Sneaking up and giving you a squeeze - Happy Birthday!!!!!
Happy Birthday!!! Wishing you a super sexy day, for one of my favourite authors on Lush. (Even if you don't release work that often - quality over quantity... and yes it is quality)
Massive hugs
Jayne x
Congratulations all!!!
I was hoping for Emelia to win (even though I haven't managed to read them all and I, myself also entered, but her story was miles better), so I'm so glad she placed top three!!!
I've dabbled a little... smirks... okay, that's putting it lightly.
I'd probably define myself largely as a toker - having smoked weed pretty much daily since I was 16. I know it's not for everyone and doesn't effect everyone the same way, but I've never really had any issues. I've pulled a few whitey's in the early days, but that's usually because I tried smoking after being pissed (if I drink and smoke at the same time I'm fine, but not if I try smoke after already being pissed)
I think whitey's are largely in the mind and you can talk yourself round and prevent them from happening with a bit of concentration.
I spent many a happy year taking pills (back when you only needed one to last all night) dancing the night away. I think E and MDMA is a brilliant experience for the mind at least once in your life. It opens something up and makes you look at the world different.
I've only ever had a bad time on pills once. We'd driven out of town to a D&B club, but I think the pills were cut with something and I was proper smacked out. I couldn't move and ended up asking my friends to cut the night short and take me home. I was alright by the time we got back, I think being in the safety of my home made it easier to cope with.
I haven't taken anything else, unless you count the time a girl at work spiked my coffee with speed on morning break. She'd been trying to get me to take it with her for ages, but I wouldn't touch the shit, as it's a dirty cheap drug that just gives you jaw ache and a shit stomach.
I stopped the pills a few years ago when the comedown outweighed the high.
I've seen too many friends turn into knobheads taking coke, so I never touched it.
I think Steph's point that it should be legal is correct, that way it can be regulated and out of the hands of the criminal world.
My thought on drugs has always been - if it doesn't have a negative effect on yours or others life, then there's no harm in it.
Congratulations to all the winners!!!
Congratulations to the top three. All exceptional writers and such great talent.
Thank you so much!!!
I'm super happy to have placed top three. It's taken a lot of hard work, but I've finally got a yellow ribbon!!
Massive congratulations to Raven and Gil. And to everyone that entered. It feels like so much more of an achievement knowing the standard of competitors. I love so many of the great authors that entered, so it means so much.
Eeekkk!!!! So Happy!
Massive congratulations to the top three and everyone who got a mention, as well as anyone who entered.
It's always an honour to compete with such fantastic writers.