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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male
United States


Active Ink Slinger
I have to say the statement before the question about how you view your fiance is absolutely incredible. And refreshing to read in this day and age.

As for seeing a spirit and it being beautiful and a part of the decision making process. I am not sure. I know it is real... I know because I know what it is to be in a marriage without it and holding on because of what society would think of a divorce until she just said the hell with it. We were good friends. But that additional spark wasn't there. Rebellion carried us to the alter and kept us together for 10 years.

I think that love is what is there when you view the soul.

I wish you many happy years.
Active Ink Slinger
Height is not that important to me. I am 6'5" as long as in ballet heels the sub/slave is not taller than me, then the height is fine.
Active Ink Slinger
I married a woman who was exactly my age. 2 weeks older is all. She left me in a divorce after 10 years. So really as long as they are not exactly my age, I consider them well ahead of the damn curve.
Active Ink Slinger
Height is not that important to me. I am 6'5" as long as in ballet heels the sub/slave is not taller than me, then the height is fine.
Active Ink Slinger
I love the tongue in cheek satire of The Colbert Report and the blatant out there satire that is The Daily Show. But unfortunately there is no such thing as unbiased news. The nature of human beings is to put their opinions into everything. (See even the educational threads on BDSM on Lush). But that is just human nature.

The thing that I think is the most important is that everyone listen to all the "noise" around them. And I use "noise" not in a negative way but as a way to generalize all spoken word from television, radio, satellite (a word I never spell right darn it) and internet and then using their education, own opinions and emotions and feelings make a choice.

That is what makes human's great. We can do just that.

Thanks Sprite for a great question. Sorry I went a little off topic but it was something for some reason that just sort of flowed out of me.
Active Ink Slinger
I prefer to use a paddle on my subs/slaves. The reason is because it covers more surface area and I love that deep red overall coverage. I am also very good at it. Ask any of my slaves they will tell you I am very good at it. They drip when I tell them to bend over.
Active Ink Slinger
PhareDuFour - Great spot and early in the process too. Thanks for the heads up. I haven't seen it yet but I will definitely be on the look out for it and I will let those in my circle know.
Active Ink Slinger
This is hard to post but the slave I loved to spank the most was Princess. She loved my bare hand until her ass was red. But she had a paddle that had Rx cut out of it and once we got that, she would drip when I put it in my hand. I loved that ass better than any I have ever paddled.
Active Ink Slinger
Call me crazy, but I am the opposite of many of the above. I believe there is a point where if that person is to be "the one", that you have to talk about your pasts because that makes you who you are.

Also in this day and age there are serious things from that past that could come out. The most important of which is the possibility of an STD.

That said, that would be the only way that the past would be a deal breaker. I have worked hard to stay clean. So that is important to me.

Other than that what is done is done and if she wants that to continue then that talk is where we will find out if we can handle those hurdles as a couple.
Active Ink Slinger
If I wake up to one of my girls giving me a blow job, hand job or really any kind of sex. Then I would make sure they got rewarded handsomely. Since they all read my responses. Tomorrow morning is going to be fun!!!
Active Ink Slinger
Everyone is quick to laugh or make a smart comment but this is a good question. As something little like this can turn out huge for the relationship down the road.

I would have a serious talk with your husband on an equal basis and find out what his true desire is there. Then tell him what yours is. That way if the relationship is M/s in either direction the M can make the right decision with all the information. If it is an equal partnership in these areas then you both have all the information you need.

Why is this important?

Stress is the number one killer in the world. Heart Disease, Tumors, Strokes. All can be caused by stress. Finding out little ways to alleviate stress can make the relationship last longer.
Active Ink Slinger
Each woman is beautiful. The outside look pales in comparison to the way they submit, the actions that she takes and the compassion in her words when we meet. All that said. If you can double as a piece of wood you are so skinny and flat. That is not a woman. Women have curves, they can be athletic, in shape, full figured. But a woman has curves.
Active Ink Slinger
Yeah this is something I have had someone do. I do think it is different though for a lot of guys.
Active Ink Slinger
Forced 9 months (In training); Non forced (5 days, no place private enough)

Would you trade out the lifestyle and your Master/Mistress, sub/slave if it meant a better relationship with your family?
Active Ink Slinger
I don't know what the limitations are here in plugging a site. I am not affiliated with it but I use it to buy a lot of my gear for my subs. It is call JT's Stockroom. If it will let me I will post a link here to the page you would want. And you should discuss this with your sister since she is the key holder. She may have you in one that is tighter for a reason. I am not sure.
Active Ink Slinger
I have to agree the only hair on a female should be on the head.
Active Ink Slinger
I posted this in the other thread as well thought I would post it here as I think it answers the question.

I don't know if it is a body type as much as it is a way of holding and presenting yourself. I have had many subs/slaves who have come to me from their Masters and when they left they were getting told they were "Built for Sex" by outsiders on almost a daily basis. But if you saw one of them you would know why. They each had their own physical appeal, but the one thing they shared was a posture, way of walking, way of looking at things and mannerisms that screamed "I Like to Fuck".

They were wet very quickly with minimal physical contact and where all very visually stimulated by a variety of builds and appearances. Some natural and some conditioned.

