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Over 90 days ago
Fluid Male, 69
United States


Active Ink Slinger
"Thats why bras are there to avoid embarresment "

No one should ever be embarrassed about themselves.
I enjoy all forms and shapes of the human body.
Active Ink Slinger
My DH prefers a Vibe to my finger, I added that a few years back.
Leaves it easier to hit her g-spot while working the important outside areas.
Active Ink Slinger
Maybe the question might be to women who like group sex.
Enjoy watching when two ladies pair up and two guys pair up.
How do couples that may enjoy swinging enjoy same sex situations?
There are women and men who truly enjoy sex with both genders.
Active Ink Slinger
I thought it was a nude male with six pack abs with a six inch, thick well shaped cock, bringing a lady chocolates.

Quote by Lovetoo69
What fantasy turns you on the most?
Active Ink Slinger
Same here, that is the perfect size, gravity takes hold at some point in life anyway.

Quote by Simmerdownchick
as a lesbian, I much prefer smaller than large. I never find huge boobs sexy. 34c is about perfect. Just the right size to always look perky. Yours are beautiful, though. Very nice picture of you
Active Ink Slinger
"What part of a girl you look at first when you see her?"

Honest answer.

1. Her Bum
2. Her eyes
3. Her brain
4. Intelligent
5. Boobs
6. Height and Shape
7. Sense of humor
Active Ink Slinger
Their minds

Quote by vsaraiya123
Which part of your body do you consider most sexy?
Active Ink Slinger
For me if my wife does not orgasm the love making is not complete, it is my priority, I work on improving them all the time.
Read about some new idea of oral trick and often she may ask about it later, like what was that was that I do that time it felt great.
I can not recall a time ever when we make love that my wife has not had a orgasm, sometimes several, once during a medication change was last I recall.
Happy to see your wife has kept an adult attitude about sex and lovemaking, sadly I think mine maybe gone for good.
My concern is other options are available both females and males. I am being tempted by both.

Quote by drillsarge2
Active Ink Slinger
@Taggerdoo sorry to hear about your situation, I know how frustrating it can be. My wife and I still have sex, but there is less or little passion on her part. She enjoys me pleasuring her and claims it is quite satisfying. In return she does not do anything to improve our sex together.

Everything new I have to suggest. She was not always this way, some years back she was into sex and love making. Now that the kids are grown and gone, we have time to do what we want. She just never seems to do anything more than our normal pattern of oral and then intercourse missionary. It took me 20 years to get her to spoon with me or try doggie.

I read all the time on ways to improve how I satisfy her and try the new things, most times she likes them. But she is regressing in her oral desire or skills, she just does not seems to be into sex. It is now down to Sunday's at noon we shower and she puts on lotion and other creams for her skin. Then come to bed and lays there with her legs locked together while I warm her up. Sometimes she may start to fondle my cock but not often. If I did not push for some variety it would be the same thing over and over again.

I am loosing interest, I try in everyway to make her feel beautiful, sexy and try to show her that in and out of bed. I can not recall the last time she snuggled up next to me in bed at night. It seems to be a one way effort that I am beginning to feel it is not longer worth the effort. I just do not understand how I can put some much effort into her feeling good about herself and she does not seem to want to reciprocate. For the record I am still in good shape and well groomed. Other women want me.

Quote by Taggerdoo
I have a similar problem in my marriage. My wife is self conscious of her body, which is quite in great shape. She's 59, very petite, and is sexy. But in her attitude she is so straitlaced she makes Mother Teresa look look a pole dancer. We no longer have sex, haven't in years. She seems to have completely lost all interest in sex. She doesn't seem to have a yen for anyone else either, so infidelity isn't an issue. I'm at a complete loss. She never did have a sex drive that came close to mine. The kids are grown and gone so it's like "Alright, done with all that nastiness. Anyone for a snack?" I have had to content myself with viewing porn and masturbating for release. Not how I intended to end up! If you get an answer, pass it along. Until then, you are not alone, my friend.
Active Ink Slinger
I do appreciate the insight and I do understand she sees her flaws the wrinkles etc. That is why I always complement her and try to make her feel sexy.
Most times it is not ever when we are nude or making love, just in general when talking.
It is frustrating when I can not express her beauty where she understands it herself.

