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2 weeks ago
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Active Ink Slinger

Interesting: this has become a thread about two competitions instead of one.

1. re: flash comp: Never mind the competition, I have written a deeply personal story for this. Deeply. Like, cunt-deeply.

Here it is:

Widadari Ophelia

2. re: noir comp: Not sure I have any noir ideas left, I think I used them all up here:

The Cursed Cunt

Ah well...

Active Ink Slinger

Fuck the competition, this story is deeply personal for me. Deeply. Like, cunt-deeply.

And fuck the rather weird title, just read the story. Here's what some others have said about it:

"an excellent story so full of desire and regret. Truly outstanding" (el_henke)

"brilliantly conceived, beautiful use of language, real sense of emotion and desire... wonderfully and tenderly conveyed" (CumGirl)

"an extraordinary, beautiful, elegant piece" (dolphinman)

If this link doesn't work:

Widadari Ophelia

then you can find the story at the top of my stories page, or on the page for the current ("flash") comp.

Thank you!

xx Grusha

Active Ink Slinger

My opera-singing futa-fucking luscious lesbian love story Metamorphoses is now complete at four chapters - with three RRs between them. Violet calls it "Grusha-lite" - so maybe even those of you who prefer not too much filth will enjoy it? Here's what some other eminent Lushies have said about it:

"the craft in this is sublime... no one mixes low brow and high brow as well as you do" (CuriousAnnie)

"filth combined with intelligent plotting" (naughtyannie)

"a hot, tasty treat that leaves me wanting more and more" (krystalg)

"As funny and irreverent as ever" (deviantsusie)

"I loved this. The pacing was perfect. The puns were perfect. The sex was phenomenal." (VioletVixen)

"a bravura performance! Your verbal lyricism merits a marquee at the Met" (FirstBlush)



Active Ink Slinger

Quote by patokl
"Doth" is indeed "does", that's not second person though, but third.

You do, he/she does

Thou dost, he/she doth


Thou didst, he/she did

Thank you, all, for your efforts - especially to patokl, who was careful to read the fine print of my original post: "second person singular simple past tense". I asked the same question on the forum of Another Erotica Site Which Shall Remain Nameless, and the nerds there were, typically, more argumentative but more exacting. It seems to be a toss up (that's toss up, not toss off) between "thou rendedst" and "thou rentst" - and no one seems to be able to settle that one for me, so I'll just go with what scans best!

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by CallmeJayne
That would have been 'rent' or 'rended', I would have thought.

Hmmm... "Thou rent" or "thou rended" sounds too straight-forward to me... Given that it would be "thou didst" or "thou wast"... Hence my question.

Active Ink Slinger

Can anyone confirm for me what the second person singular simple past tense would have been in the sixteenth century for the verb "to rend". "Rendedst"? "Rentst"?


Active Ink Slinger

Some Lushies may remember my first two chapters in this series: Metamorphoses 1 and 2 (What Daphne Did Next) - which both received "Recommend Reads", and elicited comments like this:

"so imaginative and entertaining" (Saucymh)

"Dude...your prose in this is just...Dude!" (CarltonStJames)

"such a stunning, entrancing, captivating journey... perfect" (VioletVixen)

"leaving me once again with a stupid grin all over my face, now are we?" (el_henke)

"great writing and riotously entertaining" (curvygalore)

This series is now in its home stretch. Chapter 3 is out now and also has an RR, and Chapter 4 will follow shortly, to bring this series to an action-packed fingernail-biting mind-blowing conclusion (with lots of freaky futa fucking along the way).

And you don't have to have read the first two chapters to enjoy the latter two! Really...

Active Ink Slinger

Does anyone here have experience of Orthodox Judaism - enough to help me out with some matters of language (Yiddish, Hebrew), customs, clothing, hairstyles, education etc. Feel free to PM me if you prefer.

Many thanks!


Active Ink Slinger

Quote by Jen
I love the way you phrase that. Characters really do take on a life of their own and can surprise the writer. It's joyous smile

Best of luck with the writing x

Why, thank you, Jen. That's the nicest thing you've said about me... 😊

Active Ink Slinger

Thank you, Krystal & WW & Kimmi, for your very thoughtful and varied advice. I think my challenge is that this is not going to be a BDSM story in any fashion, and I am clear that the pleasure the character takes does not derive from being dominated. He just likes being tied up and fucked - and I'm trying to work out why, because he is not in any way submissive. Getting to the bottom of his character is proving a fascinating journey.

Thanks for your recommendations of stories of yours to read - which I will do forthwith!

Active Ink Slinger

Hello. Can people please give me some advice to help me as a writer.

First off, a disclaimer: I have never personally been interested in BDSM, and am largely ignorant about it. The idea of domination/submission has never turned me on. And anything remotely painful is, for me, a complete turn-off. So I have never written anything remotely BDSM-based, and tend to avoid stories in that category. Very sorry: please do not take this as a criticism of you or any of the things you enjoy!

