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A Night In Calabria

The Lover's Reunion and Renewal

A Night in CalabriaMelissa felt that old surge of excitement and anticipation which electrifies her body as she dressed for an encounter with I Desire. The Great Goddess Aphrodite had whispered to her to come back here to Calabria, to Pizzo on the Costa Viola. The insistent voice in her head had to be obeyed, and so she duly departed from Alexandria, Egypt to arrive on the Calabria coast. Naturally, she instinctively knew...

Encomium of Helena

A close encounter based on real events.

Encomium to ΕλένηAthena, Patron Goddess of AthensGrey-Eyed, Goddess of War and WisdomWhen did you hear my plea? And send dark haired HelenaAcross land and SeaTo bring her close to meThe daughter of Greece caught my eye in the university cafe bar. My eyes were immediately drawn to her, and beside her I went to sit. She sat there, head down in a book, her long black hair falling forwards. In order to attract her attention,...

An Invitation from Aphrodite

Melissa and Desire receive a gift from Aphrodite.

Melissa woke slowly, she felt the body heat of another, stronger than Desire's heat, with which she was familiar with. The heat of another body, a hotness of flesh not human, but divine. As her head cleared of the dreams and visions her sleep brought her. A scent began to fill her nostrils, the scent of Kyphi, the most precious and rare scent of the ancient world, sacred to the Goddesses. Melissa opened her eyes, Desire w...

Cloudy DayCloudy DaysWalking aloneWondering now, where is home.A gentle mist shrouds my eyesHer face appears like visions out of the skiesRemembering how love that flourished now has diedI know how much I’ve cried. You can ask yourself whySilence is my only replyThe day she decided to end our loveThe Sky above was grey.Recalling days and nights of passion fuelled loveTimes we would not wait to undressNo time to waste for...

The Shoreline

On Love and Loss

The Liquid stream that fills your veinsBlood made from the water, from whence you and I came.The Blood that made our bond so deep bleeds from woundsI cannot staunch its flow; perhaps I do not wish it so.I loved you once, I still do.Although you left me with a bleeding heart, time won’t heal,I recall the hours and days, of unbridled passion that time can’t steal.On lonely days I wander my way, to the coastline.Not so many...

Helene of Troy

In praise of Helen of Troy

Helen of Troy  Spartan Queen Hair of Spun Gold I will always love you Your sensual beauty will never grow old Skin the colour of warm honey Soft and velvet touch I cry for you Wish I had been able to have given you love Woman to woman They say your face launched a Thousand ships Is that true? I only know my heart bleeds for you Queen of Sparta Three thousand years too late for me to know From lofty towers of Ilion You onc...

An Ancient Egyptian Affair

An afternoon of lesbian love in Ancient Egypt.

In the time of the duration of the Lady Rennefer’s life, Kemet was ruled by a woman. The ancient Egyptians had no word which could be translated as Queen. A king’s wife was known as ‘The Great Royal Wife’. And yet Hatshepsut ruled as a King. Hatshepsut was Regent to the young Thuthmosis IIII. With the favour of the Priesthood of Amun, she declared herself as Amun’s chosen one. The kingship then was a joint one, only Hatsh...

The Violet Coast: The Seduction of Melissa

One Girl's Journey to Immortality

Melissa made her way along the narrow little street, feeling hemmed in by the houses as she made her way towards the sea front. The daylight was fading, lights were coming on in the town square, and along the seafront. Finding an intimate and charming cafe, she decided to enter. Melissa seated herself where she could look across an open terrace. A thought crossed her mind. The view is so beautiful. This place is like a he...

Samhain Night The night air chills. Northern leaves glow golden and fall with the sun. Our nipples stiffen and touch sensually before our lips join. Our fire-dance is nigh, my sister. The scent of damp and decaying leaves fill the air, as the nights shorten and darkness comes ever earlier. Bodies are fevered with expectation, nipples swollen and lips moist as the greatest night of the Pagan year, draws ever closer, my dea...