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Over 90 days ago
Fluid Male, 69
United States


I do appreciate you feedback as well as everyone else. Since my stories are mostly graphic I often refer to the penis and vagina.
Everyone's suggestion will help me with future stories to have more variety in my descriptions.

Quote by traddis
my thoughts suggest description of genitals should be sexy without being vague. more important I think is not to be coarse, descriptions like fuck hole and shit tube are nasty and juvenile and I think twat verges on the coarse side as well. again if you wish to use pussy add adjectives eg hot pussy, fat pussy. drooling, quivering,soft, hard, excited, fat. the list of "what types of pussy" are numerous sorry I used "fat" twice, got excited
Now that we are empty nesters we do spend more time making love.
A lot depends on how honey we are or if we want it to last longer.
We often have sex with my love on top pf me doing long slow thrusts as I oil massage her back and hips.
Sometimes when we do this we can going for an hour and a half or longer.
All depends on what mood we are in on that given day.

Oo0pPps...did not read the end, I would rather have multiple orgasms.

Best part is peeing out doors at night, can't miss, saves water, good for the environment saves the septic system,.
We live is a secluded place in the country, no worries of neighbors.

Quote by 69Kisses96

Is there an echo in here? ;=)
Do not forget to write your name in the snow...

Quote by Lauradj
I'd pee standing up. That'd be the first thing I'd do.
Are you talking with men, women or both?

Quote by greysgirl87
Just curious. Are all men inclined to want to try anal sex or is that too much of a fantasy?
Great picture, well composed, the topic is helpful, not that a old guy like me needs.

Quote by SereneProdigy

Noted. I'm still unsure about some points though...

Sprite, I just sent you 9 dick-pics, can you analyze them and tell me which one you prefer?

One of them seems rather nice, but you can see my American bulldog licking his balls in the background.

PS: Seriously, this is actually quite a nice guide. I've never sent any dick-pics (and luckily I don't receive any), but yeah, some of the pictures I encounter on random guys' profiles are quite... distasteful.
We are like Avis, we try harder...

Quote by BethanyFrasier
Why is this in ask the guys? Girls are the best pussy-eaters!
I prefer a shower and towel

Quote by colin123
how many guys like to clean there lady up with there tongue after sex ?
I need to refine the times I may use the words and in context to the sex action, I found a lot by searching slang for vagina.
But as mentioned I do not want a word to distract from the moment in the story.

Quote by Burquette

I agree with this. It really does depend on the piece.

What I don't want is to get so creative that it distracts from the sex. If I call it her Venus Flytrap, you're not going to be thinking about what I want you to during the sex scene.
Thant is a good word, I may use it if that is okay, licking her Yoni sounds better than cunt.

Quote by Meggsy

One of my lovers always referred to my vagina as my Yoni. He found the reference in the Karma Sutra - now I know is origin - thanks Beth.
I will remember that when I write my next story - it has a nice sound to it - the word - not my Yoni.
I have never heard it referred to as a Sperm Bank until I read it here.- Deposits are frequent in mine and a withdrawal always follows.
I agree, that is one reason I shied away, but you and other have helped better define context.
I simple search for slang vagina brings up many suggestions, I needed, wanted a women's input as to what seemed right.
Thank you very much again for your help!

Quote by sprite

using cunt for genitalia and calling a women a cunt are two very different things. wouldn't suggest the later smile
Buzz your input seems to mirror Raven with much more emotion aspect part of word use tense, your style show based on your writing.
I have not used the word 'tallywhacker' yet since when I do I think of my dad, who liked to use that word around the bro and myself when he was kidding.
I appreciate your help and suggestions for word use structure.

Quote by Buz
Cunt and twat are great words to use during sex. What is especially great is for both the guy and the woman to both use the words in expressing their passion. Those words let you both know, you're really fucking. not just having sex, but FUCKING!

When she yells out at me, "Fuck my slutty cunt!" Wow! That does the trick.

Two of my favorite words for genitalia (though I don't think I have an ultimate favorite, but I do love these) are 'snatch' for pussy and 'tallywhacker' for dick. Though saying 'tallywhacker' used during sex might cause you to giggle. But if you're married or long time and truly impassioned, a few laughs while fucking doesn't hurt at all and certainly doesn't hinder anything.

'Snatch' is a great word to use anytime, even while fucking. "Oh, babe, your damn snatch is really dripping. It's oozing all down my chin."

Sex requires a lot of noise, talking, and intense physical passion! Dirty words make it great!
Thanks Raven your comparisons for the word use it spot on, my graphic stories most always have passionate descriptive scenes rendering tender wording seems best.
Everyone has been very helpful with ideas, I just need to process them as I proceed through my next stories, oral on a pussy seems better than a cunt comes to mind.
Thanks for the suggestions on words, a few I have not used before.

