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An Ancient Egyptian Affair

"An afternoon of lesbian love in Ancient Egypt."

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In the time of the duration of the Lady Rennefer’s life, Kemet was ruled by a woman. The ancient Egyptians had no word which could be translated as Queen. A king’s wife was known as ‘The Great Royal Wife’. And yet Hatshepsut ruled as a King. Hatshepsut was Regent to the young Thuthmosis IIII. With the favour of the Priesthood of Amun, she declared herself as Amun’s chosen one. The kingship then was a joint one, only Hatshepsut kept her junior partner very much in her shade. This was a time of dominant female power.

The Lady Rennefer was born of a highly placed noble family. Her family served the state in a variety of functions, and were wealthy landowners with close ties to the royal family. All her family also carried out important religious functions within the Great Temple of Amun, ‘Ipet-Esut. The Most Esteemed of Places’.

Rennefer was from birth, considered by her parents to be an exceptionally beautiful child. Now fully mature at 20 years old, she was indeed a fine and comely maiden.

Rennefer was as tall and as slender as a willow branch. Her breasts were large and well rounded; the large dark brown nipples always appeared to be trying to push their way through the fine diaphanous linen she was usually clothed in. Her face was oval, her large dark brown eyes having the classic almond shape. The lips are large and fleshy, and she often appeared as if she was constantly pouting; her nose was straight and narrow, elegant. The colour of her skin was a rich deep copper: smooth and without flaw. A girl in her prime time, Rennefer was the epitome of sexual desire. Her navel crowned a firm hard belly. At the meeting place of her long firm thighs, her sex was naked, shaved completely in the Egyptian custom and softened by liberal amounts of the oil of olives.

In the heat of midday, Rennefer was sitting under a pavilion on her family’s roof garden, which sat atop the grand residence, befitting people of high status. It was year 8, day 3, in the season of Peret under the majesty of “ The Good Goddess, The Lady of the Two Lands: The King of Upper and Lower Egypt: Maatkare, Beloved of Amun-Re, The King of the Gods: The Daughter of the Sun of his body, his beloved Khnemet-Amun, Hatshepsut”.

The heat of the day was stifling, the air as dry as an ancient papyri. Despite being under the shade of the garden pavilion, Rennefer was perspiring profusely. She ran her fingers through her black hair, which was heavily scented with ‘antyw’ oil, made from precious myrrh.

Her personal servant, Tanezem gently fanned her mistress, with a large fan made from ostrich feathers; however her mistress was feeling hot. This blood heat would soon boil over into something altogether different to anything Tanezem could yet imagine.

"Tanezem, bring me a cup of the finest pomegranate wine," Rennefer commanded. Tanezem laid down the fan, and went to bring wine for her mistress. Whilst Tanezem was absent after going to bring her mistresses’ wine. Rennefer raised herself from her glided chair of ebony, and walked through the beds of sweetly scented flowers and herbs.

She strode over to and then leaned on the enclosing wall, and looked out over the City of Wast. To her left, she could clearly see the River Nile and the lush strip of green that ran down each side of the mighty river. This fertile land, made possible by the annual flood which inundated the land and deposited the rich mud ideal for farming. Without this annual gift of the great river, Kemet could not exist. Beyond that life giving verdant greenness, there was only the red of the desert; the haunt of demons and the God, Set. The far side of the River was also the land of the dead, where her ancestors, and all the nobles and the great kings had their eternal tombs built. The West bank was the land of the setting sun, where Ra-Atum disappeared, and caused night to fall upon the two lands. Rennefer did not trouble herself with thoughts of death, or tombs, although her family were builders of grand private tombs, to guarantee a beautiful afterlife

Turning her head back around, she looked over the city itself. On the East bank of the river, the city sprawled out in all directions. A myriad of narrow streets and markets were cluttered around the jetties and wharfs by the riverside. She never understood how poor people could sweat and labour and live like that. It simply didn’t concern her. What caught her attention though as usual was the Great Temple of Amun, Ipet-Esut. A causeway ran from its outer pylon, to the riverbank. Beyond the first pylon, the obelisks of King Hatsheput and King Thuthmosis I rose into the air. They seemed to pierce the Sky. The bright sun reflected strongly off the electrum tipped points. The granite monoliths were raised to honour the solar aspect of Amun. The golden points represented the sacred ben-ben stone; itself a symbol of the first land to arise from the watery chaos of Nun.