However, the germ of a story is forming in my mind. Without going into too much detail, it involves a man who gains pleasure (excitement? catharsis?) from being tied up and fucked. Not dominated, not hurt, not exploited, not imprisoned. Just tied up and fucked by a lovely woman. I suspect that his pleasure comes from two things:

1. The physical sensation of ropes, fetters, chains against his skin.

2. The psychological feeling of helplessness, and of being "bound" to his lover by the trust he places in her and his willingness to make himself vulnerable by her.

Do these feelings resonate with anyone? Can anyone describe to me in greater depth the sorts of feelings/ideas which go through the mind of someone who gains pleasure from either or both of the above points?

Hope that is not too ridiculously specific? Hoping someone can help me on my way to getting to the bottom of this story and this character. Thank you so much! (Feel free to PM me, if that's easier for you.)


Active Ink Slinger

Thanks, AppleByBoom, for providing those links. So now, in the interest of completeness, herewith a full list (I think) of all Lush stories which have been short-listed this time - arranged according to the official voting categories, to make them easier to find on the Clitorides website:

Short Erotic Story of the Year:

A Dream Cum True (Master Jonathan)

Deceit (Laura)

Etiquette of an affair (Laura)

Flash Erotic Story of the Year:

Ensnared (LeftLingula)

Siren's Call (Jen)

Best Erotic Story by a New Author:

Alison Goes to London (GrushaVashnadze)

The Cursed Cunt (GrushaVashnadze)

Best Erotic Horror Story:

Doll Parts (StarBelliedBoy)

The Cursed Cunt (GrushaVashnadze)

The Vampire at No. 35 (Laura)

In the interest of fairness, please let me know if I have missed any Lushies off. Also - it also goes without saying (doesn't it?) that it is not only Lushies who are good at writing smut. So I encourage you all to read widely, and vote honestly!

Active Ink Slinger

I concur: Leftlingula's Ensnared is superb story. As is Jen's Siren's Call. As are many stories short-listed on this year's Clitorides Awards by Lush authors - including Laura, StarBelliedBoy, Master Jonathan - and others! Go read them, and vote!

If LL does not mind me piggy-baking on this post, two of my stories, Alison Goes to London and The Cursed Cunt are also short-listed, for Best Erotic Story by a New Author. And the latter story is also up for Best Erotic Horror Story.

The Clitorides are a marvellous collection of superb erotic stories. However you decide to vote, please do dive in, and read! Don't be put off by the fact that you have to register/login: that is easy to do, and serves to prevent voting fraud.

Active Ink Slinger

Dear Lushies,

Quite to my surprise, I am now a finalist in the Clitorides Awards. Alison Goes to London and The Cursed Cunt, previously merely nominated for an award, have now been short-listed for "Best Erotic Story by a New Author".

So... If any of you have a moment, please go here:

(you may need to login/register with an e-mail address - they do this to prevent voting fraud)

read the stories listed, and just vote according to your honest opinion.

Just to be clear about two things-

1. This competition appears to have a two-stage process. So even if you participated before in the nomination process, that goes for naught unless you participate in the current voting process.

2. I did not nominate myself; nor did I ask anyone to nominate me! But I am happy that someone liked these stories enough to do so!

Best wishes in all that's fair and filthy,


Active Ink Slinger

Hot off the press - a new and highly unusual story by Grusha:

Fuck-Talk Too

Here's what the marvellous Curvygalore says about it:

"Grusha, only you could successfully combine gender-swapping sex, futanari fantasies and epic Brechtian conceits with such success! This was barking mad, hilariously funny, utterly filthy and a terrifically entertaining read... Really excellent writing!"

Entitled Fuck-Talk Too, this story is not exactly a sequel, but more of a Brechtian fanfic to my previous collaborative piece with the wonderful VioletVixen, Fuck-Talk. Thus jointly inspired by two twentieth-century literary giants, I hope it will help you to appreciate why I go by the monicker GrushaVashnadze...

Active Ink Slinger

Today is the seventieth anniversary of the accession of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to the throne. British and Commonwealth readers may be interested to read my affectionate hommage to our Queen, in this her platinum jubilee year, and to the sceptred isle for which she stands, in this story:

Snow White and the Seven Dildos

The Queen is known for her wicked sense of humour, and her ability as a mimic. She was also, in her youth, one of the finest young princesses ever. I hope my genuine respect for her comes across in this story - despite its apparent irreverence...

Active Ink Slinger

Now here's a strange thing...

I've just noticed, to my surprise and amazement, that I have been nominated for a small clutch of Clitorides awards. Amongst the nominations are Best Erotic Story by a New Author for both Alison Goes to London and The Cursed Cunt


If you feel so inspired, please go and read either or both of the above stories. And if you still feel inspired, please visit

login/register (they require an e-mail address, to prevent fraud), and add your vote to:

Alison Goes to London - Best Erotic Story by a New Author

The Cursed Cunt - Best Erotic Story by a New Author

Thanks so much for your support: I really appreciate it!


