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A Night In Calabria

"The Lover's Reunion and Renewal"

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A Night in Calabria

Melissa felt that old surge of excitement and anticipation which electrifies her body as she dressed for an encounter with I Desire. The Great Goddess Aphrodite had whispered to her to come back here to Calabria, to Pizzo on the Costa Viola. The insistent voice in her head had to be obeyed, and so she duly departed from Alexandria, Egypt to arrive on the Calabria coast. Naturally, she instinctively knew who would be waiting for her at the Cafe La Nave on the seafront.

Melissa dressed in an expensive Saint Laurent cocktail dress made from midnight blue silk. The collar trim was a band of silver stars. Her eye makeup was in the ancient Egyptian style, heavy on Kohl. A dark and mysterious look, she thought. Melissa stood before a full-length mirror and smoothed her very short dress down, smiling as she admired her shapely legs and full breasts. Every inch the Demi-Goddess she was.

Finally, she chose platinum jewelry to add the final touches. Melissa wore a simple chain link necklace with a large diamond pendant which rested between her ample breasts. Fixing a pair of platinum hooped earrings in place, she admired herself. Her breasts looked magnificent, her large nipples seeming to want to burst through the restraining thin satin fabric. In order to keep the svelte look, she wore nether bra nor panties. Tossing her long brown hair to one side with a flick of her head, Melissa was satisfied.

Picking up her YSL Kate chain wallet bag, the one in iridescent Grain De Poudre embossed nickel leather, Melissa looked at her Patek Philippe watch: 7:45pm, time to leave for the cafe. Closing her room door behind her, she took the lift to the ground floor. The doorman bowed as he opened the door, no doubt honored that Melissa gave him a nod and a wink. Drifting like a feather on the evening breeze, she exited out of the front door of the Piccolo Grand Hotel and sauntered down the Via M Salomene towards the seafront. The walk took around thirteen minutes, and she felt an easy sense of urgency.

Swinging the bag over her right shoulder, Melissa deftly maneuvered her way between the tourists and locals, ignoring the many eyes that drank her in. Oh these men, she thought, sex, sex, that’s all they think about! Look, but do not touch little Romeos, she giggled to herself. Strolling down the brightly lit street at a leisurely pace, she felt her wetness increase along with her anticipation. Melissa hoped it wouldn’t show through the thin but expensive fabric.

She continued on, occasionally smiling at the admiring faces. Five minutes passed and Melissa turned left along the sea front. The Cafe was a few minutes in front of her. A string of brightly colored lanterns hung over the outside tables. Melissa knew Desire would be at the far end table, as she had occupied this particular table when they first met a long time ago, or was it a long time? Time was of little importance now that she possessed eternal life.

That was the blessing and curse of her initial meeting with I Desire and her box of secrets. Melissa and I Desire were bonded by blood, a bond that could never be broken. Each had the blood of the other pulsing through their veins. They were sisters and lovers, servants of the Great Goddess, Aphrodite herself. Whilst in her service, both enjoyed the grace of the Goddess.

Ahead of Melissa, a line of brightly lit lanterns hanging from an awning marked the line of outside tables. The night was almost windless, the air sweetly warm with a hint of humidity. The scent of salt air drifted inland on a whisper of a breeze. Melissa breathed deeply. She adored the tang of salt air mingled with the sweet odor of wild growing Thyme, Oregano, and Rosemary, which grew in profusion on the available paths of land.

The excited chatter of diners began to fill her ears as she approached the row of tables. She turned heads as she made her way towards the end table, which was slightly recessed, but she ignored them. Now wholly focused on that which awaited her, Melissa came to the end table. Desire was seated and resting her chin on one upraised palm, a black Sobranie cocktail cigarette smoldered in a dark crystal glass receptacle. A cup of inky black espresso lay in front of her. She rose from her seat and embraced Melissa very tightly.

“Welcome home, Melissa. I’ve been waiting for you. Please be seated.” She pulled out a chair for Melissa. Smoothing her dress, Melissa sat down.