It was upon this land, that the Sun God first alighted, in the form of a falcon. It was venerated as ‘the august high ground of the first-occasion’. At each gateway outside and inside the Temple, there were eight flag poles, from which fluttered gaily coloured banners in breezes stirred up by the hot dry air. With its brightly painted exterior walls, the temple was simply a sight you could not fail to be impressed by. The public, naturally were excluded from its interior for fear of polluting the home on earth of the God. Only the King and his high priests were allowed into the inner sanctuary towards the rear of the Temple. The lesser priests, the dancers and the singers could approach the sanctuary and perform for the god in the courtyard before the actual sanctuary; the doors would be opened so that the God could listen and see and be sexually stimulated to recreate the universe anew every morning. The Egyptians were terrified that one day, the sun may not rise; that darkness and chaos would fall upon the land. The divine order, Maat had to be ensured.

Rennefer held all this knowledge, because when she was 18 years old, she served for 3 months as a dancer of Amun. Apart from the high priest and Amun’s first four prophets, service to the God was done on a part time rotational system.

Her mind drifted back to those times, how before dawn, the procession led by the high priest, had solemnly proceeded in almost darkness from the first gateway to the Akh-Menu, the Holy of Holies which housed the Statue of Amun. The Temple itself was a model of the world at the point of its creation by the God. As Rennefer was taught, the rites conducted at dawn, were done to encourage the God to ritually once again enact creation.

She recalled the myth in her mind, and the sacred story of how the world came to be.

“In the beginning there was chaos

Chaos was darkness, the waters of the abyss

The first God, Amun arose from the waters using nothing but an act of his own strength

To give form to his body

Amun existed alone, all was his

Yesterday and Tomorrow was his

Alone, he took his penis in his hand

He made love to his fist

He made his exquisite joy with his fingers

And from the fiery blast which he kindled with his hand

The universe was formed.”

She could see now in her mind, and hear inside her head, the musicians playing the sistrum, and some shaking the Hathor rattles. Rennefer and her fellow dancers stripped themselves naked and began to dance in the most sexually provocative manner. The dancers skins were oiled liberally and they used their bodies to work themselves into their own frenzy. Their skin glinted with warm copper tones in the torch lit hall. They whirled about, twisting and turning. Whirling around like she-devils, they fondled their own breasts and rubbed their wet keni’s. They would begin to sexually stimulate the God.

The air, heavy with incense, and the scent of sex, was a scene she would never forget. The crowning moment came when the priest upon the roof, the watcher of stars would send a signal down below. This meant the sunrise was imminent, and the climax of the ritual would be carried out. Amun’s statue, in which the essence of the god lived, stood upon a plinth in a shrine. Made of pure gold, the God’s head was crowned with two ostrich plumes, his left arm crossed his breast, and held the flail, symbol of his power. His right hand gripped his huge erect golden phallus. Rennefer saw in her mind now, how the High Priestess whose title was ‘God’s Wife’, was carried aloft upon the shoulders of the priests. She was naked, her legs spread wide open, and her shaved moistened sex was already stretched open. Carefully positioned by the Priests, she was slid slowly along the full length of that huge phallus. The priests stepped back and forth, and slipped her up and down its huge length, its girth stretching her to her limits. She screamed out in ecstasy, her head thrown back, she howled and moaned as her orgasm shuddered through her, echoing through the columned halls. And the sun rose over the Eastern horizon, Maat was established again.

The dancers and musicians retreated back through the temple. The high priest and the four first priests remained, they would dress the God in fresh linen, anoint the God with rare and precious oils, offer food, drink and flowers, and finally they would cleanse the sanctuary with a magical brush as the God was sealed in his holy of holies. The rite was over for another day.

The Lady Rennefer was now feeling more than a little aroused, her mind had conjured up the memory of those months of service to the God. She felt herself, sliding her hand inside her linen gown, she felt her wetness. She stroked her keni lips and she felt excited. Her clit was standing out, she pressed on it, and it felt stiff and hard. She played with herself for a few moments; suddenly she wanted to make love. Taking her hand out from inside her dress, she licked her wet fingers, the scent and taste of herself made her heady. With her other hand, she played with her breasts, those proud nipples had become very sensitive as she squeezed them twixt finger and thumb.

"Oh where is Tanezem with my wine, hurry up will you, I have need of you," as she spoke aloud to herself. At last she heard Tanezem climbing the stairs, and she went back to her chair under the pavilion.

Tanezem apologised for being slow, she explained to Rennefer that a new jar had, had to be opened.

Rennefer, simply smiled warmly. "Yes, well here you are at last, Tanezem. Pour me a goblet full."

Tanezem did her Lady’s bidding, and filled the cup to the brim.