Active Ink Slinger

Dear Lushies,

After several weeks of "extreme moderation", my fairy-tale story Snow White and the Seven Dildos is complete at five short chapters, and up on Lush! So you now have a choice: you can read the unexpurgated urtext on

or you can read the family-friendly version (seriously, you could eat your breakfast off it) starting here:

Why bother? Well, five RRs out of five for a start; but more importantly, because of what readers have said:

"Your use of language foul and simultaneously elegant is second to none... kept me giggling from start to finish." (ChrisM)

"Absurd genius." (StarBelliedBoy)

"This is such a filthy, fucking fantastic use of the English language... Honestly genius... My mouth is gaping in awe (not my asshole though, sorry)" (VioletVixen)

Violet's asshole notwithstanding (and who could possibly withstand Violet's asshole?), this Snow White is a heart-warming love story, as well as an exploration of the interface between class and character, power and justice, lust and love, vanity and truth. For British and Commonwealth readers, you may also recognise in it an affectionate hommage to Her Royal Highness Elizabeth II, in this her platinum jubilee year, and to the sceptred isle for which she stands. She was after all, in her day, one of the finest princesses ever...

(Oh, and it also features a nymphomaniac scullery maid called Annie. Now where did I get that idea from...?)



Active Ink Slinger

As if VioletVixen's profanely-worded compliments above were not enough, here are some assessments by other fine Lush writers:

DeviantSusie: "fabulously filthy fan fucking tastic fairytale"

ChrisM: "Your use of language foul and simultaneously elegant is second to none... kept me giggling from start to finish."

CarltonStJames: "Love it!"

Have a look:

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by VioletVixen

(not my asshole though, sorry)

Well, you'll have to do something about that...!

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by VioletVixen

Quote by AppleByBoom

Quote by AvidlyCurious

A must read for those who love and appreciate quality smuterature.

How do you come up with such wonderful words?

She always does. AC should make a New English Fucktionary of novel compound words... mostly so I can steal them later.😳

Hang on, I thought I invented the term "smuterature"! [sulks a little]

Though I will admit, AC came up with "afuckalyptic", "fuckabulary", "cuntenance", "acuntability", "fucktastic", "spunkcorn", "stiffhanger", "cunty-promise", and innumerable other unsurpassable pieces of lascivious lexicon. Conclusion: she is unutterably clever.

And her tits are definitely nicer than mine... [nods] smile

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by JamesLlewellyn

And now (drum roll, please) It's time for

The Irregularly Regular Listing of Ridiculous 'Riting by, um, Rumps Regulars, Superior Scum from the past week:

GrushaVashnadze – Snow White and the Seven Dildos (Anal)


James, so kind of you to mention my story - especially as I am hardly a "Rumps regular". Normally I only dare to venture in here if, upon peering through the window, I see the Violent Vixen dancing on the tables with her tits out. I clearly need to avail myself of the other dubious pleasures of this establishment more often!

Active Ink Slinger

The most anticipated story event in years!



is out now on LushStories:

A story we all know and love, told as never before, jampacked with anilingual alliteration and wankworthy wordsmithing - or, as DeviantSusie deftly describes it, a "fabulously filthy fan fucking tastic fairytale"!

Active Ink Slinger

Really interesting discussion. I think Morgan Hawke has it right:

Fetish ISN'T Kink.

A Kink is something that makes sex exciting, also known as Slap & Tickle. No matter how many whips and chains are used, no matter how much blood is spilled carving your name into someone's back, Kink is a form of sexual Play, pure and simple.

A Fetish ISN'T Play. A Fetish is a very personal, very individual, and a very private APPETITE.

Someone with a Fetish for women's feet, or boots, or uniforms, or bondage gear doesn't need to have sex with those in such garb. Observing the wearer, touching the objects, smelling the material, hearing the sounds associated with them, and sometimes even tasting them is more than enough to completely satisfy a Fetishist.

On the other hand, someone with a Kink for women's feet, or boots, or uniforms, or leather bondage gear DOES want to fuck those in such garb.

In short:
~ A Kink is when you use a feather to cum.
~ A Fetish is when Touching the feather will make you cum.

Leather does little for me, nor feathers. However, here's a story about one of my favourite fetishes:

A Dirty Filthy Fucking Smoking Trash Cunt Whore

And here's one by my friend Violet, about hers:

100 Wet and Messy Words: Natto

Active Ink Slinger

Here's what CarltonStJames said when he got to the end of my novel Alison Goes to London: "I have gotten so attached to them, I kinda feel like I did when I finished Parks and Recreation or Friends. This entire series was a masterpiece from top to bottom."

Well, Carlton is too kind - but he can be happy again, because there is now an Alison sequel - a Christmas special, full of peace and joy and goodwill to all mankind, indeed, a paean to friendship, camaraderie and maternal devotion - entitled CLAIRE'S CUNT KITCHEN.

If you have never read Alison before, don't worry: this story is a good stand-alone, I think, and a mere two chapters long, perfect to whet your appetite. 

If you have read Alison before, then be encouraged by NaughtyAnnie's comment: "This is a perfect postscript to Alison's story, satisfying our curiosity as to 'what happened next' to our favourite characters. And all with the characteristic mix of extreme filth, witty dialogue, and social commentary. There really is nothing else like this!"

Here (I hope) is a link:


xx Grusha