“Desire, by the Goddess, it’s been a long time and yet no time, and here we are again.” Melissa ran her eyes over Desire, her simple but very expensive long cocktail dress instantly recognizable as a Valentino dress. Although full length, it was split on one side to the top of the thigh. Desire had crossed her long legs so that her shapely leg and honey-toned thigh were fully exposed, shiny with the moisture of the night. Her earrings were vintage Alhambra, gold and black Onyx, in a clover leaf design by Van Cleef and Arpels.

Around her neck, she wore a Georgian Citrine Riviere necklace with a pear drop. Melissa knew it was old, probably early Nineteenth Century. She oozed raw sensual sex and her classic look only added to her already smoldering appeal, which raged through Melissa like a wild fire. Then again, all this was already felt by both of them, and it was the reason the Goddess had brought them together once again. They will be merged and reunified in sex and blood.

Desire smiled at Melissa and rose in one smooth movement from her seat. She smiled with eyes as dark as coals, and kissed Melissa on both cheeks. “Welcome back, Sister,” she purred. They embraced in a grip of steel, cheek to cheek.

“Thank you, Sister. It is as it will always be. All my love and heartbeats are for you,” whispered Melissa into Desire’s ear.

“And I for you, sweet Melissa,” Desire spoke softly back. “Please be seated, and I must compliment you on your elegant attire. The Goddess provides in abundance for her servants, as we so well know,“ said Desire, who seemed to be stating the obvious.

Desire clicked her fingers and a waiter appeared, “A double espresso for my old friend.” She grinned.

Taking a gold cigarette case from her clutch bag, she flicked it open and offered Melissa a black sobranie. As Melissa placed it delicately between her lips, Desire gave Melissa a light from her gold Dunhill lighter, the flame illuminating her face as she drew on her cigarette. Melissa leaned back as the waiter reappeared, and blew a plume of acid blue smoke out, sighing with satisfaction. She sipped the espresso, noting how fine and excellent the coffee was; its smoky aromatic layers of Arabica beans teased her taste buds.

“You are looking so divine tonight, Desire. Are we trying to outshine each other?” Melissa said, laughingly.

“Of course not, my dark angelic Melissa. We are but mere reflections of one another.” Desire motioned to the rather attentive waiter. “Bring us a bottle of your finest cognac and glasses.” The waiter left and returned with a bottle of Remy Martin Louis XIII. Melissa frankly was astonished that this place would stock such a very costly cognac. Then again, magic happens around Desire, and things just seem to come from nowhere.

Desire poured out two generous amounts into the cut crystal snifters. Melissa picked up her glass and swirled the liquid around and around. Then she brought it to her nose, and took in the scents of green grapes, exquisite raisins, and fresh young apricots and a hint of tobacco. She sipped it slowly, allowing herself to carefully savor the very fine flavors. The fire trickled slowly down her throat.

“I take it you approve, Melissa?”

“Yes, it’s divine. Only the very best from my Desire.” Desire smiled in that familiar seductive way, and leaned forward so her full breasts rested on the table. This had something of a mesmeric effect on Melissa, and her eyes were wide open.

“My Sweet, tell me, how goes it with our sister Bethany? And tell me, how goes your mission in Alexandria?” Melissa recounted the tale of Bethany’s misfortunes, and expressed her concerns about seeking out the arcane knowledge hidden deep in the secret chambers under the great library. The guardians of this knowledge were said to be shadow creatures that none had seen.

“Yes, I understand this, but I’m certain you and your little Egyptian girl will find a way to persuade them to divulge the knowledge to free Bethany from the Demon’s possession.” Desire laughed out loud and drank deeply from her glass. She lit another cigarette, and told Melissa she was renting a villa a few miles out of Pizzo. Eyeing Melissa with an intense look, she said, “We will leave soon, so have another glass of cognac and smoke another sobranie, and then I’ll call for the car.”

They sat for another fifteen minutes or so. “Drink up, Melissa,” Desire commanded, “and I’ll call for the car.” She took her phone from her bag, and said, “Send the car; we are ready to leave now.” Melissa drained the last of the Cognac. She was feeling slightly giddy. Desire took her hand and they walked down the steps to the roadside where a large black Mercedes was waiting. Desire opened a rear door and propelled Melissa into one of the deep leather seats.