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Rennefer picked up the alabaster cup, and scented the wine allowing its rich aroma to fill her nose. Scent was very important to the Ancient Egyptians. Then she took a long slow draft, the sweetness of the wine washed over her tongue, and down her throat. Heavy with alcohol, within a minute or two, Rennefer felt a little giddy. She ran her eyes over Tanezem... Eyes that were now filled with a burning lust. Setting the cup aside, she spread her thighs open, all the while watching Tanezem. Her faithful servant looked more than a little surprised as Rennefer, now standing, slowly slipped the shoulder straps of her gown down her arms, and let the flimsy garment fall to the floor. Rennefer smiled at Tanezem, as she stood there fully naked. With one hand Rennefer pushed one of her ample breasts upwards and fondled her nipple with her fingers. Her other hand she smoothed slowly down her flat belly, until the palm rested on the top of her mound. Her fingers extended downwards, and she let them linger along her moist lips. Tanezem was transfixed, although she had seen her mistress naked before, this was all together different. Tanezem began to understand that something was going to happen. Something she would never have been able to foresee.

Rennefer spoke softly. "Tanezem, let you and I forget who we are, and consider that we are just two young women, not mistress or servant, but equals."

Tanezem felt herself blush, her cheeks burned vivid red and her heart beat strongly against her chest. "As my lady wishes, it shall be so."

Rennefer closed the short distance between the two of them. She slinked her way with an exaggerated swing of her hips. Standing directly in front of Tanezem, she looked the girl over. Tanezem was naked apart from a small loin cloth. Rennefer smiled at her. She reached out with both her hands, and simply ripped Tanezem’s loin cloth off her. Rennefer stood back, and looked Tanezem over. The girl was slim; her breasts were small and well shaped. Her face was homely, but not unattractive. Rennefer let her gaze linger on Tanezem’s pronounced mound, and the fleshy lips of her Keni. 

"Turn around for me, my little sweet honey pot."

Tanezem did as she was asked. Rennefer was pleased by her servant’s firm pert buttocks, and her strong lean legs. The heat of the day had coated Tanezem’s skin with a film of moisture which gleamed off her muscles. Rennfer looked with an ever increasing lust at that body, such strong shoulders and her back was well sculpted.

Rennefer took her by her shoulders and turned her around to face her. She placed one arm around her waist, the palm of her hand resting on the small of Tanezem’s back. She stroked Tanezem’s cheek with her other hand, cooing softly as her fingers danced upon her cheek. Leaning slightly forwards, Rennefer used the very tip of her tongue, and slowly brushed it across Tanezem’s lips. She did this many times, making circles as light as the touch of a feather. Tanezem wasn’t sure what to do; she had never made love with another woman before. Her mind answered itself, let Rennefer lead her on into this entanglement. Tanezem’s pulse was racing as Rennefer continued her slow circles upon her lips.

Then Rennefer took a step back, smiled that seductive smile. Tanezem was taken by surprise as Rennfer stepped forward, raised her free hand to cup her cheek, and kissed her full on her lips. Rennefer’s other hand, in the small of Tanezem’s back, pushed the girl tight against her body. Mound ground against mound. Rennefer lowered and raised her thighs, and swivelled her hips. The sensations were intensely powerful. Tanezem's breath flowed in spurts down her nostrils. She could barely breathe through her mouth, as Rennefer’s tongue entered between her lips, and danced with her tongue. She felt wet, and the pressure from Rennefer’s grinding sent waves of pleasure flooding through her over heated blood. Tanezem ran her hands down Rennefer’s smooth skinned back, and over her well rounded globes. She dug her finger nails into that sumptuous flesh, and felt Rennefer shudder. Rennefer took her lips off Tanezem’s lips, and began to suck her ears, biting her ear lobes. Tanezem moaned and let her head fall to one side, as Rennefer bit her neck, and kissed her hard there. She felt a trickle of love honey run from her keni, down the inside of her thighs. The love making was becoming more frantic now. She dropped down a little, to take Rennefer’s large breasts in her mouth, sucking on those glorious erect dark brown nipples.

"By the Goddess Hathor," shouted Rennefer, "harder harder, suck them harder, bite them, let the Goddess witness my pleasure."

Rennefer pushed a hand between Tanezem’s open legs, felt her quivering legs, and furiously rubbed the girl’s wet cunt. Her fingers worked deftly on Tanezem, who was breathing hard. She stroked Tanezem’s engorged clit, as the girl wobbled on shaky legs.  Her instinct told her Tanezem was at the point of orgasm, and she pushed one finger into her canal. Tanezem screamed aloud, as Rennefer slipped in two fingers now and rammed her rapidly in and out of her soaking wet gash. Rennefer paused only once, she took her fingers out, and slowly sucked Tanezem’s love juices off them. She savoured the scent and taste.

"You are delicious my sweet little one, finer than the best wine of Pharaoh’s vineyard. Now spread your legs wide, very wide my dear."