But there was no argument from me or their Masters. These girls were built for sex.
Active Ink Slinger
I don't know if it is a body type as much as it is a way of holding and presenting yourself. I have had many subs/slaves who have come to me from their Masters and when they left they were getting told they were "Built for Sex" by outsiders on almost a daily basis. But if you saw one of them you would know why. They each had their own physical appeal, but the one thing they shared was a posture, way of walking, way of looking at things and mannerisms that screamed "I Like to Fuck".

They were wet very quickly with minimal physical contact and where all very visually stimulated by a variety of builds and appearances. Some natural and some conditioned.

But there was no argument from me or their Masters. These girls were built for sex.
Active Ink Slinger
My heart.... Wow this will be the deepest I have gone on Lush ever.

My heart is out there constantly for the world to see, trample on, pick up, throw around and even take care of if they so desire. I live with a complete passion for all that I touch. I think that is what makes me so good at what I do professionally as well as for the people I meet personally. Is it tough? Sure. Are there days when it sucks? Sure. Like the other day when I had to let Princess go. There will never be words to describe to you just how much that day hurt. Not just because I was losing something, but I knew she was losing something she loved too.

The reason I wear my heart on my sleeve is one real reason. Not having to make people choose.

See, the fact is that so many people force the ones they love to make a choice between two things they love. The lifestyle or family, sexual orientation or family/faith, job and love. With my heart out there leading me. I know that I won't always make the decision that makes the most logical sense. But I will always make the decision that is least likely to hurt the people that I love. So you let go when Princess says goodbye, you tell your friend that you will be there when they come out to their family and catch them if they fall and you offer to help the guy/gal that might loose his job because he won't transfer because of the one he loves.

I hope that makes sense to people.
Active Ink Slinger
There are times when the perfect little cuckolded sissy is exactly what is needed.
Active Ink Slinger
1. Are you currently or have you ever been in a D/s relationship online?

2. If you have, have you ever had or given daily “homework, chores, requirements, things to do” set by your Dom?
Absolutely I give them homework as a Master

3. If so, such as what? (Like photos, videos, leaving daily messages, keeping a journal, wearing or saying certain things.)
All of those things mentioned I have used.

4. Are you punished if you misbehave? (If you are, how? Spankings, timeouts, apology letters, sexual things taken away.)
I do punish my subs if they misbehave.

5. Do you have sex with your D/s? If you do, how do you find it easier? (Cyber “typing”, Voice “phone, Skype, or any other means of voicing.” Cam? Pictures?)
I require Skype in the long run. I will deal with others until the sub gets their material in order.

6. Do you let it be known you’re in a D/s relationship?
All my subs are required to disclose who their Master is.

7. Are you required to put it on your profile?
Yes they are.

8. Are you allowed to add friends at your own will?
No they are not as there are some people I do not want my subs exposed to.

9. Can you private chat (online messages or pvt messages)?
They can not without permission.

10. Are you allowed to whisper?
Not without permission.

11. Are you in a D/s that is strictly just you and your D/s or do you have real world people your with?
There is normally people both in RL and online.

12. Why do you have an online D/s?
I believe that subs all have a right to a quality Master so that is why I have online relationships.

13. How long have you been in the Lifestyle?
I have been in it for over 15 years.
Active Ink Slinger
Han135 - This hits very close to home as I have had on several occasions had subs that were not comfortable with others in the relationship. In all of those cases I was more than willing to discuss the feelings with my subs and done what was suggested above. We compromised. I gave up having additional people involved and they relented on something that allowed us to both feel comfortable going forward.

I wouldn't call the feeling jealousy. Because if the relationship is right with your Master/Mistress, their want to have others involved is not because you are not pleasing to them or have any type of deficiency, at least in my case. It is about having each sub in their place.

I will use a perfect example, Princess who recently parted with me would not under any circumstance take on a "pet" persona. This was because of things in her past. So we discussed and decided that if we were to stay together we would have to find a little "pet" to keep around with us. That of course would have meant another sub, but for a specific purpose.
Active Ink Slinger
Thank you all for your well wishes. I think sometimes people in the position that we sit in as Masters and Mistresses are afraid to show that there is real emotion behind the decisions we have to make. I can honestly say I have not had a night I have not cried a little yet.

But she is right we move forward and we will. One day at a time.
Active Ink Slinger
Many of you know that I have a wonderful slave named Princess who I adore greatly. Unfortunately, her life was split between our relationship and a relationship that was very hard with her family.

After finally meeting and getting together with the family, she was able to repair the family relationship and improve her life with her family. The sacrifice was that our relationship had to end.

Today I saw her for the last time. She will always have a special place in my heart.

I want you all to know that I fully support her decision. Because family is the most important thing in the world to hold on to if you have that relationship. She can find another man who will love her. I know because she is special. She only gets one family.

I just had to write it out.

I just wish I had another submissive. I am in the mood to give a really nice ass coloring spanking.
Active Ink Slinger
Ravyn, you hit the nail right on the head. This is a work of fiction and as a work of fiction I have no problems with it. My problem is that the main stream media as well as population is using this book to try and learn something about our community. As a community we have a responsibility to 1) respect the opinions of others as far as their taste in a book and 2) educate those that feel this is how the community works on what it actually means to be involved in it.

As a work of fiction enjoy.

If you are truly wanting to learn about the community this site, FetLife and others where the community that is active is there constantly to answer questions is a much better way to learn.