As the limousine moved smoothly away and started to climb the road out of town, Desire kissed Melissa hard and deep, allowing one of her hands to slide between Melissa’s open thighs, feeling her wetness slick on her fingers. Melissa hitched her short dress up above her hips and spread her legs ever wider. Desire continued to play with Melissa’s wet cunt as the car sped on. Melissa moaned and rocked her head from side to side. She jerked her head back as she felt two of Desire’s fingers enter her soaking sex. Desire thrust her fingers with vigorous ardor between Melissa’s open lips and deep into her inner recesses.

“Oh, please me, please me, Desire.” She made some guttural, animalistic sounds and using her flexibility, drew her knees up and rested her feet on the edge of the leather seat. Desire put her other hand inside Melissa’s dress and squeezed one of her ample breasts as hard as she could. Melissa seemed lost in some other world as Desire’s fingers worked dark magic on her swelling sex. Desire, losing patience with Melissa’s cocktail dress, simply grasped the neckline and ripped it open. With Melissa’s breasts fully exposed, she sucked hard on one erect nipple, and pinched the other one hard. Melissa gripped Desire’s neck and pulled her head into her body as the by now sweating lover drove Melissa into an orgasmic convulsion.

Desire stopped her thrusting fingers inside Melissa’s dripping canal. She raised her thumb and made circular motions on Melissa’s protruding clitoris. Melissa, panting hard was about to orgasm with force. Sensing the moment, Desire took her hand off Melissa’s breast and squeezed her chin, clamping her lips over Melissa’s open mouth. At this, Melissa simply exploded with volcanic force, her sweet cunt juices flowing like hot lava.

Her scream echoed around the roof of Desire’s mouth and down her throat, filling her every single cell with the sexual energy of Melissa’s orgasmic power. Desire felt it reach her own cunt, now throbbing with electricity.

Melissa sat gasping for breath as she felt the car begin to slow. Desire kissed her on her cheek and withdrew her fingers from Melissa’s throbbing cunt. She reached over and took a moist cloth from her clutch bag, and gently wiped Melissa’s fevered brow. The car seemed to pause for a moment, and then the crunch of gravel under the tires could be heard.

The Mercedes rolled to stop beside a Classical-styled portico. Desire opened her door, stepped out and looked back in at the disheveled Melissa. “Sorry about your little number, but you can always get another one,” she laughed. She reached in and took Melissa’s hand, and steadied her as she clambered off the back seat into the night air.

Desire made a little curtsy and smiled, “Welcome to La Villa del Quattro Venti.” Desire took Melissa’s hand in hers, and led Melissa up the steps and through the entrance into the main reception hall. Melissa looked around, and noted the decor, Old Venetian. Very impressive!

“How did you come by this place, Desire?”

“Oh, it was arranged for us. The Villa belongs to an Italian Count of ancient lineage. He often rents it out when he is away.”

“It’s so beautiful.” Melissa was admiring the rich colrs and Baroque furniture, “You can smell old money!”

Desire let Melissa take in her surroundings and then said, “Let me show you the principal bedroom, our bedroom.” And she led the way up the grand staircase made from Teak. The wood was black, like molasses, with age and polish. The main bedroom faced west. They entered through a grand double-door into a spacious, sumptuously decorated room, with a large four-poster bed at its centre. On the western wall, Melissa noted a pair of shuttered doors leading onto a wide balcony.

Desire motioned Melissa to sit in one of the elegant red velvet bedroom chairs. Desire rang a little bell, and a maid quickly appeared. Desire instructed her to bring up a bottle of Valentini, Montepulciano d’Abruzzo, 1990. The maid duly returned with the bottle and two glasses made from old Moreno glass. Desire poured out two glasses and immediately swigged a mouthful, rolled it around her palate and announced it very good and of excellent flavors.

“Drink, Melissa. It’s really very good and a hearty vintage.” Melissa sipped the wine and noted its extraordinarily sophisticated polish. She detected a great many flavors, baked herbs, pine resin, sweet floral notes. “The Count keeps a very good cellar.” She smiled. Desire looked at her Cartier watch, almost 11:45pm. “Cigarette, Melissa?”