Tanezem did as bidden. She gripped Rennefer tightly by the shoulders, as her lady worked her hard with four fingers. Quite unable to restrain herself any longer, she howled as her orgasm burst forth in pulsating spasms. She spouted copious amounts of her hot cum, much to Rennefers satisfaction. Then she fell to her knees, her hands gripping the back of Rennefer’s firm thighs.

Rennefer looked down at Tanezem’s head, the ache in her own keni was hurting, and she needed her own orgasms. Dropping down on her knees, Rennefer embraced Tanezem, both of them rested their heads on each other’s shoulders. She whispered sweetly into Tanezem’s ear.

"My dear girl, I have given you great pleasure, and you have pleased me greatly. Take a moment to recover your breath. Now I have my needs to be attended to, are you ready to please me?"

"Yes, my lady, I am ready and I desire very much to give you that which is your heart’s desire." 

‘Then take my hand and let us go and lay amongst the sweetly scented herbs in the garden.’

Hand in hand, Rennefer led Tanezem to the rear of the roof garden, where a large planted area of fine aromatic herbs was growing. Rennefer lay down amidst the bedding; she opened her legs as wide as possible. Then she raised her knees to the sky.

"Tanezem, go down on me hard. Give me your tongue and fingers. Give me your all, hold nothing back, sweet henna blossom."

Tanezem laid down between Rennefer’s lithe golden thighs. She looked at Rennefer’s swollen labia, blood red and shining with the juices of love. Her nose scented Rennefer’s sexual aroma, and it was like being in the land of Punt. Rennefer’s sex reminded her of a ripe fig, freshly cut. Its flavour and sweetness, was exquisite. Tanezem began to do what her instinct told her to, in this moment of sexual lust. She pushed her face against Rennefer’s glistening cunt. Using her tongue, she licked her from the bottom to the top. She ran her tongue around Rennefer’s outer lips, pausing to suck on them, pulling the outwards with her teeth. She could hear and feel Rennefer’s laboured breathing. Rennefer was moaning, with her neck arched back, she gripped Tanezem's head with a vice like clamp of her thighs. Rennefer grasped her breasts, squeezing those large globes with some force, she cried out to the Goddess Hathor.

With her nose hard against Rennefer’s nub, Tanezem pushed her tongue inside Rennefer’s soaking wet keni. Rennefer let go of her breasts, and beat at the ground with her fists as Tanezem’s tongue caressed her velvet lining. Sensing that Rennefer was reaching her peak; Tanzem withdrew her tongue, her mouth filled with the exotic taste of her mistress. She managed, despite the tight grip of Rennefer’s thighs, to get her teeth on her nub. Rennefer loosened her grip, and Tanezem got three of her fingers into that wet cavern. Rennefer rose up on her shoulders, as her whole back rose to form a supple curve. Tanezem rammed her lady hard, with great rapidity. Once again, she bit Rennefer’s nub hard as she kept up her furious bout of fingering. With a shriek that could of woken all the City, Rennefer gave forth a stream of her steaming love honey, it hit Tanezem fully in her face. Again and again, Rennefer was wracked by orgasmic spasms, soaking Tanezems hair and face. Then she fell limpid, spent and exhausted. She lay panting for some time, whilst Tanezem lay her head on her Lady’s thigh.

Eventually, she beckoned Tanezem to come lay beside her, both of them were utterly worn out by their love making. They lay amid the scent of the herb garden, neither spoke; they just looked at one another. The garden was filled with the sound of bees, busy pollinating the flowers, and the sound of bird song, for awhile they were lost to the world outside. Their eyes closed as they wrapped their arm around each other in the heat of the late afternoon. Eventually Rennefer blinked her eyes open; she saw that sun was far to the West across the river. She shook herself awake. She kissed Tanezem on the lips.

"Awake my lover, the day is lengthening, and my mother will be returning soon." Tanezem opened her eyes, feeling Rennefer’s urgent kisses.

She smiled at Rennefer, "Yes, your mother would not approve of our dalliance this noonday."

"My mother will never know, this is our secret, and ours alone. Come now; let us clean ourselves in readiness, my little dove. We must now revert to our former roles, you as my personal servant and I as your Mistresses.'"

Both girls rose to their feet, Rennefer to attend to her toilet, Tanezem to make a presentable face. Tanezem would have to ready herself to help the other servants downstairs in the preparation for the families evening meal out here on the roof garden.

Both turned to go their separate ways. Rennefer, her face streaked with black tears where her kohl eyeliner had ran down her face, turned to Tanezem.

"We will enjoy our love again, I promise you that’ Tonight you will attend us here on this roof, where you can enjoy the ‘Sweet breath of North Wind."

"Yes, my Lady, it is an honour to serve you, with heart and my soul’. ‘Until later, sweet Tanezem, now go about your business."

Dedicated to Nefer-Peri

Melissa G : November 2015-11-26

Written by Melissa999
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