Quote by Dani
Two things:

1. Women's bodies and their perceptions of their bodies change. A lot. Well, people in general. But I digress. Aging takes a toll on the psyche and self-esteem. You may think she's perfect, but she may be thinking about that extra wrinkle that wasn't there a year ago. Factor in giving birth and the toll it takes on the body, and all types of external messages she may be receiving. Self-consciousness is a bitch. Be sensitive to that.

2. I'm sure you're gonna get lots of helpful (and perhaps not so helpful) insight in the replies to come. However, none of it will compare to actually talking to your wife about how she's feeling.
Active Ink Slinger
I have found the longer my wife and I are married the more modest she is getting. I am not sure why.
He body looks good and I express this all the time in a honest genuine way, she still looks hot to me.
We have been together for over thirty years and this was not and issue when we were both younger, I am six years older than her.
I am in not bad shape for my age and thought as she got older she would be less modest, time would seem to do this I thought.

But the opposite seems to be the case. I have read in the forums some women are like my wife.
I can not ever recalling saying anything negative to her about anything about her body, I still ravage her in bed.
Why do some women become more self conscious around a mate she has been in bed with for so many years?

We made babies together I have taken care of her when sick, complement her with loving statements, nothing works.
Like some women when she looks in the mirror she sees mostly only her flaws, I see a hoot women.
Do other couple who have been married all this time find modest becomes worse, if so why?

To be honest it gets frustrating when you want to relax naked next to your lover and she can not relax.
This was not always the case, that is what is puzzling, why it my wife less comfortable with me or mature women in general?
Active Ink Slinger
Sadly so to some men it does, some believe in a double standard.

Go Bucs

Quote by BethanyFrasier
No, do men?
Active Ink Slinger
Nothing lovelier than seeing a bare chested woman riding a horse, my neighbor does this from time to time.
Their farm field comes close to our property, she is a lovely lady and I enjoy watching her ride.

I think she does not know how close the two fields touch and the view we have from our barn loft, we live in a private area.
She has done this a few times on hot summer days, her hubby and her has skinny dipped with us on hot summer nights.
It makes my heart race watching her, I am sure it does the same for her husband who if often working the fields.

Quote by BethanyFrasier
I grew up on a horse farm, so what does that tell you?
Active Ink Slinger
Height is relative to the male person or female person may like. Much depends on the persons height.
My former fiance was my height 5' 10" ended, then I met my wife 5' 4" both very different sexy ladies.

My son is shorter in stature and he had concerns with height, his girl friend is just slightly taller.
He found a look of girls preferred taller men. so college was a challenge in that area for him, but in the end her found someone.
I think it is less about height as it is about the person, height is secondary to me.

Quote by MrSexyLaugh
How much does a woman's height matter to you?

Active Ink Slinger
There are some very good massage oils on Amazon, I buy our oils there.
I often read coconut oil seems a well enjoyed lube.
Active Ink Slinger
How old are your kids? If he is truly a great father how long till the leave for college?
When my wife and I had a hard time I stayed fore the kids, and in the end it worked out for both of us.
For me, unless you are fighting or life for the kids is suffering, I felt it was my obligation to them to keep a family.
Active Ink Slinger
Thanks Metilda for being honest, not that other women replying are not honest.
Many women will say it does not mater when in fact it does matter, and it will end up effecting the relationship at some point.

I am average so I am told and from guys I have seen erect I guess I am for the most part.
One lady friend was a lot of fun in bed but I could tell she was larger in size than prior partners I had been with in bed.
We had fun and I am creative with oral which she enjoyed, but I do not think it was as satisfying as a intercourse orgasms for her.

I also did not have tighter feeling I enjoyed with past sex partners, it is hard for me to explain the feeling.
We never were exclusive and at one point she did become exclusive to a male friend who was much larger than me.
Some years later over some wine she told me I was the best guy at oral she had ever been with, but enjoyed the full feeling.

