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Over 90 days ago
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United States


Active Ink Slinger
Funniest thing I ever said to a slave as she was tied down to the bed, and the last knot kept slipping and I couldn't get it cinch in right was "If you would just hold still for a second I think I could get this to work."

The only part of her body that could move was her head and it shot up and she looked at me with the biggest smile around a gag that is humanly possible and we just both collapsed laughing.
Active Ink Slinger
Punishment I believe is the most misunderstood part of this lifestyle and when training Masters and slaves it is the part of training that I have to concentrate on the most. The fact is that punishment serves multiple purposes.

a) There is punishment for disobedience.
b) Punishment for incorrect execution.
c) Punishment for pleasure.

The idea in all of these is that the reason for the punishment is clear to BOTH parties.

The silent treatment is one that I have used in the past with slaves as it is one that can be executed rapidly. For example they mess up and most of the time catch the screw up and immediately go to apologize or make up for it. Simply not responding to the first apology is an example of using the silent treatment in a quick and effective way.

The most important thing I always adhere to is the "punishment" must fit the purpose of correction. If a slave or submissive talks out of line, then I feel it drives the point home if the punishment effects the speech of the slave. If a slave has failed to finish a job, then the punishment can be an increase in the workload or a deduction of "fun time" equal to the mess up.

As for a punishment I use is "chastity". And not always with a chastity device. Many times it is just a fixed time frame that my slave with have to go without. Of course that doesn't stop me from taking her to the edge time and again in that time frame.
Active Ink Slinger
To be perfectly honest I have kept silent because if new ideas are wanted for your relationship, I am looking to hear from your Mistress. I believe that if she wants new things then she will come forward, otherwise I would concentrate on being the best sub you can be with what you have and if your Mistress would like ideas then I would be more than willing to talk with her about them.
Active Ink Slinger
First of all Patrick your questions show a level of responsibility that I find encouraging.

Secondly, yes many Masters find the command and punishment of their subs to be pleasurable in some way or there would be no drive in the lifestyle.

However if this is the first relationship for both you and your sub the I suggest a couple of things.

1) Make sure that there is plenty of communication between the two of you.
2) Feel free to ask questions. I have been in this lifestyle for 15 years. I have had 27 slaves that I have trained for me or others. Never hesitate to send me a message if you have questions.
3) Make sure that your limits are well defined between the two of you and set a safe word and other safe signals so that you know when you are pushing to far.

Welcome to the community.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Budlee
lee is my sub and not my slave. There is a huge difference. Each Dom/me or Master/Mistress has his or her own line of demarcation. I value lee's mind and that right off the bat keeps her from being my slave. Her submission is her gift to me and I cherish it. - Bud

Bud that is very well stated.

I will say that I value the opinion of Princess. What I see as the demarcation line is level with which she submits. I understand that this can be different and I will at times move my wording for the benefit of another Master/Mistress when dealing with their sub/slave. But in my mind someone who is in Princess's position is a slave.
Active Ink Slinger
If you want my opinion on that series simply read my signature line. The fact is that this book is entertainment and that is all. There is absolutely nothing about the book that portrays the real lifestyle in a way that is truthful. The fact is that the characters in the book don't even start with the base of what makes a BDSM couple work.
Active Ink Slinger
:d/ Your result for The Dom or Sub Test ...

Highly dominant

Your final tally: ###

Yeow! You know what you like and you know how to get it. Your partner is on their knees every night (whether because they crumble under your awesome sexual power, or you force them down), and probably strung up in chains or ropes. The pants are yours, along with everything else. Remember that with great power comes great responsibility; take it slow every once in a while. Let them have a nice bubble bath, maybe come once or twice, and give their backs, tongues, and knees a rest. They'll thank you even more, and so will your and their mental health.
Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

You scored 9% on dompoints, higher than 99% of your peers.

Is there really anyone who has been reading me that is surprised by this? I would think not. :d/
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by SlavePrincess

my girlfriends didn't notice me wearing it for a while and when they saw it there were just like thats a cool idea i should try it too biggrin they thought it was a cute accessory.. I didnt want to come out and confess what it stood for at that moment just because I know my girlsfriends and they would never understand, but them seeing it and me knowing its value.. i felt like I had a dirty little secret and that was awesome

Can I just state once again that I absolutely LOVE my Princess and she is the best slave I have ever had. Every day she does something else that surprises me. She has made me fall in love with being a Master again. It is an incredible feeling I just have to say.
Active Ink Slinger
One thing to remember Beck is that a person's word is the only real thing they have. If someone goes and constantly is not living up to their word, then there is either a strong reason, or that person is not trust worthy.

Time is an important thing in a friendship and a friendship worth having is one worth fighting for.
Active Ink Slinger
I think there is someone for everyone. In fact, I believe in soul mates as well.