“Yes, thank you.” They smoked in silence. Desire stubbed her cigarette out first, standing up. She let her dress fall to the floor. Melissa was always deeply moved by the sight of Desire’s naked body. Desire had a fine head of black hair, full lips and eyes as dark as black diamonds. Her breasts were firm and full, with dark red nipples, and her skin the color of dark olives. Her torso was firm and without any spare flesh. She stood on lean long legs with shapely thighs and calves. She was in herself, in perfect harmony and symmetry. Her mound was prominent, and beneath, ruby lips gleamed through a patch of damp, black hair. Melissa blinked as usual. Desire laughed a little.

“Do I always amaze you, Melissa?”

“You always amaze me,” said Melissa, a tear rolling down her cheek and into her open mouth.

“Stand up, Melissa, for the time is upon us.” Melissa did as bidden, and Desire took her by the shoulders and turned her around so that Melissa’s back was facing her. “Take your dress off.” Melissa eased what was left of it down her arms and let it slip down her body and fall around her ankles.

Desire admired Melissa’s firm shoulders, such seductive muscle tone, her deeply curved back and oh, those fine round cheeks. Perfection! And they could not age; the way they are now is eternal. Desire took a step forward. With her right hand she reached forward and placed the nail of her index finger on the nape of Melissa’s neck. Then she slowly drew the nail down Melissa’s spine, to the top of her buttocks. Melissa winced slightly as a wave of ecstatic pleasure came over her as she felt the specks of blood run down her spine.

Desire stooped over and gradually licked and drank down her blood from the bottom to the top. The original gift Desire gave to Melissa was her blood and her undying love, and with it, immortality in the service of their divine Mistress. The giving and taking of their shared blood tonight was a simple act, further reinforcing the unbreakable bond that they shared. Desire took just enough to satisfy her need and then turned Melissa around to face her. She placed her hand under her right breast and offered it up to Melissa’s mouth.

Melissa lowered her head, and softly bit into Desire’s breast, feeling the warm crimson flow enter her mouth and fall across her tongue. It made her delirious, heady, and strong. Yes, very strong. Finally, she was also satisfied and stood up, using her fingers to clean the corners of her mouth. Desire looked at Melissa with her heart pounding. They were Sisters and Lovers, bound for all time, nothing could change that. The mystery of how and why Aphrodite chooses this English girl would always remain a mystery, but the Goddess had her ways and didn’t always divulge them. Desire was only pleased that their Mistress had brought the English girl to her and joined them in service.

“Place your hands out, palms up,” Desire instructed. “Now, kneel with me.” Their fingers interlocked tightly, and kneeling, they began to sing softly....

To Aphrodite:
“Hail, Thou Sweetly winning one,
With fluttering eyes;
And give victory to us
Enhance our song
For I remember thee and yet another song.”

To Athena:
“Hail Goddess
You, who protects the people
Wherever they might come or go
Hail, Goddess
And give us good spirits and blessed favor.”

Desire and Melissa sang the lines seven times plus two. Then Desire rose to her feet, fingers still entwined with Melissa’s. She smiled and said, “It is done. All is renewed in Earth, Fire, Wind and Water.” Desire released Melissa’s fingers and slowly walked towards the four-poster bed. She stood a foot away from the edge, spread her legs, and leaned forwards to rest upon her elbows on the bedspread.

“Come to me, my sweetest Melissa, and show me your love.” Melissa closed the short distance, to kneel at Desire’s feet. She began to stroke Desire’s calves, feeling her velvet soft skin. Desire murmured. Using her thumbs, Melissa applied more pressure, and firmly massaged her lover’s muscles, feeling them yield to her touch.

Melissa pressed her lips to the crease twixt calf and thigh, licking and kissing it with the utmost tenderness, the scent of Desire’s skin intoxicating her. Melissa’s hands began to run the length of Desire’s thighs, first on the outside and then to the inside. She could feel Desire trembling in anticipation of what was to come. She did this slowly for her own pleasure and took her time about it. Desire was breathing in heavy gasps and Melissa smiled to herself.

Finally, she reached up, and with hands gripping Desire’s hips firmly, she put her tongue to Desire’s oozing cunt. Desire made some kind of feline sound, as Melissa’s tongue teased her swollen lips and reached her clitoris. Melissa’s nostrils and tongue savored that familiar taste of deep moss, earthy, and with a hint of sweetness which reminded Melissa of Funeral Lilies.