I thanked her for her honesty, we clicked in most other ways and were getting closer emotionally at one point.
If we had gotten close and she tolerated the smaller size I would think at some point she would seek more.
I just recall the fond memories of the fun we had and how open and honest she was about size and her needs.

Sometimes I wonder if this is not one of the reasons men and or women cheat later in their marriage.
Women and men come in different sizes, men are just easier to see the difference when erect.
I would much prefer a woman be open and honest with me than satisfy with something less, and regret it later.

Quote by Metilda

It does to me. Apologies to all the guys out there who aren't endowed. I'm shallow and self centered. I've never been with a small guy. I've been with average and up. Average was ok I guess. Gspot orgasms were hit or miss during sex. Bigger is better. Gspot orgasms are guaranteed.

Others don't care and that's great. If my husband was small I probably wouldn't know what I was missing.
Active Ink Slinger
I was with many of them when I was young, they were mostly all fun.
Now I prefer mature women who know what they want and are less concerned about how to get it.
I could not see may self with a woman under 25 and that is way young for me.
Active Ink Slinger
I can fully understand why they would, and having had a PE issue I can tell you most times in is extremely embarrassing.
Sadly it happened to me more than once when I was a teen.
Most of the ladies understood and we ended having fun, one laughed and that ended the evening and my confidence, at least for awhile.

Quote by BethanyFrasier
Almost the second I took his cock in my hand. I was getting ready to blow him. He was very embarrassed, but guys tend to get over-excited with me the first time.
Active Ink Slinger
I have done that many times before, what was odd was the lack of wetness and ejaculation.
Everything was solid as a rock my wife got off a few long good Orgasms, mostly oral related.

But I was not able to unload thought it felt like one was there. If you know the feeling.
I would have the intense feeling some what as a orgasm but dry, no fluids or ejaculation, all dry.
It felt more intense with progression as I was hand stimulated but each time as expressed before.

Odd, that is why I asked, I had not quite this thing happen before. Thanks for the feed back.

Was able to back in my thirties & early fourties. Fell out of practice after age 45 when with a long term companion of fifteen years. Have been practising again the past year, but it has been different as at age 62 the dic performs differently even when properly hard. Now when I edge my semen leaks out slowly like precum & after several advances & back I dont squirt a wad when I fianlly do release full orgasm.
Active Ink Slinger
How many times can it be done?

Quote by mxxx
I have especially when I used a toy called Aneros. Great toy
Active Ink Slinger
It had not happened before or since, not sure what it was but it was as good as an orgasm, maybe better.

Quote by mranonymous7

I don't think so
Active Ink Slinger
I think more like you trimmed and or shaved. But I have read a very few ladies who like a lot of hair.
Keeping myself well groomed has worked for me before and after marriage.

Quote by TheWalkingDead
Damn, I was just curious about how ladies like their guys pube style........didn't know it was gonna start a pissing match
Active Ink Slinger
I have always enjoy oral sex with my female lovers, the pleasure it provides is very satisfying.
Taking time and edging my wife to her deep low moan is why I read about new technics all the time to improve my skills.
I am very much into pleasuring my wife to the point of wanting to do it even if we do not make love.
My only wish is my wife who does do okay at blow jobs would be more into doing it with enthusiasm.
Active Ink Slinger

Quote by bill11
I fully agree it feels so much better with a closed warm mouth. It all for the camera and the visual effect. Just like you never see many prior guys cum inside of there girls. Yes I am with you on this
Active Ink Slinger
Good description

Quote by Candyonheels
Well there are cocks and then there are DICKS..... hmm
Active Ink Slinger
Help your BF learn the things his father knows and does that makes your loins happy.
Stamina many times comes with age, if your BF finds out, I expect it will not be pretty and you could lose both.

Quote by arjinof
Thanks Liz and Laura.

To be honest, this is the truth. I am in love with both of them. I love my BF very romantically and father in law in a more sexual way. Every night when i go to sleep, i think fo stopping this affair. But next day we fuck. It goes on.

My current situation is i want both of them. I can't choose one for another. What should i do ?