However, I do believe that there are people who unfortunately don't know themselves well enough to know when that right one is a part of their lives sometimes and they never get the chance they should.

Others, it just hits and happens.

Either way the one true thing is know yourself. If you do, then that someone for you will be easier to spot.
Active Ink Slinger
First of all Ravyn, that was perfectly said and I applaud you. Secondly, I am kind of shocked at the question.

Look the basis point for everything is that in a relationship no matter how deep it runs, it is consensual. Now does that mean that there aren't women out there that are lacking self respect and can be twisted into believing that they are good for nothing but sex. Of course not. But no self respecting Master or Mistress would take advantage of that.

There are "sex slaves" but they are slaves that have sex not as the "sole purpose" of their existence, but as a high level want or desire. They freely give of themselves to their Master or Mistress and in that way please them sexually. But it is not an existence so to speak.

Does it happen? Yes.

Is it right? I don't think so.
Active Ink Slinger
I am making this topic tonight because I have a slave who is active here on Lush. Her name is Princess and I think many of you know her. She is newer to the lifestyle than most and she sought out answers and I was lucky enough to be the one she asked. This led us to a great path in which she became my Slave and she is wonderful. I could not ask for a more wonderful Slave.

Tonight however she made me incredibly proud. I have not placed on her a requirement to okay all her meals with me, and we have a very interesting obstacle in that she has friends who are active in church and a family that is not very embracing of the lifestyle.

Tonight she was out with those friends and without a requirement she took the time to not only wear her collar which she has had issues with, but took a picture of the meal she wanted and asked me permission if that was a proper meal for her. I was so proud of her I wanted to share with the community and then ask.

Do any of the other Masters or Mistresses have a moment where their sub or slave made them proud enough to just want to share it with the world?
Active Ink Slinger
When a Master or Mistress makes the decision to collar their slave that is a huge commitment on the slave and the Master or Mistresses part.

1) That is a mark of ownership from that Master or Mistress for the slave. That means that all actions of that slave that are taken in the public eye reflect back on the Master or Mistress whether that is actually the known case or not. This means that the reputation and respect of the Master and Mistress is on the line.

2) It is a sign of commitment that speaks to an extremely deep love and passion that is held for the slave. It means that the slave is now the most precious possession of the Master and Mistress.

3) It is a sign of total commitment of the slave to said Master or Mistress.

I can think of no higher complement that I could pay my slave then to offer her or him my collar.
Active Ink Slinger

1) With respect. And in a manner as to be clearly looking for answers. For example. Mistress, I don't get why... (not a good start). Mistress, may I ask for clarification on a rule please so as to better please you? (That is a correct way.)

2) I know that I approve of and have a list of those that my slave is allowed to play with. And I have a list of absolute not tos as well. Whether it is standard, I find it to be in the group of Masters and Mistresses that I hang with.
Active Ink Slinger
Tsk, tsk, tsk. Not a good thing. You should practice if that is something you would say.
Active Ink Slinger
Some people use the words the same way, but there is a difference.

All slaves are submissives, but not all submissives are slaves.

To bring it to the simplest terms a sub can turn off the role at times. For example. There is a "play time" where the dom and sub set parameters and during that time the sub is acting in their submissive role.

With a slave it is a life choice. A Master/Mistress unlike a dom doesn't take off their Master/Mistress hat when they have a slave. If that slave is required to do something then that is the duty of that slave. Now does this mean that all people in the community agree with this, no.

Princess is my slave. She lives as my slave 24/7, all I have to do is give her an order, request or duty and she will perform it. There is no definition of where, when or where as far as what parts of her life are exempt unless in her contract. While with a sub there is a little more "freedom".

I always like to state that being a dom or sub comes with a "uniform" while being a Master/Mistress and Slave come with long term and permanent commitment.
Active Ink Slinger
Ravyn, first of all your words are so true.

I can not express in words the love I have for Princess. The fact is that there is nothing in the world I love more than seeing her in her collar. I understand what her feelings are and because of her uncomfortable feelings we have worked out another arrangement that has her feeling very full.

But all of you are right. Collaring a slave or submissive is all about the level of commitment a Master believes is involved with the relationship. I know in my case there is no higher compliment.
Active Ink Slinger
I believe a $50 Visa gift card.... I mean I always have trouble with gifts and while I would think that something more "Lush" would be good. I would have to say here I am thinking that a random $50 gift card would allow him to make it something he wanted.

And I am the person who has lost the point of the game. *sad trombone*
Active Ink Slinger
Oh Princess, mine was a 94% yours was a 53%. I think we need to work on that. biggrin
Active Ink Slinger
Let Princess know and then put them together and see just how much fun those two little slaves can have together. That was for Nikki.

Weretiger jumped in front of me again. Looks like correction time.