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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 45
United Kingdom


Advanced Wordsmith
I should add that making someone else cum from
your own words or even thinking that you might have is also a turn on. Though to some extent it depends who, it doesn't always for me. Part of the thrill is knowing the other person is masturbating and getting sexually excited at the same time as I am. Of course they could benlying about who they are it what they are doing, but the thought is still sexually exciting for me, more so if I believe them of course!!
Advanced Wordsmith
I have done. Like others have said it depends on the person. Words and sexual thoughts and finding someone who shares the same dirty thoughts is arousing, no doubt about it. In fairness I usually visit sites like this because I am feeling a little that way inclined, so I too am often having a casual fiddle while on here anyway and sometimes it gets more
intense depending on what I read etc.
Advanced Wordsmith
Reclaim the word! It is erotic used in a sexual
context. Used as an insult it's just a word. I say it all the time tbh, both sexually and when talking about the Coalition Government. Context is probably important but really, meh.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Guest
I like watching MY man masturbate. Watching random men masturbate? Not so much. Edit: Not at all.

Exactly my thoughts
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Sexyvonne
What century are we in again? If it feels right, what is wrong with having sex on a first date or having a one night stand? Handjob on the third date...are we like 15?

Yes what is is waiting concept? Appreciate there may be some dates, like dinner, where a handjob is not quite the right etiquette! But as a woman in my 30s, I have had lots of one night stands, progressing via handjobs to full sex does sound a bit teenage I agree.
Advanced Wordsmith
It varies from shaved to neatly trimmed! Neatly trimmed now
Advanced Wordsmith
Are you male or female? Female
How old are you? 33
How many times a week do you masturbate? At least every other day
How many times do you orgasm each time you play? 1

Where do you masturbate:
In bed? Yes
In the shower? Sometimes
In the bath? No
Outdoors? Have done
At work? Have done in loos
Every room in the house? probably
In a car while traveling... ? once

What do you fantasize about when you play:
A significant other? Yes
A friend? no apart from Lushies
A friend's spouse? No
A stranger? Yes
A student? No
A member of the same sex? yes
A past lover? Yes

What position do you play in:
On your back? Mainly
Standing? Have started like that
Kneeling? no
Sitting? Yes at computer or more rarely tv
Lying on tummy? rarely

How do you play:
With left hand? Usually on boobs, more rarely inside me
With right hand? yes
With a toy? Rarely
With water from bath? no
Written erotica? Yes
Pictures? Sometimes
Movie clips online? yes
Videos? Online only
Something on TV? rarely

What is your favorite porn:
Straight sex between man and woman? like
Gay or lesbian sex? favourite
Group sex or orgies? like
Blow jobs/oral sex? Not as much
Cumshots? no
Anal? No
Interracial? not deliberately
Age play? No
S&M? No
Role playing? no
Kinky? Depends what you mean. What about female solo, is that kinky

Have you ever masturbated to:
Email messages? Yes
A chat room dialogue? yes
Exchanged stories or pictures? stories

Have you ever:
Been caught masturbating? yes by an ex
Masturbated for a man/woman? Man yes
Masturbated for the same sex? No
Masturbated in a group? No
Masturbated for a photo? no
Masturbated for a webcam? no
Masturbated for a video? no

Do you ever:
Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating? always
Insert something or play with your ass? no
Insert something in mouth when masturbating? no
Use pain as a method of playing? no

For men and women:
Do you taste your cum? no
When was the last time you masturbated? Yesterday morning
Are you wet or hard now? Yes bit wet why else would I be here!
Are you going to masturbate now? probably
Are you a masturbation addict? I don't think so but it kind of obsesses my thoughts sexually sometimes
What is the most you have played in one day? Maybe five or six times but that is going back years
Advanced Wordsmith
Once by an ex, who joined in!

Nearly loads of times by flatmates, family
members and friends, but always got away with it, at least think I did.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Tiffany_CD
In a park in public, but don't think anyone saw! ;)

A lady after my own heart! Good to know I'm not the only one!
Advanced Wordsmith
Hyde Park in London. I was so excited/mortified I wrote it all down. If you google
Masturbating in Hyde Park there is a link to a story on a site called solo touch. That's me, that is. And that site helped me find Lush.
Advanced Wordsmith
As you always compliment my stories, can I compliment you on your tits? ; x
Advanced Wordsmith
Hello ... I would welcome comments on any of my stories, 2 out of 3 I have submitted are true. Check out my latest offering, Hand of a Friend x
Advanced Wordsmith
Is there going to be a thread on whether bears shit in the woods?!
Advanced Wordsmith
It seems almost daily at the moment, maybe it's the summer! On average, at least every other day. It doesn't seem like I do it less when having lots of sex, sometimes the opposite is the case.
Advanced Wordsmith
I've no intention of posting a pic, nude or otherwise. I admire those who post real pics of themselves for their guts and lack of anxiety about being exposed and I agree it's nice to have a nice pic to look at if you are talking to someone, but I have posted as much about myself as I want to on this site - name, age and location. You never know who is browsing a website and the last thing I need is a friend, relative or colleague finding me on here! Especially given the one story I've written so far which was an account of solo sex on this site!
Advanced Wordsmith
I'm not a fan. On VERY rare occasions as part of a session with someone you love it can be a turn on for them to ejaculate on your tits or something. But the way it's presented in porn, and the messages that sends about women's worth, bugs me. It's a worry that teenage boys are growing up thinking sex ends with them wanking into a woman's face. Why can't we both cum at the same time, with you inside me? It's far nicer.
Advanced Wordsmith
Thanks for replies. It was a first for me, I just was overcome with sudden horny feelings. I had proper butterflies in my stomach when I decided to do it and the feeling of the air on my bits really excited me. I came really quickly, probably in a minute or so! It is different on your own to with a partner, I guess getting caught doing that would be even more excruciating than being caught having sex. My bf, btw, was totally captivated by the story!
Advanced Wordsmith
Ever had sex outside? I have a couple of times, but earlier went out for a run and found myself getting really turned on. I don't know if it was the couple of guys I saw in tight shorts, the natural endorphins or the hot day, or all three. Anyway, I found myself getting so horny that I sneaked into some bushes, pulled down my shorts and masturbated to a very quick climax! I've never done that before. I did get a somewhat quizzical look from a couple walking their dog as I stumbled back out of the bushes a few minutes later.

Anyone else masturbated outside? I',m still a bit shaky from it, could I be arrested?!