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Over 90 days ago
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Active Ink Slinger
Guilty, then married the wrong one and ended up divorced

Have you ever starred in a porn flick?
Active Ink Slinger
Step in the shower with her, and begin kissing her neck to get her to turn around and when she did, lay one on her that would curl her toes.
Active Ink Slinger
Because of the respect she showed.

I would let her play with Princess and me
Active Ink Slinger
Good girl, you have done well. Now, are you a puppy, cat or pony today?
Active Ink Slinger

Do you like it when your Master or Mistress really puts you in a situation that you have never been in and pushes you out of your comfort zone?
Active Ink Slinger
Test the strength of the towel bar with restraints on her wrists.
Active Ink Slinger
blazestcyr: Nice Puppy, get down from the bed and back to your cage.

Harry you would have to wake up next to Princess.
Active Ink Slinger
Pass, but I might let you have some fun time with Princess. She would enjoy you.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes I would buy you. I believe you would make a nice little puppy for my Princess and I.
Active Ink Slinger
I am a professionally trained singer and play three instruments. The Piano, Clarinet and Saxaphone.
Active Ink Slinger
Slave Princess : I dont know much about you Weretiger, but you seem like it would be fun to get to know you

If my master approves

Of course you can get to know him Princess. You know I approve of you "getting to know people".

lulubelle01: Your profile picture is very intriguing. I like the under current.
Active Ink Slinger
The biggest thing here is in showing trust. And being clear. Communication is the biggest difference between success and failure with a slave that has an abusive past. I have worked with many slaves that have had abusive pasts. It is part of what I do as a professional Master and in dealing with them, it is all about communicating.

Be clear and precise with all your commands. Make sure that in the beginning you are giving a little more information as to why you are asking or commanding what you are. Let her in on your thinking to a degree. Not so much so that you are compromising your position, but enough so as to let her know that her feelings are still being taken into account.
Active Ink Slinger
The silent treatment is great because it does exactly what they have claimed. It puts your slave in his or her place with no real need to inflict any physical punishment.

Sprite, reading your post made me shake with anger at that individual. There is never a reason to take things to the level of torture, ever.

However the worst punishment I ever handed down was chastity and orgasm denial. One dice rolled once for the number of times that my slave rolled a set of 5 dice. Then we added the numbers of the five dice up and that was the number of days she went with out any orgasms. For the record she rolled a 4, and then 5 dice 4 times.

I had to go back and look up the numbers they were 4,3,1,2,4 - 5,1,1,2,6 - 4,4,4,2,5 - 5,6,6,1,1 = 67 days with no orgasms. It made the point rather well.
Active Ink Slinger
Just got this one over the phone from my most precious Princess "Do I have too?"

That would be a big no no
Active Ink Slinger
Here is one, and I will set the scene. I was in a shop with one of my slaves that I was helping watch while her Master was away on a business trip. We had just started talking with one of the sales people and the sales person said "My boyfriend talks so much, I just wish I could gag him sometimes so I wouldn't have to listen to him for a while."

The slave's response was "Tell me about it."

Yeah that was not a good evening for her.
Active Ink Slinger
For me, and you can see my signature for further opinion. I was not so much turned off by the trilogy as I was concerned for the people that are going to read it and think they are ready to dive into this lifestyle with this series as their guide. The fact still remains that this series over simplifies what is not a simple thing.

This community is as varied sociologically as any other community. From people who live a 24/7 Master and Slave relationship to those that dabble in bed room swings and "different positions".

The fact remains that if you have read this and had feelings of "Yeah, I like that, this is for me." Now you have another step to take and that is learning about the lifestyle and how to be safe in living it.
Active Ink Slinger
I would like to take a moment and thank the people that responded here and helped with SlavePrincess's dilemma with her collar.

As her Master, I am sure people will come back in to read to see what I have said here, and I want to make this clear. Princess, your inability to wear the collar right now is something that stems from things that have taken place over a long period of time.

I am proud to be your Master and collar or not I know your faithfulness to me is something that will never be called into question. We can work through this in a way that will allow you to come to grips with things in a manner over time. Because time is the one thing that I know we have and that heals all things.