring would bring reward, that the quest could end in death by sword The modern sword a mortar shell. Hit the ground or run like hell. Tuck and roll as I hit the ground to distant exiting chopper sound. Extracting wounded fathers and mates Made the risk worth all of Satan’s...

On Love I No Longer Wait

I waited on true love all my life. It finally has come.

On love I wait. I thought I loved. I loved not. Now I love in truth. Now I love in truth. But still I wait. Not ON love any more do I wait. But now I wait FOR my love. But now I wait FOR my love. Her time is scant and fleeting. Mine is spent on her behalf. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. For but moments of loving focus. Me thinks at times I am just her Fuck. But still I wait for I know I am more. But...

O.O.O. ( Otherworldly Oral Operations )

I am sucked by a controlling apperition

At passions dusk on a dreamy night,  I imagine you in flickering moonlight. As the light peeks through the breezy branches,  A misty silvery sheen your nudity enhances. I can barely make out in the Moorish hue If the apparition is even you. But through the seeming out of body connection we share I knew from my gut that you were there. So I approached a little closer with cautious attention, My cock reaching full and passi...

Sexy Intruder Caught at My Alaska Cabin

I arrived at my vacant Alaskan cabin and found to my delight a sexy homesteader.

The snow secretly crept into the wooded valley like a silent thief stealing the mountain’s foliage. It was delivering a peaceful white blanket of a fresh new season. It was a cold, dark night. My destination was a mountain cabin so far into the forest that I had to walk the last three miles of the trip.  Already I could feel the warmth of the fireplace. I was in excited anticipation of the hot rabbit stew I had planned to...

Deceit disguised as honest love Can be the bow to break A once sound bond sealed above And cause ones heart to ache. To claim a woman’s heart is grand Enough to love multi men Is fantasy, a house built on sand And it will come crashing down it’s just a matter of when. The other man’s words behind the back In private carves out its piece of heart Slowly destroys and hack by hack Will chop two lovers apart. Piece by piece t...

Seduction By My Internet Lover

A man I deeply loved but never met seduced me with massage.

I lay blindfolded face down with such intense anticipation for the touch I have waited so long to experience. I heard him come into the room with a gentle quietness and felt his presence brush along my side as he positioned himself above me. Never speaking a word. Then it came. The first time he touched me. He began the massage by placing his open hand in the center of my bare back. At once my nervous intimidation detache...

In The Clouds

My sweeties juices drunken me

As I fly above the billowing puffs Of misty cotton sexy tufts I imagine frolicking aloft with you Midst the passion puffs of milky dew. My mind plays silly as I look down We fall to the clouds and bounce around As giggling silly kids we play Amidst the heavens on our special day. For ‘tis the month and day we met A full year gone I can't forget The first time we kissed so sweet Now I’m in clouds each time we meet. Now I a...

Name The Wind

My love is as the wind. I cannot change her nor do I wish to.

Mysterious, powerful, relaxing; all words that describe the wind It’s everywhere and nowhere. So perplexing!  It’s will, no man dare rescind. She refreshes more than sun or seas When she chooses to wear her outer breeze  Just as quickly she dons her wrapping gloveEnveloping all with winds of love. She has neither shape nor substance true But when she chooses to blow on you  Refreshment comes as morning dewShe dries your b...

Carnal need satisfied

A poem of my pride for the service that my precious love provides.

Her heartgoes out to those of you Who languish lost from loves adieu. The lingering taste of a love’s goodbye Creates thereby a needful guy. My sweet Chanel’s heart of empathy Can feel your loss and set you free From jilted love’s created need And willingly fills your carnal greed. She’ll foreplay with the jilted man She’ll stroke him softly with passions hand. She’ll let him fondle her perfect breasts As she massages and...