Quote by RavenStar
For me, it often depends on the tone of the sex. If it's emotional and romantic, slow and sensual, I tend to stick with more flowery terms, like core, center, chanel, lips, folds, slit, and pussy. Something more active, more passionate, will earn words like cunt, snatch, quim, and the ones above with more vivid descriptors, like tight, eager, dripping, hungry, needy, swollen. The most depraved of scenes that I will write tend to use terms like fuckhole, along with very hedonistic descriptors and the other words above.

It's all about being creative within the kind of scene that you're wanting to paint. smile
Times have changed, the woman who did not like it when I tried writing years ago is lost in space.
We were on a photography channel that was trying writing on the side, the website is now gone, it was re-enforced by other women.

One person who told me a very long time ago the only thing you can not call a women is a "cunt" was my mother.
I appreciate the feedback Sprite.

Quote by sprite

some women don't like the word. some of us, however, embrace it.
I appreciate the feedback, some of the suggestions have been enlightening, most like vajayjay were acceptable.
One time when I wrote a story I was told never to use "cunt" but that was years ago, maybe times have changed. Thanks Sprite

Quote by sprite
cunt works. so does yamyam or vajayjay. or there's always Celeste.
Thanks for the input, the fruit idea is one I have not used.

Quote by Deliciaa
Peach, Cherry, Slit, Snatch.... the author girls would tell you more smile
I mentioned to Chuck, I thought "cunt" would offend women, I gather it does not.

Quote by HeraTeleia

I think I use the word "cunt" more often than any other word for the vulva/vaginal areas and vaginal canal specifically, in my pieces.
Thanks Chuck, the men I think I cover fairly well, your suggestions for women is interesting.
Of the lady suggestions I wondered about "cunt, twat" if those were offensive to women when they read a story.

Quote by ChuckEPoo
Men: Werner, cock, wanger, love tool, ramrod, instrument of love, dick, erection, penis, and if you are clinical, phallus.

Women: Pussy, cunt, twat, vulva, Vijay, love tunnel, vagina, sperm bank, or womanhood.
It is/was auto correct, thanks for the feedback, I have tried that one before

Quote by oceanrunner
[I'm assuming woman's gentiles is an autocorrect. If so, it's one of the best ever.]

I'm a guy, so maybe you don't want my answer to your question, but my experience has been that every woman I've known has different reactions to different words, including those for male genitalia. It's your story -- I'd go with what turns you on.

As a suggestion for a male's equipment, I'd suggest "purple helmet warrior."
This for me is a question more for the women who might read this question.
Is it offensive to call a women's bits a pussy all the time, or is some other tasteful descriptions okay, what are they?
I fine myself in a rut calling male side cocks, dick, manhood, etc... I know what I think is acceptable, I hope.

When writing a story and needing to refer to a woman's gentiles what is okay, and how often?
Do I just keep using vagina and pussy? Is there a resource for help on this question?

As I learn how to write and improve my writing I find questions like this one had to find an answer.
I have done many nude pictures and given or sold them to friends and customers.
My wife will not do that for me, but I do use a Vibe with her during oral, which I very much enjoy.

Quote by tm57
do you use dildos on yourself or does your gf peg you?
My humbled feeling was due to PE which is a hell for younger men.
Sam Walton, had brunch with him at his home back in the early eighties.
It would concern me , but a lot would all depends on the timing and reason.
The picture is a bit of sarcastic humor.

Quote by Nikki703

I agree with you that sometimes it is fun to offend, LOL! I had a few posts I made taken down. Being Catholic, I assumed that since they didn't offend me they wont offend other Catholics which was wrong. While I do not always agree with all the Lush rules, I do try to abide by them. Like you said, Rules is Rules. For the most part we do have a lot of freedom here.

Although I do miss the Trump Pole Vaulting Post!! HAHA

I agree, there are things we keep only to ourselves.

Quote by Shylass

Thank you for the reply.

Yes, quite a few things.
amen... could not have put it better myself.

Quote by michk111
For me there is a difference between "making love" and "fucking". Sure all the same parts are used but for me it's completely different.

Making love is about an emotional connection. It's a shared intimacy. I know I'm overly romantic but it's about the two of you being one.

Fucking is about a raw passion. It's a basic animal need.

There are times when I crave the intimacy of making love and there are times that I crave the passion of fucking. And to make things even more confusing it can completely change in the middle.

How's that for a non-answer answer?