Desire was very wet by now, and Melissa straightened up a little to smother Desire’s smooth, firm globes with an ocean of kisses and love-bites using her sharp teeth. Desire was gripping the bedspread with her clenched fists as Melissa’s fingers stroked her engorged sex; her love nectar was running freely down her inner thighs.

“Please, Melissa, please. You torture my very soul. Give me my orgasm for I will surely die.” Melissa grinned, her face shining brightly from the coating of sticky sap from Desire’s juicy pomegranate cunt.

“As you wish, my love.” She lowered herself to bite Desire’s clit whilst she pushed a finger firmly into Desire’s anus. Desire beat her hands upon the bed as she climaxed with a forceful convulsion, spattering Melissa’s face with her hot cum. Shaking, Desire’s hands and arms went slack, and she slowly sank down off the bed to lie in a collapsed state upon the floor. Melissa stood up and then laid back down on the bed. Looking down on Desire, she offered her hand and Desire took it as she staggered to her feet. Melissa pulled her onto the bed with her.

“Let’s rest awhile, my exhausted one.” Melissa lay on her back and cradled Desire’s head on her breast. Within minutes they fell into a deep sleep.

When Melissa woke, it was already light; the Sun was climbing high into the southern Italian sky. She felt for Desire, but she wasn’t there. Melissa stretched herself out and slid off the bed, and walked naked to the shuttered doors. Pulling them open, she blinked hard at the bright light. A little table and two chairs sat on the balcony, a packet of Sobranie and a gold lighter lay on the table. Seating herself, Melissa lit a cigarette and took in the view. Just then, Desire reappeared with a silver tray, laden with a coffee pot, cups, and Italian breakfast snacks; bread rolls, croissants and fresh apricots.

Desire smiled, and spoke, “Buongiorno, mio angelo oscuro.” Desire placed the tray on the table and poured coffee from a moka.

“Buongiorno, desiderio del mio cuore,” replied Melissa. She selected the ripest apricot and sucked it daintily. “Delicious. Open wide,” and she popped one between Desire’s lips. They shared croissants and nibbled ciambella together. Melissa spread her legs wide and allowed the slight breeze to waft over her still throbbing cunt. Delicious sensations played across open thighs.

“Melissa, I have to leave now, but before I go, our Mistress asked me to give you a gift.” Melissa looked happy.

“A gift from the goddess herself would be very special indeed,” she said. Desire rose and returned shortly with an ornate box of beautifully grained walnut.

“Open it, please,” Desire remarked. Melissa lifted the lid, and there, laid upon dark blue velvet was a diadem of Olive leaves fashioned from fine gold. “Our Lady has instructed me to tell you that you must wear this before you enter the caverns beneath the great Library. Know that it is endowed with magic spells, and if you run into trouble, you only need call on Aphrodite to give you any assistance you may need.”

Melissa thought of Bethany; she remembered all the adventures and dangers they shared. Vivid images flashed through her mind of the Samhain nights in the far North, where in forests deep, they danced and made mad love around the fires for the ancestors; fires so hot and bright, whose sparks flew high in the clear icy night sky. So many precious moments shared with Bethany. Melissa held the diadem aloft. She said one word, “Nike.”

“Now I must leave for Cyprus,” said Desire. “The Villa is yours for two days, then you must leave for Alexandria. The driver will bring your things over from the presumptuously named Grand Small Hotel.” Melisa stood and embraced Desire, who whispered into her ear, “Fino a quando ci incontreremo di nuovo, mio dolce amore.”

Melissa whispered into Desire’s ear, “Fino a quando ci incontreremo di nuovo, il battito del cuore.” They locked themselves into a tight embrace, kissing each other’s lips. Desire pulled away, smiled, turned on her heel and was gone.

Melissa drained the last of the coffee into her cup, lit a sobrannie, and wandered over to the balustrade. She looked down into the courtyard. No car appeared to take Desire away. She was simply gone.

Resting her cup on the balustrade, she stretched her magnificent body, stood up straight and looked out over Pizzo, shimmering in the heat haze. Beyond, lay the azure blue of the Tyrrhenian sea. “It’s going to be hot day again. After lunch I will take a walk into town, and along the seafront.”

Melissa Helene, August 2020

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Written by Melissa999
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